West Van. News (West Vancouver), 19 Aug 1927, p. 2

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2 THE WEST VAN NEWS August 19, 1927. DUNDARAVE REGATTA GREAT SUCCESS Aquatic Events Keenly Contested at Annual Regatta. West Vancouver's eleventh an­ nual gala took place Saturday when a record crowd thronged every vantage point and despite the fact that considerably in­ creased seating accommodation had been provided by use of a large scow, numbers could only secure standing room. For the first time all compet­ itors were West Vancouver resi­ dents and the swimming and diving events were of the high­ est calibre. The log-rolling contest furn­ ished many thrills and was keen­ ly contested. Sergeant Parsons and Constable Duggan and mem­ bers of the Royal Life Saving Society (the latter in the role of clowns) gave exhibitions of life saving, both serious and humor­ ous. Visiting officials included Messrs. E. E. Hand. Aid. E. W. Dean and F. Burrows, as referee and judges, respectively, who SCHOOLS with an efficient committee, ran the program off without delay. Reeve V. V. Vinson opened the gala and Mrs. V. V. Vinson pre­ sented the prizes. Results 50 yards swim, boys under 1 1 --Val Austin, Gordon Ashe. Time ..'17 4-5. 50 yards swim, girls under 14 --Peggy Martin, Betty Holds worth. Time 45 sec. 50 yards swim, boys under 16 --Jim Duffery, Cyril Haworth. Time .35 4-5. 100 yards swim, men's open-- Stan Strong, Bert Hawkes. Time 1.19 4-5. 25 yards swim, boys under 11 --Jim Foster, Frank Hodgson. Time .20 4-5. 25 yards swim, girls under 11 --Edith White, Loraine Austin. Time .19. 25 yards swim, boys under 12 --Shirley Griffin, Jim Foster. Time .17 4-5. 25 yards swim, girls under 12 --W. Donaldson. Edith White. Time .18 3-5. 50 yards swim, ladies' open-- Mary Field. Lena Clampitt. Time .36. 50 yards swim, girls under 16 --Lena Clampitt, Nancy Hewitt. Time .38 3-5. Log Rolling Contest--G. Hold­ en, W. Lacoste. Quarter Mile Sculling Race-- P. Wilson, O. Falconer. 200 yards swim, men's open-- R. Wilson, R. Gillespie. Time 2.44 3-5. 50 yards swim, boys under 16 --Jim Duffery, Edgar Haw Time .36 4-5. 50 yards swim, girls under 16 --Lena Clampitt, Nancy Hewitt- Time .39. Diving, boys under 14--Val. Austin, Hugh Montgomery. Diving, girls under 15--Edith White, Peggy Hartin. Diving, men's open -- Jack Stratton, Bert Hawkes. Diving, ladies' open -- Molly Edwards, Mary Field. 50 yards swim, men's open -- Les Hays, Tlios. Bennett. Time .28 4-5. Mixed doubles, canoe -- John Wickson and D. Parkes, Mr. and Mrs. H. McLeod. 50 yards swim, ladies' open -- Mary Field, Lena Clampitt. Time .35. 200 yards relay, mixed team-- Les Hay' team, Bruce Hays' team. Time 2.04 1-5. Greasy Pole--Harry Wright I. O. D. E. The garden fete to be held under the auspices of the Dun­ can I awson Chapter in the grounds of Councillor J. B. Ley- land's residence on Saturday, August 27th, will be opened by Mrs. A. U. De Pencier, wife of Archbishop De Pencier. Amuse­ ments have been provided for men, and Mrs. Griesdale is put­ ting on a special attraction. Mrs. T. Garland has been added to the gate committee. Grigor's Dry Goods Store 1460 Marine Drive W » ° E £ : For Ladies' and Children's Wear, Men's Furnishings and Work Garments --All of High Grade Quality Toys and Novelties MOST REASONABLY PRICED WEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society C'llltRCH EDIFICE 20th and Esquimau, llollyburn Sunday Service at 11.30 a.m. Subject August 21st -MIND" Sunday School at 10.00 a. m. Testimony Meeting every Wed­ nesday at 8.15 p. m. St. Stephen's Church Trinity 10 (August 21st). 8 n.m.--Holy Communion. 10 a.ni.--Sunday School. 11:15 a.m.--Morning Prayer. 4 p.m.--Holy Baptism. 7:15 p.m.--Evensong. The rector will preach at the morning service and in the eve­ ning the speaker will be Mr. K. L. Lindsay of London, England. Mr. Lindsay, a former president of the Oxford Union and now chairman of the Board of Guard­ ians of the Borough of Stepney, is a social worker of wide experi­ ence and can speak with sym­ pathy and clear understanding of conditions in England today. The sendee at Caulfeild will be held at 11:15 a.m. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. M. MacDonald. The final camp of the 1927 sea­ son for mothers and little chil­ dren opens next Monday at Long Bay, Gambier Island. United Church Preacher: Rev. W. W. McPher­ son, B.D., of Westminster Church, Saskatoon. 11:15 a. m.--What is True Re­ ligion? 7:15 p.m.