West Van. News (West Vancouver), 15 Jul 1927, p. 2

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2 THE WEST VAN NEWS July 15. 1927. Personals Mr. Charlie Roberts (Roberts* Meat Store) had the misfortune last Friday night to lose the end of the middle finger of his left hand whilst working in his store. It was a complete decapitation, totally removing that por­tion of his finger bearing the nail. For the first day or two but little pain was felt, but since then Mr. Roberts realises only too well that something happen­ed. • • • Mrs. Reid, who with her daughter Margaret and her sist­er, is on a trip to the old coun­try, has cabled news of her safe arrival there to her mother, Mrs. M. Kenealy, 21st and Mar­ine Drive. • * * Councillor K. A. Ray gave not­ice at Monday night s council meeting of his intention to move at the next meeting for a propos­ed amendment to West Vancou­ver's Electrical By-law No. 212. The object of this amendment is to bring the wiring regulations for the district up to date. * • * The Hollyburn General Store is giving a demonstration of Venus Sea Foods at their store tomorrow. A lady demonstrat­or will be present and samples of the various products of the Ven­us firm will be given all callers. An advertisement relatives to this appears on Page 5. * * * The three daughters of Princi­pal and Mrs. Brealey were all successful in the music examina­tions held last week. Winnifred again won the silver medal for highest work. Hazel obtained honorable mention and Ida also was successful. N O T L I K E L Y The lady candidate was making a house to house call with the object of trying to obtain votes."Good morning, Mrs. Jones," she said sweetly, as the door of one house opened to her knock, "may I hope that your husband will support me?""Support you?" said Mr. Jones with a sniff. "Not the least likely; why "e ain't supported me for over a year, and I'm 'is wife." HIS GOLDEN WED DIN G Ephraim had put on a clean collar and his best coat, and was walking majestically up and down the street."Aren't you working to-day, Ephra­im?" asked one of his acquaintances."No. suh. I'se celebratin' my golden weddin', suh.""You were married fifty years ago to-day?""Yes, suh.""Well, why isn't your wife helping you to celebrate it?""My present wife, suh," responded Ephraim, with dignity, ain't got no­thin' to do with IL She's de fo'th." Musical Examinations Successful Local Pupils--Winni­ fred Brealey Wins Medal. At the recent examination of the Royal College and the Royal Academy of Music. London. Eng­land. held at the Pauline John­son School, June 18th. Winnifred Brealey, daughter of Principal Rrealey, obtained the highest marks and will receive for the second time the silver medal. It is intended to hold the an­nual presentation of certificates as usual on the last Wednesday in September, at the Hotel Van­couver. The successful entrants were as follows: Pupils of Mrs. J. E. Durbin Primary Division, piano -- Eleanor Eager.Elementary Division, piano -- Georgina Warwick, Frank Hodg­son, David Spencer (Honourable mention).Higher Division, piano --Mar­garet Reid. Pupils of Mrs. F. X. Hodgson Primary Division, piano -- Kathleen E. Gourlay, Lawrence Lefeaux, Florence I. Smith, John A. Wright. Edith M. White. Pupils of Miss Q. Wright Primary Division, piano -- Isabel R. Bennett ( honourable mention), Margaret A. Watson. Pupils of Mrs. F. Knight-Hodge Theory of Music--Mrs. F. Bur- bridge, and Winnifred Brealey.Local Centre Advanced Piano­forte--Mrs. F. Burbridge.Intermediate Violin--Winni­fred Brealey (honourable men­tion).Lower Division Violin --Mild­red Scott.Lower Division Piano -- Joan Jefferies (honourable mention), Hazel Brealey (honourable men­tion), Beatrice Short, Julia M. Pyne.Elementary Violin--Pat DovetElementary Piano -- Doreen Childs.In addition, Ida Brealey, who sat in Vancouver, was also a suc­cessful pupil. TENDERS LAID OVER The engineer presented the council on Monday night with a tabulated statement re pipe tend­ers for Nelson Avenue and Queens Avenue-Palmerston pipe lines. The matter of tenders was adjourned to the next meet­ing to obtain a more satisfactory estimate of the total outlay re­quired. WEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society CHURCH EDIFICE 20th and Esquimau. Hollyburn Sunday Service at 11.30 a. m. Subject July 17th "LIFE" Sunday School at 10.00 a. m. Testimony Meeting every Wed­nesday at 8.15 p. m._____ St, Stephen's Church] Fifth Sunday after Trinity (July 17th).8 a. m.--Holy Communion.10 a. m.--Sunday School.11.15 a. m.--Morning Prayer.7.15 p. m.--Evensong.The preacher on Sunday even­ing will be the Rev. W. H. Ad­cock of Regina, a prominent member of the Dominion Social Service Council, who has come West as one of the lecturers und­er the C. S. S. at the Anglican Summer Schools at Banff and Vancouver.Several young people and others from this parish have been attending the Summer Schoql at Crofton House School this week.The junior boys' camp will open at Long Bay, Gambier Is­land on Monday, July 25th. The senior and junior choir held their annual picnic on Sat­urday to Horseshoe Bay. The afternoon was spent in swim­ming, boating, and games. Aft­er supper a programme of races was run off, the events and win­ners of which were as follows:Boys Flat Race--1st, Dick Timbrell; 2nd, George Faulkner.Girls Flat Race--1st, Doris Rivers; 2nd, Phyllis Johnson.Men's Flat Race--1st, James H. Smith; 2nd, Rev. A. Harding Priest.Ladies Flat Race--1st, Miss Ethel Millard; 2nd, Miss Bessie Berry.Men's Potatoe Race--1st, Jim Cornish; 2nd, Kenneth