» November 11, 1927. THE WEST VAN NEWS GIRL GUIDES "FETE OF GOLD" Tomorrow afternoon the First West Vancouver Co. of the Girl Guides is holding "A Fete of Fall Gold" from 3 to 6 p. m. in St. Stephen's Hall. Among the in teresting attractions are "The Pot of Gold," "Goldelocks," "The Gold Mine," and "The Sign of the Golden Mine." The hall will be a mass of autumn colors and the feast of good things on dis play will be a revelation to visit ors. You could make friends as easily at middle age if you were just as easily pleased. ELKS TO GIVE ANNUAL CHRISTMAS CHEER DANCE Arrangements are being made by the Elks to hold their annual Christmas Cheer Dance in Hol- lyburn Pavilion on Friday even ing, December 2nd. This dance has always been a great draw ing card, and the West Vancou ver Elks are looking forward to making it this year the best they have ever given. Mrs. Ross Floy of Seattle, is a visitor at the home of Mrs. J. N. Leggatt, 25th and Water front. RAINFALL RECORD, Duchess Road, Hollyburn October 1927. October 2-- .05 inch. " 3-- .28 " " 4-- .24 " " 5-- .50 " ** 6-- .02 7-- .13 " 8-- 1.12 " 9-- .01 "44 10-- .06 " 11-- 1.38 " 12-- .08 " " 13-- .01 " 14-- .11 "44 15-- 1.60 " " 1C-- .04 "14 17-- .90 " 18-- .88 " a 19-- trace a 20-- .31 " 21-- .17 " 22-- .21 " " 23-- trace 26-- .18 " 27-- .32 " 28-- .71 "44 29-- .07 "44 31-- .32 " Total. 9.70 inches October has been true to its character as a rainy month. The rainfall was 0.8 inch heavier than in October 1896. There were three extremely wet days, when over an inch of rain fell, as against two last year. There were 8 practically dry days a- gainst 15 last year. Sunday, November 6, was one of those very clear days which are worth noting. LEGION TO ATTEND MEMORIAL SERVICE The West Vancouver branch of the Canadian Legion will par ade at the corner of 22nd and Marine Drive at 11 a. m. next Sunday morning, and march to St. Stephen's church to attend the Memorial Service there, at which Rev. A. Harding Priest will be the preacher. Following the service they will march to Memorial Park, where a wreath will be placed on the Memorial Arch. All members of the Legi on and all veterans are earnest ly requested to join in this par ade. The Girl Guides with their flag will also take part in the service, which it is hoped will be attended by all those who lost relatives or friends in the War. W. B. A. TO GIVE MASQUERADE W. B. A. Review No. 24 is giv ing a masquerade dance next Friday, 18th November, in Am- bleside Hall. A good orchestra will be in attendance and there will be refreshments. Dancing 9 to 12. Tickets 50 cefits. NEW FOX FARM AT MARINE DRIVE AND CAPILANO Mr. Hamilton and Dr. Moody are having erected a small dwell ing and gasoline station on the property formerly occupied by the Princess Tearooms on Mar ine Drive at the Capilano bridge. Other necessary buildings will also be erected in connection with the fox farm they propose to establish on the property. Flooring, long lengths $15.00 per M No. 2 Shiplap ......... ....$16.00 per M. No. 2 Dimension $16.00 per M. No. 3 Shiplap $12.00 per M. Sand, Gravel, Plaster Lime, Cement, y ^ A number of ?niCk' Dsed Sash11 e at reduced prices. A complete line of Building Material in Stock Phones: North 207 - 212 Night Phones: North 1265 and North 1415R 1 5 4 Esplanade VV. North Vancouver (Skating Car&s Order your personal greet ing cards now. You can have them delivered when you wish. Cards for Great Britain should be ordered now. "The Store of Service" WEST VAN PHARMACY Phone West 37. Night Calls -- Emergency only--West 321. TO COLLECT MAGAZINES AND NEWSPAPERS A house to house canvas will be undertaken in the near future by the members of the Anglican Young People's Association for the purpose of collecting old magazines and newspapers, which will be utilized in further ance of St. Stephen's Church work. A truck will be sent round about the 20th of this month to collect any such periodicals don ated. The householders of West Vancouver are asked to keep this in mind and to keep all spare copies for this purpose. MR. PARKER TO LECTURE ON THE PYRAMID Mr. J. W. Parker will be the lecturer at the meeting of the West Vancouver branch of the British Israel World Federation to be held next Wednesday at 8 p. m. in Ambleside Hall. Mr. Parker will take as his subject "the Great Pyramid of Gizeh." This lecture is a continuation of one given by him a month ago. All are heartily welcome. UNITED CHURCH ANNIVERSARY SUPPER The anniversary supper of the United Church was held at Am bleside Hall last Tuesday, every seat being taken. The big crowd did full justice to the appetising meal served by the ladies of the Women's Association. The many tables looked very atractive with their bright silver and tasteful decorations. The various dishes of food were at the same time dainty and satisfying. The vari ety of meats, salads, jellies, pies, and cakes were sufficient to give an edge to the most jaded appe