Resampled001B6EBD Ths Best Procurable" That's what you get vthen you deal here. Our first concern is our reputatinn and your satisfaction. Quality is not sacrificed for price in this store. The Store with a Reputation Gree))woo(l s GROCERY We deliver West 16 Hollyburn Theatre TO-NIGHT and Saturday "Rose of the Golden West" with 9tARY ASTOR GILBERT ROLAND MONDAY--MARCH 27&h oud TUESDAY, MARCH 28th. 7th Heaven Note change in admission for "7th Heaven." ADULTS 30c--CHILDRFV 15c Coupons mill uot be accepted. THE Marcel Shop 1520 $1otiuo Drive Mzrcck Steam oud Finger Wov ius, Hoivcui&iuz. Shampooing oud Scalp Trco&mcuco For Appoiu&mcui WEST 304 Watch, Clock and Jewelery Repairing The )Vest Van Watchmaker L Jeweller 1522 sfarine Drive Ambleside Asab)ea)da Taa Roams Potty Whozf WEST VANCOUVER Cutup ond Picnic Suppiios, Tobaccos, ot&e J. M. Morgan Phone (Vcxc 173 WEST VANCOUVER Teacher of Voice Production and Singing VANCOUVER STUDIO Phone Seymour 101 HARROsv& BROS. 8& iVI LLIAs&I SON jfIII)eral 9(reftars North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 3(rs. Thos. Greer, ivhn has been quite iH at her hnme at 19th and Fulton, is considerably im- proved. ~ o J. F. Tideringtnn. 2,ith an&i Bellevue, is confined to his house through sickness. ~ ~ ~ The sidewalk on 22nd Street in front of the entrance to St. Stephen's church has been re- built. This is a n)uch needed im- provement. as the old boards had becnme dangerously loose and worn. ~ ~ ~ Mr. and airs. B. 3l. Bone aml family 23rd and Bellevue, hnve moved into their new home on King's Ave., bet&veen 22nd and 2)3))I Streetro ~ ~ ~ Mr. Rich recently had com- pleted nne of the prettiest orna- mental fences in West Vancou- ver in front of his house "Brae- side," at 20th aml Ingleivood. ~ ~ ~ 3(r. is(essenger of Vancouver is having his property cleared. This lies immediately )vest of 31. Williams'ailoring establishment on slarine Drive. It is report- ed that he intends erecting a large store block on the prop- erty. ~ ~ o 31rs. Oliver, 15th and IVater- front, who some weeks ago had the misfortune to suffer a fract- ured leg bone. is noiv able to be out and around again. o i Captain H. I. Vince of the municipal ferries has about com- pleted the extensive improve- ments he has had made to his house at 13th and Marine Drive after having had it moved to the adjoining lot. o c According to the Meteoro)ngic- al Department spring began last Tuesday, but it actually started on Monday, ivhen IVest Vancou- ver ivas treated to its first balmy day this year. The swallows are back with us, their return being somewhat ahead of schedule, ivhile "the West Vancouver band" otherwise the frogs, have started into practice their chor- uses for the annual spring and summer festival. o ~ AIrs. Elfstrom, who formerly occupied the back suite in the Hay block at 14th and 3Iarine Drive has moved into the front suite in the same building. o o Pauline Johnson School has re- cently been presented with a handsome plaque in a quartered oak frame to commemorate the I»amond Jubilee of Confedera- tion. In the centre in raised work are the Canadian arms and motto surrounded by maple lea;- es, flanked on the left side by the figures 1367 and on the right the figures 1927. Above the arms are the words "Confederation" and "Canada," while below ap- pear the words "Our Country." The plaque has been hung on one of the walls of the upper corri- dor of the school at the top of the stairway on the north side. o A lecture by Rev. J. T. Burch- iH, of Columbian College, was given before the Literary Socie- ty in the large hall of the United Church last Thursday evening, the subject being the capital of British Honduras and the sur- rounding district, where Mr. Burchio spent several years in educational work. He gave a very interesting and careful ac- count of the colony, its geogra- phy, its natural resources, its in- habitants and its social and edu- cational features, illustrating his remarks with a collection of six- ty lantern slides. At the close he received a hearty vote of thanks from the society. The resolutinn being spnken to by 