Manufacturers* Samples TAPESTRY, SILK, WOOLLENS, and COTTONS Very suitable for Cushion Tops and Fancy Work. Make de lightful Xmas Presents. Dry Goods, Indies' Wear. Children's Garments Men's Furnishings Grigor's Dry Goods Store 1460 Marine Drive West Van Garage TOYS and Orders Taken for NOVELTIES Hemstitching. Order your Bread from Stratton's It is made from the best and purest ingredients that money can buy. Baked to perfection in Hygienic Bak eries. Healthful and nour ishing for every member of the family. Bread. Rolls and Pastries. Phone West 27 and our delivery man will call. STRATTON'S BAKERY Ambleside Tea Room, F a rry W harf WEST VANCOUVER Cam p and Picnic SuppUaa, Tobacco*, ate. THE WestVan News Published Every Friday H. HODGSON and F.F.LOVEGROVE Publishers Phones: West 363 West 412L Business and Editorial Office: 1361 Marine Drive Mail Address: P. O. Box 101, Holly burn, B. C. $1.00 a year by mail or carrier, News stands 5c per copy. ADVERTISING RATES ON APPLICATION St. Stephen's Church Trinity 14 (Sept. 18th) 8 a. m.--Holy Communion. 10 a. m.--Sunday School. 11.15 a. m.--Morning Prayer. 7.15 p. m.--Evensong. The preacher Sunday evening will be the Rev. A. J. Williams, who returned this spring from the diocese of Honan, China, where he was for many years engaged in evangelistic and edu cational work. Mr. Williams was one of the lecturers at the recent Summer School and is able to give a comprehensive ac count of the present situation in China. At the meeting of the Wom en's Auxiliary Tuesday it was decided to hold the annual Har vest Supper in the Ambleside Hall Monday, Sept. 26, following the Harvest Home services of the preceding day. Mrs. A. W. Collinson was appointed secret ary-treasurer for the balance of the year vice Mrs. Shaw, who has left the district, and five new members were welcomed. Despite the inclement weath er there was a very large at tendance of the boys and girls at the Sunday School Rally Day last Sunday morning. With twenty points to their credit St. Stephen's track and field team is leading in the com petition for the Allan Cup, em blematic of the championship for Sunday Schools under 200. First United leads for the Mahon Cup. St. Stephen's points were won as follows:--Phyllis John son, 2nd in Junior Girls Broad Jump; Jim Cornish, 2nd in Juni or Boys Bicycle Race; Phyllis X. Smith, 2nd, E. M. Archer, 3rd in Senior Girls Baseball Throw; Cyril Haworth 3rd in Intermed iate Boys Bicycle Race; Muriel Dawson 1st in Junior Girls Sack Race; Eunice Davis 2nd in Inter mediate Girls Baseball Throw; Hugh Montgomery 3rd in Juv enile Boys Bocycle Race. Next Saturday at 2 p. m. at Brockton Point the finals in forty three additional events PIERCE W. SELWOOI) SUBJECT OF SPECIAL NOTICE IN EASTERN PRESS The Winnipeg Free Press of July 13th carries a picture of Pierce Selwood, nephew of Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Selwood, 23rd and Nelson, who obtained his B.A. at the B. C. University last spring, under the caption "Ath lete and Scholar," and says "The University of British Columbia is proud of "young" Selwood be cause he has proved his worth both as a champion rifleman and a first-class scholar. On two oc casions he was a member of the Canadian Bisley team, the first when he was only 19 years old, and he has now' been chosen from 200 applications for a fellowship in chemistry at the University cf Illinois. Selwood is a member of the Seaforth Highlanders and he has a trunkful of medals, cups and prizes won in rifle shoots." John Gourlay Moe and Ken neth C. Gordon Moe, w'ho attend the Pauline Johnson School, are brothers of Pierce. United Church Sunday School At 10 O'Clock Every Sunday Morning a Bright Children's Service Begins. Parents whose children are not at present in attendance at any Sunday School are specially in vited to take this opportunity of directing their young folk to these services and all responsible for the religious training of their boys and girls will be glad to co operate with the teachers in one or other of the Sunday Schools in the locality. RALLY DAY, SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 25th will be a real Children's Festival when preparation will be made for enrolling new scholars. Arrange for your boys and girls to come along Next Sunday at 10 o'clock. UNITED CHURCH The Women's Missionary So ciety of the United Church will resume their regular monthly meetings on Monday, September 19th, instead of Tuesday, in the church at 2.15 p. m. The speak er will be Mrs. Pentland, of the First United Church, Vancou ver. Baptist Church Rev. David Long, Pastor. Sunday School, 10 a. m. Church Service, 11 a. m. Weekly prayer service each Wednesday at 7.30 