West Van. News (West Vancouver), 29 Jul 1927, p. 6

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6 TH E W EST VAN NEW S July 29, 1927. Lesagehasit IF YOU ARE BORED A MAGAZINE chosen from our complete stock will make the hours fly by, especially these hot days. A Rood idea to leave a monthly order for those you want. Here are a few of our FRIDAY and SATURDAY SPECIALS appearing in the Province on Page 4: 60c Ipona Tooth P asteC uticura Soap 75c Kruschcn S alts 75c P etro laum 75c Cotton ................... 70c Sal H epatica 40c C asto ria ----------- 35c Sloans Linam ent 3 cakes 59c 53c 49c 49c ........... 65c 33c ... ....... 29c S9c l i e50c Squihbs Tooth P aste . F R E E Trial Bottle of W illiams Aqua Velva a f te r shave w ith every 50c Tube o f Shaving Cream. 15c Envelopes ............. 9c See the Province for complete list--Page 4. Developing and Printing Kodak Films Lesage Drug Store North Side Marine, near 14th We deliver anywhere. No Order is too small W E S T 3 2 3 We give Trade Discount Receipts. Save the Coupons. Lesagehasit "Plugin" far cool Breezes BUT CAN you always plug in conveniently? Or do you have to unscrew light bulbs (sacrificing light) and waste unnecessary time making a connection for your fan or other electrical appliances? Provide your home with adequate con­ venience outlets. W e have a complete stock of electric fans variously priced from $7.50 up. See them at any B. C. Electric store. BsmsH Colcmbm (ftk) EiECTEicRmrwflyCo. VANCOUVER X & y VICTORIA _________________________________________________________________________ 28-28 Quarts 9 for $1.00 Phone North 122 PERSONALS OLD RILL IN THE MOVIES S>d Chaplin Plays the Chararter in "Retter 'Ole'* That Fur­ nished the Comedy of the War. Frances Guinan and her moth­ er. Mrs. F. N. Guinan, of 25th and Mathers, are leaving for Victoria next Sunday. Frances having to fill a week's dancing engagement at the Capitol Theatre in tlutf city starting on Monday. * • * Mrs. L. C. Eggins of Montreal, arrived here last Friday and will spend the summer with her par­ ents. Mr. and Mrs. Rhodes, 13th and Esquimau. Mrs. Eggins, who came by way of New York and the Panama, reports a very enjoyable trip.• * * Orr-Hamilton & Co's, tender for insurance on ferry No. 6, was accepted by the council at their meeting on Monday night, this firm being the successful tenderers last year. Five tenders were received. * * * Margaret Armstrong left last Saturday to visit her friend, Wenonah Young, at Inglewood Camp, Buccaneer Bay.• * * Rev. A. Harding Priest, rector of St. Stephens church, left on Monday for the church camp at Long Bay, Gambier Island, where with Rev. A. T. F. Holmes he will have charge of the jun­ ior hoys' camp. * * * Captain and Mrs. H. I. Vince and son, 13th and Marine Drive, have returned from a vacation spent at Harrison and Cultus Lakes. * * * The Misses Margaret and Nora Everall of San Francisco, who have visited here iji prev­ ious summers, have again re­ turned and are staying in Dun darave. * * * F. X. Hodgson, 23rd and Bel­ levue, has returned from a holi­ day in Pender Harbour. Mrs. Hodgson and family are expect­ ed home from there at the end of the week. * * * Among the guests at "The Clachan," are the following: W. R. Dunlop, Miss Hannah Mc­ Lean, Major E. and Mrs. Cope, all of Vancouver, the Misses F. L. and E. B. Davidson, of New Westminster, Mrs. Douglas and family, of Edmonton. * * * The Misses Cassie and Mary Armstrong of Vancouver, are now occupying their summer home in Dundarave. MISS SEARLE, OF TELEPHONE STAFF, TO BE MARRIED Mr. F. Searle, 29th and Math­ ers, announces the engagement of his daughter. Miss Nellie May Searle, to P. R. Hutchison, only son of Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Hutch­ ison, East Keith Road, North Vancouver. The wedding will take place at St. Stephens church next Monday, August 1st, at 8 a. m. MRS. CLARA WILSON'S PUPILS SUCCESSFUL IN EXAMINATION Four pupils of Mrs. Clara Wil­ son, West Vancouver, were pre­ sented for the examinations of the Toronto Conservatory of Music and all were successful in passing. Marjorie Hill, aged 10, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. McC. Hill, Fulton and 16th, took first class honors in the junior grade. Marjorie is exceptional­ ly young to have taken this ex­ amination, and that she obtain­ ed first class honors speaks very highly for the efficiency of the pupil and the teacher. In the primary grade Jean Hill was successful in passing, and Bar­ bara All work passed with hon­ ors, as did Margaret Saunders in the elementary grade. In accordance with the by-law the work of widening and re­ grading Keith Road to 26 feet, has been started. This exten­ sion work is to he done from 