August 5, 1927. THE WEST VAN NEWS P E R S O N A L S Mrs. J. A. Vernon and family, 23rd and Haywood, are spending the month of August in Gran tham's Landing. * * * Mr. and Mrs. W. McQuaker, 12th and Marine, left yesterday for a two week's visit to points in the northern part of Van- -■* couver Island. Cameron Lake and Campbell River are two points to be specially visited by these holiday makers. Mr. and Mrs. McQuaker are carrying on their car camping equipment, and it is their intention to use this at convenient times. • * * Mr. and Mrs. S. Olsen and daughter, of Brittania Beach, are spending a month in West Vancouver. Mr. Olsen is build ing a log house at Inglewood and Sixth street and expects to spend much time here in the future. Mr. and Mrs. Olsen have been regular visitors to West Vancou ver for some years. * • * Mrs. A. L. Reid who has been residing at 24th and Bellevue, has taken a suite at Appleton Court. * * * The Disabled Veterans' Asso ciation have been granted per mission by the council to tag on Saturday, August 27, in West Vancouver only, as ferry pas sengers will have the opportun ity of buying tags in the city on the same day, if they wish to do so. * * * R. P. Clark & Co., Ltd., have 4 advised the council of their in- _fention to apply o ■ behalf of F. Scott, to the Indian Agent, for a location of tourist pony stables on the Reserve north of Marine Drive commencing at the north and south line, 500 feet west of the Indian cemetery, taking in the triangle to east of said line. Permission to make such an application was given earlier in the year by the council, sub ject to the approval of the resi dents. As Mr. Gamage has with drawn his objection, R. P. Clark & Co. now wish for the council's approval before making the ap plication. The council have writ ten R. P. Clark & Co., thanking them for their letter, and at the same time have requested the Indian Agent that the stables, if granted, be placed far enough back from the Marine Drive, so that no one could object. LIONEL CHARLTON SAVES BOY FROM DROWNING Lionel Charlton was recently instrumental in saving Kent Mc Cullough from drowning off East Beach. Kent, who cannot swim, got out of his depth while bathing and sank in the deep water. Lionel, who happened to be on the beach, at once plunged in and brought the drowning boy to shore. It was an heroic act in view of the fact that Lion el, who is 13 years old, was only three years older than the boy he rescued. Lionel is one of the delivery boys of THE NEWS. J. Duckworth, water foreman, has had his salary raised $5 per month by the council, to date from the 1st instant. * * * The municipal solicitor has been instructed by the council to take immediately the neces sary steps against the applica tion of Janita Drake Connell's application for a license to take and use 1,000 gallons daily from Pipe Creek for domestic and ir rigation purposes. * * * Dr. J. E. Knipfel had the mis fortune to break the axle of his car whilst driving in Stanley Park last Sunday, the car hav ing to be towed back to West Vancouver. * * * Mrs. Charles Hay and Mrs. George Payne and family, who have been spending the past two weeks at Bowen Island, returned home on Monday. * * * L. H. Beamish spent Wednes day on a business trip up the Coast. * * * W. J. Turnbull of the West Vancouver Lumber Co. has do nated a new diving board for the use of swimmers at Hollyburn Pier, the old one having been broken. This gift of Mr. Turn- bull has given much pleasure to the people frequenting this beach and we are asked to ex press their thanks to Mr. Turn- bull for his kindness. Mrs. J. J. Walker of Los Ang eles, entertained her friends at a luncheon on Tuesday at "the Clachan." Those present were: Mrs. W. Urquhart, Mrs. W. L. Ross, Mrs. A. C. Cunningham, Mrs. R. Clark, Miss Jennie Clark, Mrs. J. Townley, Mrs. C. Town- ley, Mrs. John Shifton, Mrs. Greig. * * * Miss Renee Hawels of Vancou ver, who has recently returned from a motor tour of the Okan agan Valley, is spending a few days at Cypress Park.. . . Mrs. P. S. Smith and daught ers, Mona