Resampled001B6EC6 ihiarch 30, 1928. 1 h gi Correspondence ANOTHER BRAIN STORhi Don't Be Selfish--Let North Vancouver Have IL The Editor )Vest Van &Vs&vs: Sir: Last year I called attention in "The Province" to the nuisance caused to this shore by the quan- tities of fuel oil discharged by steamers leaving the Port of Vancouver. I am unaivare if our council took any movement in this mat- ter, but &ve are now faced I be- lieve with another serious men- ace to which it may not be out of place to call attention. I refer to the very large sew- er now being put down in the IVest End of the City. I am informed, though I cannot vouch for the accuracy of my informant that the outfall will be in "The ii'arrows," presumably some- where about the end of the pipe line road. If this is corect, what &vill become of the salmon going up the Capilano to spawn. Pois- oned, I should say, before they get to the mouth of the river. Imagine bathing too, at Holly- burn. Dundarave or )Vest Bay, with masses of crude sewage car- ried backwards and forwards on the tide, or the beaches with a thick fringe of sewage festering in the summer's sun. It is usual in most cities in the Old Country, to treat the sew- age, and discharge only the ef- fluent. In any case, the inhabi- tants of Kitsilano and English Bay are congratulating them- selves, that they are going to be rid of a very unpleasant, not to say obnoxious feature, but where do we come in, if such a project as this is carried out. Yours truly, E. J. ANTHONY. Dear Sir: Knowing that you have had some interest in the fur business I take the liberty of presenting vou with what seems to me a most wonderful business propos- ition, and in which no doubt you will take a lively interest, and perhaps wire me the amount of stock that you want to subscribe towards the formation of this company. The object of this company is to operate a large Cat Ranch in or near Ambleside, where land can be purchased cheap for this purpose. To start with. we &vill collect say about 100,000 cats. Each cat will average about twelve kittens a year. The skins run from 10c each for the white ones to 75c for the pure black. This will give us twelve million skins a year to sell at an average price of 30c each, making our rev- enue about S10,000 a day gross. A man can skin 50 cats per day for 83.00. It will take 100 men to operate the ranch and therefore the net profit will be 69,700.00 per day. We will feed the cats on rats and will start the rat ranch next door. The rats multiply four times as fast as the cats. If we start with one million rats we will have four rats per day for each cat, which will be plenty. Now then, we will feed the rats on the carcasses of the cats from whIch the skins will have been taken, giving each rat one fourth of a cat. It will thus be seen that the business will be self-supporting and automatic all the way through. The cats will eat the rats, the rats will eat the cats, and we will have the skins. Awaiting your prompt reply and trusting that you will ap- preciate the opportunity that I give you, and which will get you rich quick, I remain, Yours truly, wgVEST BAY" IVest Bay. Editor West Van News: IVith reference to an item ap- pearing in a recent issue under the heading an Original Epi- taph, the following inscription is cut on a tombstone in the churchyard at Ca)stock (Corn- wall) date late 17th century: Epitaph to a Blacksmith Ny Sledge and Anvil lay declin- ed, Ny Bellows Pipes have lost their wind hIy Fire's extinguished, Coal's decayed And in the dust my Vise is laid, My Iron is wrought. my Nails are driven hfy Work is done, my Soul's in Heaven. I venture to say that neither are original as undoubtedly they were both taken from the same source and that that similar in- scriptions can be found on tomb- stones in other parts of the uni- ve&'Se. We think the Nobel prize should go to the man who drank one hundred cups of coffee in an hour, and did not claim to have done it for the wife and kiddies. s v ~ Every man has his price, but few are worth it. Order your HOT CROSS BUNS --R. F CARD OF THANKS from STRATTON'S We deliver. PHONE WEST 27 Mr. Edward Cooke snd family wish &o express ibciv sincere ap- preciation and thanks &o &hc many friends from whom &bcy have received so many tokens of sympathy asd floral tributes ia the memory of the beloved wife asd mother of whom they bsvc been sc suddenly bereaved. REMNANT SALE Clean Up Sa)e Remnants and Oitdmcnts &b 1 ALL HALF PRICE 1 SPECLXL--Shopping Bags from .......