September 16, 1927. THE WEST VAN NEWS 7 Horticultural Exhibition Big Success LIST OF PRIZE WINNERS The eleventh annual exhibition staged by the West Vancouver Agricultural and (Horticultural Association last Saturday was a decided success. Much favorable comment was heard on the varie ty and quality of the exhibits, and a constant stream of visitors was in evidence from the time of opening to closing. The of ficers of the Association receiv ed many enconiums for the ex cellence of the show, and much appreciation for the tremendous amount of detail work necessary in organising. The work of this society, as we have said before, is a very big asset to West Van couver, and every encouragement and assistance should be given their efforts. The following is the list of prize winners: VEGETABLES Beans Class 1, Bush, Wax--1st, Mrs. Selwood. Class 2, Bush Green--1st, Mrs. Selwood. Class 3, Scarlet Runners -- 1st, Miss E. Millard; 2nd, Mr. H. B. Gray Class 4, Pole -- 1st, Mrs. B. Babcock. Class 6, Beets, globe or round --1st, Mr. C. Barrow; 2nd, Mr. N. Raine. Class 9, Cabbage, pointed -- 1st, Mrs. E. Collinson. Class 11, Cabbage, Flat -- 1st, Mr. S. Paton; 2nd Mrs. McQuak- er. Class 13, Cabbage, Savoy -- 1st, Mr. B Babcock; 2nd, Mr. R. • Pyne. Class 14, Carrots, intermediate p. --1st, Mrs. McQuaker; 2nd, Mrs. J. R. McDaniels. Class 15, Carrots, Short -- 1st, Mr. C. Barrow; 2nd, Miss M. B. Almas. Class 18, Corn, Yellow Bantam --1st, Miss M. B. Almas; 2nd, Mrs. F. Hadwin. Class 19, Cucumbers, long -- 1st, Mr. M. Bowman. Class 20, Cucumbers, short -- 1st. Mrs. R. Reid. Class 22, Collection Herbs -- 1st, Mrs. G. F. Hodgson; 2nd, Mr. Geo. Castree. Class 26, Canteloupes -- 2nd, Major Barwis. Class 27, Any other variety -- 1st, Mr. M. Bowman; 2nd, Major Barwis. Class 28, Onions, white or yel low--1st, Miss M. B. Almas; 2nd, Mr. C. Barrow. Class 31, Onions, Leeks -- 1st, Mr. B. Babcock. Class 32, Eschalots--1st, Miss M. B. Almas; 2nd, Miss E. Mil lard. Class 33, Parsley -- 1st, Mr. B. Babcock; 2nd, Mrs. G. F. Hodgson. Class 34, Parsnips -- 1st, Mr. Geo. Lloyd; 2nd, Mr. J. Nesbitt. Class 35, Peas, tall, 24 pods-- 2nd, Mr. Castree. Class 36, Peas, Smooth, shelled --2nd, Mr. J. R. McDaniels. Class 38, Potatoes, Early Rose --1st, Mr. A. Henderson; 2nd, Mr. R. Pyne. Class 40, Potatoes, Netted Gem --1st, Mr. A. Hejiderson; 2nd, Reeve V. V. Vinson. Class 41, Potatoes, Wee Mc Gregor--1st, Mr. A. Henderson; Class 42, Potatoes, any other variety--1st, Mr. F. Hadwin; 2nd, Rev. A. H. Priest. Class 43, Potatoes, any other variety, red -- 2nd, Mr. A. Hen derson. Best 5 Potatoes in show (Spec ial prize)--Mr. A. Henderson. Class 44, Rhubarb--1st, Rev. A. H. Priest; 2nd, Mr. A. Hen derson. Class 45, Citron--1st, Mrs. Adair; 2nd, Mr. J. Nesbitt. Class 46, Squash, Hubbard, green--1st, Mr. B. Babcock. Class 47, Squash, Hubbard, Golden--1st, Mr. B. Babcock. Class 48, Vegetable Marrow -- 1st, Major Barwis; 2nd, Mr. B. Babcock. Class 49, Vegetable Marrow, white--1st, Miss E. Millard; 2nd Mr. B. Babcock. Class 50, Pumpkin -- 1st, Mrs. Elgar; 2nd, Mr. J. Nesbitt. Biggest Marrow in show -- 1st, Mr. B. Babcock. Biggest Pumpkin in show -- 1st, Reeve V. V. Vinson. Class 51, Tomatoes, red --1st, Mr. B. Babcock; 2nd, Mrs. Mc Quaker. Class 53, Turnips, Swede -- 2nd, Mr. N. Raine. Class 55, Best Collection of Vegetables, six varieties, 3 of each shown on space 3x3 ft -- 