West Van. News (West Vancouver), 16 Mar 1928, p. 6

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Resampled001B6EB1 THE POOD Ot.n Reliable Grocery & H is mighty satisfying these days io be able to ccic absolute. iy upon the goods you buy. &Vhcu you deal at GREEN- WOOD'S you are aucc of get&lug the best possible at fair prices. Greenwood s GROCERY We deliver West 16 Hollyburn Theatre TO-NIGHT Friday Night, March 16th and Saturday kiatiucc, March )7th 'THE DROP KICK'ichard Bart helmess Sat. Night "Garden of Allah" by RICHARD HICREXS with Alice Terry !)lost people get what they de- serve. but few admit it! THE Marcel Shop 1330 3(arise Drive 3(accci, Steam aud Finger Wav lug, Haircutting, Shampooing aud Scalp Treatments For Appointment WEST 30( Watch, Clock and Jewelery Repairing The bVest Van Watchmaker II Jeweller 1522 Marine Drive Ambleside Ambisaido Tea Rooms Ferry Whar( WEST VANCOUVER Camp aud Pica)c Suppliaa, Toba«coa, aia. J. M. Morgan Phoae West &63 WEST VANCOUVER Teacher o( Voice Production and Singing VANCOUVER STUDIO Phono Seymour lni HARRO;&v& BROS. & bVILLIA iXI SO?&) IfIIneral airectars North Vancouver Parlors 122 )Vest Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 CITIZENS ASKFD TO REPORT FAH.URE OF I.IGHTS Councillnr Jackmen. chairman nf the Light Cc&mmittee, has asked us to inform the public that when a street light is found to be nut they shnuld inform the B. C. Flectric (lncal office) as often lights burn out or are dim- med for some nther reason un- knoivn tn the Company. Thc cost to the municipality is just thc same whether the lights liurn n& not. hence failure of lights shnuld be at nnce report- ed. W. 31. SOCIETY NEXT TUESDAY The regular monthly meeting nf the United Church )Vomen s Slissionnry Society will be held on Tuesday afternoon, ibiarch 20th, at .15 in the Church IIan. bfiss Sutherland nf Vancouver, deaconess of the United Church nf Canada, ivin be the speaker. A hearty invitation is extended tn all ladies. TEACHERS INTERVIEW SCHOOI. TRUSTEES A delegation of school teach- ers attended the meeting of the School Trustees last iveek re- garding the annual increase of salaries. It appears that in 1925 the Board adopted a grade of an- nual increases to teachers ivho had satisfactory reports from the Inspector and Principal and ivho had carried out some ap- proved course of study. Four teachers had been affected by this--Misses Jackman, Ritchie SIH)ard and Brealey. The Board will take the matter under con- sideration. BAiNDIT HOLDS UP KING STUDIO Despite the presence of mind of one of his victims, who pre- tended to ring a "burglar alarm" a masked bandit encountered three women employees in King Photo Studio, 311 Hastings street west, at G o'lock Satu!- day, and stole twenty-five of seventy-eight dollars which they were counting. The man, his face masked with a white handkerchief, came to the studio as Mrs. W. Richard- son, Nrs. N. A. Trainor, and iblrs. Florence Candlish were clearing the cash register. IV)th both hands in his side pockets, as though concealing a weapon, he said, "I want that money." AIrs. Trainor pressed a button which sounded a bell in the rear of the studio. "This is a police alarm," she ivarned. Apparently confused by this information, the bandit grabbed some of the bills on the table and disappeared through the door. Police were immediately notifi- ed. This is the second time the reeve has been the victim of a burglary, as two years ago his studio was broken into and the safe smashed by burglars in their unsuccessful attempt to open it. DEATH OF REV. J. P. DiNiGLE'FATHER The many friends of Rev J P Dingle, formerly rector of St. Stephen's Church, will regret to hear of the death of his father, John Wedlake Dingle of South Vancouver, on 8th 51arch, in his 74th year. He is survived by his wife and six sons. The deceased was a member of the South Vancouver School Board, B .P. O. E. No. 55, South Vancouver, and honorary presi- dent of the Cornwall, Devon and Somerset Association of Vancou- vei'. Funeral services