West Van. News (West Vancouver), 29 Jul 1927, p. 5

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Ju ly 29, 1927. T H E W E ST V AN N EW S 5 Miss Ethel McLeod, Dundar- ave, has returned from a holiday trip spent on Savory Island. * * * Mr. and Mrs. De Cou and fam­ ily, who have been renting J. Ollason's cottage at 29th and Waterfront, have returned to the city. * * * Major and Mrs. J. Edelston, 30th and Mathers, are holiday­ ing at Porpoise Bay. * ♦ * Miss Doris Church, of the local telephone staff, is spend­ ing her vacation at Seattle and Lummi Island. * * * Miss Kathleen Bryan, of In- nisfail, Alta., is expected here on Sunday on a visit to her sis­ ter, Mrs. M. H. Allwork, 17th and Belleoue. * * * Mr. and Mrs. R. Haworth, 25th and Bellevue, have moved into the Jaggard house at 26th and Bellevue. * * * Mrs. Olsen, of Port Town­ send, Washington, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Dan Hill, 21st and Bellevue. * * * H. L. Tupper, of Camrose, Al­ berta, who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Hooper, 17th and Marine Drive, has left for Vic­ toria. ♦ * * Harry Atkins, of the West Vancouver Investment Co., has returned from a trip through the Okanogan.* * *■ Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Sewell, 29th and Marine Drive, are tak­ ing a few days' holiday at Clov- erdale. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Colin Turner and family, and Mr. and Mrs. George Childs hive returned from a week's motor trip in Washington. They followed the motor road which runs up Mt. Baker as far as "The Lodge," from which they took mountain ponies for the higher levels, where there is still abundance of snow. * * * R. A. Bindley, Duchess Ave­ nue, has purchased Hugh May's new bungalow on Gordon Ave. * * * Mrs. George Gemmill has re­ turned from a fortnight spent in Agassiz, where she was in charge of the drug store there during the absence of the owner on vacation. • * * Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Taylor, 21st and Marine, had and addi­ tion to their family on Friday, a son having been born to them on that day in the North Van­ couver General Hospital. Both mother and son are doing well. Who Found the Letter? Last Friday a five-year-old boy was sent to the Dundarave post office for mail by his grand­ mother. An expected letter was given him, and he started back to his home at Jefferson and 23rd, carrying the letter and en­ joying an ice cream cone. Evi­ dently the cone took up all his attention and the letter--which it was expected would contain money--was dropped. Being sent back to find the letter the youngster returned with half of the envelope and in a further search the other half was found. Evidently the letter had been picked up by some person, who had opened it, taken out the money and the letter and dis­ carded the envelope. The owner is very anxious to recover the property and would be grateful to have it returned. If it is returned to this paper we shall be glad to forward it to the owner. William Sagar, the West Van jeweller, was a visitor to Seattle last week end, going down with a party of musicians. * * * Mrs. H. D. W. Pineo was entertained on Friday after­ noon at a bridge party given in her honor by her sister-in- law, Mrs. C. J. Pineo, 512 St. George street, New Westmins­ ter. Miss Marjorie Pineo being also one of the guests. * * * At the recent examinations of the Toronto Conservatory of Music held in Vancouver, Miss Nellie Harrison of Dundarave, won first class honors in the ex­ amination for associateship (A. T. C. M.) in piano playing, Miss Barbara Allwork obtaining hon­ ors in the primary grade for the same subject. * * * The Sonrisa was chartered on Tuesday by the First Presbyter­ ian church, Vancouver, to con­ vey a party of children to the summer camp of the church on Gambier Island.. . . The new cement sidewalk on 14th street between Marine Drive and the dock has now been completed. The laying of this has made a great improvement in the street, and has been the subject of much favorable com­ ment on the part of those going to the ferries. * * * Mr. and Mrs. H. D. W. Pineo of Hood River, Oregon, who have been visiting Mr. Pineo's moth­ er, Mrs. George Pineo, 13th and Keith Road, have returned home. * * * Owing to the "closing for al­ terations" of the Vancouver theatre, musicians Chet Shields and W. Sagar are enjoying a six weeks' vacation. * * * Mrs. Marsh, 15th and Gordon, entertained a number of friends at tea last Friday. * * * Mrs. J. E. Durbin, 20th and Hay­ wood, has returned from a holi­ day trip spent in Victoria, and has resumed her piano classes. * * * Mrs. W. Ross, of Ross avenue, Cypress Park, held a bridge tea last Friday at her summer home, the guests ultimately enjoying a "dip in the briny." One of the guests, who is summering at Bowen Island, receiving valu­ able instruction in the art of floating. * * * Mrs. Stronge, 14th and Mar­ ine, left last Tuesday for an ex­ tended visit to points in Califor­ nia. * * • Miss Ashworth and Miss Fer- mie, who have been renting a cottage at East Beach, Amble- side, during their vacation, are leaving at the end of the week to return to the city. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Alsbury are camping at West Bay. Mr. Als­ bury, who was formerly com­ mercial teacher at Hollyburn school, and has now accepted a similar position in the Point Grey schools, was recently mar­ ried in Vancouver. * * * Mr. McBride, of Vancouver, has moved into a house at 17th and Esquimalt. * * * West Vancouver L. 0. L. No. 2990, will hold their regular meeting on Tuesday, at 8 p. m., in Dundarave Hall. * ♦ * The inspectors of the Depart­ ment of Marine completed their inspection of No. 6 ferry on Monday night, when she went into drydock. All the ferry boats have now been inspected for the current year. BUILD UP THE NORTH SHORE-HOW? Support North Shore Industries. NORTHERN LIGHT GASOLINE Is Made on the North Shore The only 100 per cent. B.C. Oil Company Manufactured by V a n c o u v e r O il C o ., L t d . First Street and Bewicke Ave. North Vancouver Succesful Students in Matriculation Examinations The lists of the successful candidates in the year's matri­ culation and normal entrance examinations have been publish­ ed this week, and among the names are those of a number of West Vancouver students. Although some supplements will have to be written, the High School students generally made a good showing. Among the local candidates Kenneth Gar­ land was first with a total of 654 marks, Margaret MacLeod and Jean Hood securing second and third place. The students appear to have done particularly well in geometry, Molly Ed­ wards having the highest indiv­ idual marks with 97 in this sub­ ject, while Arnold Malpass scor­ ed 95 and Reginald Hamilton 92. Writing for the same exams from Vancouver College Fran­ cis Nash passed matriculation and Douglas Reid passed into Grade XI. The following is the list of successful students from the High School: Grade XI--Margaret L. Cle­ ments, J. Northcott Earley (S), Eileen Hampson, Jean A. Hood, Molly Edwards, Kenneth Gar­ land, W. Reginald Hamilton (S), Ruth H. Jackson (S), Grace E. Knipfel (S), Arnold M. Malpass (S), Margaret P. MacLeod, Cec­ ily A. Vickery (S). Five candi­ dates granted partial standing. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. S. Paul, of Vancouver, have taken the Webber house at 27th and Belle­ vue. NEW SUBDIVISION OFFERED PUBLIC Messrs. Savory and Duval are advertising in this issue a new offering in West Vancouver real estate. This is in the nature of a subdivision, the lots in which are 54 feet by 141 feet. The streets are paved. Light and water are connected. The land is surrounded by a splendid class of modern homes and is only 10 minutes walk from the ferry. West Vancouver real estate is rapidly increasing in value. The most pessimistic amongst us cannot but admit that the dis­ trict is being filled with perma­ nent residents. This is now generally considered the premier residential district of B. C., and to be able to purchase fine large homesites at a full price of around $300 on terms of $50 cash and $20 per month is giv­ ing everybody an opportunity of starting their own home. Messrs. Savory and Duval invite inspec­ tion of this property saying that whether you intend to purchase at the present time or not they will be glad to show you the splendid location of the property they are offering. Usually it is always darkest before something dawns on you. V. C. SEARLE VERNON FEED STORE Phone West 9 FEED FUEL Good assortment of Bedding Plants Geraniums, Seed Potatoes, etc., for sale CEMENT ETC. M . W IL L IA M S Aa. Us, „ CUSTOM TAILOR SPRING AND SUMMER SUITINGS Now complete. Large selection--for Sport or Business. Before Ordering Your Next Suit Come and see our patterns. CITY Dyeing, Repairs PRICES and Alterations P H O N E W E ST 20 16th and M AR INE Dry Cleaning and Pressing PITMAN BUSINESS COLLEGE DAY and N IG H T SCHOOL You will receive in tensive indi­ v idual tra in in g . 4 2 2 R ichards St. Phone Sey. 9135. Cor. H astin g s J. M. Morgan W E ST VANCOUVER Teacher of Voice Pro­ duction and Singing Phones West 173 Seymour 3058o LADIES HAIRCUTTING and SH IN G LIN G , any S ty le HO LLYBURN BA RB ER SH OP 25 veurs experience * WM. NEW BY Prop. HOUSE DECORATIONS AND REPAIRS-- Interior or Exterior, By Skilled Workmen. Any branch of painting, building, etc. Phone West 4 37R 3 for Estimates F. Newman & D. Robbins CARPENTERS M athers A 29th W est 437K3 HARRON BROS. & WILLIAMSON Jfutm al Sirrctors North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134