2 THE WEST VAN NEWS April 22, W27. H O LLY B U R N B A L L Cor. 14th and Duclmess Sunday 7.30 MR. A. C. PETERKIN. of Hayti. Spanish West Indies will preach. His addresses arj full of interest, he hav ing spent the greater part o: 1 's life among the people oi these little known islands Come and hear him. Lemon Marmalade For every two lemons allow three breakfast cupfuls of water and two and one-half cups of sugar. Slice the lemons finely and soak for a couple of nights in the water. Soak the pips sep arately in some of the water. Allow to boil for a couple of hours with the strained water from the pips. Soak another night. Finally boil with the sugar. Sardines on Toast Three cans sardines, four hard-cooked eggs chopped fine ly. one-eighth teaspoon paprika, five tablespoons soft bread crumbs, one and one-half cups milk, two tablespoons butter, toasted bread. Remove the skins and bones from the sardines and shred rather coarsely. All the chopped hard-cooked eggs, pap rika, soft bread crumbs, milk and butter. Heat well, and serve on buttered toast. Salt may be added if necessary. Fruit Rolls Two tablespoons softened but ter, half tablespoon brown sugar, half teaspoon cinnamon, half cup chopped raisins. Roll biscuit dough one-quarter inch thick, spread with butter and sprinkle with sugar, cinnamon and rais ins. Roll like a jelly roll, cut into three-quarter inch pieces. Place on the cut ends close to gether in a greased pan and bake in a hot oven fifteen minutes. Cream Pie One large cup milk, two eggs, half cup of sugar, a piece of but ter size of a walnut, tablespoon of cornstarch. Bake the same as a custard pie, using the yolks of the eggs for the custard. Spread the beaten whites on top and brown. RHUBARB CHUTNEY 1 quart rhubarb (cut up fine) 1 quart onions (cut up fine) 1 pint vinegar 4 cups brown sugar 1 teaspoon ground cloves 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 teaspoon allspice Vs teaspoon cayenne. Boil all together till onions are tender. Two ounces of fuller's earth boiled in half a pint of vinegar and the juice of three onions is splendid for removing scorch marks from the linen. When hands are stained through peeling apples or pota toes, rub them with a mixture of vinegar and salt. "Provincial Elecitons Act" ELECTORAL DISTRICT OF NORTH VANCOUVER COURT OF REVISION NOTICE is hereby g.ven that I will hold a Court of Revision of the Vot ers' List for the Electoral District of North Vancouver at my office, 92 Lonsdale Avenue. North Vancouver, on Monday the ICth day of May, 1927, at 11 o'clock, a. m.. to revise the Pro vincial Voters' List for 1927; to re ceive applications for enrolment, and for such other purposes as are re quired by law. GIVEN under my hand at North Vancouver on the 6th day of April, 1927. ALEX PHILIP Registrar of Voters. B ritish Israe l A sso ciatio n of West Vancouver Will Meet Next Tuesday (April 26th) at 8 P.M. in the New Amhleside Hall Corner 14th and Marine Drive Speaker: REV. MARK JUKES Subject: "The Aim and Organization of the British Israel Move ment." United Church UNITED CHURCH Next Sunday morning Rev. R. J. McIntyre will preach. His subject will be "the Church and Prohibition." In the evening Rev. Hugh Ray of Dunbar Heights United Church will con duct the services. The Young People's Society are putting the tennis court ad jacent to the church in order and are also supplying the material for the work. The Senior Alerts C. C». I. T. had a most enjoyable hike on Wednesday to Lynn Valley. On Sunday, May 8th, Profes sor Odium will preach at the morning and evening services. Baptist Church Rev. David Long, Pastor. Sunday School, 10 a. m. Church Service, 11 a. m. Weekly prayer service each Wednesday at 7.30 p. m. EASTER SUNDAY Mr. Taylor and Miss Elsie Tay lor will sing. There will be a Baptismal Ser vice in the evening at 7.15. DEATH OF MRS. GEORGE CHILD'S MOTHER The death occurred on Wed nesday of Mrs. Fanny Wood ward, 1113 Pender St., West, Vancouver, after only a week's illness. Funeral services were held today at Harron Bros, and Willimson's chapel and interment was made in West Vancouver cemetery. The deceased is sur vived by her two daughters, Mrs. George Childs, 15th and Water front, and Mrs. E. D. Kirbey of Calgary, Alberta. W. B. A. The regular meeting of West Vancouver Women's Benevolent Association took place on April 13th in the New Ambleside Hall, Commander Mrs. Laura Edwards in the chair. Th usual business was proceed ed with and there was a good attendance of officers and mem bers. Plans were further ad vanced for the Card Party and Dance, which event will take place on Wednesday evening, May 11th (not April 27th as previously stated). Cards from 8 to 9 p. m. Dancing 9 to 12 p. m. Barry's orchestra in at tendance. Refreshments. Next Wednesday, April 27th, will be the regular meeting night of this Review and all officers and members are requested to attend. West Vancouver Review No. 21 is participating in the large W. B. A. convention which is be ing held on May 17th in Van couver (at the Hotel Vancouver) and are to engage in one of the ceremonies on this important oc casion. The appearance of black cloth that has become shiny can often be improved by rubbing with a piece of flannel moistened with turpentine. WEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society Dundaravt Hall. Marine Dr. O undarave Sunday Service at 11.30 a. m. Subject April 24th "Probation After Death" Sunday School at 10.00 a. m. Testimony Meeting every Wed nesday at 8.15 p. m. St. Stephen's Church Low Sunday (April 24th). 