6 THF. W EST VAN NEW S April 8, 1927. "Lesagchasit" LESAGE Drug Store North Side Marine near 14th Phone West 323 Patronize West Van.'s New Rexall Drug Store Everyday Cash Prices: Lydia Pinkham's Vegetable Compound .............. 98c Sulphur and Molasses 25c Kotex ......................... 69c Kennedy's Stomach Bit ters .........................$1.00 Colorite Hat Dye ....... 30c Pompeian Day and Night Creams 60c Genuine Russian Mineral Oil, 16 oz. bottle. 69c Rexall Orderlies.......... 25c 25c Face Cloths, special 19c Thermogene Wool ...... 50c Van Ess Scalp Massage ____________________ $ 1.00 Jergen's Quality Face Soaps 3 cakes for ............... 25c "Lesagehasit" Mr. B. Burton, who has been spending the winter in the city, is back again at his house at 30th and Marine Drive. • * * Captain Dunn is making pre parations to build at 23rd and Inglewood. * * * George Williamson is building a house for Mr. St. John on the Esplanade between 11th and 12th Streets. • • * Mr. Reid of Vancouver, is oc cupying the Hastings house at 25th and Bellevue for the sum- Messrs. Babcock and Ray are building a house on the Keith Road east of 13th Street. * * * At the dedication services of the Burrard Funeral Chapel on Saturday afternoon Rev. E. M. Searles made the prayer of dedi cation, Rev. J. C. Switzer giving the dedicatory address; a por tion of the Bible was read by Rev. A. M. O'Donnell and Rev. A. D. McLeod recited a prayer. Rev. J. D. Gillam also took part in the service. Mrs. Milton Mc Intyre was the soloist. Mrs. J. C. Durbin presided at the organ. * * * Mr. Haydn Young is having a rock garden put in the grounds of his house at 24th and Hay wood. * * * Miss Wadsley has moved from the city to her summer cottage at West Bay. * * * H. G. Foran, 28th and Water front, was struck on the head by a crane on Monday morning and severely injured, while he was standing on the dock at the Britannia Wire Rope Co.'s yards. He was taken to the General Hospital. L. O. B. A. The next regular meeting of this society will be held in the New Ambleside Hall, April 14th, at 8 sharp. Visitors from Grand Lodge are expected. _ Kiddies drink Fr a s e r Va l l e y M ILK f ir Safety Call the F raser Valley Man tomorrow m orning A Cream Wagon on every street - every morning Fairmont lOOO Mr. C. Garrett of Vancouver, is occupying his summer home at Cypress Park.• • • Chas. Wellington caught two large spring salmon at Horse shoe Bay on Sunday. Salmon fishing is good at that point, and several other fishermen have had good luck there recently. * • • Contractor Witherly is start ing the construction of a house for Mrs. Armstrong on Bellevue between 23rd and 24th Streets. ♦ • * Mrs. Scribner has moved into a cottage on Bellevue near 12th Street. * * * Mr. Valentine has purchased from R. L. Taylor the agency of the Window Bakeries at i4th and Marine Drive. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor and their daughter are returning to Crescent Beach. * * * Mr. and Mrs. John Banks form er residents of North Vancou ver, are now occupying their new home "Ailsn Craig" at Sandy Cove. * * • Mr. Percy King will give the address at the British-Israel As sociation's meeting next Tues day at 8 p. m. in the New Am bleside Hall. His subject will be "The Time and Manner of the Second Coming of Christ." * * * A meeting of the Council of the Board of Trade will be held in Byrnell and May's office to night (Friday) at 8 p. m. ♦ * * Mrs. F. X. Hodgson has just returned from a successful tour, her itinerary including Arm strong, Vernon, Kelowna, and Penticton. At the latter city she addressed a meeting of six hundred school children on "the festival movement," and also ex amined the school children in vocal work. According to reports Mrs. Hodgson met with a wond erfully fine reception, the de sire being expressed for her to repeat tthe tour later in the year. * * * Mrs. W. Climie, 27 th and Mathers, won the first prize for the best pair of hand embroicf- ered pillowcases Class E, in the knitting and art needlework com petition of the Hudson's Bay Company. The prize is $20. WEST VANCOUVER CRICKET CLUB TO HOLD ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of the West Vancouver Cricket Club will be held at the Fortune Cup Inn on Wednesday, 13th April, at 8 p. m., when the schedule for the coming season will be ar ranged and the election of offic ers takes place. A hearty wel come is extended to all old mem bers and others who are interest ed in the game. P. T. A. The monthly meeting of P. T. A. will be held in the Pauline Johnson School, Tuesday, April 12th, at 8 p. m. Miss L. Cots- worth of Vancouver, will speak; her subject being Physical Cul ture for Girls. Parents please take notice. ST. STEPHEN'S W. A. The regular weekly Lenten Sewing meeting was held at the home of Mrs. J. Rutledge of West Bay on Monday last. Mrs. A. Hampton, 30th and Inglewood, will be the hostess for next week, Monday, April 11th. As this will be the last opportun ity to finish the work commenc ed for the Easter Bazaar to be given on April 21st, a good at tendance is requBted. BOYS' BASEBALL LEAGUE The A. O. T. S. are sponsoring a baseball league for teen age boys between the ages of 14 anil 18 in West Vancouver. Percy Downey of the Marine Motors, has donated a cup for the win ners. In order that West Van couver may be divided into dis tricts with a team in each, boys interested are requested to sign one of the lists that are being kept for that purpose by E. I,ane at the Pauline Johnson School. M. Watson at the High School, p. Dob ney i l the Marine Motors, or G. Geminill at the West Van. Pharmacy. Willie had been a naughty boy and had been sent to bed by his mother without any supper. He was naturally aggrieved at the feminine sex, and tumbled into bed without saying his prayers. "Willie," his mother demand ed, "say your prayers." "I won't!" "Don't you want to go to heaven ?" "Nah, us got to stick together these days;" Judge (to victim of accident): Have you any scars? Victim: No sir, I don't smoke. MASQUERADE BALL TONIGHT Final arrangemtns for the grand masquerade ball given by the Ladies Orange Benevolent Association on Friday, April 8th, at the New Ambleside Hall, have been completed and a first class program has been arranged. Owing to numerous requests several old time dances have been included. The French Min uet, Polka. Highland Schottishe, Barn Dance, Military Two-Step, have been specially requested. \ Modern dances, however, will comprise the bulk of the pro- gram. Among the many prizes which have been donated are a pair of electric curling tongs by Mr. Pat terson of the Electric Store at Ambleside, a Duplex Safety raz or by Mr. LeSage of the new drug store. In addition to the prizes for the best costumes, the best originals, and the best com ics, will be a special prize for the best home-made costume. Mr. and Mrs. F. Watson of Lonsdale, have kindly consented to act ns judges. Mrs. W. Carley will have charge of the refreshments and Mr. Donald McTavish will be Master of Ceremonies. Barry's orchestra will be in attendance. T o ' Vancouver City DIRECT by DE LUXE EXPRESS MOTOR COACHES The comfortable way, the quickest way, the economical way, the only way for distin- Kuished citizens, who always select the best transportation. BUY A BOOK OF TICKETS (Ok Sey. 4000 B . g , & & T O R 4000 (RANSPORTATJPF SEYMOUR AT DUNSMUIR