1st, Miss M. B. Almas; 2nd, Mr. N. Raine; 3rd, Mr. J. Nesbitt. Class 56, Best Display of Veg etables -- 1st, Mr. N. Raine; 2nd Mrs. E. Collinson. FLOWERS Class 57, Best Collection Sweet Peas--1st, Mr. P. E. Bill. Class 58, Best Bouquet Sweet Peas -- 1st, Mrs. P. E. Bill; 2nd, Mr. R. Reid. Class 60, Roses, best collection --1st, Mrs. C. Donohoe; 2nd, Mrs. A. H. Albin. Class 61, Best Bouquet Flow ers--1st, Mrs. Masterman; 2nd, Mrs. U. A. Adair. Class 62, Best Bowl Nastur- tum--1st, Mrs. Selwood; 2nd, Rev. A. H. Priest. Class 63, Dahlias, Cactus, 6-- 1st, Mrs. Rehberger; 2nd, Miss E. Harrop. Class 64, Dahlias, Decorative --1st, Miss Harrop; 2nd, Mr. K. A. Ray. Class 65, Dahlias, Show--1st, Joe Grisedale; 2nd, Miss E. Har rop. Class 66, Dahlias, Single -- 1st, Mrs. Grisedale; 2nd, Joe Grisedale. Class 68, Dahlias, Collarette-- 1st, Mrs. Grisedale; 2nd, Joe Grisedale. Class 69, Dahlias, Pompom -- 1st, Joe Grisedale; 2nd, Mrs. Grisedale. Class 70, Best display Dahlias --1st, Mrs. Rehberger; 2nd, Mrs. E. Collinson. Class 71, Best Collection Lilies --1st, Mrs. Gisby; 2nd, Mrs. Sel wood. Class 72, Collection Asters -- 1st, Mrs. E. Rhodes. Class 73, Collection Gladioli -- 1st, Mrs. G. F. Hodgson; 2nd, Mrs. P. E. Bill. Class 74, Collection Phlox -- 1st, Mrs. Rhodes; 2nd Mr. P. E. Bill. Class 75, Collection Marigold --1st, Mrs. Rhodes; 2nd, Joe Grisedale. Class 77, Collection Chrysan themum--1st, Mrs. Rhodes; 2nd, Mrs. P. E. Bill. Class 78, Delphinium -- 1st, Mrs. P. E. Bill; 2nd, Mrs. A. H. Albin. Class 79, Annuals, best collec tion -- 1st, Mrs. Rhodes. (Continued on Page 8) CLASSIFIED ADS. WANTED--Good cooking range or stove with hot water at tachment. Apply Range, cjo West Van News. R. F\ Clarke & Co. (Vancouver) Ltd. CHEAP HOUSE--$1450 on terms, or special price for cash. Within few minutes of Ferry W harf, paved road five rooms, water, light, phone, g a r age. $1650 for Four Roomed Cottage Bung alow, neat appearance, two lots on corner looking south. Terms about third cash. ATTRACTIVE Neat Looking Bunga low. Full plumbing. Fireplace, cor ner lot, west of Ferry W harf, con veniently situated. Unusually good value a t $2650. Terms arranged. R. P. CLARKE Fiscal A gents: R. P. Clarke & Co. (Vancouver) Ltd. 823 Hastings St. W. Sey. 7483. 7484 Local Representative C. J. ARCHER. West 651L NEW UP-TO-DATE BUNGALOW of Five rooms; ju s t completed on splen did view lot 60x140. Facing south. Real good value a t $3200, on terms. DOUBLE CORNER, 100x122. Mathers Avenue. Only $225; $50 cash and $15 a month will handle. LISTINGS WANTED GEO. HAY 14th and Marine Drive, Phone W est 21 315 Cordova W est Seymour 1260 Free Cooking School MONDAY, TUESDAY, September 29 - 30 Hollyburn Theater West Vancouver One Session each day, 2 p.m. Monday afternoon at 2.00 o'clock Miss Agnes M. Reed, Domestic Sci ence expert of the B. C. Electric staff will conduct the first of two sessions of a free Cooking school being arranged by the B. C. Electric and the Can adian General Electric Companies, inadian General Electric Company, in the Hollyburn Theatre. This Free Cooking School will be conducted in the same manner as the B. C. Electric School in Vancouver. . An attendance prize will be drawn for and every woman attending the school will have a chance to win it-- a $29.00 Universal Percolator. Programs will be issued with the full recipes printed in each, and room left for making notes about their preparation. Come early and get the practical hints that Miss Reed will give, point Automatic Ranges will be featured at each session. Hot- Hollyburn Theatre - West Vancouver British Columbia Electric Railway Co. FOR SALE--Child's High Chair, also commode chair, $1 each. Phone west 488R.