MEAT * 'JEST ALBERT A and «EST NEW ZEALAND 3 lbs. $1.35 Smith's Grocery Wo Deliver A. 24th AND MARINE, Opp. Dundarave llnll. HARVEY SMITH. Prop. Phone WEST 469 Roberts' Better Neats 14th and Marine West 1 9 0 Where Service and Quality Count WE DELIVER 9:30--East 25th Only 11:30--from Capilano to Caulfeild 3:30--East 25th Only W inter Closing Hours MONDAY, TUESDAY. WED NESDAY & FRIDAY 6 P. M THURSDAY 1 P. M. SATURDAY S.30 P. M. S A T U R D A Y Nov. 5th. Poultry for Thanksgiving LOCAL TURKEYS -- DUCKS GEESE -- CHICKEN BOILING FOWL LOCAL SPRING LAMB Legs, per lb. ....................... 40c Shoulders, per lb .......... 27c LOCAL VEAL Home-Made Sweet Mincemeat per lb .... 20c No. I STEER BEEF Boiling Beef, per lb 10c and 12c Pot Roast, per lb 12c and 15c Rolled Ribs, Oven Roast, lb. 25c New Zealand Butter 3 lbs. $1.38 Pork Sausage, our own make lb 30c Pork Sausage Meat, our own make, l b .................................25c Cambridge Sausage, our own make 2 lbs. 25c Old Country Sausage Meat, our own make, lb 15c Ayrshire Bacon, sliced, lb. 35c JONATHAN APPLES, W rap ped, 40 lb. box.....................$2.00 GRAPES, Dessert lb. .. 15c CRANBERRIES -- CELERY LETTUCE MONDAY Closed All Day TUESDAY Cambridge Sausages, lb 10c WEDNESDAY Stewing Steak 2 lbs. 25c THURSDAY Boneless Corned Beef, lb. 12c Closed -- 1 o'clock as usual. FRIDAY Loggie Haddie, lb ............... 18c He (rapturously): "You ac cept me? Then it's a bargain?" She (calmly): "Certainly! I should not have considered it if it wasn't." Modern Poetic Impression A rush of air-- Dripping water-- A clash of metal-- And the old man finished his soup. GEN. SUTTON ADDRESSES NORTH SHORE AUDIENCE The K. P. Hall, North Vancou ver, was crowded last night to hear General F. A. Sutton give an address to the residents of the North Shore on his proposal to finish the construction of the P. G. E. and so give an outlet to the sea to the Peace River district. With him on the plat form were the Mayor of North Vancouver city, the Reeves of North Vancouver District and the District of West Vancouver, and J. M. Bryan, M.P.P. The general's address was straight from the shoulder, but interspersed here and there with humorous remarks that quite tickled his audience. He went into the history of the P. G. E. Railway in outline, ex plaining just why nothing had been done to complete it for the past twenty years. "I am quite willing to give up my project," he said, "pro viding I obtain guarantees from the C.N.R. or C.P.R. that they will complete the line within two years. Without those guaran tees, however, I will do it myself, and I can get the British capital to do so." He stated that only 450 miles of railroad had to be built to complete the line. He proposed to build the eastern and largest part of the work, where the land was flat and presented no engin eering difficulties whatever, in 1928, and the remaining part through the Pine Tree Pass the following year. This latter pre sented some engineering diffi culties, but none that a compe tent engineer could not over come. He spoke of the vast wheat growing areas that would be opened up and the market that awaited oui- w'.icat in China and the Orient with their 600,000,000 of population. This wheat and the deposits of anthracite coal and silver in the Peace River section would keep the railway busy. His idea was that our pro ducts should go on our own rail way to Vancouver, and from there on British ships to Eng land or the Orient. Speaking of conditions in China, he severely criticised the pacific policy of the British Government. In conclusion he warned his audience of the certainty of a flood of surplus population in the next decade from the United States, who would create blocs of people here or there through out Canada with anti-Canadian ideals. In his opinion the coun- trj' should be opened up and our Canadians in the States brought back, believing as he did in the British Empire being peopled by the British. , T. Ray of Portland, Ore gon. arrived here last Tuesday for n short visit with his sister, Mrs. Chet Shields and her hus band. He left on his return trip this morning, being accompani ed by Mrs. Shields who