West Van. News (West Vancouver), 29 Jul 1927, p. 4

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4 TH E W EST VAN NEW S July 29. 1927. P E R S O N A L SHollyburn TheatreF rid ay E vening and S a tu rd ay A fternoon & Evening Ju ly 29th and 30th. OLD CLOTHES w ith JA C K IE COOC.AN and Million Dollar Handicap. Monday and W ednesday A ugust 1st and 3rd. SID CHAPLIN as OLD BILL IN The Better 'ole based upon the play by P ruce B a im sfa th e r Play a Game BILLIARDS at CHET SHIELDS 14TH S TR EET r ig h t a t Railw ay C rossing TOBACCO, CO N FECTIO N ERY ED W A RD GEORG E Swan & Cook LA N D SCA PE and G E N ER A L G A RD EN ERS 1584 Dem psey Rd., U pper Lynn Phone-- N orth 1240R2 - 1240R3 Lawns, S hrubberies. Rock G ard ­ ens. W alks, Drives, Fences, H edges, G reenhouses, S um m er­ houses, Pools, P lanned and C onstructed Law ns & G ardens kep t in order. A pprenticed G ardeners w ith 30 y e a rs ' experience. W ell laid out grounds a re a th in g o f beauty . L e t P ractica l m en do your work. FED UP! W hen a wom an says she's "fed u p " she m eans it. W hen a m an says i t it doesn't m a tte r because he never did a day's w ash ing and iron ing in his life and doesn't know w hat h a rd w ork is. H and the " fed up" s tu f f to th e Bur- ra rd L aundry ,-- th ey 'll never t ire of doing the real hard w ork fo r you and th ey 'll do it very carefu lly and you'll be pleased. The Burrard Laundry Lim ited For Peoplt Who Arm Particular THIRD ST1EET i » i ST. DAVIDS North Vancouver Phone North 1310. West Van. Representative F. RIVERS Phone West 457Y3. BETTER PAINT FOR BETTER JOBS For a good job at an eco­ nomical price use AYRES PAINTS. We have the one best paint suitable for your purpose. R. SEEDS General Merchants Hardware Paint Marine Drive, Ambleside Phone West 28 Agricultural and Horticultural Assn. Address on Bee Culture. Members and friends who at­ tended the lecture by Mr. A. W. Finlay in the Ambleside Hall on Tuesday evening. 26th inst., re­ ceived much valuable informa­ tion on "Bee Culture." The lec­ turer handled his subject in a masterly fashion, treating on all the different phases from the beginning of the season to the commercial disposal of the honey. Quantities produced in­ itial costs and net profits were freely discussed, interspersed with the necessary human feel­ ing and understanding of the little workers. The thanks of the community were awarded Mr. Finlay by the audience after being ably pro­ posed and seconded by Major Barwis and Mr. J. J. Dutton. An invitation has been receiv­ ed from the Department of Horticulture, University of B. C., to the annual basket picnic and visit of inspection to the botanic gardens and horticul­ tural display. Tea, sugar and milk will be served on the lawn at 5 p. .m„ Saturday, Aug. 6th. Visitors to provide their own cups and spoons. Members in­ tending to take advantage of this opportunity to visit the University grounds please get in touch with Mrs. R. Reid, treas­ urer, phone W. 649R, and Mrs. W. A. Adair, W 104L1, director. WEST VANCOUVER TENNIS CLUB Four events in the annual club tournament were completed on Saturday, 23rd July, as follows: Men's Singles Final K. Forster won from J. Jaffary 6-1, 5-7, 6-3, 1-6, 6-2. Men's Doubles Final Forster and McArthur beat Jaffary and Davenport 6-3, 1-6, 6-4, 3-6, 6-3. Mixed Doubles Final Miss Strachan and Colonel Tristram beat Mrs. Taylor and Gray 6-2, 6-4, 6-0. Ladies Singles (Class A) Mrs. Taylor beat Miss B. Tris­ tram 4-6, 6-2, 6-4. Fancy generations hence say­ ing they descended from us. * * * Maybe we could learn to save money if we had a little to prac­ tice on. * * * When Dad is easy the family makes it hard for him. * * * And a rolling stone today finds it takes a roll to roll in comfort. The Life Saving Society has written the council thanking them for their co-operation and assistance at the display at Dun- d a rave Pier last Saturday week, the proceeds of which netted the society $130. * • • Smith's Grocery Make Changes. It is only a few weeks ago that the interior of Smith's Grocery was re-decorated and altered. The carpenter is again working there making other changes and extensions. There is evidently some development in the business intended.* • ♦ The council has written the Board of Trade thanking them for their approval of the coun­ cil's efforts to obtain gas for domestic purposes in the muni­ cipality. * * * Pearce's Dry Goods Co. have put in a hemstitching machine, and are prepared to execute all orders on the premises. This should prove a great conveni­ ence to West Vancouver house­ wives. * * * Jack Hunt, ferry engineer, 18th and Waterfront, had an accident to his right leg on Fri­ day, which has kept him in the house for several days. On that day during the inspection of No. 6 ferry, he was carrying a block of wood through one of the gates at the Vancouver dock, when the wood struck the roof and fell off his shoulder, strik­ ing the back of his right leg and bruising it severely. * * * A letter was received on Mon­ day night by the council from N. Raine, offering in return for a small monthly allowance, to open paths, build seats, tables, and fireplaces and make further developments as required in Ambleside and Irwin Parks. Mr. Raine's letter was accompanied by a letter from W. R. Hamil­ ton endorsing the plan and per­ sonally recommending Mr. Raine. The letters were order­ ed filed for the 1928 estimates. REGATTA TO BE HELD SATURDAY, AUGUST 13TH The annual regatta and aqua­ tic sports w ill be held on Satur­ day, August 13th, at 2 p. m„ at Dundarave pier. The regatta has been for years looked for­ ward to by old and young alike with considerable pleasure, and this year it promises to be big­ ger and better than ever. As many of the council as possible will be present. George Shepherd is moving to-morrow (Saturday) into his new house on Duchess and 15th.