p. m. St. Anthony's Church Pastor--Rev. Father Kelly Sunday--Mass, 8.30 a. m. High Mass, 10.30 a. m. Benediction, 7.30 p. m. Week Days--Mass 8 a. m. Little Dorothy Greenwood, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Greenwood, Ambleside, is now back at home after an operation for tonsils and adenoids at St. Paul's Hospital. The operation was quite successful. * * * Mr. D. Snook of Devonshire, England, will preach at the Hol- lyburn Gospel Hall next Sunday. • • * Next Monday night at 8 o'clock in the Canadian Legion rooms the Board of Trade will resume their ipgularl monthly meetings. • • * The Naomi Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, will hold a dance in Hollyburn Pavilion on Friday evening, October 7th. Paint is More Economical than Repairs and MARTIN SENOUR'S 100 . PURE PAINT is the most economical Paint to use "Save the surface and you save FLOOR PAINT PORCH PAINT VARNISII STAIN l>K LI XE ENAMEL PREPARE!) W AX AUTO ENAMEL CANOE ENAMEL MARINE PAINT IRON PAINT CRKO LAC for Shingle* WOOD STAINS PAINT REMOVER SCREEN PAINT STOVE PIPE ENAMEL Hollyburn General Store GROCERIES HARDWARE PAINTS, ETC. (Hooper and Son) 17th and Murine WE DELIVER Phone Wesl 46 We carry in slock a full line itnd in nil aiie*. No matter what you want to paint romp and see ua, we will give you Ihe right paint for the purpose. H. W. WRIGHT BADLY INJURED IN AUTO COLLISION Mr. H. W. Wright. 1298 Gord on Ave., who was injured in an automobile accident last Satur day in Vancouver is lying at his home, and will be compelled to remain in bed for at least four or five wdeks. Mr. Wright's knee cap was fractured in two places, two of his ribs were brok en, and he was badly bruised. E. J. PRATT TO ADDRESS CANADIAN CLUB A meeting of the North Shore Canadian Club will be held on Wednesday, September the 28th, the guest on that occasion being Mr. E. J. Pratt, a well known Canadian Poet, and lecturer at Victoria College, University of Toronto. In accordance with the policy of encouraging the study of Can adian Arts and Literature, the Canadian Club is most fortunate in hearing Mr. Pratt, he having received more serious and more favourable criticism by reviews of Great Britain, Canada and the United States than almost any other Canadian Poet. A Newfoundlander by birth, it is natural that many of his poems reflect the sea-faring en vironment where he passed his youth. The subject of Mr. Pratt's address will be The Cachalot and Other Poems. Those wishing to join the Can adian Club before this meeting are requested to communicate as soo;i as possible with Mr. J. B. Leyland, President of the Club. Mr. and Mrs. John Lowsan, 22nd and Bellevue, spent Wed nesday in Chilliwack. * * * B. C. possesses 95 per cent, of the standing commercial softwoods of the British Empire. LOCAL STUDENTS SUCCESSFUL IN SUPPLEMENTALS The following local scholars were successful in their suppie- mentals at the exams held last month, and have thus passed for matriculation and normal ent rance: Matriculation--Andrew* Reid, Ruth Jackson, Reggie Hamilton. Normal Entrance -- Reggie Hamilton, J. Earley, Grace Knip- fel. Francis Nash, who attends the Christian Brothers College ii\ ̂ Vancouver, was also successful. All the candidates made a very creditable showing. L. O. B. A. At a special meeting held in the home of the Worthy Mistress Turner it was decided to hold a dance on October 6th instead of September 30th as stated last week. W. B. A. The regular meeting of Re view* No. 24 was held on Wed nesday evening, September 14th, in the Ambleside Hall, there be ing a good attendance of mem bers and also several visitors from other reviews. Mrs. Hilda Brown was unani mously elected to the office of Recording Secretary rendered vacant by the resignation of Mrs. Mabon, who is leaving shortly for the old country. It was decided to hold a series of whist drives during the win ter, Mrs. Romans and Mrs. Bur ling having charge of the ar rangements. After the business of the meet ing w*as concluded, the members gathered around the fire and held an impromptu concert. Mrs. Edwards and Mrs. Kidd being the star performers. Tea with delicious cake and sandwiches was served by Mrs. Charlton. WEST VANCOUVER BOARD OF SCHOOL TRUSTEES Night Classes The Board of School Trustees is prepared to institute night classes during the winter months in the following subject :, provided sufficient applications are received: WOODWORKING DRESSMAKING SHORTHAND & TYPEWRITING BOOK-KEEPING BASKETRY MILLINERY A minimum number of ten is required to form a class in any one subject, and all applications for enrollment are to lie in the hands of the Secretary by September 21st. 1927. H. B. GARLAND, Secretary Board of School Trustees.