4 THE WEST VAN NEWS September 16, 1027. SPECIALS This Week 1x8 No. 3 Fir Shiplap $10.00 per M 1x8 and 10 No. 2 Fir Shiplap $18.00 " 1x6 Ceiling and Flooring $12.00 " No. 1 and 2 E. G. 1x3 Flooring $55.00 " No. 1 and 2 E. G. 1x4 Flooring $50.00 " 1x4 Good Grade Flooring $18.00 " 1x3 Good Grade Flooring $18.00 " and other Specials. See us first. Ambleside Lumber Co. M arine D rive at 1 6 th St. W est 1 9 9 P E R S O N A L S fioUybum Theatre Open Monday. Wednesday Friday and Saturday Admission 25c and t5c. Friday and Saturday September 16th and 17th. Whispering Smith with H. B. WARNER. LILLIAN RIC H and JOHN BOWERS Monday and Wednesday September 19th and 21st. John Barrymore in The Beloved Rogue CANADIAN l.EGION TO MEET TONIGHT There's real enjoyment in a game of BILLIARDS Two full sized tables at CHET SHIELDS 14TH STREET right a t Railway Crossing Tobacco, Confectionery and Periodicals West Vancouver Board of Trade The Regular Meeting will be held in the Canadian Legion Rooms Ferry Building On MONDAY Next September 19th, at 8 p. m. The West Vancouver branch of the Canadian Legion will hold their regular monthly meeting tonight (Friday) at 8 p. m. in the Canadian Legion rooms, fer ry building. This is th? first meeting since the summer, and it is hoped that every member will make it a point to turn out, so that arrangements can be made for the winter's activities. A number of other important matters will also be up for dis cussion. Irate Motorist: '"The police force of this town handles traf fic like a bunch of morons." Policeman: "Pm Sorry, sir; but we have to act so the motor ists can understand us." LIBERALS RESUME MEETINGS The Liberal Association of West Vancouver will hold the first of their regular monthly meetings for the fall and winter season next Tuesday at 8 p. m. in the Ambleside Hall. AH members are requested to at tend. Postnuptial Reception Mrs. Harold George Barker, who was before her marriage Miss Essie Baird, will receive for the first time since her mar riage on Saturday, September 17 from 3.30 to 6 o'clock at "Mont rose," Marine Drive and Thir tieth Street, West Vancouver. * * * Captain R. A. Batchelor, 29th and Marine Drive, who has been sick for some time, returned from Mayo Bros. Institute at Rochest er, a couple of weeks ago and is now at his home and feeling much improved. Captain Batch elor is one of the most widely known navigators on the Pacific coast. * * * Mrs. Harold Isardi and family have returned to the city after spending the summer months at West Bay. The Operatic Society of North Vancouver gave a social ami musicale Tuesday evening at the Fortune Cup Inn. • * * Mr Pease of Cypress Park has moved to Vancouver. * ♦ • The work of extending 20th Street from Marine Drive to Ar- gyle Street is proceeding rapid ly. • • • Miss Lorna Thompson of the Hollyburn Post Office, has re turned from a holiday spent at Gambier Island. * * • Mr. and Mrs. Muir of Winni peg. have taken a house at 25th and Bellevue.* * • Mrs. Lloyd Scribner, Bellevue Ave., has left for California where she will remain until Christmas. * * * Mrs. P. C. Steven and Miss Elsie Steven, 22nd and Inglewood have arrived home from a trip to Scotland, where they spent a holiday of several months. * * * Mrs. De Pencier, who has been occupying a house at 23rd and Marine Drive, has returned to the city. * * * Miss S. R. Chalmers of Van couver and Mr. and Mrs. Fessani of Hammond, are guests at "the Clachan." * * * The Hobb Transfer Co. have moved their office on Marine Drive to the store formerly oc cupied by Fred Tite in the lane at the back of the Yates block. * * * Mr. Fulton, 17th and Fulton, is being visited by his brother William from the Interior. * * * The demand for houses still continues, proving that West Vancouver is quite an attractive place to winter in, after all we hear about transportation being such a disadvantage. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Traill have rent ed the Woodley cottage, 26th and Haywood Avenue. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Holt who have been occupying the Millard cot tage, King's Ave., and Mr. and Mrs. Cruickshank the Lynn cot tage, 25th and Bellevue, have re turned to town. * * * The British Columbia Nurseri es are opening a branch nursery in West Vancouver as a distrib uting center for the. North Shore where a large stock of Roses, Fruit trees and Shrubs will be always on hand. Mr. E. S. Gam- age will be in charge. * * * Mr. Charles Anderson, Caul- feild, is leaving shortly to spend some time in California. Stranger: "I represent a soci ety for the suppression of pro fanity. I want to take profanity entirely out of your life and--" Jones: "Hey, Mother, here's a man who wants to buy our car.'" Miss Mildred Ford is leaving on Saturday to spend the next two weeks at Bowen Island.* • • Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Barnden have taken Mr. Maxwell's house, 2438 Marine Drive, and expect to be permanent residents of West Vancouver. * • * Mr. and Mrs. Charles Binns have rented Mrs. Tyerman's cot tage. 1139 Marine Drive. Mr. Binns is on the staff of the Sun newspaper. * * * Byron Ferguson, running for the West Vancouver United Church, secured a place in the finals in the junior boys' 100 yds. 220 and 50 yards races at the Sunday School meet at Brockton Point last Saturday.• * * Business must be rushing at Smith's Grocery. Mr. Smith, the proprietor, has taken on a new assistant. * * * Work has started on the con struction of an addition to Mr. Richardson's house at 24th and Lawson. * * * The Scottish Society is hold ing a meeting tonight (Friday) at "the Clachan." * * * It is expected that the new Inglewood School will be ready for occupation by the High School scholars next Monday. * * * J. Duckworth was called to Victoria on Saturday afternoon owing to the serious illness of his brother who resides there. He left Vancouver with his car on the "Motor Princess" at 5.45 p. m. and was in Victoria by midnight, driving from Nanaimo over the Malahat to the capital. He returned on Tuesday night, his brother having considerably improved. * * * Mrs. M. Bourne of the Butter fly tea rooms, Dundarave, has returned from a week's visit to Duncans and Victoria. * * * Colin Turner, 13th and Hay wood, who has been under the weather for a few days with an attack of "flu," has fully recov ered. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Rowse, 412 46th Street East, Vancouver, has moved from the city to Horse shoe Bay. * * * Mrs. J. A. Matheson, 20th and Marine, entertained a number of friends at her home last Friday evening, dancing, music, and cards being enjoyed by the guests, who were: Mr. and Mrs. Thos. O'Hearn, Mr. and Mrs. Val. O'Grady, Mr. and Mrs. Stronge, Mr. and Mrs. Don. O'Grady, Mrs. O. Handley, Messrs. Nat Gosbee and Pat O'Grady. * * * One of the biggest mining deals in the Edmonton district was consumated last week, when the Lakeside Coals Limited, of Edmonton, purchased the prop erty of the Balkan Coal Comp any, situated south west of Ed- son. The deal was for cash, the price involved being well over $100,000. The new owners in tend to install immediately elec trical and other equipment on the property, and the product on their new holdings, which runs around 400 tons per day, will he available to meet the demand for supplying Vancouver, eastern and other markets. The deal was closed for the purchasers by E. A. McBain, president of Lakeside Coals Limited, and W. W. McBain, managing director, both of whom are sons of Mrs. I'. A. McBain, 29th and Water front. CHEAP FOOD Is very often the MOST EXPENSIVE Cheap foodstuffs are dear at any price. Quality should ho the llrst consideration. You can nlwnys rely upon the quality of our (roods -- and-- our prices are low and reason able hut we never cut quality for price. Buy here and (ret the most real value for your money. Greenwood's GROCERY W est 1 6 Phone your orders. We deliver. People Will Talk I t 's as easy to make a bad name for yourself as it is to make a good one. When people arc pleased with the Laundry they deal with they just keep on telling their friends. And that's exactly why we have so very many thoroughly satisfied customers. The Burrard Laundry Limited For People Who Are Particular THIRD ST. and ST. DAVIDS North Vancouver Phone North 1310. West Van. Representative F. RIVERS Phone West 457Y3. MADE IN B.C. FOR B.C. WEATHER AYRES PAINT is made in B.C. to stand B.C. weather. Customers tell us that it wears so well that once they do a job with AYRES they can forget it for a long time We sell and serve AYRES PAINT. R. SEEDS General Merchants Hardware Paint Marine Drive, Ambleside Phone West 28 IONO-O-TONE 135 Fifteenth Street West NORTH VANCOUVER From 1 to 9 P. M. Mornings by appointment. Phone North I0H2X