8 THE WEST VAN NEWS November 11, 1927, RED AND WHITE CHAIN STORES Friday and Saturday Specials THOMPSON'S SEEDLESS RAISINS. New Crop 2 lb». for 2.1c PINE QUALITY MINCEMEAT, : 2 lh< SERVUS BRAND SOCKEYE SALMON. Finest Quality, Tall Tin 41' ,c B. & K. CREAM ROl I ED OATS 7 Ik S a d Ifc FINE QUALITY CURRANTS. Recleaned 2 lbs. for 27c PORK AND BEANS. ••Quaker". Sire 2's 2 Tins I9r w n D ROSE PASTRY FLOUR 1 0 lb. Sack for lie OLD ITTi H CLE kNSER per Tin 9r SMITH'S PURE HONI 1. per jar |fe SMITH S PURS RONEY, 1 Ik Tm RIITTFR f in e s t c r e a m e r y o r D U I 1 CIV THREE BRICKS for Sm ith's Grocery We Deliver A. HARVEY SMITH. Prop. 24th AND MARINE. Opp. Dundarave Hall. Phone WEST 469 Roberts' Better Neats 14th and Marine West 1 9 0 Where Service and Quality Count WE DELIVER 9:30--East 25th Only 11:30--from Capilano to Caulfeild 3:30--East 25th Only W inter Closing Hours MONDAY. TUESDAY, WED NESDAY & FRIDAY 6 P. M THURSDAY 1P.M . SATURDAY 8.30 P.M. S A T U R D A Y Nov. 12th. New Zealand Butter 3 lbs. $1.38 Fresh Beef Dripping 2 lbs. 25c Ayrshire Bacon, sliced, lb. 35c Pure Lard in 1 lb. pkg........ 22c Head Cheese, home made each ................................. 15c PRIME STEER BEEF Boiling Beef, per lb 10c and 12c Pot Roast, per lb.... 12c and 15c Rolled Ribs, Oven Roast, lb. 25c Pork Legs (Fores), lb.......... 20c Cambridge Sausage, our own make ..................... 2 lbs. 25c Pure Pork Sausages, our own make, per lb.................... 30c Old Country Sausage Meat, our own make, lb ........... 15c LOCAL SPRING LAMB Shoulders, per lb .......... 27c Ribs and Breast, per lb. 27c Legs, per lb........................ 40c Veal Stewing, per lb 15c Veal. Oven Roast from lb ... 20c ROASTING AND BOILING CHICKEN JONATHAN APPLES, Wrap ped, 401b. Box ............... $2.25 GRAPES, Dessert, lb 15c & 20c SWEET POTATOES 3 lbs. 25c MONDAY Liver, Fresh, per lb_______ 10c Bacon, sliced, per lb.......... 40c TUESDAY Shoulder Steak ..... 2 lbs. 25c WEDNESDAY Tripe, Fresh, per lb.._........... 10c THURSDAY Sweet Mince Meat, per lb 15c FRIDAY Haddie Filletts, per lb...... 22c The salesman halted his Ford coupe a t a point where a freckled-faced boy was busily engaged fishing in the Lit tle Miami River. "What kind of bait are you using?" queried the salesman. "Terbacker," replied the boy. "How can you catch fish with to bacco?" asked the thoroughly inter ested salesman. "'At's easy!" said the lad. "Fish eat the terbacker off the hook and when they come to the surface to spit, I knocks 'em in the head with this pole." NORTH SHORE MOUNTAINS COVERED WITH SNOW Many of those who had intend ed to go up Grouse Mt. on Monday were prevented by the heavy rain. The few who did go up, however, thoroughly enjoyed themselves in the snow around the chalet, and on the mountain trails. Snow was on the ground below the level of the Mosquito creek bridge and from there to the top the depth of the snow increased. It was six inches or more deep on top. It was snow ing up in the mountains all morn ing and part of the afternoon. COUNCILLOR RAY FINDS IT HARD TO GET AWAY FROM WEST VANCOUVER We all know how difficult it is to leave West Vancouver. We may go away for a very short time say for an annual holiday of two weeks ,but like chickens we "come home to roost," and that roost is in West Vancouver. Councillor Ray has been threat ening or at least has announced his determination to leave us for a few months to visit his mother in his native land. He has not gone yet. Nor is he likely to go--at present. For now the law in the shape of a Chinaman has stepped in, and between the Chinaman and the lure of West Vancouver to wtfiich we 'have referred above the Councillor has simply got to stay with us a little longer. The case is yet un settled. and it looks as though the Chairman of Public Works may be with us for the Christ mas celebrations. A gardener spent his evenings studying architecture and became famous while working in his employ er's garden. A blacksmith earned his living working at his trade, and in spare time, learned eighteen languages and twenty-two dialects, which brought him money and fame. A shoe cobbler became a great nat uralist while working at his bench. A common printer discovered elec tricity with two sticks and a silk hand- kercheif, probably having borrowed the latter. A baker became one of the world's distinguished astronomers. A farmer experimented and worked during the long winter nights, and finally brought forth the invention of printing calico in its many pretty colors. AUTOMOBILITIS Don't try to scare locomotives with your horn. A road hog