____________________________ WORK WANTED--Reliable middle- aged woman desires light work daily "Wrork," c o West Van News. MODERATE PRICED HOME WANT- ed--West of ferry. Two or three bedrooms, plumbing, fireplace. Ad vise particulars, location, lowest price and term s for consideration. Post Office Box 1114, Vancouver. COLUMBIA GRAFANOLA--Mahog any case, for sale. Good condition. Some records. West 460L. LOST--At Ratepayers meeting (Tues day), Bundle of papers and cor respondence. Phone Masterman, W est 111.______ FOR SALE--Modern Stucco Bunga low, $450 cash, balance as rent. Phone West 344._________________ TO RENT--Cosy Three Room Bunga low, fully furnished. Good locality. Also large unfurnished house with furnace. Phone West 148. FORTUNE CUP INN--For Rent, five room furnished heated apartm ent. Full plumbing. $35.__________ FOR RENT--"Willow Dene" Cottage. King's Avenue. Full plumbing, five rooms, $30. W est 404L. FOR SALE -- Gramaphone Phonola, Consul model. Phone West 350L. FOR RENT--Four Room Furnished Bungalow, three minutes from ferry. Phone West 94Y._______________ TO RENT--Furnished Modern Cot tage on the W aterfront, near Ferry' Landing. Byrnell & May, W est 113. SMALL Well Furnished Fully Modern house, piano, electric washing ma chine. Adults. Apply 2061 Esqui- m alt Street. TO RENT--A Five Room Furnished Bungalow near W aterfront. Phone W est 159L3. HEMSTITCHING -- Pearces . Dry Goods, 14th Street and Marine. Phone W est 144. DRESSMAKING--Mrs. Robbins, 29th and M athers. Phone W est 437R3. NEW AND SECOND HAND FurnT- ture bought, sold, and exchanged. Fred Tite, Kevill's Old Stand, Am- bleside. LAWNS MADE--Cement Floors and Sidewalks laid; Rock Walls built. T. Barnott, Residence Phone 672R. NEWMAN & ROBBINS -- Builders and Contractors--Painting, paper hanging and kalsomining, chimneys built. 29th and M athers. Phone W est 437R3. FIR WOOD--Cut any length. You can't get better. $8 per cord. Phone W est 17. Hobb Coal and Transfer Coy. MONEY TO LOAN $500.00 up No delay West Van. Investm ent Coy. N otary Public. W est 102 FOLLIES BEAUTY IN "BELOVED ROGUE" It is a far cry from the gay whirl of the Ziegfeld Follies, jazz inspired precentation of the new est in song and dance, to the romantic, colorful, yet cruel Paris of the time of Louis XI. Yet such a gap is bridged by Jane Winton, who, not so long ago a reigning beauty of the Fol lies, now appears in support of John Barrymore in "The Beloved Rogue," at the Hollyburn Thea tre next Monday and Wednes day. In "The Beloved Rogue" the great Barrymore restores to life on the screen Francois Villon, vagabond poet and creature of impulse who, dying at a compar atively young age after a brief spell of strenuous living, left the world enriched by the brilliant creations of his facile pen. Seeking an actress to fill the role of "The Abbess," a some what hovdenish character of the Paris streets, Barrymore person ally selected Miss Winton from a score of candidates. His choice is amply justified by the ease and grace with which she enters into the spirit of the part.