April 8, 1927. THE WEST VAN NEWS 3 Serving Vou n .%> OWER PLANT PERATOR On duty a t every B.C. Electric power house every hour of the day and night. Be h ish CoiM B m Wjh ELECTBicRMw/nrCo. Vancouver Annual Exhibition "Slated as the greatest pro gramme ever arranged for an ex hibition audience, the functions for Canada's Pacific Diamond Jubilee exhibition have been de cided upon by the Vancouver Ex hibition Association. The fun ctions will be staged as usual in the Hastings Park Exhibition grounds, for ten days from Aug ust 10 to 20. Consisting of nearly forty de partments the displays will rep resent the last word in the pro ducts of the country, it is an nounced, and in the realm of act ual exhibits alone, the show will be worth going many miles to see. But it is in the realm of grand stand attractions that the furore will be caused. Here the great international world cham pionship stampede will hold sway for ten performances. It is def initely announced that the cham pions at seven stampedes which will be held prior to the date of the Pacific stampede will be present and that the contests in Vancouver will be for the final championship of the world for the year 1927. Already some two hundred cowboys have inti mated their intention of taking part, and the fiercest and most untamable horses in the world will be present. Special arrangements are be ing made for bulldogging, and steer riding, and there will be other stunts which will thrill the thousands which are expected to throng the grand stand every day. For six nights starting Aug ust 15 the stupendous historical pageant depicting incidents of the life of Canada from the dawn of creation to the diamond jub ilee will be staged. The book has been written by a British Columbia boy, Frank Higgin, K.C., Victoria, and the foremost producers on the continent will stage the show. Nearly 1000 people will take part, everyone being resident in the province, and the costuming will be gorgeous. A grand fin ale of fireworks lasting half an hour every evening will complete the show. The Exhibition offic ials are doing everything to make the pageant a memorable function. The forty first Cale donian games will again be stag ed on August 13, and the Elks Flag Day on August 20 will be another bumper occasion. Two modern bungalows con structed on the grounds will be given away to the holder of the lucky tickets. The presentations will be made on the last day of the exhibition. A child's com plete playhouse presented by the Building Trades Council will be given free to the child hold ing a free draw ticket on Elks Day. The house will be twelve feet square with five foot ceil ing, hardwood floors, electric fix tures, and other features. The homes will be open for inspec tion fully finished during the ex hibition. Great displays are promised in horses, cattle, sheep, swine and goats, while the poultry, pigeon, dog, cat and rabbie shows are sure to be record breakers. The automobile show, manu facturers exhibits, school dis plays and midway will be superb, while the National Egg show is something new which is focus sing the attention of practically every hen owner in the province. A great forestry display is promised, and machinery row will be fully represented. A fully equipped rest room will again be on the grounds, and restaurant accommodation will be ample. This is diamond jubilee year, and August 10 to 20 is the time for the annual holiday, so that the exhibition can be visited at Vancouver. WATERSHED AREAS MAY BE EXTENDED Plans are being made by the municipal council to have land adjacent to all watersheds de clared as health areas. This has become necessary owing to the number of tourists patronizing mountain resorts. The question is being discussed with the Prov incial Board of Health. The regular meeting of the Duncan Lawson Chapter, I.O.D. E., will be held at the home of Mrs. A. A. Almas, Marine Drive, between 11th and 12th Streets, on Monday afternoon, April 11th at 2.15 p. m. Conservatives Hold Meeting The Conservative Association held their monthly meeting in the New Ambleside Hall yester day at 8 p. m. Letters were read from Gen. A. D. McRae and the Vancouver members at Ot tawa in response to invitations sent them to the Conservative dance on 19th instant, in which they all stated they would be present at the dance providing the sessions in Ottawa closed in time to allow of their being back in Vancouver at that date. A letter was also read which had been received by Reeve Vinson, chairman of the Association, from Gen. A. D. McRae, in which the member for the North Shore outlined the political situation in Ottawa. Dr. Alfred Thomp son, ex-M.P. for the Yukon, gave a very interesting address on the Conservative party and their policies. They had, he said, good leaders, both at Ottawa and Vic toria, and he stressed the fact that since Dr. Tolmie's appoint ment one hundred new Conser vative Associations had been formed in the province. During the evening vocal solos were rendered by Mrs. H. Eager, Mrs. J. T. Watt, and Miss Joan Durbin, Mrs. Durbin being the accompanist. I \ W. SELWOOD WINS FELLOWSHIP Pierce W. Selwood is one of two University of B. C. students chosen from among 200 appli cants for a fellowship in chem istry at the University of Illin ois. He has a brilliant scholar ship record, having won the Gov ernor-General's medal in his en trance year. He is well known as a rifle shot, having been twice a member of the Canadian team at Bisley. He tied for first place in the Dominion rifle meet at Ottawa in 1921 and won the Mc- Dougall challenge cup in 1922. Hollyburn Barber Shop Wm. Newby, Proprietor For HAIR CUTTING and SHINGLING 25 years' experience TIE CAPILANO TINIER CO.. LTD. Main Office N O R T H 3 0 5 West Vancouver Office W E S T 1 0 2 Cor. 18th and Marine Residence W E S T 3 1 6 Builders and Contractors ATTENTION! W e carry a large stock of Fir, Hemlock & Cedar Lumber of all dimensions. Lengths from 6 to 40 feet. Rough and Finished Lumber, Sash & Doors, Lath & Shingles G r a d e , Q u a l i t y a n d S e r v ic e G u a r a n t e e d . O n ly W h i t e H e lp E m p lo y e d GET OUR PRICES w * » « U1H1X1X1».>CX k x * .KlXiKiK'KlW WsCKlU'JUKWMWWWXKCfflOaXiKlXttua s k k s s s s s k x s ........ „ ------------->■ - - - --...... .. .............................................................................................M x ^ T i i i t i u j i b im iidgiK H iiH iiiiK igiiiiinii .n .n iu