roots up macadam with his nose. Drive with care--you may meet a fool. Keep your hands on the wheel--let your girl hug yourself. Sounds Wise Enough -- A word to the anxious--Don't pick a girl by the way she fits into your arm--but by the way she fits into your life. -- Cal gary Herald. "I suggest, sir," roared the brow-beating barrister, "that you are obviously an unscrupu lous liar. Am I right?" "Well," replied the mild-look- ing witness, "I suggest you are obviously a perfect gentleman-- and we're both about equally wrong." North Shore Jubilee Canadian Club At a meting of the North Shore Canadian Club held on Wednesday evening, the mem bers heard a masterly address by B. A. McKelvie, an outstanding authority on the History of Brit ish Columbia and the terms und er which this province entered Confederation. The speaker's address was in structive and interesting especi ally at this time when the Prov incial Premiers are meeting in Ottawa to discuss among them selves and wit hthe Federal Gov ernment matters pertaining to the rights of the respective prov inces. Mr. McKelvie asserted that a transcontinental railway would have been built even if British Columbia had not entered con federation. the Imperial Policy being that a direct connection would be made between the shor es of the Atlantic and the Pa cific Coasts in order to bind the heart of the Empire with its outlying possessions across the Pacific Ocean. The speaker urged that if there must be a just agreement on the matter of land grants, and he urged that the logical court for the settlement of any existing disptes would be the Imperial Privy Council. To add force to his contentions, the speaker quoted at length fro mmany doc uments and letters written by Imperial statesmen, Governor Generals, and Dominion Minist ers of the time, providing con vincing evidence as to the just ice of the claims now being male by this province. News Gleams Getting the baby to sleep is hardest when she is about 18, but try to awaken her at 8 a. m. * * # Religion and women afford most of the happiness and most of the fights. * * * When it comes to dieting it seems the bravest are the slend erest. * * * Anyway you can see that clothes don't make the woman. * * * The wheat marketers in Win nipeg are as jumpy as a cross eyed woman with the heeby-jee- bies. * * * Wonder if Ford said on his first air trip "Well, how is this for high?" * * * Modern woman would cry, too, if her complexion would stay put. * * * The distance that lends en chantment sometimes leads to another enchantment. * * * The thoughtful child of today always brings in the milk and puts it in the ice box when he or she gets home.* * * Do they get new ears because they need them or because the new ones look pretty. * * * The fools who used to blow out the gas now step on it. * * * Anyway there's just room for dad to eat his breakfast alone in these breakfast nooks. * * * The favorite pronoun of those who have "nerves" is the first person singular. ♦ * * These early birds wake us too soon. * * * Politeness may not be a lost art--it may merely be misplaced. * * * A barber invented the old-time spin ning wheel. Quality Neats GET THE BEST HERE WITHOUT PAYING MOST You don't have to pay exhorbitant prices to get quality meats --not if you trade at Jefferies. Delicious cuts of the finest meats at prices that allow you to eat as much as you desire. P h o n e Y our O rder W est 3 JEFFERIES MEAT MARKET P H O N E W E S T 3 CLOSED THURSDAY AT 1 O'CLOCK W B D E L IV E R L U M B E R S Prices arc reduced in nil grades from $3.00 to $5.00 per M. Tnke advantage of the present low prices and anticipate future needs. High Quality Lumber is Cheapest in the end. West Vancouver Lumber Co. 15th and Marine L I M I T E D Phone West 115 Residence Phone: West 368L FOR WATERFRONTAGE and other property HOUSES TO RENT, FIRE INSURANCE, ETC. see JOHN LAWSON 17th Street Phone We9t 55 Marine Motors 22 Marine Drive West 177 Service that Satisfies No Job too Big. No Job too Small. Ask Mickie. VERNON FEED STORE \ cd?ZS FUEL, FEED, CEMENT, ETC. 16th and MARINE M. WILLIAMS AMBLE8IDE CUSTOM TAILOR ORDER YOUR FALL SUIT NOW. Come and see our Patterns. Large selection to choose from. Dry Cleaning CITY and PRICES Pressing We Call For and Deliver. Dyeing, Repairs and Alterations PHONE WEST 20. IS THAT CAR INSURED AGAINST ALL RISKS? PARTICULARS PROM GORDON GRAY - Office--Seymour 4991; 1002 Credit Foncier Bldg. Oldsmobile and Chevrolet DEALERS H. C. OSBORNE, West Vancouver Representative North Shore Motors Ltd. 135 First St. W. North Vancouver Phones: W est628Y North 1186.