Resampled001B6EB1 March 16, 1928. THE WEST VAN NEWS Whimsical Review A Golf Hint Golf Secretary (tactfully) Good try, don't you think you would do much better without such high heels on your shoes? Lady Novice--0, I like them. One can get such a good grip on the green. Economy. An American woman went to see her negro cook, who was in bed. She gave the cook's small son, Ephraim, a dollar with which to buy a chicken for his mother. In leaving she over- heard the cook say: "Gimme dat dollar, chile, an'o git that chicken in de natchrul way." Will Soon Find Out. A Husband's Defence League has been organized in Chicago. the members of which intend to have a dollar-a-day allowance and one evening a week out, or know the reason why. They will soon know the rea- son why. I T'(~ One Better "Can you imagine anything worse than being a cornstalk and having your ears pulled by the farmers?" »How about being a potato with your eyes full of dirt?" Why Some Escape Barrister--What possible ex- cuse did you fellows have for acquitting that murderer? Juryman--Insanity. Barrister--Really! The whole twelve of you? The Night Shift. Teacher--"When was Rome built?" Boy--"At night." Teacher -- "Who told you that?" Boy -- "You did. You said Rome wasn't built in a day." Higgs--"What did you go to the hospital for?" Haggs--"Appendicitis." "Did you get it?" Jimmy (shyly)-- "I can read your thoughts, Miss Ruth." Ruth (coyly) -- "Then what makes you sit so far away." Kitty--"Jack says he can read me like a book." Phyllis--"You mustn't take Jack too literally, dear. He probably means you are a very plain type." Mayor (presenting a clock and a purse) --"The contents of the purse will, in time, inevitably disappear, but (laying his hand on the clock) here is something that will never go.u He was a simple Welsh lad. "I llove you Lleilla," he whisp- ered. "And I," she faltered, "llove you." Their llips met. And there llet us lleave them. Salesman (showing the cust- omer cycling stockings) -- "Sur- prising value, sir. Worth double the money. Latest pattern, fast colors, holeproof, won't shrink, and it's a good yarn." Customer -- "Yes, and very well told!" The emigrant was buying his ticket at the shipping office. "And what about your trunk?" demanded the clerk. "For what would I be wantin' trunk?" asked the bewildered emigrant. "To put your clothes in, of course„" replied the clerk. "What?" cried the scandalized emigrant, "and me go naked?" IVe me at last a people of real he-men. No longer is there one who hides behind a woman' skirt. )Ve can'. Parent Teachers Meet SCHOOL NOTES HIGH SCHOOL Knock-out Series--Bantams Win The regular meeting of the As- sociation was held in the Pauline Johnson School last Tuesday ev- ening. The first part of the meeting was occupied with business. It was decided to serve refresh- ments at each meeting to those who desire them, for the nomin- al charge of ten cents. After a piano duet by the Misses Freda and Joyce Herrin, four teachers of the local school staffs -- Mr. Patterson, Mr. Southern, Mr. Mitchell and Miss Ruddick,--gave short talks on modern methods of testing pup- ils, contrasting these methods with those formerly used. An unusually large attendance de- monstrated the interest of par- ents and others in this import- ant subject. Refreshments were served in the lunchroom at the close of the meeting. Last Saturday, the West Van- couver High School Bantams de- feated the South Burnaby Bant- ams with a score of 23-12. On Friday, Feb. 9th,the West Vancouver High School boys'asketballteam played against the Magee team in the Trinity United Church gymnasium. The IVest Van. boys were defeated with a score of 32-16. FOOTBALL On Wednesday, March 14th, Hollyburn seniors defeated the Pauline Johnson team by the close score of one to nil. About twenty minutes after starting one of the boys on Hollyburn banged one home. After half- time Pauline Johnson assumed the offensive but could not score. For Pauline Johnson Neville, Murray, Cripps and Edwards starred and Furukawa, Cornish, Grisedale and Stewart played well for Hollyburn. Boys Organize Baseball Club On Monday night the older boys held a meeting and decided to again enter a baseball team in the city league. This year they will probably enter the first division of the Juvenile League. Practically the same team that won the City Intermediate title last year will be on hand with probably one or two