Garland.Ladies Cigarette Race--1st, Mrs. James H. Smith; 2nd, Miss Bessie Berry.Boys and Girls Three-legged Race--1st, Phyllis Johnson, T. Timbrell; 2nd, Doris Rivers, George Faulkner.Men's Bag Throw--H. Hug­gins.Diet Race, Mixed--Mrs. A. Col- linson's side.Candle Game, Mixed--Doris Rivers.Ladies Thread Needle Race-- 1st, Miss Rowley; 2nd, Miss Bes­sie Berry.Following the distribution of prizes, returns was made oever prizes, return was made over BURRARD LAUNDRY MAKES ADDITIONTO THEIR PLANT The Burrard Laundry has now completed the alterations to their building. The old structure has been greatly added to giving a- bout half as much more floor space. New machines have been installed and many other improvements made for the quick and efficient care of their growing business. Mr. B. Green­wood is the managing director and all operations of the firm are under the personal direction of Mr. Greenwood and his part­ner, Mrs. C. Leonard. F. Rivers of 2533 Marine Drive is the West Vancouver representative for the "Burrard" and laundry work of any kind will be well taken care of by this active rep­resentative. Mr. Rivers' phone number is West 457Y3. When washing a garment that has patent fasteners, fasten them first, and the springs will keep all right. Don't mangle articles with such fasteners if it can be avoided. Grigor's Dry Goods Store 1460 Marine Drive wHt"Ctege WEEK-END SPECIALS Men's Heavy Drill Overalls (Twin Bute), per pair $1.45 Men's Colored Work Shirts, each.......................... Men's Summer Underwear, from......................... Boy's Strongly Made Tweed Pants, per pa ir.......... Boy's Khaki Knickers (heavy drill) to clear, per pair Boy's Roll-top Hose, odd sizes, per pair.......... Ladies Summer Knit Vests from Ladies Hose, assorted colors Ladies Crepe Dresses, well made A Choice Assortment of Ladies Spun Silk Dresses, white and colorseach, only Girls Hiking Suits, middy and pants, per suit....- ........... Stamped Goods for Embroidery, a specialty. Toys and Novelties reasonably priced. $3.9.', $1.55 ® No Matter WhatYou Wish to Paint Whether it be the inside of the house, or the outside, the auto or the furniture, the floor or the walls, we have a special paint for the purpose. MARTIN-SENOUR'S 100'. PURE PAINT and VARNISHES Buy it from Hollyburn General Store (Hooper and Son) 17th and Marine WE DELIVER Phone West 16 Groceries - Hardware Paints and Painting Supplies United Church The service next Sunday morn­ing will be taken by Professor Odium, who will take as the sub­ject of his sermon, "The Coming Work of the Orange Order." The Orange Lodge will attend this service.In the evening Rev. J. Willi­ams Ogden will preach on "The Question of Profit and Loss."The sacrament will be admin­istered by Rev. J. Richmond Craig at the morning service on Sunday, 24th July.During the month of August Rev. W. W. McPherson of the Westminster United Church, Saskatoon, will have charge of the Sunday services. Baptist Church MOTHER KNOWS There Is Health in Bread Good bread can bp made only from first grade flour. Only first grade flour is UHed in our bakery. That accounts for the consistent high grade quality of our Bread and Bakery Goods. OUR BREAD Is baked fresh daily and may bo had at our shop or delivered at your home. Phone West 27and our delivery man will call. STRATTON'SBAKERY Ambleside Tern Rooms Ferry Wharf WEST VANCOUVER Camp and Picnic Suppliaa, _____ Tobaccoa, ate. r Rev. David Long, Pastor. Sunday School, 10 a. m. Church Service, 11 a. m. Weekly prayer service each Wednesday at 7.30 p. m. St. Anthony's Church Pastor--Rev. Father Kelly Sunday--Mass, 8.30 a. m.High Mass, 10.30 a. m.Benediction, 7.30 p. m.Week Days--Mass 8 a. m. A book social will be held at the Fortune Cup Inn in aid of the church on Thursday evening, 21st July. Illustrate one of the latest novels and win a charming prize. There will also be cards, music, and good refreshments. HE C H E A T E D HIM SELF By Paul Lownsberry A striking story is told of a rich man who wanted to help a poor car­penter and his family.He hired the carpenter to build a house on a hillside and then went away on a long journey. The carpen­ter said to himself: "By boss is away and I can use shoddy materials and neglect the supporting work that does not show. The house will be weak, hut nobody will know It." So he built u ramshackle house.When the rich man came hack, the carpenter said: "Here Is your house." "Thank you," said the rich man, "hero is the deed and the key. I'm giving It to you."And the carpenter grieved that he had robbed himself of a good house.We reap what we sow. We huve to live in the house of life we build. If we do Hhoddy work, If we "Holdler" on the boss, we pinch ourselves, shrivel up and loose our ability to discern be­tween right and wrong. We have to live In such a house without character. We have to live with ourselves!It Is a tremendous fact that each one of us Is building to-day the house we must live In to-morrow. We can build a palace or a hovel, a mansion or a Jail or a pigpen hut we must live In It.Our influence depends, not so much upon what we know, or even what we do, as upon what we are. H. P E R R IN , r o OPTOMETRIST AND OPTICIANWednesdays from 2 p. m.Evenings from 7 p. m. Royal Bank Bldtf. Phoia Woat 490R THE West Van News Published Every Friday II. HODGSON and F.F.LOVKGROVK West 19L West 1121, Publishers Business and Editorial Office: 1361 Marine Drive Mail Address: I*. O. Box 101, Hollyburn, B. C. $1.00 a year by mail or carrier, News, stands 5c per copy. ADVERTISING RATES ON APPLICATION