West Van. News (West Vancouver), 19 Aug 1927, p. 5

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August 19, 1927. THE WEST VAN NEWS 5 Miss Nellie Stevenson of "The Clachan," is leaving here with friends in a few days for Se­ attle, going by boat and return­ ing by auto. * * * E. A. McBain, of the Lakeside Coal Co., Edmonton, /Alberta, who has been visiting his moth­ er, Mrs. P. A. McBain, 29th and Waterfront, for a few days, left for home on Monday. * * * Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Innes-ICer, 2165 Esquimalt avenue, returned on Monday evening from an ex­ tended motor trip to Los Ange­ les and other points in South­ ern California. * * * Miss Philip of North Van­ couver has rented Mrs. W. Gour- lay's house at 23rd and Bellevue. * * * Mr. and Mrs. McCall, who have been away on a vacation, have returned to their home at 17th and Duchess. * * * Mr. and Mrs. James Duncan, of Vancouver, returned to the city on Wednesday after spend­ ing a two-weeks' holiday at a house they rented at 25th and Kings. * * * Charlie Lauder, son of Mr. Lauder, 21st and Haywood, fell down the back steps of his home on Saturday and sustained a fracture of his left arm. * • * Mrs. A. Hampson and family, 20th and Fulton, have returned from their summer home at Sel­ ma Park, where they have been spending a vacation. * * ♦ Mrs. J. G. Roberts and son, Jack, who have been paying an extended visit to Mrs. Robert's mother, Mrs. P. A. McBain, 29lh and Waterfront, left on Monday to return to their home in Ed­ monton, Alberta. * * * Mrs. Bohill, Mrs. W. R. John­ ston, and Miss Maisie McNaught, all of Vancouver, are guests at "The Clachan." * * * Miss Elsie Harrison, of the local B. C. Telephone staff, has returned from a holiday spent at Lummi Island. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Downey and family, 23rd and Fulton, have left for Gull Lake, Sask­ atchewan. Their nephew, Eddie Downey, accompanied them. * * * An accident occurred at Caul- feild on Monday, when a car stal­ led on the hill and then went backwards, finally turning over in the ditch. The driver was unhurt and no damage was done to the car. The service car of the Marine Motors pulled the car out of the ditch and put it on the road. * * * Mrs. Petti and family, 17th and Gordon, left on Monday lor England. On Sunday a large Studebak- er car driven by a Vancouver resident, went into the ditch on Marine Drive, and a similar ac­ cident befell a city autoist on the Drive at Balmy Beach the same day. None of the occu­ pants were hurt, and the cars, which were only slightly dam­ aged, were towed to the Mar­ ine Motors' garage by their ser­ vice car and repaired there. * * * Mr. and Mrs. James Holt, Marine Drive, at Ambleside, re­ turned on Sunday from a week's fishing and camping trip in the Cariboo and Lillooet country, making the trip by motor. * * * J. W. Lynn, the postmaster at Hollyburn, left on Saturday for a trip to Alaska. During his absence his brother, Oscar, is in charge of the post office. * * * Mrs. James Jefferies and fam­ ily, Marine Drive at Hollyburn, have returned from Bowen Is­ land, where they have been spending a holiday. * * * Percy Wheelwright, son of Mrs. E. W. Wheelwright, Capi- lano, on Sunday, cut his hand seriously with an axe while chopping wood. Pearce's Drygoods 14th Street and Marine Drive Phone West 144 END OF SEASON SALE STARTING SATURDAY AUG. 20th, to AUG 27th. Spun Silk Dresses, our regular $5.95 quality.... Sale $4.75. each Children's Stockings in Black and Brown (broken sizes) Regular 49c pair ........................................ Sale 25c Pair Cutie Sox, all sizes, assorted colors, regular 35c pair ............................. Sale 25c Pair Girls' S/i Hose in colors of Airedale and White, fancy tops, .............................Sale 39c Pair EXTRA SPECIAL LADIES ART SILK HOSE in 10 wanted colors Our Regular 50c pair..............Sale 2 pairs for 75c Ladies Vests, Sale Price from.................................... 25c Each Ladies Bloomers, Sale Price from............................. 35c Pair Dimity Princess Slips, white and colors, Regular 85c each Sale 55c 25'/ Off Oiled Sunshades, Bathing Suits, Fancy Towels and Children's Overalls. See Our Windows for Other Bargains The Old Fashioned DRUG STORE built its suc­ cess on one