6 THE WEST VAN NEWS November 25, 1927. Lesagehasit EXTRA! EXTRA! EXTRA! Celebrating our 8th month of successful business in West Vancouver with every prescription filled by us from now until the end of the month we are giving away free a Dominion $1.25 Hot Water Bottle. Bring in your prescriptions. Don't miss this exceptional offer. CUT RATE DRUGS FRIDAY and SATURDAY SPECIALS 30c Steedm an's Teeth ing Pow ders ---- ---------------------- 21c 24c 25c C u ticu ra Soap .............. 50c Chase's O intm ent ........ 19c .... S9c $1.50 Virol $1.19 84c F ru it-a -tiv es , 50c size, and Sootha $1.19 Genuine Therm os B ottle 77c $3.50 E x tra L arge English Hot 9Sc Genuine Therm os K its 77c W ate r B ottles, best bottle ob- $1.00 H orlick's M alted Milk 74c tam able fo r only ............. $1.98 55c C aliforn ia S yrup of F igs 43c w ith care will las t a life time. Prescriptions filled by fully qualified druggist. Lesage Drug Store New Building--Corner Marine and 14th. We deliver anywhere. No Order is too small W E S T 3 2 3 t e a s ' mo, 5? B EFORE this year is ended $6,000,000 will have been ex pended on construction work by this company. » The Alouette project has been fin ished and a million dollars wall have been spent on Bridge River. At the same time extensions and improve ments have been made all over the light and power and gas systems. New car tracks have been laid, giv ing better service. New buses have been bought, too. There's no better index of British Columbia's prosperity than the pro gress of its public utilities. ltemsn CamMHm dSb friamR/mwiyCa VANCOUVER VICTORIA ' ncdl kinds of mother the F.Vseri rimer umm Your milk supply left on your doorstep every morning in the year is a problem perfectly met by Fraser Valley milkmen, and not only the service but the quality of the product is such as can be depended upon day in and day out. If you are not using F. V. Milk, try it for a week. 60 100° I 0 40" p T -n S p f r 9 quarts for $1.0 0 Phone: North 122 All the schools are practising for the Christmas closing exer- rises which will take place on Thursday, 22nd December in the auditorium of the Inglewood school. • * • The owners of the ski-camp on Holly burn Ridge are now building a number of new cabins on the ridge. These cabins will accomodate parties of four to six persons. The lumber used in their construction is that from the old mill, and is being hauled up on skids by horses.• • • Mr. and Mrs. Howard, 23rd and Haywood, have moved to the city. • * * Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Stephen and family of Dundarave, have taken a bungalow at 23rd and Haywood. * ♦ * J. H. Stewart, who has been relieving as teller at the Royal Bank here in the absence of Mr. Glover, has returned to the main office in the city. * * * The A. Y. P. A. of St. Stephen's Church is conducting tonight (Friday) and tomorrow a house to house canvas of all the houses in the municipality for old news papers and magazines. Members of the society will call at every residence and a truck will carry the newspapers and magazines away. It would be a great help to the collectors if the news papers, etc., were tied in bundles. * ♦ * The teachers of the high and public schools very greatly ap preciated the efforts of the Par ent-Teachers' Association last Friday in providing such a tempting and pleasing supper for their convention. . . . Mrs. R. L. Macdonald of Caul- feild, is the guest of her brother- in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hedley of Victoria. . . . The North Vancouver teach ers were loud in their praises of the new school on Inglewood ave nue, envious eyes being the order of the day or rather night. . . . Colonel K. W. Savory returned on Monday night from Victoria, where he had gone as the rep resentative ofthe Board of Trade with the North Shore delegation which interviewed Premier Mc Lean and his cabinet on the pro posal of English capitalists to purchase the P. G. E.. . . Mrs. S. Logan, a resident of West Vancouver for many years, is leaving next week on an ex tended tour. Going from here to San Francisco, she expects to ultimately visit New York and the West Indies. Mrs. Logan will be away for some time. * * * A number of young people gave a surprise party at the home of Mrs. Florence Bowman 15th and Bellevue, in honor of Miss Winifred Bowman's 21st birthday, the following young people being present: Mrs. Grace Bowman, Mr. and Mrs. Pat John son, Mrs. N. Grey, the Misses Katie and Chrissie McKenzie, Kathleen Sampson, Vera Foster, Marjory Harron, Nora Mont gomery, Gladys Payne, Kathleen Williamson, Blanche Duckworth, Mary McDonald, Genevieve Con- ant, Winnie and Nora Bowman; Messrs Vic Ferguson, Jim Ferg uson, Oscar Britton, Willard Rog ers, Ben Manners, Bob Robin son, Alan Bean, Norman Black, Ted Black, John Nimms, John Hendry, Stan Creelman, Clarence Jones, Leslie and Bert Bowman. A very enjoyable time was spent in games and dancing. Mr. Weilding has rented the Balderstone cottage at 26th and Marine Drive. