November 4, 1927. THE WEST VAN NEWS 5 P. T. A. The monthly meeting of the P. T. A. will be held at the Paul ine Johnson school November 10th at 3.30 p. m. A very inter esting programme will be given by scholars of the various schools. C. .1. OVERINGTON CELEBRATES SEVENTH YEAR IN BUSINESS C. J. Overington who operates the barber shop at Marine and 14th Street has just passed the seventh anniversary of his busi ness in West Vancouver. Mr. Overington is one of the few business men who have seen the evolution of West Vancouver from a district of summer homes to one of the most promising and attractive residential districts in Greater Vancouver. When a man sings in his bath it shows that he is happy -- or else that the door won't lock. For West Vancouver Properties see SAVORY A N D DUVAL HALLOWE'EN PARTY A very enjoyable evening was spent at the home of Miss Joan Durbin on Friday, October 28th, when an interesting and varied program was presented by the pupils of St. Patricia School. These clever young scholars acquitted themselves very credit ably and showed evidence of careful training on the part of their teacher. The program consisted of choruses, recitations by Julian Ajello, Margaret Wrisberg, Val erie Rowan and Doreen Addy. Songs by Betty Hodgson and Barbara McIntyre. A dance by Julian Ajello and pianoforte solo by Margaret RJed and David Spencer. Some charming tableaux and an effectively staged playlet concluded the program. During the intervals Mrs. F. X. Hodgson and $Iiss Joan Dur ban sang several numbers and at the conclusion of the program dainty refreshments were served by the young artists. Among those present were: Mr. and Mrs. A. Addy, Mr. and Mrs. L. Ajello, Miss Antisell, Mr. and Mrs. S. Curry, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Eager, Mrs. Edgley, Miss Farmer, Mrs. Graham, Mr. and Mrs. T. Garland, Miss Goff, Mrs. Grey, Mrs. Goward, Mr. and Mrs. F. X. Hodgson, Mrs. C. McIntyre, Miss M. McIntyre, Mr. and Mrs. J. McIntyre, Mrs. Reid, Dr. and Mrs. E. Rowan, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Spencer, Mrs. Haydn Young, Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Wrisberg. SURPRISE PARTY TO MRS. SALTER Mr. and Mrs. A. Flett of Van couver, arranged a surprise party in the nature of a house wanning last Saturday night on Mrs. Salt er at her new home at 12th and Marine Drive. The evening was spent very pleasantly in games, music, singing and dancing. A- mong those present were: Mr. and Mrs. H. Goddard and fam ily, Mrs. S. Goddard, senior, Mr. and Mrs. Alec Fl^tt, Mr. and Mrs. John Flett, Miss Flett, Mr. and Mrs. F. Coates and family, Mrs. S. Cunningham, Mrs. J. Jef fries, Mr. and Mrs. A. Seldon and family, Mr. J. Millan and family, Mrs. C. Layton and Miss M. Carter, all of Vancouver, Mrs. JL McGowan, Miss McEwen, Mrs. Barker, Mr. and Mrs. James Thompson, and Miss E. Goddard, of West Vancouver. HALLOWE'EN PARTY Mrs. W. D. Fraser of the Framar Montessori School, gave a Hallowe'en party on Monday at the school to her pupils and their little friends. The school was gaily decorated with black cats, witches and pumpkins. The little ones had songs and some jolly games and took part in folk danc ing. All of them had a thorough ly enjoyable time. It Does the Work GemmilU' Improved W h ite P ine Cough Syrup for 5 years has done its work. It's 50 cents a bottle "The Store of Service" WEST VAN PHARMACY Phone West 37. Night Calls -- Emergency only--West 321. TWO WEEKS FOR A LETTER FROM VICTORIA Mrs. Grigor of the Dry Goods store. 1462 Marine Drive, has just received a letter mailed from Victoria over two weeks ago. The envelope was address ed "Mrs. J. Grigor, 1462 Marine Drive, Vancouver, West" and had been sent to most every dis trict in Vancouver before being finally delivered to Mrs. Grigor's old Vancouver address. The en velop was certainly addressed wrongly. It should have been "West Vancouver" instead of "Vancouver West." The Postal Directory does not carry the name "West Vancou ver," but only the names Holly- burn, Dundarave, Sherman, Caulfeild and Whytecliff. Hence a certain amount of publicity is lost to us through this condition, as well as mail going astray. CANADIAN CLUB Owing to a change of itinerary Sir Herbert Ames will address the North Shore Canadian Club on Wednesday, December 7th, in stead of on November 9th, as originally arranged. The speak er next Wednesday, November 9th, will be Mr. B. A. McKelvie, an out-standing authority on Canadian History, and especially on the Province of British Col umbia. Mr. McKelvie is Chief Histori an of the Native Sons of British Columbia, and past Grand Sec retary of that organization. He is a journalist of known repute, having written books and novels on the history of British Colum bia, his latest publication being in the form of a book for boys on this subject. Mr. McKelvie has taken a keen interest in the development and history of this Province, and his opinion is much sought after by members of the House and edu cational authorities. The address to be given by Mr. McKelvie is "British Col umbia and Confederation' 'this subject being considered as most appropriate this year when Can ada is celebrating the Diamond Jubilee of Confederation, but especially this month when a meeting of the Provincial Premi ers is being held at Ottawa with a view to discussing with the Dominion Government various rights of the respective provinc es. Mr. McKelvie will deal with the history and development of British Columbia, the terms on which she entered Confederation and other rights which she now claims under the British North America Act, and subsequent legislation. R. S. Glover, teller of the Royal Bank here, is spending his an nual vacation at his home at Union Bay, Vancouver Island. Mr. Glover will be away for three weeks. / insurance 's FINANCIAL \ a n d e s t a t e J . AGENTS. 