2 THE WEST VAN NEWS Septem ber 2. 192? Margaret McIntyre Licentiate of the College of Violinists, London (England) T each er o f V iolin and P iano Classes commence September 6 Studio:--20th St. and Gordon Ave. Phone: West 462L MRS. F. X. HODGSON T e a c h e r of Voice Production Song Interpretation and Piano Study with a good accompanist Pupils trained for Concert. Operatic or Church Soloists CLASSES COMMENCE SEPTEMBER 6th Phone West 665R Mrs. F.K. Hodge will resume Music Lessons in V iolin , P ian o fo rte & T h eo ry on September 6th. Phone West 624R. J. M. Morgan P hone W est 173 W EST VANCOUVER T e a c h e r of Voice Production and Singing V A NC OU VER STU D IO P hone S eym our 101 BETTER BREAD W e all w an t the u tm o st in value fo r th e m oney we spend. You ge t full value w hen you buy •S T R A T T O N 'S " Bread. Rolls, and P astr ies . B e tte r th an "H om e-m ade" our custom ers say. Phone W est 27 and our delivery m an w ill call. STRATTON'S BAKERY Ambleside Tea Rooms Forry Wharf WEST VANCOUVER Camp and Picnic Supplies, Tobaccos, ate. W EST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society CHURCH E D IF IC E 20th and Kaquimnlt, Hollyburn S unday Service a t 11.30 a. m. Subject September 4th "MAN" Sunday School a t 10.00 a. m. Testim ony M eeting every W ed nesday a t 8.16 p. m. H. PERRIN, r . o . OPTO M ETR IST and O PTIC IA N W ednesdays from 2 p. m. E very Evening from 7 p. m. Royal Bank Bldg. Hollyburn Business and E ditorial O ffice: 1361 M arine Drive Mail A ddress: P. O. Box 101, H ollyburn. B. C. Trouble Saving Ideas Turpentine is excellent for cleaning porcelain baths and en- amelware. Mahogany can be cleaned with a mixture of vinegar and water. To prevent splashing when frying, place a piece of bread in the pan and fry it at the same time . Melted butter makes an excel lent substitute for olive oil in salad dressing. If you brush your teeth and rub the gums once a week with salt moistened with lemon juice, you will avoid deposits of tartar and softening of the gums. The quickest way to clean sil ver is to apply a little methylat ed spirit. When quite dry, pol ish with a soft rag. When a cake sticks to a tin, stand it over a vessel containing boiling water. The heat will loosen the cake, which can then be removed without breaking. If you have beetles in the scul lery, sprinkle the floor around the holes with a mixture of sugar and soda. To freshen an old sponge, soak it for two hours in two pints of water in which has been dissolv ed half an ounce of oxalic acid. Mix a little ammonia with the beeswax and turpentine used for floor polishing. The wax will then dissolve quickly. You will never taste the drip ping in a cake if a few drops of lemon juice are squeezed on it before it is creamed with the sugar. Scrubbing brushes w'ill last twice as long if they are given an occasional wash in a strong solution of salt and water and al lowed to dry in the open air. Varnished walls require care ful treatment when they are washed. A little liquid ammonia should be used with warm water and an old chamois leather. Do not dry in the ordinary way with a cloth, but use the leather as much as possible. HOLLYBURN HALL Cor. 14th and Duclmcss Sunday 7.30 SPECIAL ADDRESS by Nr. John Wilson Late o( Glasgow Come and hear this gifted young speaker St. Stephen's Church 8 a. m.--Holy Communion. 10 a. m.--Sunday School. 11:15 a. m.--Holy Communion 7:15 p. m.--Evensong. As this is the centenary of the publication of one of the great est books of religious poetry in the English language, "The Christian Year," by John Keble, the hymns of Keble will be sung at the evening service and the rector will deal with their teach ing and the life of their author in his sermon. The receipt of an anonymous contribution of $10 towards church expenses is gratefully acknowledged. Baptist Church Rev. David Long, Pastor. St. Anthony's Church Pastor--Rev. Father Kelly Sunday--Mass, 8.30 a. m. High Mass, 10.30 a. m. Benediction, 7.30 p. m. Week Days--Mass 8 a. m. MISS PHILIP AT HOME Miss Philip, who is opening a school for girls and a kindergar ten at 23rd and Bellevue, will be at home to pupils and parents to morrow (Saturday) afternoon at the above address. T H E West Van News Published E very F riday H. HODGSON and F . F .LOV EGROV E Publishers Phones: West 363 West 412L $1.00 a y ea r by m ail o r c a rrie r , News s tands 5c per copy. AD V ERTISIN G RA TES ON A PPLICA TIO N Going to School? Get your SCRIBBLERS, PENCILS, and other SCHOOL REQUIREMENTS AT Grigor's Dry Goods Store 1460 Marine Drive » .„ 0S r.