will drive with him as far as Seattle where she will remain for a couple of days with her parents. • * • Mrs. F. W. Harrison of Owen Sound, Ontario, ami Mrs. Doug las Dewar of New York, are vis iting West Vancouver as guests of Mrs. W. A. Adair, Marine Drive. * * * The Clonguinie Rabbitry form erly owned and operated by Mr. Barton has been sold to E. W. Harrington a new resident here, who has been living at 19th and Bellevue. Mr. Barton intends buying land in the Fraser Valley and going into the fur farming industry on a much more ex tensive scale. Your daily order will be careful ly attended to if you send it here, rompt delivery. Courteous treatment and reasonable prices and--above all--the very best quality of meats is what you can be assured of when you deal here. Phone Your O rder W est 3 JEFFERIES MEAT MARKET PHONE WEST 3 CLOSED THURSDAY AT 1 O'CLOCK WE DELIVER Some men think they are fam ous when they are only attract ing attention. Most of the girls now have impromptu complexions. They make them up as they go along. It might help some if the man ufacturer would use a miniature figure of a judge as a radiator cap ornament. Despite prohibition, whisky is not a thing of the past. The fel lows who make it don't give it time to be. COUNCILLOR RAY REPORTS ON U.B.C.M. CONVENTION Why go south for the winter when we have lots of winter right here? You can't fool all of the people all of the time. Concentration on a majority will attain the de sired end. (Continued from Page 1) this effect be submitted to the electors. TAX PENALTIES Another recommendation is that the tax penalty be made as follows: 5% after July 31st, 10'; after September 30th, and 15% after November 30th. The mun icipality have the power to make this change, and it would be a fair one to the taxpayers. SCHOOL TAXES The resolution passed in 1926 and again adopted this year re garding the methods of taxation for schools by the provincial gov ernment taking over the larger percentage of expense should, Councillor Ray thinks, be en dorsed by the council and follow ed up with keen interest, as our school burden is becoming too heavy. PRIMARY HIGHWAY Another recommendation is that North Vancouver City and District be invited to co-operate with us in making joint applica tion to the government, asking them to class the Marine Drive, from the north side of the Second Narrows Bridge to Fisherman's Cove, the northerly terminus of the Pacific Highway, as a prim ary road, he having learnt that in some municipalities primary highways are already in exist ence which are not nearly of such importance as our own highway. PURCHASE OF TRACTOR Other recommendations made by Councillor Ray at the regular council meeting were for the pur chase of a two ton tractor for the Board of Works Department, which would increase the effici ency in opening new roads, etc., both banks of the Capilano north 100% , and for the planting of of the Marine Drive bridge with water willows. These would beautify the banks and give add ed strength to the present pro tection work. L U M B E R S Prices nre reduced* in nil prudes from $3.00 to $5.00 per M. Tnke advantage of the present low prices and anticipate future needs. igh Quality Lumber is Cheapest in the end. West Vancouver Lumber Co. 15th and Marine L I M I T E D Phone West 115 Residence Phone: West 368L FOR WATERFRONTAGE and other property HOUSES TO RENT, FIRE INSURANCE, ETC. see JOHN LAWSON 17th Street Phone West 55 West 177 Marine Motors 22 Marine Drive W Service that Satisfies No Job too Big. No. Job too Small. Ask Mickie. VERNON FEED STORE FUEL, FEED, CEMENT, ETC. 16th and MARINE M. W ILLIAMS AMBLE8IDE CUSTOM TAILOR ORDER YOUR FALL SUIT NOW. Come and see our Patterns. Large selection to choose from. Dry Cleaning CITY and PRICES Pressing We Call For and Deliver. Dyeing, Repairs and Alterations PHONE WEST 20. IS THAT CAR INSURED A G A IN S T A L L R IS K S ? PARTICULARS PROM GORDON GRAY Office--Seymour 4991; 1002 Credit Fonder Bldg. Oldsmobile and Chevrolet DEALERS H. C. OSBORNE, West Vancouver Representative North Shore Motors Ltd. 135 First St. VV. North Vancouver Phones: West 628Y______________ N orth 1186. i *