new play- ers. Mr. Condon will again man- age the team and would like the names of any boys under 19 years of age who are desirous of trying out for the team. As'he boys would like to get uniforms this year a dance will be held on Friday, March 30th in the Ambleside Hall with the Nite Lites five-piece orchestra in attendance. If you want the boys to play for their home town turn out and give them your sup- porf. BASKETBALL DOUBLE- HEADER PLAYED YESTERDAY The semor and )unioi girls basketball teams of Pauline Johnson and Hollyburn schools played a double-header in the Inglewood gymnasium yesterday afternoon after school hours. Both games were keenly contest- ed and the gymnasium resound- ed to the rooting of the scholars of both schools who had come to watch and cheer on their play- ers. The Pauline Johnson seniors ivere successful in the first game by a score of 10 to 3. Hollyburn fought hard but the superior passing and combination play of the Pauline Johnson team was too much for them and was re- sponsible chiefly for the victory of the latter. In the junior game the posi- tion was reversed, Hollyburn winning with a score of 16 to Pauline Johnson's 12. Both teams played ivith a will and the ball was kept travelling up and down and across the floor as each side gained possession of it. Combination was not so much in evidence as in the senior game, and the victory of the Hollyburn team was largely due to the greater weight and reach of their players. B. I. FEDERATION TO MEET The B. I. IVorld Federation will hold their semi-monthly meeting next Wednesday in Am- bleside Hall. Professor Odium will speak on "Chaining Up Bible Incidents." You are invited. Scottish Society The regular monthly meeting of the West Vancouver Scottisl Society will be held tonight at Ambleside Hall, starting at 8.15 p. m. I@liow soos Bslw3o soo»1~ FACTS I Worth Knowing ~xoosisw woo» sotlsoosoosus Trouble-Saving Ideas Whitening is splendid for scrubbing sauce pans. If the rolling-pin is washed in boiling water without any soap it will not stick when used again. A little glycerine rubbed on a coffee stain with a piece of clean flannel will quickly remove it. Shabby leather can be improv- ed by being rubbed with the well-beaten white of an egg. uminium. A little pumice powd- uminium. A littlepumice powd- er on a damp rag is most effec- tive, Tt~ adding mustard to the butter before spreading sand- wiches. Fruit stains can be removed from the hands by rubbing with salt nioistened with vinegar. To remove grease stains from wicker furniture, rub with a cloth dipped in methylated spirit. Fresh mould from the garden will clean enamel ware. Apply with a piece of wet newspaper, and rinse thoroughly with clear water. To stop cabbage from boiling over put a piece of butter or &irip- ping, the size'of a walnut, into the ivater as soon as it boils. )VEST VANCOUVER BOARD OF SCBOOL TRUSTEES LAND FOR SCHOOL SITES The Board will receive offers of land suitable for school sites of 5 acres more or less snd not exceeding 6'/o grade. Lowest or any offer not ncc- esssriiy accepted. Offers must be in the hands of the Secretary not inter than 5 p. m, on ivcdncsdsy, hi sech 21st, 1928. H. B. GARLAND, Secrctscy, HoByburn I'.O. NOTICE ro DISSOLUTIOiV OF PARTNEIISBII', Leo Msnners Duval, formerly s member of the firm of Savory & Duvsi carrying on business ss rcoi estate brokers in the hiuni- cipsiity of )vest Vsncouven County of Vsncouvcr, under the style of Savory 41 Duval, Do HEREBY CERTIFY that tho said partnership wss on the Gth dsy of 51»rch, A. D. 1928 dis- solved, snd thut I sm retiring absolutely from the said busi- ness which hss been taken ovor by Mr. Savory. IVITNESS my hand at West Vsnconver, B. C., the Gth dsy of 51srch, A. D. 1928. LEO !ii. DUVAL IVeak tea will clean anything that has a burnished surface. CLASSIFIED ADS EXI'ERIENCED Track Driver wishes position. Earl Muir, 25th snd Beiie- vue. CO)V MANU IIE, Well Rotted, for sale . 