November 25, 1927. THE WEST VAN NEWS 5 THREE BILLIARD TABLES NOW IN USE AT CHET SHIELDS' Three English billiard tables are now in operation in Chet Shields" billiard parlor, a new one having been installed this week. In order to make room for the extra table, it was necessary that the interior be re-modelled. This is now completed, giving ample room for the players. ENGLAND'S LEADING BOY ACTOR APPEARS IN "MARE NOSTRUM" Michael Brantford, the leading boy actor of England, has a prominent part in Rex Ingram's production of "Mare Nostrum" (Our Sea) for Metro-Goldwyn, showing at the Holl.vbum thea tre today and tomorrow. "Mickey," as he is known in all parts of the British Isles, is thirteen years of age, and began film work at five. His family for several generations have been prominently identified with the English stage. His grandmother was Lizzie Asher, for many years the fav orite contralto vocalist of Eng land. His grandfather was Sip ple, of the black face team of Sipple and Dickens, famous in every corner of the British Isles for more than forty years. In the present generation, his mother was one of the Sisters Asher, Tram singers and danc ers. His father, Bert Brantford, is a comic singer. Harry Ford, his uncle,is one of the favorite comic stars of London at the present time. Besides being a talented little actor, "Mickey" is a star pupil in his school in London, in Mr. Ingram spent sev eral weeks in Paris interviewing boys for the part of Young Este ban in "Mare Nostrum." Unable to find exactly the one he wanted he wired to the leacling'agents and producers in London. With out exception they sent back the nameof Michael Brantford. Alice Terry and Antonio Mor eno have the leading parts in "Mare Nostrum," which was ad apted by Willis Goldbeck from the famous Blasco Ibanez story. SHOWER IN HONOR OF MISS GREEN, BRIDE-ELECT Mrs. L. T. Green, Haywood Avenue, entertained at a miscel laneous shower last Saturday evening, in honor of Miss Gladys Green, whose marriage takes place shortly. The gifts were presented to the bride-elect in a prettily decorated cart drawn in to the room by little Nonie Bar bour. During the evening Mrs. McNames delighted the guests with two recitations which were very appropriate to the occasion. Among the guests were Mrs. Peter Green, Mrs. J. A. Davis, Miss Hazel Green, Mrs. C. B. Greenwood, Mrs. Ronald Jackson Miss Gladys Reid, Mrs. D. A. Barbour all of West Vancouver, and Mrs. Wm. Sloan, Miss Cath erine Sloan, Mrs. McNames, Mrs. R. McLelland, and Mrs. Vowles of Vancouver. CANADIAN LEGION The regular monthly meeting of the Canadian Legion was held Friday night at 8 p. m. in the Legion rooms, ferry building. Comrades Archer, Camp, and Dr. Bayfield were appointed a com mittee of three to visit the sick for a period of three months, and Dr. Bayfield was appointed a permanent member of the visit ing committee. It was decided to hold a smok er on Thursday 8th December, at 8 p. m., in Dundarave Hall. The following were appointed a committee to handle the annu al Christmas raffle with power to act: Comrades Carley, Os borne, Camp, Bayfield, Gaw- thorn, Archer, Duckworth, Riv ers, Moore1, Ross, Lawson and Lovegrove. All members are asked to make a point of attending the special meeting to be held to night (Friday) at 8 o'clock, in the Legion rooms, ferry building, when it is hoped to make ar rangements for the Christmas activities of the branch. JAMES GRIFFIN, B.C.E. R. LINESMAN, BADLY INJURED James Griffin, B. C. Electric linesman, who resides with Mr. Glas at 14th and Duchess, fell off the top of a pole at 20th and Inglewood on Monday, and was badly injured. The accident was due to one of the spurs of his climbing irons breaking with the result that he lost control of himself and slid down the pole, landing on the top of a stone wall. His pelvis bone was brok en, and his back badly wrenched, in addition to which he suffered other minor injuries. He was taken to the North Vancouver General Hospital where he is do ing as well as can be expected. HAWTIN--BRUNDRETT _ . . r" -- " -- The wedding of Daisy Brund- rett, daughter of Ex-Councillor H. Brundrett, 1144 Jefferson, to Percy Hawtjn, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. \V. Hawtin, and Mathers, was solemnised at St. Stephen's Church on Thursday, 17th instant, at 1.30 p. m. Rev. A. Harding Priest officiating. Following the ceremony the hap py couple left for a honeymoon trip to Seattle and other cities on Puget Sound. MOVING PICTURES SHOWN AT LIBERAL MEETING The West Vancouver Liberal Association held their postponed regular meeting last Tuesday night in the Ambleside Hall. The speaker of the evening was J. M. Bryan, M.P.P., who spoke on the accomplishments of the Liberal administration, and also gave an account of his recent trip through the Peace River coun try, this being illustrated by moving pictures take nby Jack Wardlaw of North Vancouver, who showed them on the screen. W. Mitchell, president of the Provincial Liberal Association, also spoke, as did Robert Logan, president of the Lynn Valley Liberals. President John Lawson was in the chair. THE CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF WEST VANCOUVER Court of Revision of Voters' List, 1928 NOTICE is hereby given that a Court of Revision of the Voters' List will sit at the Municipal Hall, 17th and Esquimau, District of West Vancouver, Ii. C., on Saturday the 10th day of December, 1927, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, for the purpose of correcting and revising the