13th street to the North Van­ couver boundary. • * • Harry Farr of the West Van Garage, returned on Tuesday from a visit of several days to Campbell River, Vancouver Is­ land. His sister. Mrs. Grant and her son. who accompanied him, returned at the same time. The party had a very enjoyable holi­ day. hut are all glad to he hack in West Van. Mr. Farr, suffer­ ing a recurrence of his war troubles, found it necessary to have a change, and the trip gave beneficial results. * • * Miss Jean Anderson, R. N.t of Elgin Apartments. Vancouver, is staying at Caulfoild for a few weeks. * * * •Mrs. Elmer Harris, of Van­ couver, who is staying for the summer at West Bay, is being visited by her sister and brother- in-law, Frank T. Hayden, and family, who drove to the coast from Drumheller, Alberta, by auto. * * * Mr. and Mrs. C. IL Goodwin, 21st and Argyle, have returned from a short holiday at "The Willows," Lummi Island. * * * Mrs. W. A. Anderson, of Caul- feild, has as her guest her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. William Anderson, of Ker- risdale. * * * Madame J. Lesaunier, a well known piano teacher of Edmon­ ton, Alberta, who was visiting Mrs. Clara Wilson, Marine Drive, has gone to Victoria, but will return here within the next week or so to be again the guest of Mrs. Wilson before leaving for the east. Madame Lesaunier is a gold medallist of the French Conservatory of Music. * * * G. S. Conway was in charge of the topographical survey of Little Mountain. This work has given the council great satisfac­ tion. Luncheon Hostess. Mrs. W. W. Boultbee enter­ tained Tuesday at luncheon at Whytecliff, when her guests in­ cluded Mrs. A. D. McRae, Mrs. Gardner Johnson, Mrs. Redmond Hamilton, Mrs. Benwall, Mrs. Dalzell, Miss Johnson, Mrs. W. E. Burns, Mrs. Victor Spencer, Mrs. Angus Stewart, Mrs. I). P. Marpole, Mrs. S. I). Brooks, Mrs. J. K. MacRae, Mrs. Eric Ilam- ber, Mrs. Foster Iluntting, Mrs. E. G. Blackwell, Mrs. W. Glass- ford, Mrs. IT. S. Sherwood, Mrs. J. L. Davidson, Mrs. Walter Walsh, Mrs. Austin Taylor, Mrs. Chadwick Lamb, Mrs. Harold Robertson, Mrs. S. C. Sweeny and Mrs. Angus McAllister. * * * Mrs. J. S. Green and daughter, Gwendoline, former residents of Swift Current, hut now of De­ troit, spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Armstrong, 23rd and Bellevue. HOLLYBURN THEATRE PROPRIETOR HAS NEW DAUGHTER The genial proprietor of the Hollyburn Theatre is walking around with a bigger smile than ever these days. Another daugh­ ter has been added to his house­ hold. The big event happened last Monday week, the 18th in­ stant, at the Bute Street Hos­ pital. This is the second daugh­ ter presented to Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher. Mother and babe are making splendid progress. Who was it that furnished the comedy relief during the war when the allies were fighting in the depths of despair and the toil and horror of war hml^^ brought tense nerves to the(0 breaking point ? Who was it that enabled the war workers keyed up to the last pitch to re­ lax and refresh themselves in laughter over the lighter side of the war? Who was its silver lining? It was Old Bill Busby, the uni­ versally beloved cartoon charac­ ter created by Bruce Bairnsfath- er, the English cartoonist, and it is this eccentrically comic old British Tommy which Syd Chap­ lin brings to the screen in War­ ner Bros.' production of "The Better 'Ole," which comes to the Hollyburn Theatre next Monday and Wednesday. In "The Better 'Ole" Old Billjw gruff, terse, stolid, with walrus mustache, stubby pipe, baggy uniform, woolen muffler, finger­ less yarn mitts, Flanders mud, a heart of gold and u delicious sense of humor is discovered with his regiment. Whether un­ der fire in the trenches or rest­ ing in a French village behind the lines, he is the same method­ ical, nonchalant old trooper, fat­ alistic and hilariously resource­ ful. Two hundred and fifty British Tommies who had lots of actual experience "over there" are in the cast. In order that the pic­ ture might be militarily correct, Major Harold Harcourt of the Princess Pat regiment, supervis­ ed the military technical details. Charles Reisner directed. Every new scandal makes some happy they are not so bad as some other people. Women never wants a man to satisfy her smallest desire. It's the big ones she wants to get by with. Our Passengers Say: they like PACIFIC STAGES because they run on time, are rapid and safe and get passengers closer to their homes, by a net-work of lines operating today in the Fraser Valley, North Shore of Burrard Inlet and along the Pacific Highway to Bellingham, Seattle, and points farther Sounth. B . c r . m T O R inaNSPORTATiPiy Seymour at Dunsmuir Seymour 4000