West Van. News (West Vancouver), 5 Apr 1928, p. 10

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001C94E3 Prompt Delivery Smith 's i rocery We Deliver 24th AND MARINE, Opp. Dundarave Hall. CHAIN RED AN9 WHITE STORE A. HARVEY SMITII, Prop. Phone WEST 469 S 't r! '17j' 4th and Marine ALL GOVERNi&IENT INSPECTED AIEATS Specials for Friday and Saturday READY CUT MACARONI lbs. for 19c "ROYAL CITY" PURE STRAWBERRY JAM lb. Pail 68c CRISCO ...........................................-" ..-.--."--. --.............. 3 lb. Tin 69c SERVUS BRAND FINEST PEARS, Per tin.................... 23c FINE PATNA BULK RICE ...........................--.--"--- .. 3 1bs. for 23c SAiNDWICH BISCUITS, Assorted, per 1b .. B. C. LUMP SUGAR ...................-" -.----.---"-....-......... 2 lbs. for 21c THOMPSON'S SEEDLESS RAISINS ..............,................. 2 lbs. for 23c SERVUS BRAND PALM OIL SOAP -"..-........... --................ 3 Cakm for 22c PHE-iNET QUALITY CHEESE, 4 lb. Pkg......„....,........................... 21c NEW BULK DATES ................"""."...." -".--.-".................. 3 lbs. for 23c Finest New Zealand Butter 3lbs. for $ 1.28 THE )VEST VAN NEWS Public School Leaders'lass Leaders Feb.-AIarch Examinations DUNDARAVE SCHOOL GRADE I. First term--Jackie Leyland. Second term--Bobby Climie. GRADE II. First term--Hazel Sangster. Second term--Victor Black. GRADE III. First term--Gordon Mills. Second term--Brenda EVicking GRADE IV. First term--Patricia Bibbs. HOLLYBURN SCHOOL DIVISION I Grade 8A- Mal garet Gillette 76% Clayton Stewart ................ 75 / Robert Reid ..................... 71% Grade 8 B- Marguerite Edwardes ........ 71 /o Jessie Hoyle ........................ 69% Gordon Edwards ................ 68 /~ DIVISION II Grade 8B- Molly Andrews.................. 70 /o Eunice Harrison ............ 69.3% Julia Pyne ...................... 68.1 % Grade 7A- George EUatt .................... 72.5% Jean Ganett ............... 69.6 /o Archie McKenzie .............. 69.3/o Grade 7B- Dorothy Boshier ................66.6% Doris Cullin ...,............... 63.6 "fo Harry Jones .................... 62.1% DIVISION III April 5, 1928. S For GOOD FRIDAY and EASTER We wi11 have a big supply of Fresh and Smoked Fish, pou1try,as we)) as choice cuts of meat for next week-end phone Your Order %Vest 3 wr i Ji ~ ii c J,,R,„J I ~ I I l upaN oeE 'acH 00«AR'NNb '&0M THAT YoU FRIENDLY dollars are the dollars you look after carefully . If you want that your money should serve you faithfully and well spend some of it here for building material. There are plenty of buildings in this community that are lasting testimonials to the high quality of our merchandise. CS; IJ cj 1 ECI;llI IA), ~ &1I 'Il '.ll,",A. 15th and Marine LIMIT E D Phone IVest 1 1 5 FOR WATERFRONTAGE and other property HOUSES TO RENT, FIRE INSURANOE, ETC. PHONE %EST 3 CLOSED THURSDAY AT 1 O'LOCK WB DELIVER prices Good. for One Week ! Easter Lamb Grade 7B- Jeanne Lloyd...................... 65~n AValter Tearoe............. 63% Florrie Corbett .................... 62% Grade 6A- Marjorie Paton ........... 72% David Gray ........................ 72% Jack Dewis .............. 69/o DIVISION IV. Grade 6B- Eunice MacRae ................ 74% Ida Boshier .................. 73% Carroline Marsh ................ 73% Grade 5A- Alton Grafton ........ 73% Doreen Palmer ................... 70% Margaret NcLennan........ 68% DIVISION V. Grade 5 B- Bernice Paton ............. 79 /o Mary Currie ...................... 76 /o George Ross .............. 68% DIVISION VI. Grade 4A- Doreen Elgar .................. 89 % Jessie Edington ............ 88% Freda Rush ........................ 87 /o Grade 4B- Agnes Gray ........... 87 "/o Marion McRae ................... 86 /o Verne Taylor ................ 85/o DIVISION VII. Grade 3A- Alan Fraser ..................... 86% Anna Pearson ................ 85% Betty Taylor ................... 