--The Christ of the Indian Road--Dr. E. Stanley Jones. Can Christianity be disting­ uished from our western civiliza­ tion or ecclesiastical systems? What is there about Christi­ anity that is lacking in other re­ ligious systems? Is Christianity bigger than our Empire? Is it a rare thing to meet a man who reminds us of Christ ? How may Christianity become real in our social life? Some such questions will be discussed at the evening service. Soloist at both services: Mrs. A. M. Gibb, Saskatoon. Baptist Church Rev. David Long, Pastor. Sunday School, 10 a. m. Church Service, 11 a. m. Weekly prayer service each Wednesday at 7.30 p. m. St. Anthony's Church Pastor--Rev. Father Kelly Sunday--Mass, 8.30 a. m. High Mass, 10.30 a. m. Benediction, 7.30 p. m. Week Days--Mass 8 a. m. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. W. Millard and her daughter Ethel, extend their heartfelt thanks to employees of Burrard Drydock, Mr. Andrev. Wallace, officers and members of L.O.O.M. No. 888, the ladies of Whytecliff, the Rev. A. H. and Mrs. Priest, and all kind friends who helped during the illness and who expressed their sympathetic* either with kind letters of condolence or fluial tributes during their recent nud bereavement of a loving hus­ band and father. PAINT! Preserve the building and at the same time make it more valuable. Whether it he the inside of the house or the outside, the auto or the furniture, the floor or the walls, we have a special paint for the purpose. M A R T IN - S E N 0 U R S 100'. PURE PAINT and VARNISHES Buy it from Hollyburn General Store (Hooper and Son) 17th and Marine WE DELIVER Phone West 46 Groceries - Hardware Paints&PaintingSuppIies The Chestnut Tree An old darky got up one night at a revival meeting and snid: "Brud- ders an' sisters, you knows an' I knows dnt I ain't been what I oughter been. Ise robbed henroosts, nn' stole hawgs, an' tole lies, an' got drunk, an' slashed folks with mah razor, an' shot craps, an' cussed an' swore; but I thank the Lord dey's one thing I ain't nebber done: I ain't ebber lost mah religion."--American Odd Fellow. "When I was a little boy," Lieuten­ ant Bruce addressed his men, "I had a set of wooden soldiers. One day I lost those soldiers and cried very much. But my mother said, 'Never mind, Tom. some day you will get your wooden soldiers back.' And be­ lieve me, you wooden-headed dumb­ bells, that day has come!"--Pathfind­ er. Needed Spiritual Aid "Rastus," said the Negro minister, "dis am de fust time I ever saw yoh in church. I'm mighty glad to have yoh come heah." "Pahson," answered the Negro, "Ah kinda hadda come. Ah needed strengthenin', 'cos Ah gotto job white- washin' a chicken coop an' buildin' a fence 'round a watermelon patch." --Western Canada Odd Fellow. Cautious Sanitarian Tommy, who had no great love for soap and water, was observed by his mother washing the fore linger of his right hand. "What's the idea of wash­ ing only one finger?" she inquired. "The boy next door has asked me to come over and feel his baby sister's new tooth," explained Tommy.--Bost­ on Transcript. Dad's Advice My dad used to say, in a fatherly way, "It's fine to have friends and to use them, But remember, my lad, if you ever get mad, Whatever you do, don't abuse them" " 'Tis nature," said he, "we can't all agree, And we're often too keen in con­ tending That we're correct, and we lack the respect That we all should be free in ex­ tending. "Opinions are mixed, so don't become fixed On one and continue to ride it In argument, too, don't hold to the view That you are the one to decide it. "In this or in that, you should never stand pat, For the world and its people nre changing. Perhaps all you say was true yester­ day. But tomorrow muy need rearranging "You should never delight in claiming you're right, When by all your friends you're forsaken; When it's over and past, you may find out at last, It was you who was really mistaken. 'Twas a pretty good slice of whole­ some advice, And I've often times found there's much to it; I would profit, no doubt, if I'd follow it out, But the fact is, I don't always do it. --Frank Carleton Nelson. BETTER BREAD We all want the utmost in vnluo for the money we spend. You get full vnlue when you buy "STRATTON'S" Bread, Rolls, and Pastries. Better than "Home-made" our customers soy. Phone West 27 and our delivery man will call. S T R A T T O N 'S B A K E R Y THE West Van News Published Every Friday H. HODGSON and F. F. LOVEGROVE Publishers P h o n es: West 363 West 412L Business and Editorial Office: 1361 Marine Drive Mail Address: P. O. Box 101. Hollyburn, B. C. $1.00 a year by mail or carrier, News­ stands 5c per copy. ADVERTISING RATES ON APPLICATION