3(essrs. Duman an&I Lawson and the president, Rev. A. 3L O'Dnn. Mrs. A. Hampton is having the roof &if her hnuse nt 13th and 3(urine Drive fixed aml repaint- ed. ~ ~ ~ ialagnus Items, 24th nn&l liay- ivond. entered Shaughnessy Hos- pital on alonday, i«here lie will undergo treatment. ~ o ~ )V. G. Robinson, 21st nnd ia(ar- ine Drive. is nnw emplnyed on the "S.S. Prince George," which runs betiveen Vnncouver ancl Al- aska. c ~ ~ L. Mora of Vancouver, hns tak- en the Cummins house at 13th and )IIarine Drive. ~ ~ ~ a(is» Laivson'0 pupils hnve been afiowe&l on several occasiors to be present at her i)lustrated r«n&lering of "Alice in )Vonder- land." Iast lrriday evening she was invited to give it to a wider audience in the hall of St. Giles'nitedChurch, Vancouver, ivhere she scored a gratifying success. Fvery sent in the large )cali was fified by the pupils nf thc Sunday Schoo), with their parents and teachers. The pic- tures of Sir John Tenniel, belong- ing to 3(r. Porter were shoivn on :he screen; aml as the seri«s was gune through bliss Laivson tol&l the story of each siide with quiet ch:irm aml unfa'.i'ng interest. At th» c ose sh.. ivas Iirusented!vith a beautifu) bouquet of flowers by iaiiss Bruce ns 'i&halt'f the Sunday School teachers. CHI I.DREN LIGHT BRACKEN FIRE Some children set fire to the bracken on the side of the road at the corner of 25th tnd Hay- wood on Monday afternoon, causing a fierce blaze. The res- idents in the vicinity turned in an alarm, being afraid that the fire might spreacl to their prop- erty. The fire brigade put the fire out quickly on their arriv- al at the scene. SIRS. GRADY'S NIECE 31ARRIED A wedding of interest to a large circle of friends in Aus- tralia as well as in Vancouver was quietly solemnized on Sat- urday evening, March the 17th, at St. Stephen's Church, )Vest Vancouver, when Miss Margaret Fuller Ta) lor of Sydney was married to 3Ir. Austin Burrows Rawkins. The Rev Harding Priest of- ficiated at the ceremony. The bride was given in mar- riage by her aunt, Mrs. Beatrice (irady of Dundarave, an&1 l!Irs. George Cross attended as Mat- ron of Honor. The bride looked very distinguished in an import- ed gown of biege georgette hand embroidered and inset in modish style with silk blonde lace. With this was worn a pattern hat of fine black Mflan flowered in soft pastel shades. A beautiful sable fur and shower bouquet of Oph- elia roses and pink and mauve siveet peas completed a charm- ing ensemble. After the ceremony islrs. Grady ente&Mined intimate friends and relatives at Beach House. The spacious drawing- room was appropriately hung with wedding bells, the floral decorations being Darwin tulips and daffodils. Mrs. Grady re- ceived the guests in an extreme- ly becoming gown of black fas- cination velvet. Mrs. Cross, who received with her mother, was youthfully attired in a frock of cream georgette in which fine pleats and cut velvet flowers con- tributed to delightful effect. After a buffet supper aml re- ceiving the cabled congratula- tions of the bride'0 brothers from Australis as well as the good wishes of Vancouver friends SIr. and &5(rs. Rawkins left for a wedding trip to Southern cities. On their return they will resicie in West Vancouver. I H R. S O iW A I S Scc out Windows Only one oday but every one io a genuine zov'Ill&&. SATIIRDAY--Bobby Combo oo&i compio Koiynoo Poctc fvoc ....... I.ic $(c)N()&&Y--Pod ouu Kuvoiopez 2 I c TUFI!t!AY Lip Rouge in the new iiu .... 19c IVK[)NKSDAY--2&0 lbs. biol& o»S Hop with 0 dos. no&tie ('opz ......... 89c THURSDAY--Old Cot&use lzcvvn&icv Face I'owdcr $9c FRIDAY--Ci only Tve)ur ('om- pact ouu Loose Pow&lov Veu Rico ........................„,... 1st iro send Tcicsrnmo, ciihct C. P. R. ov C &V. R. Dispensers io the C. P. R Medical Association WEST VAN l'HARNACY The Score of Service I'romp& Dc)ivory I'houo )V. $7 Normand's GROCERY I.lih und slur(ne Phone 1Vest 65 SATURDAY SPECIALS I.HHIY'S I'ORK ond BEANS 2H) lb. tins, pcr iiu ......... Iuc FINEST COOKED H A $1 pc& ib .................................. (sc EGGS--Imcol Ex&vox. pct doz. ORAN(:F&i (Swee&) 3 doz ... 