6 THE WEST VAN NEWS August u. 192T. Lesagehasit Kodak Days-- are here, stock up with films for the beach, in the garden, and at camp.... If we have your films by 10 o'clock at night you have the prints at 7 o'clock the next night. Friday and Saturday Specials Watch for complete list of specials appearing in THURS DAY NIGHTS PROVINCE EVERY WEEK--Page 4. Here are a few: 50c Zam Buk 32c S i.25 E n o s ........................................ 98* 25c F rench C leaner 17c 76c P e tro la tu m 19c 1 lb. Absorbent Cotton 41c 60c Phillips Milk of M agnesia 19c 50c Fly-tox 49c Si.00 Vacuum Bottles 59c 60c C alifornia S yrup of F igs 55c 40c C asto ria 33c 25c W oodbury's Soap 1 cakes 69c B ath ing Caps 15c to $1.00 K odaks and Film s Phone your Ice C ream orders. Lesage Drug Store North Side Marine, near 14th We deliver anywhere. No Order is too small W E S T 3 2 3 We give Trade Discount Receipts. Save the Coupons. Lesagehasit Cl Serving Vou % TRACK INSPECTOR Patrolling the railway lines of this company, he helps to maintain comfortable, speedy and, particularly, safe electrical transporta tion service. Bettish Colombm ̂ EtECTHickflinflirCa VANCOUVER Never Play with the Health of Your Family All milk is not the same --all milk bottles are not given thorough cleansing Be safe--use only FRASER VALLEY MILK 9 Quarts for $1.00 Phone North 122 | PERSONALS Major and Mrs. J. Edelston, 30th and Mathers, have return ed from a holiday at Porpoise Bay. • • • Miss Maud Baby of Ladysmith has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Greenwood, Marine Drive at Ambleside.• • • Mr. Wilson. 17th and Marine Drive, was taken to the North Vancouver General Hospital Sun day suffering from heat prostra tion. * • • Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Scott and family of Kerrisdale, formerly well known residents here, were visiting in West Vancouver over the week end. • * * Mr. and Mrs. D. Hill and fam ily, 21st and Marine Drive, have moved to their house in Point Grey. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Mackenzie and family, 19th and Bellevue, have moved to Burnaby, where they have purchased property. * • * Mrs. W. G. Chester, 2051 2nd Street West, Vancouver, is oc cupying her house at 19th and Marine Drive. * * * Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Cole and family have returned to their home, 29th and Marine Drive, after a month's visit to their home at Parksville, B.C., and in touring Vancouver Island. * * * Miss Anna Connor of Brook lyn, N.J., arrived here last Fri day to spend a month with Cap tain J. and Mrs. Watson, 576 14th Street. Miss Connor, who was formerly a resident of West Vancouver, was much impressed with the remarkable growth that has taken place in the municipality in her absence.* * * Mr. and Mrs. J. Goddard, who spent a two months' holiday here, occupying a cottage at 1359 Marine Drive, returned to their home on 51st avenue, Van couver, last Sunday. * * * Mrs. Barryman and her sister with their children have taken Mr. ByrneU's cottage on Marine Drive, between 13th and 14th for the month of August. * * * Miss G. M. Webster, 12th and Esquimalt, has gone to Kelowna, B.C., for a month's visit with her sister, who lives there. * * * Mrs. W. V. Davies, of Prince Rupert, will arrive tomorrow (Saturday) for a month's visit with his brother, R. W. Davies, 14th and Inglewood. Mr. Davies has been a frequent visitor to West Vancouver and is well ac quainted here. * * * Mrs. R. W. Froud, of 25th and Mathers, with her two sons, has gone to Cortez Island for the month of August. * * * YV. J. Turnbull, of the West Vancouver Lumber Co., and his mother, have moved into their new house at 13th and Fulton. * * * Mrs. Chet Shields got home yesterday from a visit to her old home town, Portland, Oregon. SURVEY CONTRACT LET At the meeting of the Town Planning Commission on Tues day, a contract for a topographi cal survey of portions of D.L. 554 and 555 etc., was let to G. S. Conway. The object of the survey is to give access by bet ter grades to the back lands. Love is that quality which leads a girl to marry her boss and work for him the rest of her life without salary. Mrs. Anderson, 14th and Gor don, is spending a holiday at Harrison Hot Springs.