November 11, 1927. THE WEST VAN NEWS 7 Surprise Party to Miss Tabor Miss E. Tabor, popular bride- elect who has been honored with so many showers in Vancouver city and the North Shore, was given a delightful surprise on Saturday evening by members and friends of the West Van couver Baptist Church. The surprise took the form of a Congregational Social. Games and contests occupied the first part of the evening. Just before the tea hour, two tiny maidens dressed to represent roses, drew in a beautifully rose decorated waggon, which was bountifully filled with gifts, testifying to the esteem in which Miss Tabor is held by her friends. A sumptu- out tea prepared by the Ladies of the Church and served by the Young Girls Club was enjoyed by all. The guests included Mr. and Mrs. P. Webb, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Ford, Mr. and Mrs. P. Hopkins, Mr. and Mrs. P .Col- pitts, Mr. and Mrs. J. Leare, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford, Mrs. P. Waite, Mrs. C. W. Stevenson, Mrs. A. Brown, Mrs. H. 0. Ec- cleston, Mrs. H. E. Reyndlds, Mrs. C. Linnery, Mrs. S. Craig, Mrs. Hibbord, Mrs. T. S. Arm strong, Mr. Tabor sr„ Mr. A. C. Provinciel, Master Lome Col- pitts.Miss H. Stevenson, Miss M. Armstrong, Miss E. Colpitts, Miss J. MacRae, Miss D. Arm strong, Miss H. Colpitts, Miss I. Brealey and Mrs. T. S. Arm strong. DISPLAY OF LINGERIE AND CHILDREN'S WEAR The Misses Menzies and Simp son are having a display of ladies lingerie and children's garments in the windows of the Marcel Shop, 1520 Marine Drive, tomor row (Saturday). This display is made up of samples of their own work. These ladies are now open to take orders for this and similar kinds of work. You needn't tell Willie, but some of the world's biggest men once flunked examinations. * * * Of course, she has only to take a little more off and she will come to herself. West Vancouver Ratepayers' Association The regular monthly meeting of the above Association will be held Next TUESDAY, November 15th in the Ambleside Hall at 8 p. m. W . W . LEFEAUX will give an address on PROPORTIONAL REPRESENTATION The meeting will be open for discussion. All ratepayers and residents are invited. CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF WEST VANCOUVER V O T O R S ' L IS T , 19 2 8 Voters' List now in course of preparation. See that your name is included if entitled to vote. SPECIAL ATTENTION -- None but register ed deed-holders and registered agreement for sale holders are placed on list. Where agree ment is registered, deed holder can not vote on same property. Agreements or deeds must be registered at the Land Registry Office, Van couver, B. C., on or before 30th November, 1927, on which date list closes. JAS. OLLASON, Hollyburn, B. C. Municipal Clerk. 11-11-1927. You Can Save One Dollar If you pay your t e l e p h o n e bill by the 18th of the month B.C. TELEPHONE COMPANY C LA SS IFIED ADS. Whimsical Review She: "You brute, you broke my heart." He: "Thank goodness! I thought it was a rib." Tough on Pn The fond mother was showing the baby to the visitor. "Isn't baby the image of his father?" "Absolutely," replied the visitor. "Same lack of expression, same red nose, no teeth to speak of, and, by George! prematurely bald, too!" Poet--Daphne, be mine! Marry me you are the well from which I draw all my inspiration. Daphne--No, Reginald; but I don't mind being a cistern to you! An insurance agent, upon arriving a t a country home saw a little boy in front of the place and asked if his father was around. The little boy said: "Yeah, he's here, he's out in the pig pen, you'll know dad cause he's got a hat on." Can you stand on your head? asked a patronizing visitor of the youngest boy of the family. No, was the reply. It's too high up. A man rushed into a tobacco store. "This cigar you sold me," he said, "it's--it's simply frightful." "Well, you needn't complain," said the tobacconist. "You've only got one. I 've got thousands of them." "So sorry to hear