8 a. m.---Holy Communion. 10 a. m.--Sunday School. 11.15 a. m.--Morning Prayer. 7.15 p. m.--.Confirmation. The apostolic rile of Confirma tion will be administered in St. Stephen's Church Sunday night by his Grace Archbishop de Pencier. At last week's meeting of the Church committee. Mr. Wilfred Hawkes was appointed envelope clerk in place of Mr. S. Bouts, Sr., who has hail to resign on account of ill health. The Trail Rangers hiked up Ilollyburn Ridge on Tuesday and all but two of the party got as far as the peak where with the aid of good field glasses a wond er! ul view of city and Burrard Inlet and Howe Sound was en joyed. An anonymous contribution of $10 towards church funds is gratefully acknowledged. The baseball season will open Friday night when the junior team with Mr. Condon as umpire will meet Beaconsfield United at Irwin Park at 6 p. m. Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock the juven iles will meet St. Mark's juven iles at the same place. All noys of the Sunday School areasked to turn out in full force for these games. A most successful Easter Tea and Sale of Work was held at "The Clachan" on Wednesday afternoon last under the auspic es of the Women's Auxiliary. The results were most gratifying and we wish to extend a hearty vote of thanks to the various conveners and their friends who by their kind gifts and patron age contributed largely to the success of the affair. CHOIR RENDERS "THE CRUCIFIXION' St. Stephen's Church was crowded at the Good Friday eve ning service, when the choir under the direction of the organ ist, A. L. Grout, gave a fine rend ering of Stainer's "Crucifixion." The principal solos were taken by Major Lester and J. H. Smith, and the quartette by Mrs. W. L. Berry, Mrs. J. H. Smith, Major Lester and J. H. Smith. To as sist the organ and choir Mrs. Knight Hodge very kindly sup plied an orchestra consisting of the following: 1st violins, Mrs. F. Knight Hodge, iVlrs. T. Snelgrove J. McArthur; 2nd Violins, Miss Winnie Brealey, Miss Irene Grac- ey, Mrs. Millan, C. Waddingham; cellos, H. E. Day, W. Cuthbert. L. O. B. A. At the Masquerade dance re cently held by the Ladies Orange Benevolent Association, a draw ing for 14 ton of coal donated by Mr. Black, Weston Transfer, was held, the winning number being 173. Will the holder of this ticket please come forward. The convenor and committee wish to thank the following, who donated prizes: Mr. J. Patterson, Ambleside Electric Store, Mr. Sagar, jeweller, and the Lesage Drug Store. Thanks are also due to the convenor and commit tee, who ably carried this dance through and made it such a suc cess. The next regular meeting will be held in New Ambleside Hall on Thursday, April 28th, at 8 p. m. "Save the surface and Paint Up you save a U - ^ j ^ CIean Up Senour's Floor Paint For all inside floors. Dries hard over night. Outside Porch l'nlnt For verandah floors & porch steps Neu-Tone A washable Hat oil paint for in terior decoration. Wood-Lac Varnish Stain Improves the new, renews the old. For floors and furniture. M a r t in 's de Luxe Enamel Highest grnde enamel in white and colors. THE PAINT FOR W EA R an d W EATHER F or E x te r io r an d In te r io r We carry a full stock. Let's talk It over. Hollyburn General Store (Hooper nml Son) 17th and Murine WE DELIVER Phone West tfi BUILDER'S SUPPLIES We can supply your every requirement in SAND -- GRAVEL -- LIME -- CEMENT -- PLASTER BRICK, Etc. Quick Reliable Service THE WEST VAN SUPPLY (E. 11. MINIONS) 1458 Marine Drive, Ambleside Phone West 105 ALL KINDS OF FUEL " I Like the Burrard Laundry" It's just fine to hear people speak well of you. They wouldn't do it if they didn't mean it. A customer said to her neighbor today,--"I like the Burrard Laundry people, they take such care of everything,--they're prompt and their charges are very modest." Try us and r.ee if it's true. The Burrard Laundry Limited F or P eop le Who A r t P articu lar THUD SHEET u i ST. DAVIDS North Vancouver Phone North 1310. II. H. Ballard Tasty Baked Goods So Appetizing--so tasty--and so popular are our Pasties and Cakes becoming that we feel justified in saying--"there nrc none better." Our Bread is baked fresh daily, and may be had at our shop or delivered at your home. Phone West 27 and our delivery man will call. ' STRATTON'S BAKERY THE West Van News Published Every Friday II. HODGSON and F. F. LOVEGROVB Phone West 191, Phone West 4I2L P u b lish ers Business and Editorial Office: 1361 Marine Drive Mill Address: P. O. Box 101, Hollyburn, B. C. $1.00 a year by mail or carrier. News, stands 5c per copy. ADVERTISING RATES ON APPLICATION