West Van. News (West Vancouver), 19 Aug 1927, p. 6

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6 THE WEST VAN NEWS August 10, 1927. Lesagehasit Drug Specials FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Lots of other Specials on Pape I of every Thursday's Province under advt. "CUT RATE DRUGS." $1.00 COTY'S POWDER 50c $1.00 GILLETTES BLADES 62c $1.00 THERMOMETERS 49c 75c RUBBING ALCOHOL 31c 75c PARISHES FOOD 49c $1.00 LISTER1NE 79c 50c COLGATES TOOTH PASTE 45c 60c PEPSODENT 39c $1.00 EAU DE QUININE 59c 40c CASTOR IA 33c 50c POND'S CREAM 32c $1.76 FOUNTAIN SYRINGE 97c 50c GLYCERINE AND R. WATER 29c 50c ZAM-BI K 35c Developing and Printing. Sun Visors and Bathing Caps. Lesage Drug Store North Side Marine, near 14 th We deliver anywhere. No Order is too small W E S T 3 2 3 We give Trade Discount Receipts. Save the Coupons. Lesagehasit Serving Vou O k FREIGHT BRAKEMAN Convoy of your fruit and produce, at work while the city sleeps, he is at the service of the public. B&mSH CfflUMBM EtECTBICfirnWHY Ca VANCOUVER y & y VICTORIA ^ wr Weather Foocj MILK--day in and day out, yes-- but especially good for days when heavy food would lessen energy and cause fatigue. Be sure it's Fraser Valley--for Safety. 9 Quarts for S1.00 FRASER VALLEY MILK NORTH 122 RKBWHWSKKKRI Mr. and Mrs, J. Sweeney of Vancouver, have moved inti* * their new bungalow at 11th street between Duchess and Es­ quimau. • • • Mr. and Mrs. W. McQuaker re­ turned last Monday from a two week's visit to Vancouver Island. Travelling by auto they spent most of their time in the nor them part of the island. • * • Mrs. W. H. Morrow and Mrs. Arthur Christie from West Point Grey have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell, 24:18 Marine Drive, for a few days. • * • Mr. and Mrs. E. Harrison, 17th and Haywood, have re­ turned from a vacation spent at Bellfhgham. * • * Miss Betty* Toye, a nurse on the staff of the Essondale Hos­ pital, on Saturday had the mis­ fortune to break four ribs when she slipped and fell on the ver­ andah steps of Mrs. B. M. Grady's residence at 24th and Waterfront. * * * Miss C. Howell and Miss A. Howell of Seattle are holidaying at their home in West V a n c o u ­ ver. • * * Mrs. M. E. Johnson and Miss Elizabeth Archibald, who have been spending the summer in West Vancouver, have returned to the city and have taken up residence at 18 Stadacona Apart­ ments, 601 Bute street. * * * Jacob Stern, of the Butterfly House, West Bay, found on Sat­ urday a purse in the Women's Building at the Exhibition. He restored the purse to the owner, William Martin, driver for the I. X. L. Laundry, who was ex­ tremely grateful, as it contained $100 and his week's wages. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Cole, Sr., of the city, spent last week end with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Sewell, 29th and Marine Drive. * * * Mr. and Mrs. McBride, of the city, have movew into a house at 17th and Duchess. * * * A. Woodward, of Denver, Colorado, is staying for a few days with Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Thompson, 21st and Bellevue. Mr. Woodward, who is on his way to the Old Country, is an old resident of West Vancouver, having lived here from 1910 to 1914. He is much impressed with the tremendous growth that has taken place in the mun­ icipality since he left here. * * * Buy Exhibition Tickets Here The sale of exhibition tickets at Gemmill's Drug Store has far exceeded expectations, and it is hoped that at least one of the prizes will come to West Van­ couver. Those attending the ex­ hibition tonight or tomorrow should buy their tickets here and save the rush at the exhibition gates. WEST VAN BATTERY S ER V IC E (G. E. LESHURE, Prop.) AUTO and RADIO BATTERIES Recharged and Re-built In Yates' New Stores Next Door to The West Van Oil Service Phone West 130 Mrs. E. Anderson. 14th and Gordon, has returned from a holiday spent at Harrison Hot Springs. • • • Mrs. Edgeley, 20th street, is holidaying at Kew Bench. • • « H. Burns, of Vancouver, whilst driving west on Marine Dr. early Tuesday morning, got off the highway while trying to nvo d another car going east at the bend in Marine Drive at 23id street. His ear struck the fence, which was demolished, and land­ ed on its wheels in the ditch at right angles to the Drive. Mr. Burns was not hurt, hut the body of his car was badly dam­ aged. • * • II. W. Jones has bought Mrs. Kerr's cottage at Esquimnlt, near 13th. • • • Mr. and Mrs. William Scott of Vancouver, have taken a cottage at 13th and Waterfront.* * * The salmon fishing is good, and a number of anglers were successful over the week end. J. Hamilton, 832 Main street, Vancouver, on Sunday, caught a salmon weighing 22 1-2 lbs. while fishing between Holly burn and Ambleside Piers. This is the second largest salmon cap­ tured this year in West Van­ couver, and is one of the two that the rest of us just missed. 