Resampled001B6EB1 THE WEST VAN NE(VS AilEiNDilENTS (VO1'I,D HR(iN(1 'VOTERS' ISTUI't) DATE An amemlment to the Elec- tions Act designed tn bring thevoters'ist up to date at the time of vnting is tn be mnv&xl by Msh(- or A. (Gus) Lyons. fourth mem- ber fnr Vietnria. ialajor Lyons'mendmentarises out of an an- nmaly, under which a large num- ber of voters who have changed their add&was nncl fatlmI to notify, are still voting vehere they resided formerly. Others, &vho have changed their address in metropolitan areas. such as Vancouver and Vietorin, certify, &chen they go to the poll. that they are the persons set out as living at their former address, but the nddress is not thereupon brought up to date. The amend- ment &vill clear up nil this cnn- fusion, and, it is clnime&l by the mover, remove possible chance of impersonation. Ambleside Cash and Carry Meat Market 14th ansi Marine ALL GOVERN5(EiVT INSPECTED MEATS Prime Beef New Zealand Lamb Poe Roast, pev lb... I 1c gh 12c Oven Roast, pcv lb...15c &h Igc Romp Roast, per Ib lgc Sh 20c Sirloin Roast, Per Ib 25c Prime Ribs, per lb............. 19c Hamburger Steak, per Ib Isc Shoulder Steak, pcr lb .. 15c Round Steak, pcr lb... 25c sirloin Steak, per lb.. 2sc Pork Povls Lcg, per Ib ... 15c Butts, pcv Ib............. 19c Pork Loins, pev Ib . 25c Pork Steak, ..... 2 Ibe. 37c Port Chops .. 2 Ibe. 55c EGGS EGGS PULLETT, $&v dozen.. 27c EXTRAS, pcv dozen 32c FIRST, vcv dozen ..... 29c Shoulders, pcv lb.....:, .......... 21c Rib ond Breast, pev lb............ 19c Loins, pcv lb.......... 30c Legs, pcz Ib ......................... 30c Shoulder Local Lamb, Chop. pcr I b .. ... ...... .. .. ....... .. 30c Rib Chops, per lb............ 33c Loin Chop, pcr lb........ 35c Cambridge Sauaagez.... 2 Ibe. 25c Pork Seueeges, pev lb......... 25c Picnic Hem. Pcr lb............... 19c Side Bacon, by the piece, lb.. 33c P. 51. Backs, by the piece, lb.....33c Beef Dripping.......... 2 lbs. 25c N. Z. BUTTER, ........ 3 Iba. $ 1.25 A&vehive Bacon, by the piece, pcr lb.............................. 25c Saturday Only from 8 &o 10 A. 51. iNEIV ZEALA'.&D BUTTER 3 Ibe. for $ 1.17 I .G.E. SAI,E EXI ECTED SOON There appears to be consider- able likelihood of the P.G.E. be- ing sold in the immediate future, and, if it occurs, the loan bill of 64,000,000 for the extension of the line to Vancouver an&1 Prince George &vill not be needed. This ivas the statement made byI'.micr MacLean in moving the second reading of the loan bill on Monday evening in the house. "TVe have the raihvay with us, it has ahvays been a problem, and like every other problem, the solution must be carefully thought out," said the Premier. "During the time I was minister of railways, there were negotia- tions for disposing of it, and, when I assumed the leadership of the government, six months ago, I again began seriously to consider the-problem. I was un- der the impression, three or four years ago, that a provincial gov- ernment should not own and op- erate a raihvay. I am still con- vinced that it is not a good thing for a government to do. I believe however, that, when it comes to nationalization of railways gen- erally, there could be room for argument, but I do not believe in provincial ownership of rail- ways." Dr. MacLean, continuing, said that, associated with the ques- tion of the P. G. E. was the ques- tion of the Peace River lands, and the lands of th eraihvay belt being restored to the province. He wss glad the government had succeeded in getting them back and though he did not claim full credit, he felt he was a factor in that desired result. Theatre Tickets given with every 50c purchase. idlRS. DoiV MUNDAY TO LECTURE NEXT WED- NESDAY No Phones YOU SAVE No Delivery AIrs. Don Munday will give alecture under the Local Associ- ation of Girl Guides on adventur- es while exploring Mt. George Dawson or "Mystery Mountain," at the Inglewood School auditor- ium on Wednesday evening, iMarch 21st at 8.15 p. m. The lecture will be illustrated by lantern with views which have been delightfully colored by Mr. Munday, giving life-like pic- tures of wild flowers, inland wat- erways, lakes, wild rivers, mag- nificent glaciers and mighty peaks which are only 0 few hun- dred miles from Vancouver in our own beautiful Province of British Columl&ia. SENIOR BASEBALL CLUB ELECTS OFFICERS The West Van senior baseball club held a meeting on Wednes- day night at the Ferry building and elected the following officers Honorary President--Reeve V. V. Vinson. President--J Paterson. Vice-President--J. King. Sec.