£ Everything in DRY GOODS. LADIES, CHILDREN'S and MEN'S WEAK Toys and Novelties Orders taken for Hemstitching There's Paint and Paint, but only one quality here- the best. We absolutely guarantee Martin-Senour's 100°|» PURE PAINT It is the Most Economical Paint to use. covers the most surface, and gives the most lasting results. There's a Martin Senour 100'. Pure Paint for every purpose. Inside the house or outside the house, for the Furniture or the Floor. LET US FIGURE ON YOUR PAINT NEEDS ENAMELS -- STAINS -- PAINTING SUPPLIES Hollyburn General Store GROCERIES 17th and Marine HARDWARE (Hooper and Son) WE DELIVER I'AINTS. ETC. Phone West 16 >(i;u;a;ffiii)QD® a;Da>© axM XM Xlww>axi>M >(lxlXDfK>aaxDaOT® tEm m c,,circre<rwQuyaJCXM XD< ji P E R S O N A L S Sunday School, 10 a. m. Church Service, 11 a. m. Weekly prayer service each Wednesday at 7.30 p. m. The last Tennis Club Dance of the season will be held next Fri day, September 10th, in the Hol lyburn Pavilion. J. Y. Cameron of Hollyburn, has taken the Gunn house on Haywood Avenue, between 23rd and 24th Streets. * * * Altamont School conducted by Miss E. McBain at 29th and Waterfront, will re-open for the fall term on September 8th. The curriculum of the school extends from Kindergarten work to Grade III. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Sayers, 25th and Bellevue, who have been sum mering here, have returned to Vancouver. * * * Kenneth R. Tederington and Bill Kierstead caught more than 70 Alaskan Black Cod just out from Dundarave Pier, in two hours 'fishing last Monday. * * * Rev. A. M. and Mrs. O'Donnell and family arrived home today from Sherbrooke, P.Q. Mr. O'Donnell expects to take the services next Sunday at the Un ited Church. * * * Mrs. Thos. Dick, Lawson Ave., gave a tea Tuesday afternoon in honor of her nieces, the Misses Betty and Kathleen Lawson of Hamilton, Ontario. * * * Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Anderson, Cypress Park, has rented the Nelson house on Marine Drive between 22nd and 23rd Streets. * * * Mr. and Mrs. A. Houghton, 30th and Marine Drive, have re turned from a month's visit to Qualicum Beach.* * ♦ Mr. Mitchell, the new High School teacher, has arrived and has taken Mrs. A. M. Powell's house at 22nd and Marine. Mrs. Mitchell and her child will arrive here tomorrow week. * * * Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Brealey and family, 13th and Fulton, have returned from an extended visit to White Rock. * * * Rex, the son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Rhodes, 18th and Waterfront, is confined to his home through sickness. * * * Ii. C. Proctor, 30th and Water front, has returned from his summer home at Qualicum Beach. * • • Mrs. F. X. Hodgson, one of the outstanding musical artists of West Vancouver, announces the re-openin gof her classes for next Tuesday. Mrs. Hodgson teaches singing and voice production. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd, of Belling ham have rented the Walker hous eat 24th and Mathers. * * * Miss Betty Parkyn, of Point Grey, is visiting Miss J. Parkyn, 26th and Lawson. * * * Mrs. Kerslake has taken Mrs. W. Millard's house at 25th and Lawson. | * * * i Mr. Camp has taken one of II. A. Hodgson's houses at 24th and Haywood, for the winter. * * * D. C. Ritchie, 28th and Belle vue, is building a house at 30th and Mathers. * * * Mrs. W. Millard and Miss Ethel Millard, Mathers Ave., have returned from a five days' trip to Seattle. * * * Mr. Hugh May and his sister, Mrs. J. Clarke, formerly living at 18th and Fulton, have moved to their new home 1209 Duchess Street. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Alec Walker of Vancouver, who at one time lived here at 22nd and Fulton, are visiting their friends, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Barnott, 23rd and Jefferson. * * * Douglas Watt, son of Council lor and Mrs. J. T. Watt, whose arm was badly broken in a traf fic accident, returned home from the hospital last week. Though he has seemingly made good progress, it will, it is thought, be necessary to have the arm reset. * ♦ * The Dominion inspector of weights and measures was in West Vancouver this week on an inspection trip. * * * R. W. Brewis is visiting friends in Altamont for a few days. DOUGLAS--TONDU Miss Cecilia Tondu, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Tondu of Wainwright, Alberta, was married recently to Mr. Robert A. Douglas, eldest son of MM and Mrs. A. Douglas, West Van couver. Rev. Richmond Craig officiated. The honyemoon will be spent in the South, and on their return the happy couple will take up their residence in Vancouver.