July 15, 1927. THE WEST VAN NEWS 5 P E R S O N A L S S3 West Van Resident a Noted Poet Speaking of the published work of Mr. A. M. Stephen, of 25th and Kings, West Vancouver as it appears in his recent volume, "The Land of Singing Waters," the critics say, "By reason of the high quality of the verse contained in this book, Mr. Stephen will take his place a- mong our 'major' poets. This is the considered opinion of com-* petent critics, including Dr. Charles G. D. Roberts, Dean of Canadian literature."The verbal music, "the daring and virile imagination" which were said to characterize his earlier work, are still apparent, but there is an added mastery over form and a finished craftsmanship which have come with the maturing of his genius. His range has not been exceeded by any Canadian poet. In this volume there are lyrics aflame with the spirit of youth and Spring: the most intricate of the older forms such as the ballad and rondel; sonorous blank verse; free verse that is strong and rhythmical; new metres that have a compelling force and music of their own; dramatic poems; Canadian patriotic verse which sings the dawn of a new nation.Part Two of the volume contains British Columbian narrative poems gathered during Mr. Stephen's varied experience in the Far West. Many of these poems are already popular and widely known, having been given at the author's public recitals. It is interesting to find poems with a setting that embodies the beauty of West Vancouver.• 1 "West Bay" sounds familiar andsuch poems as "The West Wind," "Capilano," "A Legend of Siwash Rock" arrest the attention of those to whom these naturally seem a part of their everyday life.There have been many inquiries as to when "The Land of Singing Waters" would be available in book form. The title is a happy one, suggestive of British Columbia. It is interesting to know that Mr. Stephen will have two more books issued by J. M. Dent & Sons Ltd., London and Toronto, during the season of 1927. A novel of British Col- 'umbia Life, "The Kingdom of the Sun" and an Anthology of Canadian Verse will appear before the end of the year. The present volume of poems, "The Land of Singing Waters" may be obtained at all leading bookstores and is attractively and beautifully bound in cloth boards at $1.50 and in leather at $2.00. Mrs. G. W. Webster, Bellevue and 21st, who has been very sick, is now much better and is making splendid progress towards convalescence. * * * Own your own honey factory, learn how, at the Ambleside Hall Tuesday, 26th, 1927 at 8 p. m. Address by Mr. A. W. Finlay, Provincial Apiary Inspector. Admission free. * * * The Misses Ida Brealey and Freda Herrin are enjoying part of their vacation at White Rock, B. C. * * * Mrs. Morris, 24th and Bellevue, entertained a number of friends at her home on Wednesday, 6th instant, the occasion being a birthday celebration. Afternoon tea was served on the lawn. Among those present were Mrs. Simpson (Vancouver), Mrs. (Dr.) Nash, Mrs. Rimmer, Mrs. Davenport, Miss Jelly, and Mrs. A. Harvey Smith. * * * West Vancouver L. 0. L. No. 2990 left early on Tuesday to attend the Orange celebration in Victoria. So many Orangemen took the trip to Victoria that an extra boat had to be put on to handle the crowd. Unfortunately the tug-of-war team lost the cup to the Prince Edward Island Lodge team, but Jimmy Ferguson won first prize in the Masters' and Past Masters' race. * * * Miss Mabel Dutton, R.N., nurse instructor at St. Paul's hospital, who underwent a major operation at that institution on Tuesday 5th instant, is making a rapid recovery, the operation being quite successful. The patient is the daughter of J. ,T. Dutton, one of West Vancouver's best known citizens. * * * The North Lonsdale Liberal Association is holding a basket picnic in the grounds of George Hay's residence, 16th and Inglewood, on Wednesday, August 3rd. * * * Mrs. C. B. Greenwood, wife of the well known Ambleside Grocer, who has been suffering with tonsilitis, is now making a rapid recovery. * * * The baby girl born to Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Luke, 24th and Ottawa on June 25th at Roycroft Private Hospital, is making splendid progress. Mother and babe are now home. Mrs. George Gemmill is at Agassiz for two weeks, relieving the druggist there. * * * Mrs. Leonard Burley, 28th and Waterfront, is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. A. Crawford, All Hallows Lodge, Yale. * * * L. O. L. No. 2990 and the L.O B. A. will meet at the Firehall at 10.45 a. m.'next Sunday to attend divine service at the United Church. The preacher will be Professor Odium. