Resampled001B6EBD March 23, 1928. THE WEST VAN NEWS Board of Trade Discusses Questions of Public Interest The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Trade was held last Monday. Reports were heard from the various commit- tee chairmen and discussion of general matters ensued. Cheaper Electricity It was decided to approach the B. C. Elictric Company with a request for cheaper lighting. It being pointed out that West Vancouver was the only district in Greater Vancouver which had not been granted a lower rate. Postal Facilities Attention was again brought to the necessity of better postal facilities, and the urgent need of some manner of postal deliv- ery. This matter will again be brought to the attention of the proper authorities. House Numbering The Board expressed its ap proval of the big improvemen now noticed in the numbering o houses and urged all household ers to see that numbers were at tached to their homes and thu facilitate the delivery of good and help in making their hous es more easily located. Community Hall Project Secretary Harrison reporte that he is getting in touch wit the different local organisation with the idea of ascertainin their views on a Communit hall proposal and to learn t what extent their assistance i this matter could be expected. Street Signs Chairman Rerrie of the Publi Improvements committee repor ed that but little headway ha resulted in his request to th municipal authorities for the er ection of street signs. Othe representations regarding thi will be made. To Hold Social John Lawson (Hon. President) was appointed to act as Chair man of the Social and Entertain ment committee. It was decid ed to hold a social evening fo members and their lady friend at an early date. Mr. Lawson assisted by a special committee will make arrangements for thi event, the date of which will b announced later. Trade Licenses Mr. Lunn, secretary of the Re- tail Merchants Bureau, brought to the notice of the board the fact that the council had refer- red to the Municipal Clerk and the Chief of Police the matter of the revision of the Trades Lic- ense By-Law, and he suggested that a letter be sent asking that before any new scale of charges be decided upon the Bureau have anopportunity of considering the proposals. This received the un- animous support of the meeting and the letter will go forward. The Late J. Hooper The Board expressed regret at the demise of the late Mr. Hoop- er who was a member of the board and chairman of the Re- tail Merchants Bureau and re- corded sympathy with the be- reaved son and other relatives. URGE BARTHOLOMEW FOR NORTH SHORE Proposal to Engage His Services Discussed and Action Deferred Engagement of the services of Harland Bartholomew and Asso- ciates, consulting engineers, was urged by a delegation from the Town Planning Commission, which interviewed the North Vancouver City Council on Mon- g day nightMr. Alfred Huggett, chairman of the commission, stated that the contract of the town plan- 'ning engineers with Vancouver concludes at the end of this year. 'I'his provided an excellent op- c portunity for North Vancouver t- to obtain the seivices of Mr. Bar- d tholomew's organization at com- e paratively low cost, he declared. He pointed out that the organiz- r ation would prove of great bene- s fit to the city in preparation of the major street planning, es- pecially in the industrial area adjacent to the waterfront. Mr. Horace L. Seymour, chief engineer for Bartholomew and Associates in Vancouver, stated that approximate charges for the services of his organization would be from $8500 to $5000 for one year. If the work was extended to include the District of North Vancouver it would tot- e al $7000. The matter was referred to the annual estimates, now being pre- pared and will be considered by the council at a later date.STANLEY BOSHIER WINS ORATORICAL CONTEST Seventy-five Yards of Lace In Janet Gaynor's Wedding Dress IVorn in "7th Heaven"Stanley S. Boshier, Grade IX,was the winner over 6 candidat- es at an oratorical competition held at the Inglewood High School last Friday. The subject of the contest was "Canada's Future." The competition was to decide who should represent the West Vancouver High School at the district contest of the B. C. Oratorical competition, which will take place in Wesley Church on 4th May. The provincial win- ner will take part in a further contest against the winners from the other provinces in a city to be later selected, all ex- penses being paid. The Canadi- an champion to be chosen at the provincial competition will be given a free European trip and a travelling scholarship, and on his return will go to Washing- ton