'MOONLIGHT' TO BELCARRA PARK The Sons of England will hold a moonlight excursion to Bel- carra Park next Wednesday, Au­ gust 24. The boat leaves Gore avenue wharf at 7:45 p.m. There will be a band to dispense mu­ sic during the cruise and danc­ ing will be enjoyed in the Pavil­ ion at Belcarra Park. Tickets may be obtained from C. Wad- dingham, West 121L. TENNIS West Van Tennis Club Win in League Games. West Vancouver defeated Ro­ tary six matches to three in the men's division of the Mainland Tennis League on Saturday af­ ternoon, while Marpole were successful against Fairmont, 5 to 3, in the mixed division. Fal­ lowing are the detailed scores: Men's Division Harnet and Graham (Rotary) lost to Davenport and Jaffary, 6-3, 3-6, 1-6; beat Foster and McArthur, 6-3, 3-6, 6-3; lost to Gray and Drysdale, 4-6, 6-4, 4-6. Lyford and Binnie (Rotary) beat Davenport and Jaffary, 6-3, 3-6, 6-3; beat Foster and McAr­ thur, 4-6, 7-5, 6-2; lost to Gray and Drysdale, 6-3, 3-6, 4-6. McLeod and Kemp (Rotary) lost to Davenport and JafTary, 6-3, 0-6, 3-6 ; lost to Foster and McArthur, 5-7, 2-6; lost to Gray and Drysdale, 2-6, 4-6. NEW STEPS to ALTAMONT PARK The entrance to Altamont Park and Beach has been much improved by the construction of new steps.at the south-east cor­ ner. There is now a good en­ trance from Park Lane with plenty of room for auto parking. It is not now necessary to make a direct crossing of the railway track at 29th street. The new steps will be a great convenience to users of the beach at this point. We would suggest that the council have a sign erected on Marine Drive advertising the approach to Altamont Park, which seems to be very little known to our residents. Death of William Millard The death of William Millard occurred in his 56th year on Friday at his home on Mathers avenue after a lingering illness. Mr. Millard was very Well known in West Vancouver, having come here 16 years ago from England. He was one of the first members of St. Stephen's Church, having been a member of the first church committee, and had tak­ en a very active part in St. Ste­ phen's affairs ever since. The funeral, which was in charge of llarron Brothers and William* ^ son, took place at 2:30 p.m. Mon­ day at St. Stephen's Church, and interment was made in West Vancouver cemetery. Rev. A. Harding Priest officiating. The pallbearers were W. J. Wenmath, R. Ford, Claud Barrow, G. Hawkes, T. Rosseau, H. Wal­ ker. He leaves to mourn his loss his widow and one daughter. Ethel, at home; four brothers, Charles of South Vancouver, Harry of Saskatchewan, Oliver and James of England, also four sisters, Sue, Elizabeth, Nan, and Fanny, all residing in the Old Country. A letter was received by the council from T. P. Clark, 19th and Mathers, that at 5 a. m. on Thursday week he drove a Ger­ man police dog off his premises which was trying to dig his way into his hencoop. The matter was referred to the police com­ missioners. Examinations in Life Saving To Be Held Wednesday The Royal Life Saving Society is holding two examinations next Wednesday at 2 p.m. at Dundarave Pier, one for element- ^ ary certificates and the other ^ for the efficiency medallion cer­ tificates. Mrs. B. Cuthbert of West Vancouver has been con­ ducting life saving classes since the beginning of July and her pupils have made good progress. "Is your wife a good cook?" "I should say so. You should come over some time when she's roasting the janitor."* * # The aging young thing was saying her prayers. "Dear Lord," she cooed, "I didn't ask for anything for myself only give mother a son-in-law."* + * Formerly a young man pro­ posed to a young lady on his knees. He still does. The only difference is, then he was on them, now she is. WATER NOTICE (Use iind Storage) TAKE NOTICE that HOOD POINT ESTATES, LIMITED, whose address is 303 Rogers Building, 470 Granville Street, Vancouver, B. C., will apply for a licence to take and use 100,000 gal­ lons per day and to store Thirty acre- feet of water out of an Unnamed Stream flowing out of what is locally known as "Honeymoon Lake" which flows North-westerly and drains into Grafton Bay, Ilowe Sound, about % Mile Northerly from South-west cor­ ner Lot 2958; Group 1, N.W.D. on North side of Bowen Island. The storage-dam will be located at the West End of Honeymoon Lake. The capacity of the reservoir to bo created is about Thirty ucrc-feet, and it will flood about Eight acres of land. The water will be diverted from the stream at a point ubout 1000 feet ^ north-westerly from Intersection of East boundary of Lot 2057, G. 1, (and North boundary of Lot 1074, G. 1.) and will be used for Domestic purpose upon the Land described at Lots 823 and 2210; Group 1; New Westminster District, Bowen Island. This notice was posted on the ground on the 20th day of July, 1927. A copy of this notice and an appli­ cation pursuant thereto nnd to the "Water Act" will be Hied in the office of the Water Recorder at Vancouver, British Columbia. Objections to the application may be filed with the said Water Recorder or with the Comptroller of Water Rights, Parliament Buildings, Vic­ toria, B. C., within thirty days after the first appearance of this notice in u local newspaper. HOOD POINT ESTATES, LIMITED, Applicant. By J. Alex. Walker, Agent.