1429 Narine Drive Phone West 340 Specializing in West Vancouver FLOORS SCRAPED and LAID Floors Scraped and Finished, Old Floors made like new. Hardwood and F ir Floors laid. The best workmanship. Prices right. W. M. LOGAN, 24th & Mathers Flooring, long lengths S15.00 per M. No. 2 Shiplap .... ........$16.00 per M. No. 2 Dimension S16.00 per M. No. 3 Shiplap $12 .0 0 per M Sand, Gravel, Plaster Lime, Cement, Brick, Tile A number of Used Sash at reduced prices. A complete line of Building Material in Stock Phones: North 207 - 212 Night Phenes: North 1265 and North 1415R 154 E sp lanade W. North Vancouver THE new sensation in gasoline is here! P. Q.W inter Gas meets the call for the cold weather fuel tha t every motorist needs. This real w inter gasoline is produced by a patented "fractionating" process, by which the lighter and heavier contents (found in all gasoline) are so proportioned as to give quick action in cold temp eratures. Use it! I t will be a revelation to you. Produced locally by V A N C O U V E R OIL CO. LTD . An All-British Columbia Concern FILL UP AT TH ESE NORTH SHORE STATIONS NORTH VANCOUVER WEST VANCOUVER Foreman's Garage-- Esplanade East Lonsdale Motors-- 15th and Lonsdale North Shore Garage-- F irs t St., West Reliable Service Station-- Third St. & Forbes Ave. Ed. Black-- 25th Ave. & Marine Drive West Vancouver Garage-- Ambleside. SECOND NARROWS Burrard Service Station-- Second N arrows Bridge. JOINT MEETING OF NORTH SHORE COUNCILS PROPOSED At the last joint meeting of the three North Shore councils it was suggested that another meeting take place in the fall. The council received a letter from the council of North Van couver District suggesting Wed nesday, 2nd November or Wed nesday 16th November as a date for such a meeting. The coun cil replied that before making the necessary arrangements they would be pleased to hear what subjects would come up for dis cussion. SCOTTISH SOCIETY The annual meeting of the a- bove society was held on Friday, October 21st in "the Clachan." There was a good attendance of members. The reports for the year were read and it was unani mously agreed that the society had just concluded a splendid year. New Officers Elected The election of officers for the 1927-1928 season resulted in John McGowan being elected president; Thos. Killin, vice- president; Mrs. R. McVean, sec retary; Mrs. B. Edwards, assist ant secretary; Robert Reid, treasurer. The spirit of appreciation was abroad among the members and the following ladies were pres ented with different gifts: Mrs. McVean, Mrs. Elgar, Mrs. Ed wards, Mrs. McGowan, Mrs. Cripps, Miss Frame. Presentation to Mrs. Watt On the occasion of her retire ment from the secretary's chair Mrs. J. T. Watt was presented with a handsome pair of hammer ed brass jardinieres by the offic ers and members of the society. Mrs. Watt assured her friends that the gift would find an hon ored place in her home. Mr. John Harte, a much es teemed member, was again elect ed as honorary president, and Rev. A. M. O'Donnell as chaplain. The society will hold their an nual St. Andrew's concert in the Hollyburn Theatre on Thursday, December 1st. Further details will be announced later. Tea was served by the hostesses Mrs. Mc- vean, Mrs. McGowan, and Mrs. Edwards. Membership Committee The membership committee is composed of Mrs. Allison, West 96; Mrs. W. McQuaker, West 89L; and James Fiddes. HORTICULTURAL ASSN. WHIST DRIVE WAS BIG SUCCESS The military whist drive in the Ambleside Hall last Tuesday under the auspices of the West Vancouver Horticultural Associ ation was an unqualified success, approximately a hundred people being present to enjoy the games. A very enjoyable evening was spent and the hope was freely expressed that other such nights would be arranged. President McQuaker acted as director of play. The prize winners were: 1st Mr. and Mrs. Elgar and Mr. and Mrs. Macdonald; 2nd, Mr. and Mrs. Burley and Mr. and Mrs. Routledge. Consolation, Mr. and Mrs. C. Roberts and Mr. and Mrs. Peach. The hidden prizes were a fruit cake donated by Mrs. W. W. Ad air and won by J. J. Dutton; and a fern donated by James Forbes, Florist, Vancouver, and won by Mrs. E. Rhodes. Mrs. E. A. Young loaned the flags and other varied paraphe- nalia required by military whist. Refreshments were served at the close of play and the ladies who had arranged the commis sary were congratulated upon the choice and tasty eatables. SAGAR'S NEW STORE NOW ARRANGED The new store built and occu pied by Wm. Sagar the West Van Jeweller, has now been ar ranged and fitted up to the sat isfaction of the proprietor who is now ready to attend to the needs of the public. The stock has been increased to include most everything usually found in an up-to-date jewellery store- Christmas, Birthday and other special gifts will be found here in great variety and our resid ents would be well advised to try this store for their gifts. The prices will be found very reasonable and more often than not away cheaper than for simil ar lines in the city. Watch and clock repairing is a specialty of Mr. Sagar. His family has for several genera tions been engaged in this work and this is one branch of work where experience means so much. Service with a smile is the motto of this store, and it is ser vice that appreciates and is worthy of patronage. Buy in West Vancouver anil help West Van. grow.