Resampled001B6EC6 Cut Rate Drugs SATURDAY AND MONDAY SPECIALS $5.00 Harris Wonder Health Re-storer.... 5 fov $8.00 $ 1.00 Cod Liver Oil EmuIsioa.. 69c SSc 60 Watt Lamps....6 for $ 1.99 76c Lambert's Hair Growth spc Fvossts 217, 100 tablets... $ L50 76c Cbsccsctta Face Posrdsr... Isc 52c 40 &Vatt Lamps ........ Soc 66c Rotcx .................. 49c 76c 16 oa Parish Food . 49c 66c Vacuum Bottles....... 67c 60c Giyccrinc 4) Rose IVatcr. 6 oa ........ 29c 16c Mociiagc ............ 7c 26c Listcrias Tootb Paste... 19c Soc Pond's Cream ...... 55c Ioc Fairy Soap ............ Sc $ 1.00 Regions HcaIth Salts ... 69c &ioc Listcrioo I uc Soc Pia).ing Cards . 29c Soc Gin Pills ......... 22c $ 1.00 Listcrias........ 79c 60c Dandcrios ............... 49c 25c Baby Soothcrs ........... Iuc Boc McCoy's Cod Liver Oii Tab- lets ................................. 49c 25c Listcrioc ................. 22c $ 1.00 Dandcrins ......... 90c 60c Phillips Sitlk of Slag«osis 4Sc 60c Puifovd's Cream of Olives . 29c Money to Loan on First Mortgage at current rates. Let us finance the building of your new home in West Van- couver. London & British North America Cosy Ltd. h(or(gage -- Insurance -- Finance and Estate Agents. 626 Pender Street West Phone Sey. 6285 Local Representative;--F. X. Hodilson, %Vest 665R Good Used Cars At Bargain Prices. We Have a Large Number to Select From NORTH SHORE MOTORS, LTD. OLDSMOBILE AND CHEVROLET DEALERS 135 First Street 1Vest, North Vancouver. (Represented in West Vancouver by H. C. OSBORNE) Phones West 628Y North IIS6 Ct r, I//i"',, Jl;/i,,. 0 rf &P~~T"I ~,&ns, f,'&g n «~~~),~c 'i,( I!Ipi)y'P A Creamo Wagon on Euerp S&reef-- Euerp bforninfl FRASER VALLEY MILK 9 Quarts for $ 1.00 Phone iNorth 122 %cat 'I an. Agents C. P. R. Telegraphs aad Csa. I'ac. Exp. Sioney Order LesaIye Drug'tore Prescriptions Filled By Fully Qua((fied Druggist at City I'rives G. E. RE(D, h(annger New Building' Corner Marine and 14th. FAST D ELI V ER Y NO OIIDER IS TOO SSIALL WEST 323 1928 Classic Millinery Storeh(r. and hfrs. Chet Shields. 14th and Bellevue, motored down to Seattle to spend the weekend with Mr. Shield's sister, Nrs. F. D. Cramer, who resides ln that city. ~ ~ ~ Bob Tabor, 13th and Ingle. tvood, is lenving here for Lough- boro Inlet, where he has obtain- ed a position with a logging company. ~ ~ ~ The council at their meeting on Monday night made a grant of 625 to the Hollyburn Public Librnry. ~ o ~ Cnnccl Tax Sale Lis(s All realty brokers who have been furnished with tax snlu lists have been notified by the council that same nre cancel(cd. ~ s ~ Mr. nnd Mrs. T. Socenson, who have 6 summer home at West Bay, entertained 5 number of their West Bay neighbors last Saturday night at their home in King Edward Avenue, Shaugb- nessy Heights, the occasion be- ing a delightful dinner party, when covers were laid for eight. The table and rooms were pro- fusely decorated with daffodils and other spring flowers. v Mr. aml Nrs. F. C. Page, who lived on Bellevue between 24th and 25th, have gone to Alaska for the whole of the summer. Nr. Page, who will be at work there, spent last summer in the same district. ~ ~ The foundation for the exten- sion to Smith's Grocery store at Dundarave has now been laid and a start made on the erection of the addition. It is expected that the work will be completed about the middle of April. s ~ o L. 0. Brown, who has operat- ed 6 barber shop on Broadway, has rented the store directly west of Dr. Nash's office on hIarine Drive, Dundarave, and will open up a barber's shop there at the end of next week. Nrs. De Cou is spending a holi- day at her son's cottage at 19th and IVaterfront. ~ ~ ~ Jean IVatson, daughter of