were held last Saturday afternoon in Nunn & Thomson's Chapel, Rev. W. E. Galloway and kev. B. C. Free- man officiating. Interment was made in Ocean View Burial Park, Rev. J, P. Dingle taking charge of the service at the graveside. THE WEST VAN NEWS Personals Nr. Percy King, leader nf the West Vancnuver Bible Schon). which meets each Sunday at 3 p. m. in the Ambleside Hall, will speak next Sunday on ")Vhat is 6 Church of Nations." Young iunyp)e are especiallv invited. o ~ o The engagement is annnunce&l LOCAI. I,IHKRAI q GATHER NEXT TUFSDAY EVENING The )Vest Vancouver Liberals ivin hnld their monthly meeting next Tuesday in Amblesi&le Hnll. last mnnth the meeting was postponed on accnunt of another attraction which many of the members &ranted to attend. It is expected that the meet- ing next Tuesday will be well nt- tended and thnt an interesting evening will be spent. nf bliss Catherine A NcEvoy of Birkenhcad. England, to Mr. Ernest )I. Rowce, eldest son of ibir. and iblrs. E. H. Rowse of Hnrseshne Bay. The wedding will take place in April. o ~ ~ P. Bradford. 17th nn&l )Vater- TEA iSIUSICAI,E NEXT THUltSDAY BY WOSIEN'S ASSOCIATION Next Thursday, March 22n&l from 3 to 6 p. m. the home of Nrs. Grady. 2.lth anil Water- front, will be the scene of a tea musicale which is given un&lcr the auspices of the Women's As- sociation of the Uniteil Church Mrs. 5(. ltoss is the general con- vcnor. hire. Turnbuo will be in charge of the cnmly stnll nnd Nrs. Parti idge will preside over the home cooking. An attractive musical progrnmme has been ar- ranged by Nrs. J. T. Watt. MASQUERADE DANCE BY I .O.B.A. iSII"Nl31.ltS The second annual masquerade dance given by the members of the L.O.B.A. will be held on Sst- ur&lay, April 21st, in Dundarave Hall. The one last year was n great success but the la&lies in charge this year are going to make an effort to put it in the eclipse. Keep this date open. front, is moving to 1179 Duchess Avenue. ~ \ o Nrs. R. G. Cooke, 1202 Duch- ess, ives operated on on Sund&.y for appendicitis in the Nnrth Vancouver General Hospital. She withstood the operation well, nml is doing nicely. i A big run of salmon came into Horseshoe Bay on Wednesday. and those anglers who went out had good sport. Ed Black land- ed two salmon, one weighing 16 lbs. and the other 7 lbs. ~ ~ o Nrs. Herbert Wood was a bridge hostess Wednesday, entertaining for Mrs. Francis Harrison of Caulfeild, who is leaving shortly for a trip to Eur- ope. Mr. and Nrs. L. G. Bartlett, 15th and Inglewood, have had an addition to their family, a boy baby having been born to them on Tuesday at their home. Both mother and son are doing nicely. P. B. Free)and, mining engin- eer from the Grand Forks Dis- trict, is visiting his cousin, Dr. G. E. Bayfield, 20th and Ingle- wood. Nr. Freeland is lecturing at the Mining Institute in Van- couver. G. S. SHEPHERD API'OINTED NOII'I'H VAN. CITY CLERK George S. Shepherd, a resident of the North Shore for the past 21 years, was appointed North Vancouver city clerk by the city council last Monday, succeeding the late R. F. Archibal&l, who recently died. Mr. Shepherd is a brother of Thomas Shepherd, who was city clerk until about 1913. He was a partner for six years in the real estate finn of C. E. Lawson & Co., withdrawing from the firm to assume the position of assistant city treasurer in 191G, ivhich he held for nearly two years. Since then he has been with the firm of Bell-Irving & Co., of Vancouver. He will as- sume his new position immedi- ately. He is a married man with three boys and lives on Eigh- teenth Street, near the Grand Boulevard. Elimination contests to select a candidate for )Vest Vancouver in connection with the Good Eng- lish Bee will be held this after- noon at 3 o'lock in Inglewood School. bir. and Nrs. Cave hope to move next week into the new home they have had constructed at West Bay. o o iblr. and Mrs. W. F. Merrick, Twenty-first and Bellevue, an- nounce the engagement of their younger daughter, Edna Nay, to Mr. Charles J. Dunlap, son of i)lr. and