thing in partic­ ular--and that was a quali­ fied Pharmacist, who manu­ factured and dispensed the remedies prescribed by the doctor. This Drug Store is old- fashioned in this particular. Your Prescriptions are dispensed by a qualified Pharmacist of experience: only fresh, pure drugs are used; and they are filled ex­ actly as your Doctor orders. Phone West 37 and we will send for your prescrip­ tion and deliver it immedi­ ately. WEST VAN PHARMACY Night Calls -- Emergency only--West 321. Mrs. J. Schofield of Montreal, and her sister-in-law, Mrs. Isa­ bella Schofield of Brandon, Man­ itoba, made a short visit this week to West Vancouver, staying overnight with Mrs. Schofield's cousin, Mrs. Harry Hodgson. * * * Miss Dorothy Pound of \ an- couver, who has been visiting Miss Catherine Harrison, Caul- feild, has returned to the city. * * * Mrs. A. B. MacLean, 13th and Fulton, who was a patient at the North Vancouver Hospital for some time, was taken to the Van­ couver General Hospital a few days ago, and underwent an op­ eration last Wednesday. She is getting along fairly well, but will, we understand, have to undergo another operation some time in the near future. * * * Lome E. Mackenzie, managing director of the North Shore Mot­ ors Ltd., is spending the summer with his family at West Bay. Last Sunday Mr. Mackenzie went fishing and landed a 12 lb. sal. mon. Mr. Mackenzie has, we understand, recently bought a lot in West Vancouver, which is an ideal residential site. * * * Three Dozen Oranges for 60 cents at Roberts' Meat Market on Saturday. This item was omitted from their regular ad­ vertisement appearing on Page 8. JACK STRATTON WINS BASEBALL MITT The baseball mitt donated by the Lesage Drug Store to the member of the West Vancouver Senior Baseball team making the most home runs was won by Jack Stratton. BIG SHOOT SCHEDULED FOR NEXT WEEK-END The week-end shoot at the Scenic Highway Gun Club traps will be attended by many shoot­ ers from the Vancouver Gun Club and a number of visiting American trapmen. The pro­ gramme follows. Four events, 25 birds, entrance $2.00 including targets; money division, $1.00 per entry; op­ tional, $2.50. Twelve pairs doubles; entrance $2.00; money division, $1.00 per entry; optional, $2.00. Emanation of added money: For instance, if there are thirty shooters, the money to be divid­ ed would amount to $30.00 each event to be divided four, three, two one. Optional divided 50, 30, 20. Targets trapped at 4c each. Entries for targets only will be welcome. For high and low aggregate trophies will be provided by the club on first four events. Dominion, Western and Rem­ ington shells for sale, and re­ freshments will be served on the grounds by the Ladies Auxiliary. Shooting will commence at 1 p.m. sharp. Support this Local Industry and get B etter Gas ! Fill up your tank with Northern Light P. Q. Gas, Boost this local industry and watch it grow! P. Q. is 100 per cent gasoline--it is crystal clear, absolutely pure gas, every foreign atom having been removed. It gives more power and is free from corrosive sulphur compounds. Give P. Q. the power and mile­ age test--watch for the P. Q. sign and pump, and fill up. NORTHERN LIGHT P.Q. GAS Produced in. North Vancouver by the VANCOUVER OIL CO. LTD. An All-British Columbia Concern. FILL UP AT THESE STATIONS WEST VANCOUVER-- Ed Black, 25th Ave. and Marine Drive. West Vancouver Garage, Ambleside. NORTH VANCOUVER-- Foreman's Garage, Esplanade East Lonsdale Motors, 15th and Lonsdale North Shore Garage, 1st Street West Reliable Service Station, 3rd Street and Forbes Avenue. SECOND NARROWS-- Burrard Service Station, 2nd Narrows Bridge. T. W A L S H Painting in all its branches Phone-: West 604-0 Clachan Hotel PITMAN BUSINESS COLLEGE DAY and NIGHT SCHOOL You will receive intensive indi­ vidual training. 4 2 2 Richards St. Phone Sey. 9135. Cor. Hastings • LADIES HAIRCUTTING and SHINGLING, any Style HOLLYBURN BARBER SHOP 25 years experience WM. NEWBY Prop. Pearce's Drygoods 14th and M arine Phone W est 1 4 4 Window Blinds and Awnings E S T IM A T E S F R E E Lumber and Building Materials Sash and Doors, Veneers, Plaster & Plaster Board, \ t Shingles and Roofing, '2 ^ * ^ Sand, Gravel, V ^ Brick Cement Ce< on a GRADE, SERVICE AND QUALITY GUARANTEED 154 Esplanade W. Phone North 207-212