8 TH E W EST VAN NEW S April 8, 1927. WEST VANCOUVER IS THE REST PLACE TO LIVE IN AND SMITH'S GROCERY IS THE REST PLACE TO BUY AT SPFCIALS FOR TH IS WEEK: MARMALADE, 4 lb. tin U t CHOICE PINK SALMON. GRAPE NUTS iv 2 lu g i tint for Ha GOOSEBERRY JAM. 4 lb. tin 55c ROYAL CROWN SOAP 21c STRAWBERRY JAM. 4 lb tin 67c Saturday is* positively the last day for our introductory Tea Special 1 lb. Tea 59c i If you have not got yours yet. Phone at 5 lb. Sugar 25c t once West 469. Smith s Grocery (A. HARVEY SMITH. Prop.) GROCERIES, HARDWARE. DRY GOODS & SUNDRIES Phone \our wants and we will grip you quick deliverv 24th AND MARINE. Opp. Dundarave Hall Phone WEST 469 Roberts' Better Neats 14th and Marine West 1 9 0 Where Service and Quality Count WE DELIVER MORNING 9:30--East 25th Only 11:30--from Capilano to Caulfeild AFTERNOON 3:30--East 25th Only A SPECIAL FOR EVERY DAY Keep this advertisement for reference Delivered only with other goods SATURDAY NEW ZEALAND BUTTER 3 lbs for $1.35 Pullett Eggs, 2 doz .... 58c Bacon, Side sliced, per lb 40c Bacon, by the piece, per lb .38c Fresh Beef Dripping, 3 lbs 25c Cambridge Sausage, 3 lbs 25c Pot Roast, prime steer beef from, per lb................... 13V'jc Boiling Beef, prime steer beef per lb .............. .. 12c Rolled Rib Oven Roast, lb. 25c Rhubarb, 2 lbs ................... 25c Grape Fruit, 3 for 25c Highland Potatoes 100 lbs................ ......... .... $1.25 Ripe Tomatoes, per l b ...... 25c MONDAY Swift Jewel Shortening, per lb ........ 16c Large Lemons, per dozen 30c TUESDAY Boiled Ham, per lb............... 50c Pork Steak, per lb 23c WEDNESDAY Sweet Oranges. 3 dozen ... 95c Sliced Fresh Cod, 2 lbs 25c THURSDAY LoggieV Haddie, per lb 16c Fresh Sliced Liver, per lb. 10c Our Own Cooked Delicatessen, Dainty and Appetizing Jellied Chicken Jellied Veal Jellied Corned Beef Jellied Tongue Veal Loaf Boiled Ham. CORRESPONDENCE PRICE CUTTING Editor: If the question was put to the business world which they would rather associate with. Courage or Fear, the answer un doubtedly would be. Courage; but we find that unwittingly, many business men are associat ing with fear disguised as cour age. To make myself more clear. I might state that I am referring to Price Cutting, for behind price cutting at all times, is that loathsome spectre FEAR, whisp ering to the salesman or estima tor to "Sharpen your pencil--cut --cut prices. The salesman fearing his com petitor may have some edge on the job on which he is quoting, loses sight of the fact that he may be losing money for the man who is paying his wages and wishing to make a (temporary) showing #for himself, cuts prices to the bone, not realizing that he is advertising to the public that he has lost confidence in himself and the quality of the firm's product. A stable business can only be built on quality and fair prices. Fair prices are readily arrived at from knowing Costs plus Com mercial Burden plus a Nominal Profit. When these are known, to the management and the sales man, courage immediately stands at their elbow instead of fear. The man who allows his actions to be controlled by fear and in sists in price cutting, eventually goes out and under. Before he does so, he does inconceivable damage to the trade, giving the impression that the man who knows his business and refuses to whittle his pencil to a point of absurdity is a shyster trying to gouge the last pound of flesh from the public. There is only one way to oust that expensive spectre "FEAR" and that is ad equate knowledge of costs. First know your costs then stand shoulder to shoulder with your business associates for in so do ing you will not only reap the benefit, yourself, but the com munity at large will be benefited. Yours truly, F. E. ARMSTRONG A junk shop near a railroad crossing in Denver carries a sign with this hint to motorists: "Go ahead; take a chance. We'll buy the car." Authorized Ford Distributors. SERVICE SERVICE