4 THE WEST VAN NEWS April 22. 1927. New classes now being formed J. M. Morgan WEST VANCOUVER T eacher of Voice Pro duc tion and Singing Phones West 173 Seymour 3058o TRUCKING and TEAM WORK Excavating (Day or Contract) SAND & GRAVEL P. A. ANDREWS 1766 Fulton. Phone West 650R BILLIARDS Two Tables Now installed for your use at CHET SHIELDS 14TH STREET right at Railway Crossing TOBACCO. CONFECTIONERY and PERIODICALS Ferry BARBER SHOP (J. Miles) LADIES* AND CHILDRENS HAIRCUTTING A SPECIALTY Shampooing and Face Massag ing in all branches Only First Class Work GIVE US A TRIAL H A R R O N B RO S. & W ILLIA M SO N Juitcral Directors North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 Hollyburn T h e a tre Friday and Saturday April 22 and 23 A big double feature program Bebe Daniels, Ricardo Cortei and Wallace Beery in a very popular picture " V O L C A N O " You're sure to like it. and THE DANGER SIGNAL REGULAR ADMISSION: Evening Matinee Adults ............... 25c 20c Children ......... 15c 10c J. GAWTHORN in connection with the Paint Shop, north side of Marine at 14th Phone West 322 Agent for SINGER SEWING MACHINES and C. C. M. BICYCLES Cash or terms Gramaphone and Bicycle Repairs BABY BUGGIES Re-TYRED Now Open FOR BUSINESS Hollyburn Music Shoppe Corner 22nd and Marine Everything in Music and MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS We appreciate your business. Mr. and Mrs. II. B. Armitage and family of Kerrisdale, spent the Easter holidays at their sum mer home at 25th and Bellevue. Mr. and Mrs. Elliott, the latter of whom is a sister of Mrs. 11. B. Armitage. were their guests. * • • Mrs. W. B. Small. Fulton and 20th, left on Wednesday to at tend the Provincial Convention of the I. O. D. E. in Victoria. * • • Edwards Brothers are build ing a large house in Caulfeild for Frederick Buscombe. • • * Mrs. Thomas. 1353 Clyde St., has moved to the Angelus Hotel in Vancouver. * * • Mr. W. W. McBain with his little son, left on Monday to re turn to his home in Edmonton. * • • Mrs. Boyd, 25th and Bellevue, who is ill, is at a private hospital ill the city. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Brown, 13th and Bellevue, had an addition to their family on Wednesday, 13th April, a little girl being born to them at the North Vancouver General Hospital. Both babe and mother are doing well. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Bulkley have moved into .their new house at 25th and Bellevue. * * * Paul Stevenson. 19th and Bellevue, with several other companions went up to Squam- ish during the Easter holidays with the intention of hiking a- cross the Divide to Indian River. Mr. Stevenson is an experienced mountaineer, but the party found the snow so deep that they were compelled to forego the trip and return to Squamish, one of them having to be dug out of a snowdrift, into which he had fallen up to his neck. Vernon F eed Store A. C. SEARLE Phone West 9 FEED, FUEL, CEMENT Etc. A BEAUTIFUL GARDEN is a good investment and a constant joy. Gardens and Landscape effects designed at moderate prices. John Pinder-Moss, A.E.I.C. Res. Phone West 199 Landscape Architect ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEER Office: Ambleside Lumber Coy., Hollyburn, B. C. Miss B. Gallop of Vancouver, has taken the Morris house at 24th and Bellevue. She will move over on 1st May. » • • Mr. and Mrs. Walter Grundy of Grandview, have taken the Bulkley house at 25th and Belle- Travel on the ferries was good during the Easter holidays con sidering the cold and stormy weather which prevailed. On Monday there were more passen gers than on the three previous days and on Tuesday n consider able number of school children crossed over and hiked up Holly- burn Ridge. On Sunday a very heavy sen was running, the spray from the waves going clear over Dundarave pier. • * • Mr. Finlayson of Central Park, has purchased the Dundarave Pharmacy from the J. Vance es tate. • • * Mr. Oliver, 15th and Water front, is building a house at 15th and Esquimalt. • * * Captain J. E. Glen, late of China, has just arrived from England with his wife and fam ily and has rented Mrs. Mat thews' house at West Bay for three or four months. He has bought a homesite at Eagle Har bor. * * * Fire broke out in Mr. Miller's house at 31st and Marine Drive on Saturday afternoon due to an overheated electric heater, which destroyed the bedding in one room. The fire brigade turned out and prevented further dam age being done. * * * Mr. Leshure of New Westmin ster, has rented Mrs. Patterson's cottage at 14th and Bellevue. * * * The teachers and students of the night classes in Manual Training and Sewing were at home to their friends on Thurs day, 14th April, from 7.30 p. m. to 9.30 p. m. in the Manual Training room of the Public Schools. The place was crowd ed with those who came to view the work done by the two class es during the winter term, and all present were one in their ad miration of the various articles on display. A great deal of good work has been accomplished, and both the teachers and students are to be congratulated on the progress made in the few months during which the classes have been running. Light refresh ments were served during the evening. REV. A. M. O'DONNELL SICK--ORDERED TO BED FOR A MONTH IMMEDIATE DELIVERY LUMBER BARGAINS IMMEDIATEDELIVERY 1x6 and Cedar Shiplap (good)................................ $13.00 per M 2x4 Com. sized.......................... .............................. 10.00 " " 1x6 Clear Siding (several patterns)..... ................ - 18.00 " " 1x8 Fence Boards, clear ........................................ 18.00 " " 5x5 Cedar, rough............................ ......................... 24.00 " " 4 inch Clear G utter................................................. 10c per foot We carry a full line of all rough and finished Lumber IN STOCK, also SASH, DOORS AND FRAMES W E DO S A V E YOU MONEY Let us figure your list and we will prove the above statement. You can't afford to pay more Ambleside Lumber C o . 16th & Marine Phone West 199 The many friends of Rev. A. M. O'Donnell of the United Church will regret to learn that he has been ordered to bed for a month by his medical adviser. It is sincerely hoped that this enforced rest will be the cause of a return to complete health. Mr. O'Donnell has been a partic ularly enthusiastic and sincere worker, not only for his church, but also for the welfare of the community generally. Willing at all times to put his shoulder to the wheel for any community ef fort, he has exerted a tremend ous influence for good through out the municipality, and his ab sence from church and other cir cles for even so short a time as a month will he greatly felt. With his many other admirers, we sincerely trust the reverend gentleman will be quickly re stored to good health, and sym pathise with him, knowing that to one so active this enforced absence from his duties will be a great hardship for him. It's Not Often Wo tnlk nhmit prices in our ml. vertisrments. Our prices at nil times cnmpnrp fnvornbly with those quoted by others. We give the public credit for knowing that any business op erates on the principle of a fair profit on nil goods sold. It fol lows that If one line is sold at a loss it must he made up on some other line. OUR PRICES ARE CONSISTENT Wo give efficient service. Two registered pharmacists to serve you nnd WE DELIVER The Store of Service. West Van Pharmacy West 37 Night West 321 We ('lose Thursdnvs at 7 P. M. GEO. BLYTH P la s te rin g C o n tra c to r Estimates Free Phone West 29Y Canadian Bible Society Hold Meeting Here A meeting of the local execu tive of the B. C. Auxiliary Can adian Bible Society, which is af filiated with the British & For eign Bible Society, was held in St. Stephen's Parish Hall on Sun day the 10th instant, under the presidency of the Rev. Harding Priest to hear the report of the Secretary on last year's work. This being the first meeting since the executive began to function, those friends in the Anglican, United, and Baptist Churches, also the Hollyburn Hall, who were kind enough to take collection boxes will be in terested to learn that the pro ceeds up to date amount to $23.28. This, taking into consid eration the fact that no canvass ing has been done, is very en couraging. This year the work has had a good send off, for as the result of a visit to the Bap tist Church in January last by the Rev. N. Harkness, the Sec retary for B. C., a larger number of boxes has been put into circu lation. With a view to making this deserving cause much more fully known Mr. Harkness is be ing requested to arrange for a lantern lecture illustrating the Society's work in different parts of the world, about the middle of May, and in the event of his being able to comply an an nouncement nearer the date will be made in the local press. We hear a good deal of talk about "Best Sellers" in the book world and, at times, comments that the Bible is old fashioned and out of date. For the infor mation of those interested in "Best Sellers," those who regard the Bible as having outlived its usefulness to man, those who still believe the Bible as being God's revelation to man, the fol lowing figures are taken from the B. F. & B. S. record for 1925: Bibles issued 1,152,321; New Testaments 1,161,803; portions of scripture 8,138,609; a total of 10,452,733 volumes of scripture^ in one year alone. Of this num ber no less than 4,261,400 were distributed in China alone de spite the civil war in that coun try. The Bible, or portions of it, has now been translated into no fewer than 579 languages, and wonderful to relate, this Canada of ours has nearly a fifth of that number within its borders, 110 different forms of speech being spoken or read between the shores of the Atlantic and the Pacific. Since the foundation of the Society in 1804 it has issued more than 365,000,000 copies of Holy Scripture. Who can esti mate the good it has done and the evil it has prevented?