of your mot oring accident." "Oh, thanks, it's nothing! Ex pect to live through many more." "Oh, I hope not!" Ted: "Have you a good situation?" Ned: "I t's hardly a situation; more like a predicament." "I want the wages of a man; that's' all I am asking," said the "Votes for Women" orator. "Then," said a man as he a- rose to speak, "I contend it is'nt a vote that the lady wants. All she has to do is to get married." "I proposed to Ella, and she laughed at me!" "Oh, she laughs a t the most stupid things." How long have you been work ing for the Swivel Company ?" "Ever since old Swivel threat ened to discharge me." "My niece is quite theatrical," re marked old Mrs. Blunderby. "Next week she is taking part in a Shakes peare play a t college." "Which of his plays is it? " her caller asked. "Edith mentioned the name of it, but I'm not sure whether it's 'If You Like It That Way' or 'Nothing Much Doing'." "What steps would you take if you saw a dangerous lion ?" "Long ones." Father: "Now that you have finish ed college, my boy, hadn't you better be looking out for a job?" Young Man: "Not on your life, old thing. Let the beggars scramble for me." Voice Over Telephone: "John, come home right away. I've mixed the plugs in some way, the radio is all covered with frost and the electric ice box is sing ing "Schultz Is Back Again!" A RAZORBACK "Rastus, you-all am de most narrow minded pusson Ah know." "Say, bo, if yo' was a little more narrow-minded yo' ears would be on the wrong side of yo' haid." "I heard a new one the other day. I wonder if I told it to you." "Is it funny?" "Yes." "Then you haven't." MAKING ROOM FOR MORE Driver (in tho wee hours of the a. m.): "This cab won't hold any more; there's six of you in there already." Voice from inside: "Thash a' right, driver; I just put the light out to make room for one more." ' R. P. Clarke & Co. (Vancouver) Ltd. $2350--Very Conveniently located for Beach, Ferry and Stores; four rooms 50-foot lot. Terms $350 cash, bal ance like rent. $1650--Within ten minutes of Fery up the hill on easy grade. Good size living room; 2 bedrooms, kitch en; hot water plumbing; electric light; phone. Two lots nearly all cleared. Terms about third cash, balance arranged. $1500--Withing five minutes of Ferry, cottage of five rooms, garage, paved Road. Terms $300 cash, balance to suit purchaser. We Specialise in this attractive grow ing municipality. See us for homes, homesites, acreage, waterfrontage, investments. Fiscal Agents: R. P. Clarke & Co. (Vancouver) Ltd. 823 Hastings St. W. Sey. 7483, 7484 Local Representative C. J. ARCHER. West 651L | Useful Recipes j B E E K K K M K K K K K K E R K K K K lg lg E Ig lg K M Stuffed Tomatoes Take six large, ripe tomatoes. Cut a hole in top, take out seeds and pulp, put pulp in a saucepan, sprinkle inside of tomatoes with salt; cut up one-half tablespoon onion fine, half cup bread crumbs. Add to tomato pulp, salt and pepper to taste; boil five minutes, break in an egg, beat, boil one minute more, put this mixture in tomato shells, put a few crumbs on top and a small piece butter. Cook in a hot oven till soft, about ten min utes. Chocolate Cake Two-thirds cup butter, one and a half cups sugar, three eggs, one cup milk, two and one-half cups flour, one quarter teaspoon salt, three teaspoons baking powder, one teaspoon vanilla ex tract, three ounces chocolate. Cream butter thoroughly; add sugar, a little at a time. Separ ate eggs, beat yolks until thick. Add to creamed butter and sugar mix thoroughly. Add milk and the flour which has ben sifted with baking powder and salt, al ternately, a little at a time. Add vanilla and melted chocolate. Fold in stiffly beaten egg white. Put into three greased and flour ed cake tins and bake twenty-five to thirty minutes in moderate oven. Candied Citron-Melon Peel The commercial product known as candied citron peel is made from the citron fruit grown in Europe, and not from the citron melon. A very good substitute, however, may be produced