to take part in the Interna- tional championship to be staged there. In the local competition here, at which Rev. A. Harding Priest Miss Crewson and Mr. Southam were the judges, Bryan Fergu- son was second and Drusilla Dawson third, the other contest- ants being Irene Young, Hilda Wilson, Irene Gracey anil Seige Homme. It will be remembered that Stanley when at I'auline John- son school won the gold medal for the North Shore for an es- say on "fire protection" put on by the Order of the Blue Goose. In this day and age of dresses that are made of thre yards and less of material, the ivedding gown which Janet Gaynor wears in Fox Films verkion of "7th Heaven" is a distinct novelty. This filmy creation is made of seventy-five yards of exquisite four inch lace and net over a slim satin slip. The bouffant skirt is composed of eight teirs of lace ruffles and the tight bod- ice is finished with a large fischu collar of sheer net. It is this frock on which Chico spends most of his earnings that his Diane may be properly at- tired for their wedding, which is interrupted by the mobiliza- tion of the French troops. Probably no player in years has created the sensation that Janet Gaynor has with her per- formance in "7th Heaven." Crit- ics and audience have been en- thralled by this little wisp of a girl as she lives her role of street waif in this production which was directed by Frank Borzage for Fox Films. The picture, which is coming to the Hollyburn Theatre Mon- day and Tuesday evenings of next week is an adaptation of the great John Golden stage success by Austin Armstrong. Those who have seen both declare the picture is the more fascinating of the two. Whimsical Review "If the president, vice-presid- ent and all the members of the cabinet should die, who would of- ficiate?" asked the teacher. Robert tried hard, but in vain, to think of the next in succes- sion until a happy thought struck him. "The undertaker!" he exclaimed. A flea can pull eight times his weight and a dog believes it. Styles in the Hereafter A revival was raging in a Vir- ginia colored church. The fruits had been considerable. One ob- durate soul, however, resisted the efforts of the elder. Called to account for his reluctance, he replied: "Yo'ee how it is, Elder. I'se got a problem. I don't see how I'se gwine git mah shirt on ovah mah wings when I gits to Glory." "Dat ain't yo'roblem," re- torted the exhorter promptly. "Yo'roblem is how is yo'wine get yo'at on ovah yo'orns." He who can bottle up a little sunshine for a rainy day is a corker. "Why don't you go into poli- tics?""I'e been in politics," answer- ed Farmer Corntassel. "I once got elected to the legislature. And I found the legislature was just as hard to improve as the farm." Freckles have no kick coming. They'e getting a place in the sun. Pity the Blind! "My poor fellow," said the lady, "here is a quarter for you. Goodness, gracious, it must be dreadful to be lame, but just think how much worse it would be if you were blind." "Yer right, lady," agreed the beggar, "when I was blind I was always getting counterfeit mon- ey." Fruit is high as usual. A green apple costs about four dol- lars a visit. Awaiting Orders The station master on the East Indian Railway had been given strict orders not to do any- thing out of the ordinary with- out authority from the superin- tendent. This accounts for his sending the following telegram: "Superintendent's Office, Cal- cutta:--Tiger on platform eat- ing conductor. Please wire in- structions." Give the Ladies Their Due "My, what a pretty thermos bottle. Where did you get it?" "Cigaret coupons." "Gee--you must have pretty near smoked yourself to death." "Not a bit of it--it represents the combined efforts of my wife, the girls and my mother-in-law." Smart Lady "Hey, you," called the traffic policeman to the woman driver who seemed to be a bit uncertain as to her direction and destina- tion. "What's the matter with you, anyway?" "Well, officer," replied the lady sweetly, "you see I just had my car washed and I can't do a thing with it." Gee Whiz! "Are you still dreaming of owning a little home in the country?" "No," said Mr. Gadder. "We invested the money we'd saved up in a motor car. Now we can go out on a Sunday afternoon and raise such a dust that the people who own little homes in the country wish they were back in town." -- Birmingham Age- Herald. CLASSIFIED ADS LOST--On P.G.E Train, slarch 8th, small walrus hand grip. Finder plcaac return to 310 Granvilla St., Vancouver. Reward, phone Scy. 7011. KITCHEN CUPBOAIID, Two Burner Oil Stove, Dining Room Table, Car- pet, Kitchen Ranges and tables at Bargain prices, at Norman's Furni turc Exchange. 