and Ethel, of Vancou ver, are spending the summer at West Bay. * * * Miss London, who has been staying at "the Clachan" since the middle of June, is now able to walk around. She was brought here from the Angelus Hotel, Vancouver, where she had been seriously ill and confined to her bed for some time. * * * The West Vancouver fire truck has been fixed up and is in good shape again. It appears that, when it broke down on the way to the recent fire at the Great Northern Canneries the brigade immediately transferred their hose to a private truck and pro ceeded to the fire, which they had under control when the North Vancouver brigade arriv ed. Lumber and Building Materials Sash and Doors, Veneers, Plaster & Plaster Board, Shingles and Roofing, Sand, Gravel, Brick Cement a ®* GRADE, SERVICE AND QUALITY GUARANTEED 154 Esplanade W. Phone North 207-212 BUILD UP THE NORTH SHORE-HOW! Support North Shore Industries. NORTHERN LIGHT GASOLINE Is Made on the North Shore The only 100 per cent. B.C. Oil Company Manufactured by V a n c o u v e r O il C o ., Lt d . First Street and Bewicke Ave. North Vancouver ----- ----------------------- Alw ays The Same Our Ice Cream in the Frigidaire is never too hard or too soft. I t's Palm Ice Cream. Come in, taste, and find out all that means. Only at WEST VAN. PHARMACY P hone W est 37 W e deliver. W e Sell S tam ps Mr. Lowden, 18th and Marine Drive, has moved to George Shepherd's house at 15th and Esquimalt. * * * On Wednesday last the North Lonsdale Liberal Association held a picnic in John Lawson's orchard. G. G. McGeer, K.C., was present during the after noon and several members of the local association joined the visitors. Many of the party en joyed a dip in the briny. * * * Local Liberals are invited to the opening meeting of the North Lonsdale Association, which is to be held on the third Wednesday in September at the home of Mrs. J. F. Chapman, Queens and St. George, North Vancouver, which will be in the nature of a social and musical evening. * * * Mrs. George Brealey and mem bers of her family have gone to White Rock for a month's holi day. It is expected that Mr. Brealey will also spend part of this month with them down there. * * * Last Sunday evening, Mrs. Captain J. Watson, of 14th street, entertained in honor of Miss Connor of Brooklyn, N.J., who is visiting her for a month. Among the guest? were: Mrs. Scobie, of Dundee, Mr. and Mrs. A. Greer, Miss Margaret Greer, Mrs. Marr, Miss R. Baker, Mr. Bob Greer, Miss Dorothy Rob erts of Calgary, and Mrs. L. C. Eggins of Montreal. PLAYGROUND COMMITTEE THANKS DONOR The Ambleside Park Play ground Committee wish to ac knowledge and express thanks for the following donations: West Van. Firemen's Club (sale of pool table, etc.) $44.25 Capt. Watson .................. 2.50 Capt. Lund .................... 2.50 Capt. Smith .................... 2.50 Capt. Vince .................... 2.50 Engineer Pyne.................. 2.50 A. C.. SEARLE VERNON FEED STORE Phone West 9 FEED FUEL Good assortment of Bedding Plants CEMENT Geraniums, Seed Potatoes, etc., for sale ETC. 16th and M A R IN E M. WILLIAMS CUSTOM TAILOR A M B L E S ID E SPRING AND SUMMER SUITINGS Now complete. Large selection--for Sport or Business. Before Ordering Your Next Suit Come and see our patterns. Dry Cleaning CITY Dyeing, Repairs and PRICES and Pressing Alterations P H O N E W E S T 20 PITMAN BUSINESS COLLEGE DAY and N IG H T SCHOOL Yrou w ill receive in tensive indi- vidual tra in in g . 4 2 2 R ichards St. Phone Sey. 9135. Cor. H astin g s LADIES HAIRCUTTING and SH IN G LIN G , any S ty le HO LLY BU RN BA RBER SH OP 25 y e a rs experience * WM. N EW BY Prop. HOUSE DECORATIONS AND REPAIRS-- Interior or Exterior, By Skilled Workmen. Any branch of painting, building, etc. Phone West 4 37R 3 for Estimates F. Newman & D. Robbins CARPENTERS M athers & 29th W est 437K3 J. M. Morgan W E ST VA NCOUVER Teacher of Voice Pro duction and Singing Phones West 173 Seymour 3058o HARRON BROS. & WILLIAMSON jfuneial lirrrto rs North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134