from the citron melon rind by the fol lowing method. Divide the rinds into quarters, remove some of the pith, and lay in salt and water for three days, then boil in cold fresh water and simmer till they feel tender on the inser tion of a pin. Drain off the water and cover the rinds with syrup made in the proportion of half a pint of cane cugar to a pint of water; boil them in this for half an hour. Again strain and cover with a syrup of double strength, allowing them to boil down slowly in this till the sugar candies. It only remains now to drain the peels and dry them in a cool oven on oiled dishes. Mock Caramel Pudding Put one pint of milk on to heat. In a separate dish mix dry, one cup brown sugar, two rounded tablespoons flour, one teaspoon salt. Stir in to the milk when it comes to a scald and let cook a minute or so. Add small lump of butter. One tea spoon flavoring (vanilla, nutmeg almond or lemon). This is also GARDENING by Old Country Gard ener with Canadian experience. Rock, gardening special. By day or contract. Terms moderate. P. Ed wards, P. O. Sherman. Phone West 165R1. BOARD RESIDENCE for Gentlemen in well appointed home. One min ute from all transportation. Terms strictly reasonable. Appl "Board," :[o West Van. News. FOR RENT--Fully Modern Five-room new stucco bungalow. Concrete basement with furnace. Apply George Gourlay, West 2. FOR RENT--Three Roomed well furnished cottage; hot and cold water; inside toilet, $20.00. Cosy for winter. Mrs. Johnstone, 14th and Waterfront.___________ PAPERHANGING, Painting, Decor ating. etc. Day or contract. Apply V. Hernandez, Phone West 678L. FOR SALE--McClary Six-hole Range; good condition. Phone West 330L. FOR SALE--Sewing Machine, also Oil Heater. Phone West 172R1. FOR RENT--Attractive modern house semi-furnished, warm, built in feat ures, garage. 31st near Marine. Phone West 430L2. CEMENT BASEMENT FLOORS, Sidewalks and Drain Tiles Laid.' Rock walls, Jobbing and general contracting. T. Barnott, residence phone West 672R.______ DRESSMAKING--Mrs. Robbins, 28th and Marine. Phone West 74R1. TAILORING--Children's Clothes. Alt erations. Phone West 53R3. FOR RENT--Unfurnished Five-room Bungalow on Waterfront a t Alta- mont. Phone Leyland, West 63RI. VACUUM TO RENT--See West Van. Electric. Phone West 108. NEW AND SECOND HAND Furni ture bought, sold, and exchanged. Fred Tite, Kevill's Old Stand, Am bleside. NEWMAN & ROBBINS -- Builders and Contractors--Painting, paper- hanging and kalsomining, chimneys built. 28th and Marine. Phone West 74R1. HEMSTITCHING--Plain white 5c yard; silk and colored 10c yard. Pearce's Drygoods, 14th Street and Marine. Phone West 144. WINDOW BLINDS--Made to order and installed. Estimates free. Pearce's Drygoods. 14th Street and Marine. Phone West 144. GET West Van. Electric Prices on Radio, Vacuum, Irons and all elec trical appliances. MONEY TO LOAN $500.00 up No delay West Van. Investment Coy. Notary Public. West 102 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED HOUSES Unfurnished-- 5 Rooms, fully modern, fireplace. furnace close to ferry....... $27.50 5 rooms, modern, close to ferry ..... - ------- $22.50 5 rooms fully modern, fireplace, furnace ......... $35.00 Furnished-- Altamont, 4 rooms, modern, 2 fire places ................................. $25.00 Cypress Park, modern.......... $25.00 and many more to choose from. GEO. HAY 1405 Marine Drive 315 Cordova W. West 21 Sey. 1260. good with a small handful of cocoanut stirred in while hot. Serve cold. It may be served with whipped cream, or apple jelly, etc., or alone, cold. The above amounts make four good sized helpings. By adding yolk of one egg to above remov ing from stove, and using the white for meringue, it makes an inexpensive pie filling. Never plunge a saucepan in which potatoes have been cook ed into hot water. If it is first soaked in cold water, rinsed out, and then washed in the usual way, you will have no difficulty in removing the starchy parti cles that adhere to the sides.