6 THE WEST VAN NEWS S e p te m b e r lfi. 1927. Lesagehasit Those who keep fit do so by retaining their health while the retaining is good, and by consulting n physician as soon as they discover any symptoms of sickness. FRIDAY and SATURDAY SPECIALS Lots more specials in Thursday's Province on Page 4 under Cut Rate Drugs. CUT RATE DRUGS It orlicks Malted Milk 76c Liquid Petrolatum 26c Peroxide ____ ___ 60c Robertsons Barley. 16 ounce Talcum 36c Nervilline ............ 26c Carter's Pills 76c Cuticura Soap 60c Andrew's Liver Sal 50c F ru ita tiv e s_____ _ 36c Kleenex $1.00 D.D.D. .......... 95c j $2.50 Keplers Cod Liver Oil with 39c . Malt ............................. $2.00 16c $1.00 Pextri Maltose 85c40c Castorin ......................... 3.1c______ 45c ; $1.00 Vacuum Bottles 59c _______24c 60c Gin Pills 10c ____ __ 32c 76c Nujol ............................. 69c21c 50c Squibbs Tooth Paste 13c 3 cakes 59c : 60< Pi psodent 39c r < 50c 5 lbs. Epsoms Salts 25c 15c 50c Blair's Pyorrhoea Remedv 37c 19c Extra Special 35c W riting Pads ......... 93c 24c Lesage Drug Store North Side Marine, near 14th We deliver anywhere. No Order is too small W E S T 3 2 3 Lesagehasit Serving Vou iP " ] CAR CLEANER I te ' 7 Going to work when others go to bed, his duty ]i is to h ave ev ery car cleaned and ready for service before the cock Crows. Butch Columbia EiicmcTtaHwny Co. VANCOUVER J l Creamo Wagon on eOery street- every morning Fr a s e r Valley m i l k 9 quarts for $1.00 North 122 | PERSONALS | Mr. and Mrs. T. Killin and family. 17th and Fulton, have re turned from a motor trip up the Cariboo Trail, returning by Port land and the Pacific Highway. • • * Miss Louise Scott, who has been the guest of her uncle ami aunt, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Ander son at Caulfeild, left on Monday for Penticton, where she will join the teaching staff of the high school. • • » Miss Maycoek of the High School staff, has taken a house at 17th and Fulton. ♦ * * H. E. Condon has been taking the names of those boys who wish to join the cadet class he is forming in the schools this winter. Quite a number have given in their names, and from the enthusiasm displayed it is evident that the cadet class will be very popular among the schol ars. * * * A. L. Gordon, who has been oc cupying the Nelson house on Marine Drive between 22nd and 23rd Streets, has returned to the city. * * * Mrs. Edgeley, 20th Street, who has been away sick for a few days, has returned to her duties at the offices of Drs. Stainsby and Rowan in the Royal Bank building. * * * Mrs. Ernest Davis, who has been away on a holiday, has re turned to her home on 20th St. * * * Mrs. W. R. Simpson, 17th and Duchess, is seriously ill. She was taken to a hospital in Van couver on Sunday evening.* * * Miss O. E. Bryan, agent of the B. C. Telephone Co. here, re turned on Sunday evening from a holiday at her home in Innis- fail, Alberta. * * * Mrs. G. D. Elgar, 16th and Fulton, last week lost ten of her chickens in one night, and it would appear that mink or some small rodent was responsible for her loss. * * * Mr. H. Roderick Morgan with his wife and family, who has been on an extended visit to his parents, Ex-Reeve and Mrs. David Morgan of West Bay, has left to return to Manzanello, Cuba. His brother, Ifor Morgan, is leaving next week to return to Santa Domingo, Cuba. * * * Quite a number of West Van couver residents have left this week for Howe Sound for the deer hunting, which opened yes terday. It is expected that veni son steaks will be much in evid ence next week in their homes and those of their friends. * * ♦ Mr. and Mrs. H. Bradley had an addition to their family on Tuesday, 6th September, when a little girl was born to them at their home at 24th and Jeffer son. Both Mrs. Bradley and the baby are doing well. * * * Allen McBain, son of E. A. Mc- Bain, Edmonton, who has been visiting his grandmother, Mrs. P. A. McBain, 29th and Water front, for a few days, left on Wednesday for Victoria, where he will enter Brentwood School. * * * Dave Gillett, 15th and Ingle wood, has purchased Mrs. Mc- Dougall's house at 15th and Ful ton. