West Van. News (West Vancouver), 29 Jul 1927, p. 2

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THE WEST VAN NEWS July 29, 1927. GARDENS AND GARDENING By MINA G. HI TT LA N D SC A PE ARCHITECT G rad u ate in Landscaping l \ of C , Am erican School of Landscape A rch itec tu re and G ardening. Mem­ ber N ational lan d sc a p e Service. No. 2 The mildest thing you might say of a man who began the building of his home without having any plan of the structure, would be that he was unwise. Will you not agree that the same applies to the man who starts his garden without the faintest idea of how he will finish it? In a very short time he has a collection of material, arranged with no thought of the morrow and is consequently faced with the task of rearrangement, ne­ cessitated by the unlooked for development of some small shrub (which has rewarded his kindly interest by springing blithely up to unthought of pro­ portions and prominence, prob­ ably at the same time dwarfing some particularly desirable and less hardy neighbor) or the un­ fortunate placing of bulbs and other plants of a limited season of bloom, and the planting of flowers in situations to which they are not adapted. This makes his garden one of contin­ ual change surely, but hardly in the way most desired. If on the other hand, he has had from the beginning a plan in mind for his garden, which even though he were unable to carry it out in complete detail immediately, would govern the purchase arrangement of such material as would provide a foundation on which to build, the work would proceed toward an orderly realization of his scheme. It is an excellent plan to make your garden on paper first. Draw your lot to scale--10 feet to the inch is a workable scale-- and accurately locate your house, driveway and paths. Such gar­ den accessories as summer hous­ es, seats, also trees and shrubs which you desire to retain should also be indicated. This guide will give you immeasurable aid in working out your garden de­ sign, which may be changed and re-arranged until you have evolv­ ed a plan suitable to your grounds and one that will satis­ factorily take care of your indiv­ idual needs. Make your changes on paper: you will find a pencil a lighter tool than a shovel. To many, the main reason for a garden is the recreation, out­ door exercise obtained. Others may be desirous merely of im­ proving the appearance of their grounds, thereby increasing the value of their property, to still others the only reason for a gar­ den is the growing of flowers. Some may wish to specialize or experiment with a particular plant. However, a garden under any excuse is a laudable enter­ prise ami much to be encouraged. For beginners the book. "Plan­ ning Your Garden" by W. S. Roger will be found to be of great assistance. For those who do not desire or who have not the time to plan their own gar­ den a complete sketch and plant­ ing list with approximate cost of plants and shrubs may be obtain­ ed from a competent Landscape Architect at a cost of not more than $15.00 for the average city lot. The securing of some well conceived working plan is strong­ ly recommended as gardens hap­ hazardly made are seldom suc­ cessful from an artistic point of view. N O TE-- The w rite r will consider it n p leasu re to answ er questions con­ cern ing the garden in th is column. The questions should be address­ ed to th e w rite r in care of the Editor. The answ er will ap p ear in an early issue o r if a personal reply is desired a stam ped, self-addressed envelope should be enclosed. GLENEAGLES GOLF CLUB NOW OPEN E N D O F M O N T H Clean-Up SALE of Remnants and Oddments P a in ts , C repe, C ottons, F lan n ele tte , Broken lines o f H osiery fo r Men, W omen and Children. All to be sold a t H A LF PR IC E O ur Stock o f Children's S traw H a t s ___ _________ Values from 25c to $1.95 10c to clear We have a sam ple lo t of Black L ea ther Shopping Bags a t g rea tly reduced prices Grigor's Dry Goods Store 1460 Marine Drive W EST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society CHURCH E D IF IC E 20th and Ksquim alt, llo llyhurn Sunday Service a t 11.30 a. m. Subject July .'list "LOVE" Sunday School a t 10.00 a. m. Testim ony M eeting every W ed­ nesday a t 8.16 p. m. British Israel Association of West Vancouver will hold a MEETING WEDNESDAY 3rd AUGUST a t 8 p. m. in the U nited Church. Speaker MR. PERCY KING S l 'B J E lT -- "T hings the Busi­ ness Man Should Know." Personals The golf links of the Glen- eaglesConutryClub are now open and playing is in full swing. Many have already taken this opportunity of acquiring a mem­ bership in the club at a very rea­ sonable fee. Only one member­ ship is needed for the family and the club membership is limited. The club has one of the sport­ iest courses in the province and it will become an important cen­ tre of social activities. The or­ ganizers have spent considerable money in development and are anxious that West Vancouver residents should feel that this is their own-club. Further infor­ mation can be obtained by phon­ ing Captain C. J. Archer at West 651L. Players Over Last Week