51amnc Drive, Am- blcaidc, phone West 396. AUTO KNITTER for sale.. Phone West 3461. KITCHEN CABINET and book.cases made to order. Call and acc speci- mens. Jcnvcy, 2364 hlarinc, tvcst 346L. BUILDING ALTERATIONS, Ccmcnt work, carpentry, etc., Sce Jcnvcy, and Dent 2764 ifarinc West 346L AN EXCEPTIONAL OFFER -- For sale or exchange Lot 26 and East half of 25, Block 17, D.L. 794 (arcs 193x211) 3100 cash or exchange to value of 3150, C. G. Barrow. Dun- daravc P.O. Phone Wast 83, even- mga West 98L3. THEY'E HERE--A good supply of Tennis, Running, Gym and Walking Shoes. Titus Nu-Way Shoe Repair Shop, Yatca Block, Amblcaidc. WANTED--A capable woman for cooking and general housework from four to eight o'lock five aft- ernoons a week. 51uat have refer- cnccs. Leave name and address at NEWS OFFICE. FOUND--Wrist Watch.. Owner may have same by paying for this ad- vcrtiscmcnt. 2211 Bellevue. FOUNDATIOiV, CEMENT WORK, Landscaping, Lawns made, Gener- al Contracting. T. Barnott, Resid- ence Phone West 672R. CO)V DIANURE, Well Rotted, for sale 2 yards $ 5.00; 4% yards $10.00. Raine. Phone West 74L2. TO RENT -- From 1st April, fully modern 5-room bungalow, 2319 Mar- ino Drive, all fenced, apples, cher- ries, blackberries and raspberries; good woodshed and well-built shed for trunks, ctc. Apply at above address, or phone Wast 689R. COLIN TURN P.--Bi ilder and Con- tractor. Repairs and alterations. Phono West 679R. CHIMNEYS and Have Troughs clean- ed. Safety first. Have your chim- neys swept. Phone Turvcy, West 668L. MODERN ELECTRIC WIRIisIG AND LIGHTING--Gct our prices. Trade in your radio for new modeL North Shore Electric. Phone N. 79. WEBB'S SHOE REPAIRS WEAR BEST--Dundaravc. WINDOIV BLINDS--Made to order and installed. Estimates free. Pcarcc'a Drygooda, 11th Street and Marino. Phone West 144. FOR RENT--Unfuraiahcd Five-room Bungalow on Waterfront at Alta- mont. Phone Lcyland, West 63Ri. NEWMAN 45 ROBBINS -- Builders and Contractors--Painting, paper- hang.'ng and kalaomining, chimneys built. 28th and bfarino. Phone Wast 74RI. HEMSTITCHING--Plain.. white,. 5« yard; silk and colored Ioc yard. Pcarcc'a Drygooda, 14th Street and llLarinc. Phone West 144. PAINTING, DECORATING, French Pohahing W Corlay Phone West 71Y. FOR SALE--One wall bred Saanan goat, milking, and one Toggcnburg duc to freshen very soon. Also one child's violin to exchange for sewing machine. Phone West 311XI. FOR SALE--Barred Rock cgg cut- tings. Good laying strain. 1428 Esnuimalt. Phone West 649R. GEO. HAY 1405 Manna Dmve 315 Cordova W. West 21 Scy. 1260. SPECIAL--Cheap lot on Eanuimalt. Very easy clearing. No stumps. Good view. At 3225 terms, 3200 cash. We have lots within 15 minutes'alk of ferry from $ 100 up. We still have aoina very desirable modern furnished and unfurnished houses for rent. R. P. Clarke gi Co. (Vancouver) LtiL FOUR ACRES--Well developed; aix room home, fire-place, plumbing; cxccllcnt view; trout stream; chick- en accommodation; 600 birds, gar- age. 35500. Terms third cash which includes extra summer cottage with 3 i'oonla. FOUR ROOM COTTAGE with src- place and three room cottage on elevation within fcw blocks bfarinc Drive. Water light, phone, half acre large and small fruits. Chick- en house, big snap at 51750, terms half cash. Acre block. Clearing for home, balance in natural trees, within tcn minutes of Ferry, 3850. Wc should be pleased to obtain photo snaps suitable for enlargement of attractive looking homes and scenic mews of West Vancouver for dis- play in our city office window. Fis«al Agents: R. P. Clarke Ik Co. (Vancouver) Ltd. 823 Hastings St. W. Scy. 7483, 7484 Local Representative C. J. ARCHER. West 651L ONLY 5100 CASH--First payment, large 51arinc drive corner, business section; balance $900, easy terms. FINE LARGE LOT--110 feet front- age. fcw blocks from ferry. Snap, 3450. WEST VAN. INVESTMF fT CO. Notary Public West 102 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF WEST VANCOUVER NOTICE TO COiNTRACTORS TENDERS are hereby invited for the following work: Clearing and Grubbing 2.55 Acres of Land in Amblcaidc Park in ac- cordance with specifications which may be obtained at the office of the Municipal Engineer. Tenders to be in not later than 5o'clocl'n the afternoon of 51onday, April 2nd, 1928, at the office of The hlunicipal Clerk and marked Tender for Clearing and Grubbing 2nd Unit. JAS. OLLASON, Municipal Clerk. It's cheaper to build than pay rent. Manufacturers of SASH, DOORS and MILLWORK IVe solicit your business. Our prices are right and we give you good service. "If it's Lumber, see us." We manufacture in West Vancouver Buy your lumber flpom Ambleside Lumber Co., Ltd. Marine Drive at 16th Phone West 199