69c FREE DEI,IVERY lilorning and Afternoon (Eziobhshcd over 7 Years) C. J. Overington 14th and lllarine Barber For appointment PHONE WEST 135 CHIROPRACTOR Next Co Situ&ion Bokcty Manne Dc &vs Ambleside also at Vancouver Phone )Vcoe 383 Roberta A. Vass D. C., Ph. C. Graduate of I'olmct School Pressure on nctvcz causes dis- ease -- removal of pressure-- health. Chiropractic is uoi o "Cure- Aii" but it iz u v&ty cffc&iivo hculiu(t system. CHIROI'RACTIC WILL HELP YOU Members of the several horti- cultural societies in Greater Van- couver will visit gardens in the Lower Mainland, commencing on April 14, and continuing on each Saturday, it was decided at a meeting Tuesday evening. Among the gardens to be vis- ited are those of )V. H. Ma)kin, Marine Drive, F. E. Burke, Ced- ar Crescent; C. H. Turton, Thir- ty-Sixth Ave. West, Caulfeild; Central Park Alpine Garden, and that of Mrs. 5(ontague Moor, Burnaby Lake. Announcement Dr. Dorothy Miller M.B., Ch.B. (Glasgow) L.M.C.S. has now opened an olfice in the Royal Bank Bldg., 17th and Marine, in the suite formerly occupied by Dr, Stainsby. Hours: 2 30 to 5 pm., or by ap- pointment. I'hone West 393 3(ARSHAI. YATES INSI'ECTS SKI CASII'ssistantFire ia(arshal Yates was up on Hofiyl&urn Ridge Sun- day inspecting the ski camp. He found that aH the requiremen!s laid down by him on his previous visit as necessary for lire pro- tection had been carried out. Fire extinguishers had been in- stalled and fire buckets put in. F. R. Franklin Carpenter and Contractor 2503 Bellevue Are. I'houo 'Wcoi 59L2. place at the hnme nf 3(r. and Mrs. )V. F. 3(errick, 21st an&I Bellevue, )Vest Vnncouver, nn Satur,lay eyening when their younger daughter, Fdna May, wns united in marriage tn Charl- es John l)unlap, youngest son of Mr. aml airs. James F. Dunlap, Boundary Rnacl, Vnncnuver. B.C. The ceremnny was performed liy the Rev. A. 3t. O'Dnnneo ancl the ivitnesses ivere sir. anil 3(rs. Arthur )V. Adnms. After n pleasant evening aml dainty buf- fet supper, Mr.aml airs. Dunlap left for a brief honeymoon to Seattle. On their return they will make their reshlence ln West Vancouver. I.AI)l I',S'HOIR ('N('ERT IN NORTII VANCOLlVEII The "Empire" concert, pro&luc- ed by this tnlent«d l,a&lies Choir at the Lonsclnle Thentre, North Vancouver, on Thursday, alarch 15th, provided entertninment of a high standard to a smnll but appreciative audience. The full choir were heard to advantage in n.--"The IVttches Steeds," (Har- ris); b.--"&ciusic )Vhen Soft Voices Die," (Woo&I) aml "The Snow" (Elgar) . Mrs. Howard Leggatt gave a spirited rendi- tion of "Angus Macdonald" (Rockel), followed by ialrs. Fred Stainsby "There's a Laml" (Al- lister) a powerful and artistic offering. Miss Hattie Young re- cited "Chil&lren of the Empire" thus blending the concert with the pageant that commenced the second part of the programme. The 51cIntyre Quartette delight- ed the auclience with a very fine selection of British National airs. Mrs. Hugh Iioclgson as Britannia with shiekl and trident made a striking picture. The pageant developed smartly an&i with a swing that suggested ef- ficiency in management and con- ducting. &bliss Anne Ritchie dressed in native costume was especially fine in "Songs of In&l- ia" (Korakes). Ireland, "Come back to Erin," AIrs. H. Leggatt, Mrs. Fred Stainsby. Australia, "Land of Hope and Glory," Mrs. Colin McLean. South Africa, Mrs. R. C. Proc- tor and AIrs. Dr. Dorchester. England, Mrs. Gleam and Mrs. Turner. Scotland, Miss Ann Ritchie. Wales, Mrs. M. Thomson aml 5(rs. Barbour. New Zealand, Mrs. Burling and Mrs. Gibbs. Canada preceded by "Pale Moon," (Logan). 51rs. C. Donohoe dressed in the regulation squaw costume of deerskin and feathers gave a de- lightful rendition of this beauti- full number. The national dancers were Misses Frances Bry&lon-Jack, Freda Rush, Doreen Elgar and Mary Edington. Mr. J. M. 5(organ conducted and directed the concert in his usual masterly manner. HORTICUI.TURAL SOCIETIES I'LAN GARDEN EXCURSIONS 29 19 )~(sW~ llh)T 'a~i &,Ixub" fg ~60H Sz&t Wmi Yxll'lzt!zc 9 sziic Ss I g.e9 In('ourt! bu)cr sl I hsv 0( Vsts House P