„...„.........„............. 39c $ I ', Grigor's Dry Goods Store I 1540 hiarine Drive between 15th and 16th &i Christ)an Science Society Ciit&R&'H Ki&IFICE 801k aad Sass&mal&, iisiiybava Sunday Service at 11.80 a. m. Subject April 1st "UiNREAI.ITY" Sunday Scbasi at 10.00 a. m. Tssiimcay bias&lag svsry Wsd- nssday at L16 p.m. United Church 21st street near hiarine ihiinister. Rev. A. hL O'Donne)1 EL VVORLO FEOKRATION Was& Vsacssvsv Branch On '1VEi)NESDAY BVENiNG Nvx&v April C&b In &bs Ambicsids iiaB at 8 p. m. SPEAKER& MR. PERCY KING The 1hird sf s scriss sf talks on "The Great Day of God Almip)vty Bnd the Great Pyramid" 1Vest Vancouver Bible School Ambicsids Hall, Marina at 1&&k Next Sunday at 8 p.m. ~IR. PERCY KING lmadcv 'ad s New & svesas& and 1bc .'&isdss Operan- di of &hc Old." A Spsclai invitation is Givsn ta the Young People Sundny Services 10.16 a. m.-Sunday School. 11.16 s. m.-- ihlorning IVorship 7.16 p. m.--Fvening )Vorship. hlorning Anthem -- "Mine 0 I.ord," Kent. Evening Anthem--"The Spirit and the Bride Say Come," Prout. The minister will preach at the morning service on the rec- ent book by Stanley Jones "Christ at the Round Table." This is a heart-searching inspir- ing book and should be read by all who are interested in the supremacy of Christ in the hearts of men. At the evening service the IVest Vancouver and North Vancouver Orange Lodges will attend. Special music will be rendered. The special meetings for child- ren held last week were well at- tended. Sessions were held both afternoon and evening from Monday until Friday inclusive. Beautiful pictures were shown of the life of Christ and deeply impressed both children and ad- ults. Many signed cards dedi- cating their lives to the service of Christ. The monthly meeting of the IVoman's Mission Circle was held last Tuesday afternoon in the Lower Hall of the Church. hIiss Sutherland, the stranger's Secre- tary in Vancouver of the United Church of Canada was present and gave an interesting talk on her work. The President, )gars. E. Herrin, presided, and the Scriptures were read by Mrs. (Dr ) Rush and Mrs. A. M. O'Donnell. The regular monthly meeting of the Woman's Association will be held in the Church next Tues- day afternoon. This is an im- portant meeting and all members and friends should attend. 2and street nenr Marine Palm Sun&lay (April Ist). 8 a. m.--kIoly Communion. 10 a. m.--Sunday School. 11.15 a. m.--)ioly Communion. 4.30 p.m.--Confirmation Class 7 15 p m Evensong At Sunday morning's service 51r. J. H. Smith will sing "The I'alms" by Faure and in the eve- ning the choir will render "The Pilgmms by Leshe. Services in Holy Week will bo held on Tuesday and Thursday nights at 8 o'lock, the latter service being a preparation for Easter commumon. Good Friday services will be at 10.30 a.m. and 8 p.m. In the evening the choir will give its third annual rendering of Stainer's "The Crucifixion" with Maj. A. N. Lestev as tenor solo- ist, Mr. J. H. Smith as bass solo- ist. Mr. H. H. Skelton conduct- ing and Albert Kendrick at the organ, assisted by a small or- chestra. The rector will hold a service at St. Francis'hurch, Caulfeild, at 3 p.m. Sunday. The A. Y. P. A. heard an en- joyable and profitable lecture at their Tuesday night's meeting by Mr. J. Porter on "The Value'f Literary Study for a Young Peoples'ociety." Mr. Charles Chapman was elected as secre- tary-treasurer in place of Miss Margaret Partington, who has gone to Manitoba. Three boys from St. Stephen's Junior A team took part in the international soccer game last Saturday at Granville Park, Cor- nish and Fiddes playing for the winning Old Country side, while Timbrell kept goal for the Can- adian team. The next team game will be the semi-final of the Middleton Cup series against Renfrew United. TUNNEL CO. ASK INFORM- ATIOiV RE CAUSEWAY A letter came before Monday night's council meeting from the manager of the Burrard Inlet Tunnel and Bridge Co. enclosing a copy of a letter sent by that company to W. G. Swan in reply to his letter and plans for the proposed causeway and locks at