Voters' List for the year 1928 and to determine any application to strike out the name of any person, which has been improperly placed thereon, or to place on such list the name of any person improperly omitted there from. Dated at the Municipal Hall, West Vancouver, B. C„ this 18th day of November, 1927, JAS. OLLASON, Municipal Clerk. Free! Free! To every ad u lt v is itin g our s to re on S a tu rd a y , Novem ber 2Gth, we will give a free chance on th e b est H o t W a te r B ottle in stock . T hey ru n from $1.50 to $2.50. W in n er to choose. I t 's n o t com pulsory to p u r chase. J u s t v is it o u r s to re th a t day. "T he S to re of Serv ice" WEST VAN PHARMACY Phone West 37. Night Calls -- Emergency only--West 321. North Shore Teachers' Convention The Third Annual Convention of North Shore Teachers took place in the West Vancouver High School last Friday. Princi pal Brealey of the Pauline John son School who was in the chair, called the meeting to order short ly after 4 p. m. The opening exercises comprised the singing of "O Canada" by the audience, opening prayer by the Rev. A. Harding Priest, and a civic wel come by Reeve Vinson, after which the teachers, numbering over 100, settled down to ses sional work. At 6.30 the meeting adjourned to the lunch-room of the new building, where the members of the West Vancouver Parent- Teachers' Association had cer tainly excelled themselves by providing and entertaining the teachers to supper. The teach ers were joined by the members of West and North Vancouver School Boards, Reeve Vinson, Rev. A. Harding Priest, Mr. Mor row, President, and Mr. Charles- worth, secretary of the B. C. Teachers' Federation and Profes sor Soward of the University of B. C. Toasts were given to the King, the Education Department, B. C. Federation, and the School Trustees of the North Shore, and a most hearty vote of thanks to the West Vancouver P. T. Asso ciation, to which Mrs. Caslor, the President, very suitably respond ed. After supper the teachers re tired to the various class rooms for sectional meetings, and at 8.30 reassembled in the auditori um to hear Professor Soward lectureon "Canada's Place in the League of Nations." This ad dress was most interesting and instructive and the audience list ened with rapt attention, giving the Professor a very hearty vote of thanks at its close. The meeting formerly closed at 9.45 p. m., with the singing of "God Save the King," and thus ended the third and best yet of Teachers" North Shore Conventions. Miss Ritchie of the Pauline Johnson staff offici ated at the piano. How He Did It A Texas newspaper publisher who retired with $50,000 in the bank was asked how he did it, and replied as follows: I attribute my ability to retire with a $50,000 bank account, after 30 years in the country newspaper field, to close applica tion to duty, always hewing to the mark and letting the chips fall where they may, the most rigorous rule of economy, never spending a cent foolishly, ever lastingly keeping at my job with a whole heart--and the death of an uncle who left me $199,999.50. --Thrift Magazine. C l e a n s Y o u r M o t o r - i o o ° „ T HF, m ost tho ro u g h flu sh in g fo rm erly rem oved only 327r o f fo re ig n m a tte r in your crankcase. Now th ere is a new process which rem oves every p artic le of g r it , m etal, etc. N orlite C rankcase C leaner does th is , in a few m inu tes, w ithou t d ro pp ing the crankcase . W ith th is rem a rk a b le ' m achine, N orlite c lean ing lu b rican t is forced th ro u g h , over and over a g a in , leav ing your m otor 'ab so lu tely clean. ~~ This Service is F ree! NORLITE CRANK CASE SERVICE N orlitp C ra n k c ase C leaner and N o rlite O ils a re , d istr ib u ted in B. C. by V ancouver Oil C o .'Ltd.-; th e only a ll-B ritish Colum bia oil concern^ /m anu fa c tu re rs of N o rth ern L igh t P . Q. Gasoline. N orth Shore Station for Norlite Crank Case Service LONSDALE MOTORS -- . ........ 15th and Lonsdale - North Vancouver News Gleams Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others, cannot keep it from themselves.--J. M. Bar rie. * * * Make the best of everything and you have the best of every thing. * * * He that riseth late must trot all day.--Poor Richard. * * * If you keep busy as a bee, you'll never get stung. * * * A Toast May you live as long as you want to--and want to as long as you live. * * * A quick wajr to get through a crowd is to go around it.* * * We learn wisdom from failure much more than from success. We often discover what we"ll do, by finding out what we'll not do; and probably he who never made a mistake never made a discovery. * * * A person of few words may be gifted with speaking eyes to make up the deficiency.* * * Life is too short to nurse one's misery. Hurry across the low lands that you may spend more time on the mountain tops. * * * A fool and his money are splen did things to make bank clear ances run into big fortunes.-- Fort Worth Record Telegram. * * * It is the abuse of our faculties which renders us miserable and wicked.--Rousseau. * * * The word Virtue is derived from Fortitude--Fortitude is the basis of every virtue. Flooring, long lengths $15.00 per M. ^ .. No. 2 Shiplap $16.00 per No. 2 Dimension S16.00 per M. No. 3 Shiplap $12.00 per M. Sand, Gravel, Plaster ■ ' ■ • 4 --» Lime, Cem ent, Brick, Tile A number of Used Sash at reduced prices. A complete line of Building M aterial in Stock Phones: N orth 207 - 212 Night Phones: North 1265 and North 1415R 154 Esplanade \V. North Vancouver