April 8, 1927. THE WEST VAN NEWS 6 RIDLEY Milk & Ice Co. MILK 12c a quart Pure Rich Wholesome Milk is one of the best foods for every member of the fami ly. Nothing can take its place, but--be sure and get the full complement of but ter fat. Ridley's Milk contains a minimum of 3.5 butterfat. Higher than the govern ment standard. It is bottl ed and produced under the very best sanitary condi tions and it is sold at the lowest possible price. The "best for less" is a phrase much overworked but in this case it is abso lutely true. 12 cents a quart from your store or delivered. Ridley's Milk for Delivery Phone West 456 P E R S O N A L S Miss Berle Worker of South Vancouver, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. A. Dickinson at the First Narrows lighthouse. ♦ ♦ * Mr. Lampman of the Fordyce Motors, Vancouver, has taken Mrs. De Pender's cottage at 23rd and Marine Drive. * * * George Tite of Swift Current, the well known ban joist, arrived here on Wednesday, and is stay ing with his brother Fred Tite of Ambleside. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Powis have tak en W. G. Caslor's house at 21st and Argyle. * * * Mrs. Elfstrom has rented the front flat of the Ross apart ments at Ambleside, Marine Drive. The rear flat has been rented by Mr. Crane. * * * Mrs. John Riach' is staying with her sister, Mrs. E. J. Jaff- ray, 25th and King's. * * * The regular meeting of West Vancouver L.O.L. No. 2990 took place in Dundarave Hall last Tuesday evening, when one mem ber was advanced to the Royal Blue Degree. Vancouver Coun ty No. 1 lodge paid a fraternal visit, and a splendid address was delivered by the County Deputy Master on "Orangeism." Re freshments were served during the evening. * * * Mrs. Gunn, 24th and Haywood, has left for Victoria, where she is paying her daughter a short visit. Burrard Funeral Chapel CENTER & HANNA LTD. Established 1893 320 T h ird S tre e t E. N o rth V ancouver P hone N o rth 1110 ' Announcement Having taken over the business formerly operated by L. R. Taylor (Canadian Window Bakeries) on Marine Drive at 14th Street, we wish to ask for your continued patronage and to assure you that your custom will always receive prompt and appreciative attention. All Kinds of Bakery Goods supplied fresh every day. LIGHT LUNCHES AND TEAS CONFECTIONERY. ICE CREAM, ETC. A . & F . V A L E N T I N E The regular practice of the Boys' Choir will be held on Sat urday morning in the Hollyburn School at 10 o'clock. A full at tendance is requested. Any new members please phone Professor Morgan at West 173. * * * . Mrs. Chet Shields returned on Tuesday from Port Angeles, where she has been visiting for a few days. * # * Mr. and Mrs. W. A. McLaren have sold thier home on Duchess Street and expect to leave for the Prairie shortly. * * * H. C. Osborne spent Monday and Tuesday at Chilliwack, going by motor. He reports the roads as in good condition for auto travel. * * * Local members of Lodge 43 B. P. O. E., are giving a dance in the near future in aid of the Children's Playground. Tripp Piano Recital Captivates Audience West Vancouver has at dif ferent times staged some partic ularly pleasing and successful concerts but the Tripp Piano Re cital held last Wednesday will go down in history as one of the most appreciated of any yet giv en. Mr. Tripp has a well estab lished reputation as a master pianist, but his playing on Wed nesday was truly wonderful, and those who were fortunate enough to hear him were held spellbound by his remarkable ability. He played to a particularly appreci ative audience and the applause that greeted each of his numbers was a tribute to the artist and an unmistakable indication of the pleasure given them. Mr. Aub rey A. Clarke, the assisting vocal artist, was in great voice and his interpretation of some difficult songs caused much favorable comment. Miss Margaret McIn tyre well maintained her reputa tion as one of the best accomp anists in this part of the world. Tennis Club The annual meeting of the West Vancouver Tennis Club took place in the Fortune Cup Inn on Thursday evening, 31st March. There was a vevy large attendance of both old and new members, and without a doubt it was the most enthusiastic and successful meeting ever held by the club. B. Burton was re-elec ted president and J. McArthur re-elected sec.-treasurer for the ensuing year. The directors el ected were Mrs. R. C. Proctor, Colonel Tristram, and R. H. Sim- monds. The entertainment and refreshment committee elected were Mrs. Dorchester, Mrs. J. Simmonds, Miss B. Tristram, and Miss H. Ritchie. • In addition to the men's team, which plays in the Mainland League, it was decided to make application to enter in the mix ed division of the same league. For this season at least it was resolved that no entrance fee be charged, so that the subscription for the season stands at ladies, $10 and men $15. The contract for recondition ing and putting the courts in first class shape was awarded to J. Williamson. Work on them was started last Tuesday, and the club directors hope that with favorable weather they will be able to officially open the courts for play on Good Friday, April 15th. Applications for member ship should be mailed to J. Mc Arthur, Hollyburn, P.O., or 160 Water Street, City. Good stuff comes in small packages. Everything you purchase here can be abso lutely and positively relied upon. The "Store of Service" West Vancouver Pharmacy. We sell Postage Stamps. We deliver. Phones West 37; Night Phone West 321. F R A M A R Montessori School F O R S M A L L C H I L D R E N 18th ft Esquimau Mrs. W. D. Frucr Phon u W a i t 03L T er m* Reasonabi EGGS New Laid Eggs, buy them now for preserving 30 cents a dozen MAKE THIS YOUR FOOD SHOP This is your Grocery. It is built on service and satis faction to customers. Here's a complete line of Staple and Fancy Groceries guaranteed to be of the highest grade. Phone West 16 GREENWOOD'S GROCERY Phone your orders. We deliver PHONE 4 6 8 L J. H. REID Sand, G ravel an d G eneral T eam w ork 16th and FULTON D. MORGAN, J .P . N O T A R Y P U B L I C REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE Twenty-fifth and Marine Dr. Phone Weat 4 W EST VAN. T A X I Pearce's Drygoods 14th.St. and Marine New Spring S tyles in D resses for E aste r R ayon an d Spun Silk $3.75 and $5.95 each. Phone West 144 F. Newman & D. Robbins CARPENTERS House Painters, Paperhangers Kalsomining, Re-Shingling, etc. Reasonable Terms Send for our sample book of Wallpapers. Latest in Designs Peep o' Day House Phone M athers & 29th West 437R3