tite. That the dinner was a success is putting it very conservative ly. After the banquet another meal was served, and the big audience was given some "food for reflection." Under the chair manship of W. R. Hamilton, sev eral short addresses and reports were given and of these none received such heartfelt applause as did Rev. A. M. O'Donnell, minister of the West Vancouver United Church, who is now con valescing after a very serious illness. The popularity of this gentleman and his place in the esteem and affection of his people was shown in no uncer tain way, and his remarks were listened to very attentively and sympathetically. Other speak ers were Messrs. George Hay, Professor J.M. Morgan, J. Hadyn Young, Rev. J. E. Burchell and Rev. E. H. Braden. The latter in a very fluent manner outlined the progress and development of sister churches in Vancouver and district. During the evening several musical numbers were rendered by members of the choir, which were greatly enjoy ed by those privileged to be pres ent. THE new sensation in gasoline is here! P. Q.Winter Gas meets the call for the cold weather fuel that every motorist needs. This real winter gasoline is produced by a patented "fractionating" process, by which the lighter and heavier contents (found in all gasoline) are so proportioned as to give quick action in cold temp eratures. Use it! I t will be a revelation to you. Produced locally by V A N C O U V E R O I L C O . L T D . An All-British Columbia Concern FILL UP AT THESE NORTH SHORE STATIONS NORTH VANCOUVER WEST VANCOUVER Foreman's Garage-- Esplanade East Lonsdale Motors-- 15th and Lonsdale North Shore Garage-- First St., West Reliable Service Station-- Third St. & Forbes Ave. Eld. Black-- 25th Ave. & Marine Drive West Vancouver Garage-- Ambleside. SECOND NARROWS Burrard Service Station-- Second Narrows Bridge. TRUCK PLUNGES THROUGH BRIDGE AT 19th STREET AND MARINE DRIVE On Tuesday afternoon a deliv ery truck of A. P. Slade & Co. proceeding east on Marine Drive skidded on the greasy pavement, and, plunging through the bridge which spans the creek at 19th Street, brought up with the eng ine and front wheels resting on the edge of the westerly rock buttress of the bridge. The truck remained upright on I the em bankment, apparently as a result of the housing of the shaft and gear case being embedded in the mud, which also prevented it from dropping into the creek. Some of the footboards and both railings of the bridge were smashed, one of the latter mak ing a small hole in the radiator. With this exception the truck was undamaged and the driver escaped unhurt, although badly shaken up by the crash. The Marine Motors was called to the scene, and their wrecking car with the assistance of the wreck ing car of the Dundarave Gar age hauled the truck on to the road again. It took an hour to do this, however, during which traffic on Marine Drive was de flected up the hill. It is report ed that some persons who were crossing the bridge at the time of the accident had a very nar-* row escape from being killed or badly injured. Sometimes a cracked nut holds the steering wheel. MASQUERADE DANCE Miss St. John and Mrs. Wilson entertained at a masquerade dance in the Ambleside Hall last Friday evening at which over eighty guests were present. The costumes were varied and beau tiful, with the result that the judges had considerable difficul ty in choosing the winners. Miss Murray won the. first prize a- mong the ladies as "an Irish Col leen," and Mrs. Quance was sec ond as a "Baby Girl." Charles Robert in the dress of a Chinese Mandarin won the gentlemen's first prize, the second prize go ing to C. Hay as Captain Hook. LADIES OF ST. ANTHONY'S HOLD WHIST DRIVE A very enjoyable evening was spent at the home of Mrs. George Gemmill, 15th and Esquimalt, last Wednesday when the ladies of St. Anthony's Church held a whist drive in aid of the Church Building Fund. The prize win ners were 1st Ladies, Miss Mul- cahy; 2nd Ladies, Mrs. Poisson; 1st Gents, Charles Goodwin; 2nd Mr. O'Hearn. MADE HIM DIZZY A negro taxi-driver was charged with having run down a pedestrian. "When you are driving," said the judge, "and you see you are about to hit some person, you should zigzag your car." "I did zigzag, your honor," said the negro, "but dat man was zigzaggin', too, and he zigged so much faster dan I could zag dat it just nacherly give me de swimmin' in de head, an' dat's hom I come to hit 'im." U n d er th e au sp ices of th e W . B. A. MASQUERADE DANCE W ill be he ld in th e - A M B L E S I D E H A L L On FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18th G o o d Music D a n c i n g 9 t o 1 2 R e f r e s h m e n t s T I C K E T S 5 0 c CONCERT AND DANCE to be given by THE CANADIAN LEGION (West Vancouver Branch) at 8 p. m. sharp in DUNDARAVE HALL SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12th. Good Programme Refreshments Dancing 10-12 p. m. Admission 25c. Everybody Welcome.