Official Garage of B. C. Automobile Club. Narine Motors 22nd and Marine Drive PHONE WEST 177 Night Phones: West 195L and West 142ft Automotive Experts Battery and Ignition Specialists The only Welding Plant and Blacksmith Shop in West Van. FREE TOWING TO MEMBERS. GASOLINE and OILS CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL BANDS Sir, l^ast week I stressed the im portance of school bonds and. with your permission, I will con firm this statement by citing some remarkable figures taken from the records of the school re ferred to in the following para graph : "The town of Audubon, Iowa, has a population of twenty-two hundred and one hundred and sixteen students (twenty per cent of the entire population^ are engaged in the study of band and orchestral instruments. Sixty-two violins, five violas, three 'cellos, three bass viols, two flutes, one piccolo, fourteen clarinets, nine cornets, one French horn, three trombones, two baritones, three altos, two basses, four snare drums, two bass drums--total one hundred and sixteen pieces. This body is grouped into three orchestras and two bands, and is used for school and public functions. During the past four years they have won twenty-sev en silver cups and other contest honors. Coming nearer home, Vaiy couver has (1) The Native Sons' Band (all school children) of some fifty pieces; (2) New West minster Boys' Band are accomp lishing great work; (3) Victor ia's Navy League Band last year played at the Exhibition and at Stanley Park. Valuable prizes are being of fered by the Exhibition manage ment for amateur bands and I am safe in saying that the band adjudication will listen with sympathetic ear to the efforts of any boys' band which is game enough to contest at this year's band tournament. Yours, etc., CHAS. WADDINGHAM The old firehall at Ambleside, a landmark for many years, has been sold by the council and will shortly be demolished. This ac tion was taken owing to the nec essity for more space for the new garage and firehall which is to occupy the site of the old Ambleside hall. It is expected that the new quarters for the busses and fire trucks will be completed by April 14. W est V ancouver Municipal Ferries to take effect Friday. April 15th, 1927 C hange of Schedule Leave W est Vancouver Leave Vancouver §6.00 A.M. §6.30 A.M. §6.45 " §7.15 44 §7.15 " §7.45 44 §7.45 " 8.30 44 {8.00 " 9.00 44 §8.15 " 9.30 44 9.00 " 10.00 44 9.30 " 10.30 44 10.00 " 11.00 44 10.30 " 1 1.30 44 11.00 " 12.00 44 11.30 44 12.30 P.M. 12.00 44 1.00 44 12.30 44 1.30 44 1.00 P.M.. 2.00 44 1.30 44 2.30 44 2.00 4 3.00 44 2.30 44 3.30 44 3.00 44 4.00 44 3.30 44 4.30 44 4.00 44 {5.00 44 4.30 44 §5.15 44 5.00 44 5.30 44 15.30 44 {6.00 44 §5.45 44 §6.15 44 0.00 44 6.30 44 16.30 44 •7.00 44 7.00 44 7.30 44 7.30 44 8.00 44 8.00 44 8.30 44 8.30 44 9.00 44 9.00 44 9.30 44 9.30 44 10.00 44 10.00 44 10.30 44 10.30 44 1 1.00 44 11.00 44 1 1.30 44 11.30 44 12.00 44 §Not on Sundays or holidays. {Sundays and holidays only. Schedule Subject to Change With out Notice. Not Liable for Delay-*. We are Particular Very particular, about the kind of Meats we sell. We can not afford to take chances on getting inferior grades of Meat. When you buy here you are sure of getting the best and that it is kept under the most sanitary conditions. JEFFERIES MEAT MARKET Next to llollyhurn Theatre ^ PHONE WEST 3 WE DELIVER ALL MEATS KKPT IN REFRIGERATOR Fresh and Cured Monts, Butter, Kggs, llnoon and I.ard. SOME OF OUR BEST U S E D C A R S 1924 Chevrolet Touring. This car is in the very best of con dition, paint like new, upholstery splendid, and me chanically it is perfect. $150.00 Cash will handle this car; balance spread over 12 months. 1925 Star Touring $550.00 Vt 1925 Chevrolet Sedan $750.00 1926 Essex Coach, not yet one year old $H75.00 NORTH SHORE MOTORS L I M I T E D CHEVROLET CARS ON DISPLAY 135 First Street West, Phone North 1186 North Vancouver Phone North 1350