Resampled001B6EC6 A Weekly Newspaper CJ'rculatiugin the District of West Vancouver-- Ambleside, Hollyburn, Weston, Dundarave S1.00 per year. Cypress Park, Caulfeild, Whytecliff, Etc. Newsstands 5c per Copy V I H EIGH T PAGFS HOLLYBURN P O. WEST VANCOUVER. B C FRIDAY MARCH 30th, 1928 No. 52 SEE THAT YOUR NAJIE IS OiN THE VOTERS'ISTBuilding Activity Well Maintained Dangers to Our Health and Well-Being ISSUED ON THURSDAY NEXT WEEK Both Liberals and Conserva- tives are at the present time ac- tively engaged in registering the names of those eligible to be ent- ered on the.. Provincial voters'ist. A canvas of the district is being made for this purpose, but it is more than possible that even with this organised effort the names of many who should be on the list will be omitted. Regis- tration closes next Thursday-- April 5th. Don't wait for others to put your name on the list. See for yourself that this is attended to. To vote is one duty that every man and woman owes to the country and owes to themselves. The franchise is a very valuable privilege, and should be exercised by aB. No matter what your political lean- ing, see that you get the vote you are entitled to. It is the wish and the desire of every political party, or it should be, to put on the lists the name of every per- son entitled to be there. tt is just posssbte that the provincial parliament will go to the country before very long, and, if you ivant to record your vote, you must have your name placed on the lists now GET BUSY'ON'T DELAY r SEE THAT YOUR NAiIIE IS ON THE VOTERS'IST. In this issue there appears a very timely letter from C. J. Anthony of IVest Bay on two subjects of vital importance to the health and welfare of West Vancouver, one is the practice on the part of vessels of cleaning out their fuel oil tanks in the waters off our shores and the other the construction of a large trunk sewer through the west end of Vancouver city with a proposed outlet into the First Narrows just west of the Pipe Line Road. With regard to the'first, we believe the matter came before the 1927 council, who were informed by the harbor commis- sioners that such dumping of fuel oil was contrary to their regulations and they would see that the practice was stopped. However, a ship's captain is "king of the castle" on his ship in port and at sea, and while no doubt the larger passenger vessels carefully conform to the regulations, it is quite pos- sible that other vessels are not so particular. We realise that it is a matter of some difficulty to catch the culprits, but at the same time, it should be possible to do so, and, when caught, they should be very severely dealt with. An example made of one or two of them would be all that would be necessary to put a stop to the practice. On a number of occasions last summer row boats taken out for pleasure or fishing came back with their sides filthy and plastered with oil. Their owners had a long job, and a hard one, cleaning them up, for the heavy oil sticks with a pertinacity almost equal to that of molasses. Swimmers also came ashore with their faces and limbs and bathing suits streaked and greasy. The beaches were fouled by the oil coming in with the tide, which already brings in enough debris from the mills without having that debris rendered unsanitary and a breeding ground for flies by the addition of the scrapings of ships'il tanks. It is to be hoped that if this dumping of fuel oil is still going on, the harbor board will take immediate steps to have it stopped. The question of the trunk sewer is of far greater import- ance, for it carries a very grave menace to the health of every- body in West Vancouver and the whole of the North Shore. One can imagine very easily the conditions in the First Nar- rows and along our shores when a trunk sewer is pouring out every minute of the day and night a flood of filth to be the sport of every wave and current. The Capilano flats which are the playground of the backwash from the tides will inevitably become a pestilential area, the stench of which will render the areas adjacent to it unfit for human habitation. Under the circumstances it is hard to understand how even a proposi- tion to build such a sewer outlet should be even contemplated. Again, any break or leak in the watermains in the bed of the First Narrows, which is not of infrequent occurance, would result in a polluted water system throughout the south shore of the inlet, if the proposed sewer is actually constructed to empty into the inlet. In the old country, as Mr. Anthony states, no sewage is allowed to be dumped anywhere until it has been treated and rendered harmless. An expensive matter, it is true, and neces- sitating the use of sewage farms, but Vancouver has reached the stage now when she should invest in such a convenience before spending thousands on town planning. If we remember correctly, the 1927 council took the matter up with the Vancouver City council, who informed them that nothing would be done until they had been consulted, and so far this year's council has, we believe, never been approached. If, however, preparations are under weigh to have such a trunk sewer outlet constructed, no time should be lost in hav- ing the whole proposition squelched as effectively and quickly as it is possible to do so. That the building activity this month in IVest Vancouver has been well maintained is proved by an examination of the build- ing permits, 15 of which were issued for a total of $28,020, as compared with 15 permits of a value of $27,000 issued in Feb- ruary. Particulars are as follows: Dwellings Colthammer H Eagle Harbour ........................ $5,000 Gillam, Anna L., Argyle and Keith .................... 200 Hilborn, C. L., Bellevue. 3,000 Cookson, W. 29th & Mar- ine Drive ..................... 2,000 Bradley, H. for Mrs. A. J. Marling ........................ 3,500 Nelson, V. for Andrew Trulson, Gordon Ave... 3,000 Berry, R. C., Argyle Ave. 650 Saunders, Chas. for W. J. Irwin, Marine Drive.... 1,800 Saunders Chas for IV Bywater, Keith Road.. 2,000 Pascual, Fred, 14th and Esquimalt .................... 4,000 Nakayuma, G., Keith Rd. 820 Additions Redden, J. H.. Pilot House Road, Caulfeild ............ $ 500 Gordon, W. R., Caulfeild 400 Hilborn, C. L., Marine Dr. 1,000 Garages Thomson, Mrs. E. J., Ar- gyle .............................