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Matthews and daughter, who have recently re turned to B. C. from a visit to England, have taken the Bymell cottage, 1362 Marine Drive. • • • Mrs. Forest entertained n num ber of her friends on Tuesday at her home on 24th and Math ers. A very pleasant afternoon was spent by the guests who were: Mrs. Lloyd, Mrs. Lambert, Mrs. Edwards, Miss Himan, Mrs. Daniel Grady, Mrs. Val. O'Grady, Mrs. Thomas OTIearn and others. • * • Miss Elizabeth Tripp, a form er resident of Caulfeiid, who rec ently made her debut, entertain ed at a bridge and tea at her Vancouver home in honor of Miss Beverly Jones and Miss Cather ine Harrison.• • • Miss Madge Farmer is one of those taking part in the Miracle play which is being presented by members of the Students' Club of Vancouver School of Decora tive and Applied Arts at their December meeting.* * * The former members of the 2nd Canadian Mounted Rifles Battalion, C.E.F., are planning on a re-union dinner to be held in the Elysium Hotel, Vancou ver, at 8 p. m., December 17th. All former members are invited. For other particulars apply the Committee, 2216 St. George St., Vancouver. A very friendly and happy event took place at the new home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert McVean on Wednesday, when about forty of their friends gave them a sur prise party. A musical program interspersed with dancing had been arranged and a splendid time was enjoyed by all. Mrs. John Harte, wife of the honor ary president of the Scottish So ciety, presented Mrs. McVean with a cut glass bowl and a small case of silver teaspoons. A num ber of members of the Scottish Society were present. * * * Councillor K. A. Ray is still unable to start on his European trip. Law cases in which he is interested have been adjourned from time to time and have now been put back indefinitely. As his contemplated trip is an ex tended one, Mr. Ray cannot get away until these are completed. WEST VAN RANGERS The following team will repre sent the West Van. Rangers in a league game with Ex-Grand view at Hollyburn tomorrow (Saturday) at 3 p. m.: Stronge, Reid, Colpitts, Cullin, Gray, Seeds, Lorey, Bowman, Mcllwain Ferguson, Normand. The following subscription is acknowledged with thanks: T. A. Spencer, $5.00. LADIES CHOIR TO HOLD MILITARY WHIST DRIVE The Ladies Choir is organis ing a Military Whist Drive to be held in the "Clachan" on Wed nesday, December 7th. Play will start at 8.15 p. m. sharp. A pro gramme of music will also be giv- ■ en. Refreshments and prizes will I be provided. C O M E TO T H E FOURTH ANNUAL ST. ANDREW'S CONCERT (Under Auspices of West Vancouver Scottish Society) to be held in the Hollyburn Theatre, Next Thursday, Dec. 1st Doors open at 7.30 Concert at 8.15 prompt Admission 50c. Children 25c. Program m e P IP E M USIC "O CANADA" PIA N O FO R TE SOLO M iss M arg are t M cIntyre BASS SOLO-- " Road to the Isles" E. A. Colton CONTRALTO SOLO-- "M y Ain Folk." Miss Olive Haigh DANCES-- "Scotch Reel" "S a ilo r's H ornpipe" M iss N. Nicol's Pupils TEN O R SOLO-- 'Blue Bonnets Over the Border' R. D. M arshall SO PRA NO SOLO-- " A ngus M cDonald" M iss R. McLeod CO RNET SOLO-- Selected. Ja ck Allan BA RITON E SOLO--'H u rrah fo r the H ighlands' Baden M arr COMIC SONG-- T. Killin In te rv al PA RT II. "M ORE N O N SE N SE " H a rry McKelvie DANCES-- "H ighland F ling" " Irish J ig " Miss N. N icol's Pupils. BASS SOLO--"S co tland" E. A. Colton SONG-- Selected M iss Olive H aigh CORNET SOLO-- Selected. Jack Allan BA RITON E SOLO-- "S cots W ha Hao" Baden M arr SOPRANO SOLO-- "H am e O' Mine" Miss R. McLeod TEN O R SOLO--"M cG regor's G athering" R. D. M arshall COMIC SONG-- T. Killin AULD LANG SY NE GOD SAVE T H E KING.