2 ysrds $5.00; 4% yards $ 10.00. Raine. Phone I('cst 74L2. COAL BIN or Bunker for sale cheap. One ton capacity. Phone West 66. FUiiiNITUItE, including hionsrch Range for ssie, Phone West 489. $2100 TEIIMS. Best buy in West Vsncouvcr. Six rooms, modern plumbing, open tile fire-place, pipe fur»sos. Large verandah southern exposure, garage, improved garden iot Gox150. Paved street, near high snd public schools. For appoint- ment phone West 331L. TRAI)E--.Petecboro canoe for goad 12 foot rowboat. Ed Black, West Gs. Fok SALE or kENT -- Six Roomed house with hardwood floors. Beau- tifui location. Douglas 743. ONE PEN Pure Bred ivhito ivysn- dottes, 9 hens snd cockerik for sale. Also setting eggs. Phone )vest 124. TO RENT -- From 1st April, fully modern 5-room bungalow, 2319 Msr- ins Drive. sii fenced, apples, cher- ries, blackberries snd raspberries; good woodshed snd well-built shed for trunks, etc. Apply at above address, or phone West 689R. FOR RENT -- Three-roomed furnish- ed house. Full plumbing. 51odsr- stc rent. 2063 Esquimsit. FOR SALE--iiicLsughiin Csr, good condition. Price $ 100. Becmer, 1352 Clyde. FOUND--The best place to buy Run- ning, Tennis snd Gym Shoes--Tites Nu-IVsy Shoe Repair, Ystcs Block, Ambicside. COLIN TURNER--Buiidcr snd Con- tractor. Repairs snd alterations. Phone West G79R. CHICKEN FARM -- Going concern, one acre sii fenced. 5-room mod- ern house. 3 chicken houses, 300 birds. Close to Public snd High Schools. Owner, Anderson, 23rd snd Jefferson. CHIiiINEYS snd Eave Troughs clean- ed. Safety fi"st. Have your chim- neys swept. Phone Turvsy, West 668L. hIODERN ELECTRIC WIRING AiVD LIGHTING--Get our prices. Trade in your radio for new modeL North Shore Electric. Phone N. 79. GEO. HAY I iso iismne Dnve 315 Cocdovs )Vest 21 Scy. 1260. SI'ECIA~hesp iot on Esquim»IL Very easy clear ng. No sin~ps Good view. At $225 terms, $200 cash. iVe have iots»ithin 15 minutes'alk of ferry from $100 up. IVe still have some very desirable modern furnished snd unfurnished houses for rent. P Cisrkc & Co (Vsncouvcr) Ltd. I.OVELY Ho)IE on Waterfront, every possible comfort snd convenience, well designed. delightful living snd sun rooms, large open burnt brick fireplace; hot water heating; three bcdroorns; laundry adjoining kitch- en; garage; choice location. This is u home of highest class costruction snd unusual value at $9500. TAKE A STROLL up Ksith Road snd look at the Acre Homesite st the junction of Esquimsit snd Kcith Road both back snd front. Within ton minutes of Ferry snd Schools, $850. ivc should be pleased to obtain photo snaps suitable for enlargement of attractive looking homes snd scenic views of IVest Vancouver for dis- play in our city office window. Fiscsi Agents: R. P. Clarke & Co. (Vsncouvcr) Ltd. 823 Hastings St. W. Scy. 7483, 7481 Locsi Representative C. J. ARCHER, West 651L ALIVAYS BARGAINS at Normsn's Furniture Exchunge, Msrine Drive Amb!csfde, phone West 396. ifshogsny Sideboard (spccisi) $1250. hishogsny Parlor Settee, $4. Fawcett Range, $ 17; also Gurney Ox- ford Range. iVice Baby's Bath $ 1. OiVLY $ 100 CASH--First payment, large hIsrine drive corner, business suction; balance $900, easy terms. FINE LARGE LOT--110 feet front- sge, fcw blocks from ferry. Snap, $450. iVEBB'S SHOE REPAIRS WEAR BEST--Dundsrsvo. )VEST VAN. INVEST'iIEVT Co. Notary Pubiic West 102 WINDOW BLINDS--hfsde to order snd installed. Estimates free. Pesrce's Drygoods, 14th Street snd Marine. Phone West 144. LF4VING THE DISTRICT FURNITURE. HOUSE snd CAR Folt SALE Five Room House. full Plumbing, two large versndshs, Living Room 14x20 Built in Cupboards. 1927 CHRYSLER 50 SEDAN--Splen- did condition $875. Essictte ivsshing Machine, Singer Electric Scwmg Machine, Fawcett Heater Twilight Herald iVo. 21 for $12. Four Hole Cook Stove, spisn- did for comp, $8.00. D. H. Hill. IVest 103 R. FOUNDATION, CE)IENT IVORIES Landscaping, Septic Tanks, Gener- si Contrscting. T. Bsrnott, Resi- dence Phone ivcst 672R. FOR IIEiVT--Unfurnished Five-room Bungalow on Waterfront at Alta- mont. Phone Leyisnd, West 63RL NEiviiIAN & ROBBINS -- Builders snd Contractors--Painting, paper- hanging snd ksisomining, chimneys built. 28th snd Marine. Phone )Vest 74RI. 1490 HAYIVOOD FOR SAI.F Peso tfcsfly new six roomed house, mug- nificent location snd view, open fire- place. Built in book cases; osk floors, furnace. Very attractive snd cosy. Five minutes wsik from Fet ry. Reasonable terms. A really good buy. Phone ivest 640R. HEhISTITCBING--Plain.. white., Gc yard; silk snd colored Ioc yard. Pesicc's Drygoods, 14th Street and hisrine. Phone West 144. It's cheaper to build than pay rent. Buy your lumber from Ambleside Ltimber Co.,Ltd. Marine Drive at 16th Phone %Vest 199 We manufacture in West Vancouver Manufacturers of SASH, DOORS and MILLWORK IVe solicit your business. Our prices are right and ive give you good service. "If it's Lumber, see us."