End. R. Allan, Mrs. Allan, P. J. Cole, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Merrick, V. V. Vinson, G. S. Conway, J. For­ syth, T. W. Burbridge, R. Jack- son, R. Cowan, T. R. Lewis, S. Ross, T. H. McPherson, S H. McCulloch, H. Binnie, R. C. Sim, G. Hart, S. Ross, R. D. Bidford, Geo. and Edina Archer, A. C. Larson, H. S. Nye, M. Spence, J. A. Yellowlees, M. Mathers, A. S. Smith and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Sigmore, Mr. and Mrs. Binks, H. C. Martin, Capt. J. K. Allan, Capt. Mencheons, A. E. Royce, B. S. Walton, Mr. and Mrs. Arch­ er. Paint Up "Save the surface and Clean Up y ° u SaV e ^ Senour's Floor Paint F or all inside floors, D ries hard over night. Outside Porch Pnint For verandah floors and porch steps. Neu-Tone A w ashable flat oil pain t for in te rio r decoration. Wood-Lac Ynrnish Stain Im proves the new, renew s the old. F or floors and fu rn itu re . Martin's de Luxe Enamel H ighest grade enamel in white and colors. THE PAINT FOR W EA R an d W EATHER F or E x te r io r an d In te r io r WE CARRY A FULL STOCK. LETS TALK IT OVER. Hollyburn General Store GROCERIES 17th nnd Marine HARDWARE (Hooper ami Son) WE DELIVER PAINTS, ETC. Phone West 46 St. Stephen's Church Miss Frances H. Fogg of Se­ attle, is here for a few weeks' visit with her sister, Mrs. J. Mc- Hill, 16th and Fulton. * * * Miss Dorothy Purdy of Van­ couver, is spending a few days with Mrs. Gordon Gray, 26th and Mathers. * * * Miss J. Pearson of Somenos, Vancouver Island, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Colin H. Turner, 13th and Haywood, for a few days. Miss Pearson is a sister of Mrs. Turner. * • * Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Gray and family, 26th and Mathers, have returned from a vacation spent at Rainbow Lodge, Alta Lake. * « * J. Kearns, 12th and Keith Road, has recovered from his recent severe attack of erysipe­ las, and is now convalescing rapidly. ♦ * * At the meeting of the British Israel Association on Wednes­ day in the United Church at 8 p. m., Percy King will speak on "Things the Business Man Should Know." * * * Mrs. Stuart Cameron was an informal bridge and tea hostess yesterday afternoon at her home in Caulfeild. • * * Miss Madeline Stone of Caul­ feild has as her guest Miss Con­ stance Hickman of Vancouver. * * * • Dr. Alfred Thompson, who was one of th espeakers at the Jubilee celebration meeting, has written the council expressing his thanks for the cordial reception accord­ ed him at the celebration. Trinity 7 (July 31st). 8 a.m.--Holy Communion. 10 a.m.--Sunday School. 11.15 a.m.--Morning Prayer. 7.15 p.m.--Evensong. The Rev. H. M. Henderson, rector of St. Barnabas Church, Calgary, will have charge of the services for the next three weeks. Mr. Henderson is well known to St. Stephen's, having come here each summer for the past five years. The Junior Boys' Camp now in progress at Long Bay is the largest camp in point of num­ bers yet held, there being over one hundred boys and leaders present. Visitors' Day for this camp is Thursday, August 4th. United Church At the United Church next Sunday morning at 11.15 the Rev. j. D. Hobden of Trinity United Church, Vancouver, will conduct the service and in the evening at 7.15 Dr. A. E. Mitch­ ell will be the preacher. The following Sunday, August 7th, and each Sunday during August, Dr. W. W. McPherson of Saskatoon, will be tbe resi­ dent minister. Dr. McPherson will actually take up residence here tomorrow, (Saturday), but will be officiating in New West­ minster this coming Sunday, whilst in West Vancouver he will stay with Mrs. A. Harvey, 2131 Marine Drive, whose telephone number is West 91L. Baptist Church Rev. David Long, Pastor. Information regarding propos­ ed improvements to the municip­ al fire department will be sought by Reeve V. V. Vinson and Councillor J. B. Watt, who will attend the Fire Chiefs' conven­ tion at Portland, August 4, 5 and 6, it was decided at a council meeting Thursday night. They will examine types of equipment suitable for the municipality and will report to the council on their return. Sunday School, 10 a. m. Church Service, 11 a. m. Weekly prayer service each Wednesday at 7.30 p. m. St. Anthony's Church Pastor--Rev. Father Kelly Sunday--Mass, 8.30 a. m. High Mass, 10.30 a. m. Benediction, 7.30 p. m. Week Days--Maas 8 a. m. ARMY AND NAVY VET­ ERANS GIVE PICNIC The North Vancouver Army and Navy Veterans and their ladies auxiliary gave a children's picnic on Saturday in Hollyburn, over 100 children being present. Ice cream was given free to the children and prizes were provid­ ed for the sports. A very enjoy­ able day was spent both by the children and their parents. Men and women get along bet­ ter as life partners than as bridge partners. * • • Wider streets would give care­ less drivers additional splash room and wider range for their shots. * • • Much of man's success in life is due to his failure to inherit money. West Van News Published Every Friday II. HODGSON and F .F .LO V EG RO V E West 10L Weft 112L P ublishers A Business and Editorial Office: 1361 M arine Drive Mail A ddress: P. O. Box 101, Hollyburn, B. C. $1.00 a year by mail o r ca rrie r , Nows, stands 6c per copy. ADVERTISING RA TES ON A PPLICATIO N