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Holden and family of the city, have taken a suite at the Fortune Cup Inn. * * * Walter Gourlay is building a cottage on Bellevue between 23rd and 24th Streets. * * * Three further denominations of the Canadian Historical issue of postage stamps are being put out by the Post Office. A 5 cent stamp bearing the head of D'Arcy McGee, a 12 cent stamp with the heads of Sir John A. Macdonald and Sir Wilfrid Laur- ier, and a 20 cent stamp with the heads of Baldwin and Lafon- taine. * * * H. L. Tupper of Camrose, Alberta, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hooper of the Hollyburn General Store. Mr. Tupper is a cousin of the late Sir Charles Tupper, who recently died in Vancouver. * * * The Post Office Department is having a postal exhibit at all the large fairs and exhibitions this year throughout Canada. One of them will be among the exhibits at Canada's Pacific Exhibition to be held in Vancouver next month. * * * Mr. and Mrs. William Fisher of Vancouver with their young son, are occupying Mr. Reid's house, 22nd and Fulton, during the term of the school holidays. * * * J. J. Rodel of Vancouver, while driving his car west round the bend on Marine Drive just west of the auto camp, had a close call, his auto skidding and turning upside down in the ditch. The Marine Motors service car hauled it on to the road, and, after the minor repairs necessary had been effected at their garage, Mr. Rodel was able to proceed on his way none 'the worse for his accident. 1 From the sea to your table VENUS PURE SEA FOODS Fish Balls Salmon Quenelles Canadian Fish Dinner (with brown gravy) Salad Salmon (Red and White) Salmon Chowder Sandwich Spread S en d for F R E E B O O K L E T o f new Sea Food Recipes. FREE DEMONSTRATION Hollyburn General Store 17th and Marine Drive WEST 46 All Day Saturday, Ju ly 1 6 th . VENUS FISHING & CANNING COMPANY. LTD. General Office Cannery 512 Dominion Building 540 Front Street Vancouver. New Westminster. HORSESHOE PITCHINGCONTEST There will be a horseshoe pitching contest at Dundarave tomorrow (Saturday) for the prize donated by Mrs. Harry Binning. All those wishing to compete are asked to be on the ground on Haywood Avenue between 25th and 26th Streets at 3 p. m. on that day. DEATH OF MRS. W. E. CATES The death occurred on Sunday of Mrs. Cates, wife of Captain W. E. Cates, 29th and Bellevue, in her forty-seventh year.The funeral services were held on Tuesday at 2 p. m. from T. Edwards Company's chapel,Rev. A. Harding Priest officiating, and interment was made in the Masonic Section of the Mountain View Cemetery.She is survived by her husband, a son, Captain G. R.Cates, and two daughters, theMisses Mary and Neata Cates. Her mother, Mrs. A. Miller, is still living, also a sister and two brothers. The deceased wasborn in Toronto, but came to Vancouver when she was a child, and had resided there and in West Vancouver ever since. We Haven't Lost sight of the professional side of the drug business in the rush of the commercial end of it. Thousands of prescriptions pass through our hands every year each one dispensed promptly and accurately as the physician ordered it. Your prescriptions are safe here, each one being dispensed by a REGISTERED DRUGGIST from FRESH, PURE medicinal ingredients. Bring yours here or ask your physician to phone them here (West 37) and we will deliver them to your home. We deliver. We sell stamps. West Van Pharmacy PHONE: WEST 37 BETTER PAINT FORBETTER JOBS For a good job at an economical price use AYRES PAINTS. We have the one best paint suitable for your purpose. R. SEEDS General Merchants Hardware Paint Marine Drive, Ambleside Phone West 28 16th and MARINE M. WILLIAMS AMBLESIDE CUSTOM TAILOR SPRING AND SUMMER SUITINGS Now complete. Large selection--for Sport or Business. Before Ordering Your Next Suit Come and see our patterns. Dry Cleaning CITY Dyeing, Repairsand PRICES andPressing AlterationsPHONE WEST 20