2 THE WEST VAN NEWS August 5. 1927. DUNDARAVE'S ELEVENTH ANNUAL REGATTA AND AQUATIC SPORTS Active committees are busy preparing the setting for West Vancouver's annual gala to be held at Dundarave Tier. Satur day, August 13th. at 2 p.m. This event, which is now one of the best on the Coast, is eagerly looked forward to not only by our local talent, but also by all the aquatic stars of the prov ince. By holding a generous number of open events the best talent on the Coast and from the interior are generally to be found competing in these swim ming and diving events and there is great rivalry to secure the coveted medals and trophies offered by the committee. There are now four trophies for permanent competition: the "Leigh Cup," for the 100 yards swim, men of West Vancouver; the "Gisby Cup," for the 50 yards swim, boys of West Van couver. under 16: the "Trough- ton & Barrow Cup." for diving, for girls of West Vancouver, un der 15, and the "Morgan Cup," for 50 yards swim, ladies of West Vancouver. There are also the two gold medals of the West Vancouver Scottish So ciety. for the winners of the 50 yards swim, boys of West Van couver. under 14, and 50 yards swim, girls of West Vancouver, under 14 respectively. In addition to the valuable cups, medals, silverware, etc., for each event, a generous anonymous donor is giving a cup for the winner with the highest aggregate score. There are 26 events on the programme this year which includes two new events open to visitors: 50 yards swim respectively for boys and girls under 16, also an aquatic derby, the heats of this race will be run on the preceding day and the finals only are listed on the programme. Reeve V. V. Vin son will preside as honorary president, and the prizes will be presented by Mrs. Vinson at the conclusion of the programme. In view of the large crowd expected, greatly increased seat ing accommodation is being pro vided of which a portion will be sold as reserve seats to those desiring to see the events under the best conditions. A list of the events are printed herewith and entry forms are available locally at most of the post offices and at stores in each district, whilst forms have been mailed to various swimming clubs, the members of which generally par ticipate. The honor secretary treasurer is Mr. P. C. Chapman, 734 Hast ings St., West, and entry clerk, Mr. C. E. Hay, 1771 Comox St., from whom further information can be obtained. OFFICIAL LIST OF EVENTS 1. --50 Yards Swim, Boys of West Van. under 14. 2. --50 Yards Swim, Girls of West Van. under 14. 3. --50 Yards Swim, Boys of West Van. under 16. 4. --100 Yards Swim, Open to Men of West Van. 5. --25 Yards Swim, Boys of West Van. under 11. 6. --25 Yards Swim, Girls of West Van. under 11. 7. --25 Yards Swim, Boys of West Van. under 12. 8. --25 Yards Swim, Girls of West Van. under 12. 9. --50 Yards Swim, Ladies Open Event. 10. --50 Yards Swim, Girls of West Van. under 16. 11. --Log Rolling Contest. 12. -- * 4 Mile Sculling Race, Men's Open Event. 13. --200 Yards Swim, Men's Open Event. 14. --50 Yards Swim, Boys under 16 Open. 15. --50 Yards Swim, Girls under 16, Open. 16. --Derby Final, (Aquatic). 17. --Diving, Springboard, Boys of West Van. under 14. 18. --Diving, Springboard, Girls of West Van. under 15. 19. --Diving, Springboard, Men's Open Event, High Board. 20. --Diving, Springboard, Ladies' Open Event. 21. --50 Yards Swim, Men's Open Event. 22. --Mixed Doubles Canoe Race, Open Event. 23. --Tilting in Canoes, Open Event. 24. --50 Yards Swim, Open to Ladies of West Van. 25. --200 Yards, 4 Men Relay Race, Open Event. 26. --Greasy Pole, Mixed Open Event. CONDITIONS--All competitiors must be bona fide ama teurs or novices. NOTE--Entries close August 11th, and must be in the hands of Entry Clerk by that date. Entry fee for each OPEN Event is 25c which should accompany Entry Form to: MR. C. E. HAY, 1771 Comox Street, Phone, Douglas 1106R City. For Ladies' and Children's Wear, Men's Furnishings and Work Garments --A ll of High Grade Quality Grigor's Dry Goods Store 1460 Marine Drive 8E?&.