the Second Narrows. They stated in the letter that such a proposition must in their opinion have the inherent quality of ben- efiting the harbor generally, the shipping interests, and all the municipalities concerned. The proposed p)an showed a bascule over each basin. They would like to be informed as to the width of the roadway por- tion of each bascule, and how long the lift would be open to al- low a vessel to pass through the locks. They also wished to know how much it would add to the cost of the project to provide means for vehicular and railway traffic being diverted to either end of the lock so that it could proceed without interruption. The council ordered the letter filed. Small pieces of raw potato over which a little shredded soap has been sprinkled make an ex- cellent remedy for a burn. FUSION OF NORTH VAN. CITY AND DISTRICT DISCUSSED Joint Police Force Opposed Amalgamation of North Van- couver city, and district, 0 joint police force, domestic gas ser- vice and fire protection for the district weve among subjects dis- cussed last Tuesday at a joint meeting of the North Vancou- ver city and district councils. Be- yond an expression of opinion, no decision was arrived at. Councillor H. W, Woods, of the district, brought up the question of amalgamation, and during the discussion several representativ- es suggested that these joint meetings were a prelude to it. Ald. W. A. Toimie went a step further when he favored event- ual amalgamation with Greater Vancouver. The question of a joint police force for the three municipalities on the North Shore mentioned by hiayor G. H. Morden, was not supported. Strong opposition was expressed against any sug- gestion of placing the North Shore under the jurisdiction of the provincial police. Rub plates, tables, stoves, or anything greasy with newspaper before trying to wash or polish them. Pastor--Rev. Father Kelly Sunday--hfass, 8.30 a. m. High hfass, 10.30 a. m. Benediction, 7.30 p. m. Week Dnys--Nnss 8 s.m. Baptist Church 15th an&i Duchess Re&. David Long, Pastor. Sunday School, 10 a. m. Church Service, 11 a.m. Week)y prayer service each Wednesday at 7.30 p.m. The C G I T meets every Friday night at 7 o'lock. Lead- er Miss I. Brealey. All teen age girls we)et me. Reeve Vinson Patron of Flower Show An invitation was received and accepted by Reeve Vinson to act as one of the patrons of the Annual Spring Flower and Tul- ip Show to be held in Vancouver on 4th and 6th May. An effort will again be made to hold the exhibition in the Drill Hall on Beatty street, but it was stated that there was a possibility the ha)l will not be available this year. Secretary A. G. Dickson re- ported that the number of dis- trict displays would be larger this year than on any pre- vious occasion and that consider- able interest was being taken in the children's wild flower sec- tion. Judges appointed were: Dr. C. T. Hilton of Port Alberni, Henry Jueneman of Be))ingham, Prof. F. E. Buck of B. C. University, W. H. Robertson of the provm- cial horticultural department at Victoria, H. C. Hyland Barnes, R. M. Palmer of Cowichan. Frank Garnish, W. F. Nimmo, John Booth. John Renton, A. Hornby, G. R. Moore, Thomas Kilgour, J. E. Daniels, Mrs. A. H. McNeil, Mrs. G. F. Laidler an&i Nrs. J. kyfe Smith. It will be remembered that the )Vest Vancouver Horticultural Association carried off premier honors last year. THE West Van News Published Every Friday if. HODGSON asd F.F.LOVEGROVE Psbiisbsrs Phones: West 363 West 412L Bus&sass ssd Editorial ONics: 1301 biarias Dr&vs Mall Addrsss P. O. Bsx 101, Hsiiybsra, B. C. 61.00 a year by mall or carr&sr, News. ~&ands 6c psr copy ADVERT191NG RATES ON APPLICATION St. Stephen's Church St. Anthony's Church )lp&v ipr 6 &ss b« f gpf) '„0 pf kept ls lsd 84& ~rape The 1 &ppsi&)c )a&vs sf pfejH ihe P+ the tis )s&vp )f dp gill stc 0 1 mpst si best ti Iisfchi sgc ls mg vvs „;th si op)e ppghly maybe pr sll c st thc hard &v should si!cs& lsy cx) for ss& 6 g&oi msssr level it is spsi 1Mr ilil ipg tl should rocks i pr bet thrpug screen. then n if&egal Wit) is spt the gri cd, A PLAN ON C&Hi ssd 8 sppghi brpsde UP ci cd by Thh scstst bssipe of T& Chsrle cr pf Sures pf the the p qus&te The &seek l cd. date 1 called «vsi The be ma view & mcetii bsssp p)sy I suburl tips 0 Sough intp 8 iks