W. D. Watson, 14th and Gordon. underwent an operation on Tues- dny for appendicitis at St. I'aul's hospital. ~ ~ ~ ih(iss Vera L Hamilton has taken the De Cou cottage nt 19th and Waterfront and will move in (lith April. ~ ~ ~ The rondwny of Nnrine Drive nt 14th Street recently began to sink as a result of the culvert underneath it giving away. The latter has been repnired this )reek, necessitating the pave- ment being tom up for some days. h(rs. B. Gemmill of Pilot hIound, ihfanitoba, is visiting her son George Gemmill, 15th and Esquimalt. ~ 4 s hIrs. Colin Turner, 13th and Haywood received the sad news from Carluke, Scotland, of the loss of her mother, Mrs. James Pearson, ivho leaves to mourn her loss her husband and ten other daughters. Nrs. W. Fitz- patrick, Nrs. A. Robertson, Mrs. E. Smart, Victoria, Mrs, E. G. Sasse North Dakota, Mrs. S. Alexander of Bear Creek, Mon- tana, U.S.A., hIrs. Frank Logic, of Otago, New Zealand, Mrs. D. Nooney, Natal, South Africa, and Mrs. Davidson, Nrs. D. Fer- guson, hIrs. T. Lonsdale of Car- luke, Scotland. o ~ i Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Camp and family, 24th and Haywood, have moved to Vancouver. a a v Nrs. Vera J. Gunn wrote the council asking for permission to subdivide Block E, D. L. 654, between 23rd and 24th Streets. The matter was referred to the municipal engineer for his re- port. s ~ ' 'Nrs. Case of Bellingham, mother of Dayton Case, of 14th and Marine, is visiting her son and daughter in law. Mrs. Case senior has made several visits to IVest Vancouver. s SV. J. Irwin is building a new house on the Marine Drive be- tween 25th and 26th Streets. a a ~ Major A. S. Mills, 29th and IVaterfront, has rented Mrs. A Hampton'6 house at 18th and Marine Drive. ' 4 4 Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Armstrong and family, 17th and Fulton, have moved into their new home at 12th and Esquimalt. a C. Ray has built an addition to his house at 13th and Marine Drive. The large rocks that were left on the sides of Keith Road be- tween 13th and Capilano as a result of the widening of the road last fall are being removed and are being used to fill in the ditch on the south side of Mar- ine Drive from the end of the sidewalk eastward from 11th Street. ~ ~ ' E. Gainey of Harrop, B. C., was in West Vancouver this week visiting J. E. Fitchett, 13th and waterfront. hfrs. A. Hampton, 18th and Marine Drive, is leaving ~here shortly for an extended visit to England, going by way of the Panama Canal. ~ v v ihIr. Douglas has purchased the Barton property at 29th and Palmerston. ~ ~ o J. F. Tiderington, 26th and Bellevue, has moved to South Vallcou vcr. TATE BLDG„)iarioa Dcivs EASTER HATS Ws have so&as nos Hats on dis«iay for Ladies, Miasss, and Chiidrsn at right prices. AFTERNOON DitESSFW for Ladies snd Missss. for part- ies nr street wear. $9.fiu, $ 10.75 sod $ 12.75 SCAI&V ES ...„,. $4.25 sad $3.95 Stamped Goods, Liogsris, Hand- made Fiowsm anil Siik Hoss. You can rely on these. FOR TH E hl EN -- Handker- chiefs, while aad blue witb dots. Siik Hoss. A line display. Come aad ssa. DR. DORCHESTER LECTURES IN VICTORIA Dr. F. E. Dorchester whose home is in West Vancouver, but whose business office has been for many years in Vancouver, de- livere&i a series of three address- es in Victoria last week. The first was at the Chamber of Coinmerce on Tuesday, and the auditorium was filled for the oc- casion, Dr. Dorchester always draws a big crowd for his lec- tures; and the series of articles on "Health," which he has been for some time writing for the "Morning Star" are widely read. The following is taken from the Colonist: His naturopath talk, in the course of which he