$ 150 Next Friday being Good Friday the NEWS will be issued on Thursday, a day earlier Advertising copy for that issue will close at noon IVednesday. Corres- pondents and those having reports for publication should forward these as early as possible. We can- not guarantee publication of any notices received aft- er Wednesday morning. BASEBALL DANCE TONIGHT IN AID OF JUVENILES The school boys will enter a team in the first division of the juvenile baseball league this coming season,and, in order to raise funds to procure uniforms, etc., a dance is being held to- night (Friday) in the Ambleside HalL You can buy your ticket at the entrance (50 cents each). It is hoped that a big crowd will be on hand to assist in making the efforts of the schoolboys and the organisers successful. Mr. J. Condon, who led the boys so suc- cessfully last season, will again manage the team, and he would like the names of any boys und- er 19 years of age who are de- sirous of having a try out. COUNCIL SIAKE SINKING FUND IiNVEST5IENT Victor Odium & Co. offered the council for sinking fund in- vestment a $200 West Vancou- ver 5% debenture maturing in 1952 at a price to yield 4.85. The offer was accepted. Ferry Bus in Collision IVANT ELECTRIC LIGHT iv AT FISHERisIAN'S COVE A petition signed by practic- ally 100 per cent. of the resi- dents of Fisherman's Cove dis- trict requesting the installation of electric light was preserted to the B. C. Electric Co. this week. It seems that the line of power running to Britannia Mines is located within one mile of Fisherman's Cove, and the residents expect to get favorable action on their application. A collision occurred last Sat- urday, when the ferry bus load- ed with passengers from the ferry arriving here at 5.45 p.m. was struck by a P. G. E. train going west over the 14th Street crossing. The train hit the bus in the centre, the coupling pen- etrating one of the steel panels, slightly caving in the whole side. Six of the twenty windows of the bus were also broken, the headlight of the train being smashed and the train radiator damaged. Four of the bus pass- engers were injured: Mrs. J. Stern of IVest Bay, Miss Mabel McBain, 29th and Waterfront, A. T. Finnie, King's Ave., and J. J. Rutledge of West Bay, as well as the driver of the bus, E. A. Rathje. Their injuries however, are not very serious, being chief- ly cuts, bruises and shock. Mrs. Stern was perhaps the worst suf- ferer, and will have to undergo an X-ray examination to ascer- tain if any internal injuries were received. An inquiry is being held into the cause of the accident. The council has extended their sympathy by letter to those hurt in the collision. SCHOOLS CLOSE APRIL 5-16 FOR EASTER HOLIDAYS All the scholars of the West Vancouver Schools are waiting anxiously for next Thursday, tvhen the present term ends for the Easter recess. The schools will open again for the summer term on isIonday. 16th April Musical Society's Last Concert of Season Next Tuesday Evening SPR ING'here is surely the magic of spring. today, In the breath of the scented breeze, The glint of her smile where sunbeams play, And slip thro'he whispering trees; The touch of her hand on the frozen streams, As they loosen from winter's hold And like tangled ribbons in silver gleams, Embroider her cloak of gold. There is surely the wonder of spring today, In the tint of the bluebird's wing, The edge of her robe in the wild rose spray, Where the pearls of the dewdrops cling. The lilt of her laugh in the skylark's song, As he soars with her joy on high, Where the ripples of music are lost ere long, In the depths of the cloud flecked sky. Will Acquaint Retailer re Licenses In connection with the recent request of the I'olice Commis- sion for a revision of the present Trades License By-law a letter ives received by the council from A. IV. Lunn, secretary of the Re- tail Merchants'ureau of the Board of Trade, asking that the bureau have a chance to view the revised by-law before it is passe&i. The council replied that he ivould be advised of the date when it comes up for discussion. There is surely a welcome for spling today From the heart of the world she's stirred, Wherever she treads on her sunkist way, She is followed by flower aml bird; We followed her close from the starting place, Where the snowdrops in clusters spread, Twas there that the spring unveiled her face And smiled--as the winter fled. HONORIA TRAILLWest Vancouver, B. C. Next Tuesday in the Hollyburn has been given the public of this Theatre the West Vancouver concert, it is expected that all Musical Society will give their well ivishers of the choir and all last concert of the season. It is who love good music wit) be pres- a miscellaneous concert mclud- en't, not only for their personal ing male choruses, as well as enjoyment, but to encourage the mixed choruses, solos, duets and choir in the effort they will once quartette. Being the end of the again soon make to bring the season and the eve of the musical honors of the B. C. Musical Fes- festival, it is expected that the tival back to West Vancouver. choir will be in top-notch form Professor J. M. 5lorgan will, of as a result of their season's train- course, lead the choir. ing. Though but limited notice The following is the program: CHORUS--"Deep River" .........................................Burleigh SONG--a.--"For You Alone".............................................. Geehl b.--"Invictus" ...............................................Huhn Jlr. J. Flett CHORUS--"The Bells of St. 5lichael's Toiver" By Request QUARTETTE--"Basso Profundo"................. slessrs. Thompson, Howieson, Davies and Sniith SONG--"When Song is Siveet" .........................................Souci Mr. J. L. Evans CHORUS--"Going Home" ..............................Burleigh SONG--"Japanese Love Song" ...........Brahe Mrs. C. Donohue MALE CIIORUS--"Darling iily Own" .......................Giordiani CHORUS--"Kilties'larch" .................................„.....Cameron DUET--"Watchman IVhat of the Night" ................... Sargeant slessrs. Addy and Evans CHORUS--"God Thor" ........................................Elgar Accompanist--sliss Jl. Jlclntyre Conductor--Prof. J. Jl. 5lurgan