84.5% Grade 3B- Kathleen Jagger .............. 86% Billy Boshier ................80.6% Elaine Kissick .............. 79 /o DIVISION VIII. Grade 2A-- 1--Muriel McCulloch 2.--Sheila Edwards 3.--Jack Kearns DIVISION IX. New Zealand Shoulder, lb........ 21c New Zealand Rib and Breast 1b 20c New Zealand Legs, per lb........ 30c New Zealand Loins, lb........ 30c Local New Laid Eggs FIRST, per dozen...................... 28c EXTRAS, per dozen................ 30c Prime Beef Pork Legs, fores, lb.......... 16c Butts, per lb................. 19~/tc Pork Loins, per lb............ 25c Steak, per 1b ..................... 20c Loin Chops, per lb................. 28c Cambridge Sausage, per lb.... 10c Pork Sausages, per lb.............. 25c Head Cheese, each................. 15c Ayrshire Bacon, sliced, lb...... 30c Side Bacon, sliced, lb............ 35c P. M. Back, sliced, lb...... 35c Pure Lard, per pkt......... 19c Cookett, per lb.................... 20c Pot Roast, per lb.... llc, 12c 8'3c Oven Roast, per lb.... 15c, 18c, 20c Rump Roast, per lb........ 18c 4 20c Rib Roast, per lb................. 20c Shoulder Steak, per lb.............. 15c Boneless Stew Beef 2 1bs for 25c Sirloin Steak, per lb............. 28c Fruit and Vegetables Ripe Tomatoes, per lb................ 22c Head Lettuce ........................ 10c Asparagus, per lb............... 20c Oranges, ..................... 3 doz. 65c Apples .................... 4 lbs. for 25c N. G. Potatoes........ 100 1b sk $ 1.30 Local Rhubarb......... 3 lbs. 25c SATURDAY ONLY NEW ZEALAND BUTTER 3 lbs. for $ 1.26 MRS. SIGi&IORE ENTER- TAINS AT CYPRESS PARK HOGTIE THI oH 9VRE'O HHow oua ~ TAX' Complimenting Nrs. G. Breb- ber of Mount Forest, Ont., and Mrs. A. Scrivener who is leaving shortly to reside in winnipeg, a spring-time bridge-tea was given by iAIrs. J. R. Sigmore on AVed- nesday at her home in Cypress Park. Mrs. Brebber, mother of the hostess, presided at the tea table, which was centered with a large bowl of daffodils and dog-tooth violets. Misses Betty and Beverley and Master Peter Barr assisted in serving. The guests included Mrs. G. Brebber, Mount Forest, Ont., Nrs. A. Scrivener, Miss D. J. Neekison, Mrs. McGechie, Mrs. D. Lapsley, Mrs. W. H. Edgett, iAIrs. H. Hood, AIrs. A. B. Buck- worth, Mrs. G. Allen, Mrs. M. Meekison of Vancouver, Mrs. D. Whiteside and Miss D. Dawe of Westminster; Mrs. R. G. Leckie, Mrs. G. Barr, Mrs. E. )IcLennan, Mrs. W. Meikle of West Vancou- ver. Others coming in for tea were Nrs. P. Alder, Mrs. L. White and Nrs. G. E. Herrmann, West Vancouver. Grade 2B-- 1.--Susie McLintock 2.--Downie Howieson 3.--Margaret McMillan Grade 1A-- 1.--Clifford Hill 2.--John McRae 3.--Dick Sagar. DIVISION X. Grade 1B-- 1.--Jessie Davies 2.--Alice Nelson 3.--Tonny O'Kino FINEST I.OCAL I.Ai~IB FOR EASTER also LOCAL MILK FED POULTRY A11 dressed, ready for the table. PRIME CUTS OF BEEF and POI(K Phone 190 A11 orders carefully filled and promptly delivered. AVe were unable to get the Pauline Johnson School lists be- fore going to press, but hope to publish the names of class lead- ers at that school next weel:. ROBERTS' i)etter Meats 14th and Marine Wesj: 'Q Asker--I see you won that $1,000prize for the best essay on yeast. Howdid you do Lt?Teller--It was easy. I ate a barrel of yeast every day and I simply had to rise to the occasion. Theatre Tickets given with every 50c purchase. No phones YOU SAVE No Delivery 1 7th Street see JOHN LAWSON Phone West 55 'l..0 8:I 1'l:iCC "ilIickey" wants your business. AVe carry a full line of GENUINE FORD PARTS Get your New Easter Suit from Y. W ..AYS 16th and MARINE, AMBLESIDE CUSTOM TAILOR Come and see our Patterns. Large seiection to choose from Dry Cleaning Dyeing, Repairs and City Prices and Pressing Alterations Open Saturday Evenings till 9 o'lock. We Call For and Deliver. PHOiNE WEST 20. Electric current ie the ehcopeet thing that came«««he h«ee o~oI p Q( ! /es: (an ~garage Ambleside Phone ~est g3p