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Camp, 21st and Bellevue, have moved to a house at 24th and Haywood. Mr. Camp is connected with the Prudential Insurance Co. Dr. A. C. Nash. 15th Street, spent a few days' holiday this week in Victoria. • • • Captain A. N. Edwards, man ager of the municipal transporta tion system, is leaving at the end of this week for a two weeks' vacation. With his brother and sister, he expects to motor down the const as far as Southern Cal ifornia. • • • Mr. and Mrs. E. Penn, who have been spending the summer at 19th and Waterfront, moved hack last week to their home in Kitsilano. * * • Mr. Henningsen of Vancou ver, has purchased the Nelson house at 21st and Fulton, and ex pects to move in at the end of this month. * * • Mr. and Mrs. Jack Anderson and family have moved into the Nelson house on Marine Drive, between 22nd and 23rd Streets. JAMES THOMSON MARRIED James Thomson, the well- known Ambleside wood and coal dealer, put one over his many friends on Labor Day, when at the Manse in Steveston, Lulu Island, he married Miss Flora Crichton of Toronto, formerly of Dundee, and Aberdeen, Scotland. Rev. J. MacKay officiated. Mr. and Mrs Thomson have taken up their residence at 11th and Ingle wood. English Salad Dressing Yolks of two eggs (one hard boiled), half a pint of salad oil, two tablespoon fills of vinegar, pepper and salt to taste. Pound the yolk of the hard boiled egg, then add the yolk of the raw egg. Drop in the half pint of salad oil gradually, then the two table spoons of vinegar and pepper and salt. Time, about twenty min utes to make. This salad dress ing will keep almost indefinitely. Cinnamon Cookies One cup butter, one cup sugar, two eggs, one-quarter teaspoon soda, two tablespoons milk, one- quarter teaspoon salt, two cups bread flour, one and one-half teaspoon cinnamon. Cream butter, using the hands, and add gradually, while heating constantly, sugar. Add one egg and beat, still using the hands; then add the other egg and con tinue the beating. Add soda, dissolved in milk, and remaining ingredients. Toss on a floured clot hand pat and roll to one- fourth inch in thickness. Shape with a small round cutter, first dipped in flour. Arrange on a buttered sheet and bake in a moderate oven. B. C. ANGLERS HOLD COMPETITION The B. C. Anglers Club held their salmon trolling competition for the Bentley Cup last Sunday from Hollyburn Pier. In spite of the wet weather between 18 and 20 members took part, al though many of them were un able to go out until the after noon due to the heavy swell. Jim Holt, the vice-president, won the first prize with a catch of two salmon weighing 7 lbs and 5V 'l lbs.; the second prize going to Johnson Lee, president, who secured a 4,/> lb. fish. The fly fishing competition of the Club will be held on Sunday 25th September, in the Nickle- macki River, Fraser Valley. Fudge Cake Three-quarters cupful butter, two cupfuls sugar, four eggs, one cupful milk, two and a half cup fuls pastry flour, two teaspoon fuls baking powder, one tea- spoonful vanilla, three squares unsweetened chocolate, one cup ful chopped raisins. Cream the * butter and add one cup of sugar, continue creaming; beat the egg" yolks with the rest of the sugar, add the vanilla and combine the two mixtures. Melt the chocol ate over hot water and add to the egg and butter mixture, sift the flour and baking powder to gether and add alternately with the milk. Chop the raisins and dredge them with a little flour, stir into the batter, then fold in the stiffly beaten whites of the eggs. Spread the batter about half an inch in well-buttered and floured shallow pans. Raw meat should hang in a cool place or in a draught and be covered with muslin when flies are about. It should be partly cooked to kill the germs of de cay. You Can Save One Dollar If you pay your t e l e p h o n e bill by the 18th of the month B. C. T E L E P H O N E COMPANY