emphasized the relation of exercise and diet to health, was followed by a seri- es of slides illustrating points respecting muscular development which he had already referred to in his talk. Man was intended to live at least 120 years, he stated, pro- ceeding with the argument that it was only through the artificial mode of living which had been adopted by mankind that his longevity had been decreased to the present very much lower av- erage of years. The adoption of commonsense methods of living, particularly in respect of diet and exercise, would do much for the race in restoring its energy, vitality, health and length of life. Foods and muscles were in- tended as the natural medicines and natural physicians. By studying food science the defic- iencies could be supplied; by studying the muscles the bodily needs could be reinforced through the toning of the body so that it could act on the foods. Among the slides shown were some illustrating the effect of over-filling the stomach, result- ing in pressure on the heart and leading to one of the most pop- ular fallacies about heart trouble; also some showing the conditions in general abdominal prolapsis, arising in part from neglected muscles. He also in- dicated some of the conditions arising from constant faulty po- sitions in standing and walking, making a brief caustic comment on the pose affected by the mod- ern girl. SCHOOL FOOTBALL SEASON OVER While the boys are still play- ing football on the public school grounds, the game is officially over until next fall. The season has been a very active one, and honors in the league are even- ly divided between Pauline John- son and Hollyburn schools, the former leading in the senior div- ision, and the latter in the junior dlvis(OI). Baseball will be the order of the day next month, when the schools reopen after the Easter holidays. BRITISH ISRAEL W. F. MEET NEXT WEDNESDAY The semi-monthly meeting of the British Israel World Feder- ation will be held next Wednes- day at Ambleside Hall starting at 8 p. m. Percy King will give an interesting talk on the Great Pyramid. His subject will be "The Great Day of God Almigh- ty and the Great Pyramid." All the B. I. meetings are open to the general public. TRAFFIC OVER SECOND NARROWS BRIDGE The officials of the Second Narrows bridge report that 10,- 401 persons and 3,266 vehicles crossed the bridge last Sunday, March 25th. This is a consider- ably lighter traffic than usual, but on that day the weather was not very propitious for travel- ling, and that the figures should be so large unde~ such climatic conditions shows to what extent the bridge is filling a public ne- cessity. Canadian Window Bakeries Agency I.cave Your Orders for HOT CROSS BUNS LI(IHT LUNCHES A. & F. VALENTINE 1400 Manas Dr&vs PERSONA.LS SP, I High' }Iold go( i h in(sf pgp p' c a Ispcou) „'„( ihe 54' "Thewy 6'I o&c&( 4&6 9( I bct(cf 5 ii ~ (i)UY r Inst&st( I",(~'(', gsdc 5 w (bH (m' making m (0 in 0 T(tk) et (9 ihe pu b diin( ant(cna (his ws'k U ar(U hc Psfcnis I Ibfi;iy dc +m 'fke d( brune work. IIridge RSP0& I Conteni 'ows bri handle b (fn(fic f& Major Pe Burrnrd fo. has Si &(i&ecto&5 or W. G, causeway of the pr fy The u ping inte Of loss 54& (cas dccid iorward I biajor W is unfori have plat category public wl ledge of tion to cc rows bric SCCused,v Shippi& 6 men North Sl Swan, c& menace Ward coi und expr Sminnry mitted bi a( biajor Construci lockS ls i to Major Iver, do tlori of 5 tipnlitiei 5 par i)hick oi '(009sOI v b(njor dllnl, )p thestcu $490 du (&now tg, stion," I curn(ngs were Ss& tP M.;„'ort wit bridg~ ( present fic; is f, when fu ~%6(red c (rsffic vide tice 50th wo j',. "55 n(40 Ihe Bu Badge"( into won'I ik