• • • Mr. G. E. Reid, manager of the Lesage Drug Store, Amble side, with Mrs. Reid and family, have returned from a holiday spent at loco. • * • Mrs. La Chance, 17th and Bellevue, is ill with pleurisy and is staying with her sister, Mrs. G. W. Webster, at Marine and 21st. • • • Little Dorothy Greenwood was run down by a bicycle on Tues day and had her right leg injur ed. She is resting it at present, but will be running around a- gain in a few days. WEDDING OF MISS NELLIE SEARLE The marriage of Miss Nellie May Searle, daughter of Mr. F. Searle, 29th and Mathers, to P. R. Hutchison, only son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Hutchison, of North Vancouver, was solemnized on Monday at 8 a.m. in St. Steph en's Church, Rev. H. M. Hender son officiating. The bride look ed charming in a travelling gown of navy georgette trimmed with tan velvet and large pic ture hat to match and carried a bouquet of sweet peas and roses. She was given away by her fath er, Mrs. Coles and Mr. A. Searle, her sister and brother being in attendance. The wedding break fast was held at the home of the bridegroom's father in North Vancouver, following which the happy couple left for a motor trip to Mount Rainier and other points. On their return they will take up their residence in North Vancouver. Mrs. Bulkley Entertains Wednesday evening at Dreamy Nook, the new home of Mr. and Mrs. G. Bulkley, a most novel and enjoyable evening was spent as a house - warming festival. The little home was lavishly decorated with marguerites, sweet peas, and roses which were kindly presented by Mr. Davidson, Mr. Goddard and Mr. Blanchfield. The music was supplied by Mr. Grundy and Mr. C. Bulkley and toasts by the gentlemen present. A composi tion by Mrs. Bulkley was read on West Vancouver, and at each verse end the chorus of "Home Sweet Home" was sung by all. The winners of the prizes for contests were Miss Camp, Mr. Grundy and Mr. Blanchfield. After refreshments, "Auld Lang Syne" was sung, followed by cheers for different participants. Among those present were Mrs. Steele, from California, and Miss Camp, her sister; Mrs. Clement and family from Portland, Ore., Mr. and Mrs. C. Bulkley, of Van couver, Mrs. Carbett, of North Vancouver, Mr. and Mrs. Ander son, Mr. and Mrs. Blanchfield, Mrs. Simpson, Mr. and Mrs. Goddard, Mr. and Mrs. Hodge, and son, of Kerrisdale, Mr. and Mrs. Davidson, Mr. and Mrs. Grundy, Mrs. Hall and others. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Clement, Mrs. Hodge and Mrs. C. Bulkley. Ferries Break Record TrafTic on West Vancouver municipal ferries broke all rec ords in July, it is reported. Dur ing the month a total of 86,000 people used the ferries, as com pared with 77,600 during July, 1926. The highest previous mark was in August, 1925, when 79,- 100 people travelled. And when a girl finds her ideal she immediately starts to find a substitute. GLENEAGLES GOLF CLUB NOW ENROLLING MEMBERS The managers of the Glen- eagles Golf and Country Club have sent out notices suggesting that intending members should make application as soon ns pos sible in order to take advantage of the special facilities and fees offered. A drive to complete the membership ns early ns possible was decided upon at the last meeting of the members and the fee was set at $100 for a limited period. All applications must * come before the membership committee, but for the conveni ence of new applicants it has been arranged that playing priv ileges may be enjoyed from the date of the receipt of applica tion. Any detailed information can Ve obtained from Captain C. J. Archer, telephone West 651L, or Seymour 7483. NAPOLEON ST. PIERRE GOING ON HOLIDAY Napoleon St. Pierre, first white settler of lower Capilano, left here Tuesday night to visit his old home at Vankleek Hill, Ontario. He settled on Marine Drive, in lower Capilano, in 1909, residing there since then. He ex pects to return next spring. The first house he constructed was burned down in 1911. Re built the same year, his home was again burned in 1918. His third home constructed on this property was burned in 1921. Since 1921 Mr. St. Pierre has re sided in his fourth house con structed on the site of his for mer homes. His garden and home are well known to thousands of residents in the province and as many more tourists. A huge snake formed of living flowers and _ shrubs for many years was the outstanding feature of his gar den. The curio room will remain open during his absence. It has provided interest to many distinguished visitors, including Lady Byng, who paid a visit to the old-timer's home when she toured the North Shore. Our Passengers Say: they like PACIFIC STAGES because they run on time, are rapid and safe and get passengers closer to their homes, by a net-work of lines operating today in the Fraser Valley, North Shore of Burrard Inlet and along the Pacific Highway to Bellingham, Seattle, and points farther Sounth. a . c r . H T O R l a ANS FORTATIO^' Seymour at Dunsmuir Seymour 4000