Nrs. J. F. Dunlap, 1041 Boundary road, Vancouver. The wedding will take place on March )7 at the home of the bridle's parents. Mrs. McKenzie expects to open her store at Sandy Cove shortly. AUTO ACCIDENT ON CAPILANO BRIDGE Nr. Johnson of Aldergrove ha&I a very narrow escape from seri- ous injury or death on Monday morning. His auto skidde&1 on the plank roadway of the Mar- ine Drive--Capilano bridge, and collided with the side railing, which it smashed for some dist- ance. Fortunate)'y a running board stay caught on one of the wooden stays of the bridge, and prevented the auto dropping into the river below. Mr. Johnson received a slight blow on the head from a piece of the smashed railing, which pierced a side cur- tain, but otherwise escaped in- jury. The head lights of the auto were smashed, as were the fenders and running board. Mickey Abbott and the Marine Motors took charge of the wreck and pulled the car back again on the bridge roadway. ICE PLANT TO BE ESTAB- LISHED IN WEST VAN. West Vancouver is to have its own ice plant, a permit having been issued by the council last Nnnday to the Ridley Milk and Ice Co. Hitherto sll ice consum- ed in this district has been brought from outside points. The plant will be located in tho Marine Motors building and will be operated entirely by electric- ity. This, we hope, is the forerun- ner of many light industries to be established in Wesi, Vancou- ver. There are openings here for quite a number of similar activ- ities, which will supply much needed payrons in the district. Child's Orchestra Tickets 50c Canadian LegIon, West Vancouver ST. PATRICK'S DAY Eighth Annual Masquerade Dance Tomorrow (Saturday), 8 to 12, March 16. 1928. DAILY SPECIALS Look over these dally opec&ala caco(uiiy especially Saturday'a auu 3(ouday'a. SATURDAY--Li(cbuoy Soap . 3 (or 33c htoi(DAY -- Viaoiia Tooth Paaic ISC 3 (oc sric TUFSDAY--Largo nar Caa- iiio .............. 3(c WEDNESDAY-- &V&uiug Pad large aixc, SO ahccis ...... 3:Ic 'THURSDAY --Vino)a Shav- ing Stick ......................... 3&c FRIDAY--Abbey' Sam, largo .. 65c )'Vc send Telegrams, ciihcv C. I'. R. oc C. N. IL Dicpcnccra io the C. P. R. Medical Association WEST VAN I'IARMACY The Sioro o( So&vlcc I'rouipi I)a)ivory I'hone W. 3( (Established over 7 Years) C. J. Overingtoa 14th and Marine Barber For appointment PHONE WEST 135 CHIROPRACTOR Next &o Siva&&on Bakery Marine Drive, Ambleside also at Vancouver Phone )vest 333 Roberta A. Vass D. Co PII. C. Graduate of Palmer School AS the uorvca control sad rcgu late ail the tissues and organs o( the body, it must be evident that auy disease could be caused by pressure upon the nerves at various points. CHIROPRACTIC WILL HELP YOU Announcement Dr. Dorothy Miller M.B., Ch.B. (Glasgow) L.M.C.S. has now opened an ofi'ice in the Royal Bank Bldg., 17th and Marine, in the suite formerly occupied by Dr. Stainsby. Hours: 2:30 to 6 p.m., or by ap- pointment. Phone West 393 Announcement Dr. G. E. Bayfield M.D.C.N. wishes to inform the public that he has opened a downtown oifice in the N E W H A Y BUILDING corner Marine Drive and 14th Street. Phone West 343 (Res. and Oif.) Office Hours: Afternoon - 2:SO to 4:30 Morning - - 11;00 to )2:30 Phone I'Vest 343 at any time h g,)r 5~', t(yi Go&34 do I b b(gbIll( 4 ?(0 0 ecsuF's. the il('ims ber se!see She whir ~ b to" abc(mot fi,o& bcs bil 4593( cb &bickcs l" )pili „Husbi bss ~ bc 5 & tbo mcm b ve 6 4'sd«o 6 ov know the They wi 555 wb)'cos yo wore tb'54 bsviui the (s(mm "liow 3 with you( Wb! Bsr(istc cuss dId! acquitting Juryiilsf Bsrriste twelve of .'eacher. built?" Boy-"J Teacher that?" Boy- Rome wssi Higgs- the bospit Hsggs- "Did yoi Jimmy your thou; Ruth (c makes yo& Kitty- me like 3 Phyllis- Jack too probably i plain type bisyor I 6 purse)- purse will disappear on the cl& that uriR i He wss "I llovo ered. 'Aud I you.o Their ill Us llosve Sslesmi omoi'ycb Prising v( tbo Iooue colors, b& sud it's 6 Custom 'well told l Tbe eu ticket at "Aud w de&osudm Por w om)IR t, Ceurve o "Wbut cm(grant Wcm ba.m bo bHsk)rt W