°E£: Toys and Novelties ALL MOST REASONABLY PRICED WEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society CHURCH EDIFICE 20th and Ksquimnlt, llollyhurn Sundny Service a t 11.30 a. m. Subject August 7th "SPIRIT' Sunday School a t 10.00 a. m. Testim ony M eeting every W ed nesday a t 8.16 p .m . I FACTSWorth Knowing Occasionally wash your ther mos bottle with salt and warm water and it will never have the disagreeable taste so often not iced. * * * Grease can be removed from the hair by washing it in warm water to which a spoonful of borax has been added. * * * Varnish on the hands should be removed with methylated spirits; paint or tar by rubbing in butter or lard. • * * When cooking fruit, a small piece of butter should be put in the water. It will prevent the fruit boiling over. * * * Bamboo furniture should be washed well with warm water; then dried and polished with equal parts of linseed oil and turpentine applied with a flan nel. * * * Tiled hearths should never be washed with water. Instead, dip a cotton cloth in turpentine and rub the tiles until they are clean. Polish with a soft cloth. * * * If you wish silk to retain its original lustre after it has been washed, add one teaspoonful of turpentine to two gallons of cold rinsing water ,and hang the silk out in the air to dry. Subse quently damp and iron in the usual way. * * * Banana peel is excellent for cleaning brown and tan shoes. * * * Do not store cake and biscuits in the same tin or the biscuits will become soft. Some Good Wine Recipes FIG WINE Five pounds black figs, 5 pounds granulated sugar, 2 pints strained honey, 3 pounds seeded raisins, 2 cakes yeast, 12 quarts lukewarm water, grind figs and raisins. Stir three times a day. Let set for 14 days and strain. When strain ed, let set overnight before bot tling. Leave corks loose for 2 days and cap. BEETROOT WINE Take 5 or 6 beetroots and tops, wash well and prick roots. Put them in 1 gallon water and boil until tender, then strain, put away until next day. Add 3-lbs. lump sugar and as much cayenne pepper as will cover a three penny-piece. Boil up again for 10 minutes, strain and when lukewarm add a little yeast on a piece of toast. Put it where it will keep warm for about a week. Strain again and bottle. In six months it should be like port wine. BLACKBERRY WINE Mash berries and to every gal lon of mashed berries add half a gallon of water. Let stand 24 hours then strain and add 2 1-2 lbs. of sugar to every gallon of juice. Let stand until finished fermenting and bottle. " Save the surface and you save There is a MARTIN SEN0UR 100 °|0 Pure Paint and Varnish For Every Surface and Every Purpose. FLOOR PAINT PORCH PAINT \ 1RNI8II STAIN PE LUXE ENAMEL PREPARED WAX AUTO ENAMEL CANOE ENAMEL MARINE PAINT IRON PAINT CKBO LAC for ShiOR'es WOOD ST MNS PAINT REMOVER SCREEN PAINT S T O V E PIPE ENAMEL WE CARRY A FULL STOCK. LETS TALK IT OVER. Groceries - Hardware Paints and Painting Supplies Hollyburn General Store (Hooper and Son) 17th and Marine WE DELIVER Phone West 46 St. Stephen's Church Trinity 8 (August 7). 8 a.m.--Holy Communion. 10 a.m.--Sunday School. 11:15 a.m.--Holy Commun ion. 7:15 p.m.--Evensong. Sunday morning's 11:15 ser vice at Caulfeild will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Redden and will be taken by Mr. A. W. LeHuquet. Sunday School is-held each Sunday at 10 a.m. at the same place, under Miss Lander's direction. United Church Next Sunday Dr. W. W. Mc Pherson of Westminster Church, Saskatoon, will preach at both services. In the morning the subject will be, "The Greatness of an Ordinary Person." In the evening the subject will be "Temptations that Dis cover Youth," or "Decisions that Reveal Us." Baptist Church Rev. David Long, Pastor. Sunday School, 10 a. m. Church Service, 11 a. m. Weekly prayer service each Wednesday at 7.30 p. m. St. Anthony's Church Pastor--Rev. Father Kelly Sunday--Mass, 8.30 a. m. High Mass, 10.30 a.m. Benediction, 7.30 p. m. Week Days--Mass 8 a. m. "NEWS" GLEAMS Forty years from now it will be our turn to tell the sort of winters we used to have. * * * If a man really loves a woman he can make her do anything she wants to do. * * * Success nine times out of ten consists in failing to do the wrong thing. * * * Sometimes a pessimist is the son of an optimist. * * * A fetching costume is any costume that will fetch a man. * * * The folding card table would be a great invention if it prac ticed moderation. OUR BREAD and ROLLS Please the Women and they a re the ones who a re h ard est to please of anybody in the household. The appearance of our breads, rolls, pastrieB, etc., as well as the way they a re m ade and baked, certa in ly ap peals to m others and wives. "B e tte r th an hom em ade," they say. I'hone West 27 and our delivery m an will call. STRATTON'S BAKERY THE West Van News Published Every Friday H. HODGSON and F.F. LOVEGROVE West 19L West 412L Publishers Business and Editorial Office: 1361 Marine Drive Mai! Address: P. O. Box 101, Hollyburn, B. C. $1.00 a y ea r by muil or cu rrier, News s tan d s 6c per copy. ADVERTISING RATES ON APPLICATION