• • • It is reported that on Sunday traffic on the North Shore Divi­ sion of the I*. G. E. Railway was the equipment on hand was re­ quired to take care of the travel the heaviest in the year. All to Whvtecliff. • * • Hugh May has bought R. A. Bindley*s house on 12th and Duchess. • • * H. L. Stanworth has taken the home of Mrs. Bone on Duchess avenue. * * • Salmon are reported as being seen off Bowen Island. Under normal conditions, therefore, they should arrive here in about a week. * * * The Sullivanl Machinery Co. recently wrote the council going very thoroughly into the merits of the portable air compressor and rock drill manufactured by them, showing its extensive use throughout the province. These particulars have been filed with data for the 1928 estimates. Shower For Miss Searle. Complimenting Miss Nellie May Searle of the local telephone staff, whose marriage takes place next Monday, Mrs. Doug­ las W. Graham gave a delightful surprise party and kitchen show­ er last Tuesday night at her home, 21st and Bellevue. The color scheme of the decorations was pink and white. Peas, roses and gypsophila being the flowr- ers used. In addition to the shower the young ladies of the local telephone staff made a pre­ sentation of a salad bowl and silv­ er servers, the gifts being wheel­ ed on to the verandah on a tea wagon. Refreshments were ser­ ved during the evening, which was spent very pleasantly with music and singing. MODEL HOME AT CYPRESS PARK OPEN FOR INSPECTION The model suburban home, built after the design of a Cas- tillian hacienda at Marine Drive and Cypress Park, is now open for inspection. All the furni­ ture and drapes have been sup­ plied by the Hudson's Bay Co. and the electric equipment by the B. C. Electric Co. Drive out Marine Drive just beyond Sandy Cove and look for the sign. The property is on the Marine Drive and bounded on the west side by Cypress Creek. FRANK ADAMS, JUNIOR, COMPETES TO-MORROW AT CANADIAN HENLEY Frank Adams, Junior, son of Frank Adams of Caulfeild, will to-moiTow be competing in the single sculls championship at the Canadian Henley held at St. Catharines, Ontario. Frank is the Vancouver champion sculler and it is expected that, though he will be pitted against excep­ tionally strong contenders, he will be successful in winning this noted event. The people of West Vancouver wish him success. Frank is evidently following in the footsteps of his father, who was considered one of the best athletes of his day. In our issue of last week we gave a short item stating that Mrs. Frank Adams was going to California. This was an error. Mrs. Adams has gone to St. Catharines to witness this, the most important race her son has yet entered. A raise in salary looks mighty big for a couple of pay days. MAGNIFICENT VIEW LOTS in a New Subdivision PAVED STREETS -- LIGHT -- WATER Unquestionably the best value offered in West Vancouver to­ day. One of the best Marine view's to be had anywhere in the district. 3 Blocks from Marine Drive 10 Minutes walk from the Ferry Lots 54 feet by 141 feet $50 cash, balance $20 a month Full price around $300. Here is an opporunity to get a remarkably fine Homesite for little money and with the knowledge that it will rapidly increase in value. Whether you intend buying right now or not we invite you to see this property. Savory & Duval 1429 Marine Drive Telephone Ambleside West 340 Make this Your Food Shop This is your Grocery. It is built on service and satis­ faction to customers. Here's a complete line of Staple and Fancy Groceries guaranteed to be of the highest grade. Greenwood's GROCERY We deliver W est 16 "lour Kodak Prints A REFRESHING DRINK Cross & Blackwell's Lemon & Orange Cup. You make it up yourself. A gal­ lon of cool refresh­ ing fruit drink 85c W e deliver We Sell S tam ps West Van Pharmacy I'hone Went 37 DUNDARAVE SHOE REPAIRING 25th and M arine (n ex t door to W ilson & Moore) F IR S T CLASS WORK Reasonable Prices. P a tro n ise a local business. Q m m s Pacific Mibilion Vancouver a g ssi ® * W F ar^-c jnd one th ird r e l u r n i 9 0 . 0 0 0 - p rizm a ttrac tio n s QfflMoa gHooq 9®- Worids Championship Jtampcde Briieiant fMrmniATioit Paoeaiit Caiedohian Games Massed Bauds Auto races Premier Livestock Jrow; Asricuctural « Horticultural Ethiditj t& itf fo rp n ze-Iu t ilntryS em s greater Vancouver Exhibition Ash 4 4 0 P e n d e r 5t W Vancouver