4 TH E W EST VAN. NEW S April 8. 1927. New classes now being formed J. M . Morgan WEST VANCOUVER T eacher of Voice P ro d u c tio n and Singing Phones West 173 Seymour 3058o TRUCKING and TEAM WORK Excavating: (Day or Contract) SAND & GRAVEL P. A. ANDREWS 1766 Fulton. I'honc West 650R BILLIARDS and POOL New Tables Ju st Installed CHET SHIELDS 14TH STREET right at Railway Crossing TOBACCO. CONFECTIONERY and PERIODICALS Ferry BARBER SHOP (J . .Miles) In connection with Shield's Billiard and Confectionery. Shampooing and Face Massag ing in all branches Only F irs t Class Work GIVE US A TRIAL H AR R O N BROS. & W IL L IA M S O N jfuiteial Directors North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 Watch, Clock and Jewelery Repairing T he W est Van Watchmaker & Jeweller Marine Drive Between 14th and 15th. Htllrborn Theatre RUDOLPH VALENTINO "THE EAGLE" J. GAWTHORN in connection with the Paint Shop, north side of Marine at 14th Phone West 322 Agent for SINGER SEWING MACHINES and C. C. M. BICYCLES Cash or terms Gramaphone and Bicycle Repairs BABY BUGGIES Re-TYRED Now Open FOR BUSINESS Hollyburn Music Shoppe Corner 22nd and Marine Everything in Music and MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS We appreciate your business. Miss Black and Miss Lye have moved into one of the Clachan cabins for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. R. Jessop held a family re-union at their home on Sunday evening. The evening was spent in music. Orchestral pieces were played by William Edgett and Miss Robertson, vio linists. C. Waddingham, clnrio- netist, and Mrs. C. Waddingham at the piano. These artists aft erwards gave solos, and Mr. Sen tence sang several songs. * * * The West Vancouver Company of the Girl Guides are taking part in the inspection of the Girl Guides at Ceperley Play ground, Vancouver, tomorrow by Lady Willingdon. • * * Mrs. Garnham of Vancouver, has moved to her cottage on Waterfront, between 24th and 25th Streets. * * * Mrs. C. Waddingham, Fulton and Marine, this week won a prize for a literary contribution to the Province. The half-hourly service on the ferries goes into effect on Good Friday, April 15th. An adver tisement relative to this appears in this issue. * * * Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Willsher of "The Lilacs," Dundarave, are back from a week's visit to Har rison Hot Springs, where they spent a most enjoyable time mot oring and fishing around the beautiful Harrison Lake. * * * Dr. F. Stainsby has purchased a Moon sedan. * * * The L.O.B.A. are giving their first annual masquerade dance tonight (Friday) in the New Ambleside Hall. Vernon Feed Store A. C. SEARLE Phone W est 9 FEED, FUEL, CEMENT Etc. "HOMES THAT ARE DIFFERENT" Have your house plans designed and arranged by a fully qualified archi tect. Detail Blue Prints for 5-room House $25.00 LARGER OR SMALLER BUILDINGS ON SAME BASIS. John Pinder-Moss A.E.I.C. Res. (Twenty-five years in practice) ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEER Phone West 199 Office: Ambleside Lumber Coy., Hollyburn, B. C. Miss Emett and Miss Dewitt have moved into a cottage at 25th and Bellevue. • • * Mrs. S. E. Garland has pur chased the two cottages nt 17th and Esquimnlt belonging to the Nelson estate. • • ♦ Tomorrow, Saturday, is the anniversary of the battle of Vimy Ridge. It is understood that the Memorial Arch will be decorated with wreaths by the local chapter I.O.D.E., and other organisations. * * * Mrs. McLeod and baby with her mother, Mrs. Earle, were vis itors at "the Clachan" on Tues day. Mrs. McLeod and Mrs. Earle are old Dundarave resid ents. * • * George Bannister, of Bothell, Washington, has been visiting his sisters in Altamont. * * ♦ Mrs. Wilson of Marine Drive and 25th, was the victim of an unfortunate accident on Satur day afternoon, when she was struck by an auto driven by Mrs. F. C. Harris. She is at present confined to her home with an in jured knee. * * * An exhibition of the work done this season by the night classes in Manual Training and Sewing will be given in the Manual Training room of the* Pauline Johnson School on Thursday eve ning, April 14th, from 7.30 to 9.30. Tea will be served. Excel lent work has been done by the classes, and the various exhibits should prove of great interest to the public. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Bannister, who have been spending the winter with their daughters in Alta mont, left on Thursday for their home in Winnipeg. * * * J. E. Condon has entered a baseball team in the Intermedi ate Division as a result of the meeting for boys between the ages of 15 and 18, which was held in the Manual Training room of the Pauline Johnson School on Thursday, 31st March. Practic es will begin very shortly. * * * Mr. J. Ollason has moved to his summer cottage at 29th and Waterfront. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Ball of Vancouver, were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Herring, Fulton and Marine, on Sunday. * * * Pringle & Son have completed the making of the flower beds in front of the office of the Am bleside Lumber Co. The ar rangement is very effective and will addgreatly to the appear ance of the office. IMMEDIATE I 1 TllADUD D A D C* A INC IMMEDIATE DELIVERY LUIYIDLIV DAIVVJAIIIiJ DELIVERY 1x6 and Cedar Shiplap (good)................................ $13.00 per M 2x4 Com. sized......................................................... 10.00 " " 1x6 Clear Siding (several patterns)....................... 18.00 " " 1x8 Fence Boards, clear ........................................ 18.00 " " 5x5 Cedar, rough ..................................................... 24.00 " " 4 inch Clear G utter................... ............................. 10c per foot We carry' a full line of all rough and finished Lumber IN STOCK, also SASH, DOORS AND FRAMES W E D O S A V E Y O U M O N E Y Let us figure your list and we will prove the above statement. You can't afford to pay more Ambleside Lumber Co. 16th & Marine Phone West 199 Mrs. M. Southcott, 13th St., East, Vancouver, is building a house at 13th and Fulton. * ♦ * Mrs. Scribner, 14th Street, has moved to a house on 14th and Bellevue. • • * Mr. and Mrs. J. Rawkins and family returned here on Satur day and are occupying a cottage at the back of the boat station at 17th and Waterfront. Mr. Rawkins is getting his boats painted and in shape for the summer season. ♦ * * G. E. Reid, manager of the Lc- sage Drug Store here, has moved into a house at the corner of 21st and Marine Drive. * * • Mr. and Mrs. McDougal are oc cupying their house on the Wat erfront between 25th and 26th, having just returned from Southern California, where they spent the winter months. Scottish Society The next regular meeting of the above society will be hefd on Friday, April 22nd, in "the Cla chan." Colonel Foster will give an illustrated lecture entitled "National Parks of Canada." This lecture promises to he very interesting and instructive and Colonel Foster, who is a very able speaker, needs no introduc tion to West Vancouver. All friends of the members are invit ed to be present. ^ "A glorious success" was the unanimous decision of all who at tended the first annual dance of the society last Friday. A very large and enthusiastic company took part, and once again this society, which since its inception years ago has been reared on good fellowship, can well be proud of those energetic mem bers who did so much on this occasion to create such "a happy time" for everyone. Thos. Killin as master of cer emonies was undoubtedly the right man in the right place, while Robert McVenn as presi dent and host looked well after his guests. Reeve V. V. Vinson who kindly announced the prizes from "Sandy's Storeroom," was his usual genial self. Mrs. Dur kin's orchestra playing in West Vancouver for the first time, was indeed splendid. The prizes drawn for, of which there were over a hundred, were most ac ceptable and were much apprec iated by those fortunate enough to win them. The winners in the whist were as follows: first ladies' prize, Miss Phyllis Smith, Royal Doul- ton ware cake plate; first gen- lemen's prize, Mr. A. Chisholm, gents' cigarette box; first ladies' consolation, Mrs. Colpitts, eutj glass salt and pepper; gentle- f men's consolation, Mr. D'llwena, aluminum dish. ELKS TO HOLD DANCE TO AID PLAYGROUNDS The Elks Lodge No. 43,(North Vancouver) is holding a dance on Thursday, April 28th, at Hol lyburn Pavilion, in aid of the West Vancouver Children's Play- Ground Fund. Hollyburn Rainfall March, 1927. March 1-- .03 inch 4-- .04 " 5-- .37 " 6-- .84 " 7-- 1.03 " 8-- .01 " 9-- .38 " 10-- .23 " 11-- 1.14 " 12-- .00 " 13-- .11 " 14-- .07 " 16-- .55 " 17-- .20 " 19-- .42 " 20-- .66 " 22-- .41 " 23-- .16 " 25-- .17 " 30-- .23 " 31-- .44 " Total rain 7.55 inches for month. March 7, 0.5 inch snow. LOCAL REAL ESTATE FIRM * SHOWING ENLARGED MAI* Messrs. Savory and Duval, the real estate agents are displaying in their window a particularly interesting map of West Van couver. This map which is a- bout 11 feet by four feet, stretch es the length of the window. It shows each lot and subdivision, and all streets and roadways. Being in colors and on such a large scale it is of much value for quick reference and gives one an immediate idea of the lay of the land. The map is the work of a local artist, Mr. G. W. Thom as, who has but recently come to live in West Vancouver.