-Treas.--A. TV. Lunn. islanager--5(ickey Abbot. Delegates--51.Romans and i51ick- ey Abbott. It was decided to field a team in the North Shore League again and an effort will be made to strengthen the team to provide West Vancouver with a good brand of this popular sport. The question of a playing field was left with the president to ascer- tain if suitable accommodation could be secured to ensure the club getting its share of home games. It was decided to hold a dance in the near future and sfessrs. Romans and Abbott were appointed to arrange details for a suitable date. The club wishes to thank the public for its sup- port last year and hopes to re-'eivethe same during the com- ing season. Roberts'etter Neats 14th and Mar(ne West 190 Where Service and Quality Count KIG DELli EKY TO ALL I'ARTS B. C. INCO5(E TAX RETURNS ARE ()UE AT END OF MoiVTI I Provincial income tax returns for 1927 must be made before March 31 and already a large number of statements have been received. After the information is received the tax notices are ma&le up aml sent out. Returns from persons in busi- ness must be made within three months of the end of the firm'6 fiscal year. Gross income re- turns for the tax put into effect last year are made semi-annual- ly, within one month of the close of the semi-annual fiscal year. Saturday Special Delivered only eritb other goods EGGS from Davis Poultry Form 11&k and Me&bere FIRSTS, per dozen.......... 30c EXTRAS, pev dozen 33c Prompt Delivery Smith 's Grocery ive Denver A. HARVEY SMITH, Prop, 22&k AND htARINE, Ops. Doogeveve Helb Phone WEST 469 CHAIN RED AN9 WHITE STORE Specials for Friday and Saturday SUNLIGHT SOAP, Sscr Carton .... 19c FINEST SOCKETE SALhION, tall can 42c SAGO aad TAPIOCA. 2 Hz beg ............................, ............. 20c REGAL SALT............................ 2 I'eckesce fov zlc iIALICIN'S BEST CORN, pcv &ia............................. 17c BROOhIS, regular 75c, for . . 59c FINEST NESV ZEALA.'&D Bt'TTER ............. 3 Iho. $ 1555 CHOCOLATE ECLAIR BISCUITS, pcv Ib ...................... 30c EAGLE LOBSTER. q lb. &&o...... 25c eh Ibe Tia ................. esc SHREDDED WHEAT, pev package Iuc OUR OIVN BULK TEA. Pcv lb ....... „.„...... 65c OUR OIVN BULK COFFEE, pev lb......., ...„„..., ....... 60c &i(arch 16. Demand the Best Meats Phone Your Order %Vest 3 JEFFERIES MEAT MARKET PHONE WEST 3 CLOSED THURSDAY AT I O'LOCK WB DRLIVER LUMBER~ Consult Ua for Your I.umber Requirements Sigh ileeli&y Lemher is Cheapest ie &he eei. West Vancouver Lumber Co. 15th and Marine LIMIT RD Phone (Vest 116 Residence Phone: (Vest 36BL FOR WATERFRONTAGE and other property HOUSES TO RENT, FIRE INSURANOE, KTO. sea JOHN LAWSON 17th Street Phone West dd If yon Can't Stop, Don't Start Watch Your Brakes THIS IS THE KEYSTONE SERVICE STATION FOR RAYBESTOS BRAKE LINING West Van Garage Ambleside Phone %Vest 130 Get your New Easter Suit from M. WILLIAMS 16&b aod MARINE. AhIBLESIDE CUSTOM TAILOR Come aod eee ouv Patterns. Large selection to cbooee from Dry Cleaning Dyeing, Repairs and City Prices and Pressing Alterations Open Se&ovdey Evenings till 9 o'lock. We Call Fov eod 1)ekvcr. PHONE iVEST 20. aboutgour PubliC IItilit9h( COIPaIIP The B.C. Electric ~rvos 375,000 people in 26 communi&lca --haa 94,611 light and power customers --haa 36,464 gas customers --operates 352.52 miles of railway and 140 miles of motor linea --haa six hydro-electric and two steam generating plants --has a total investment in British Columbia of 673,400,000 (Tbeee sgosee eee foe year ended June 30, 1027) Bg&zns Co&&usus rszcnu&Rggw&YC0 eo I I ~ No uae taking a chance on infer/or qualities of ii(eats on hot lrs poor economy to begin with. The Meat we sell Is pure an&i wholesome, thoroughly inspected. All ih(eats Kepi in Refrigerntnr 6 '3'= I Tbg 'udtbi tiou be tbe ifg Ius the able tb Iggt IIII in di« with tl pogglg isg 0(I souuce 10 curl Sg Pggg clded t up gkei gdditio south scbool. Prov gometu howey& people ize of & growiu pie rea lgtiou each y five y prgctic childye (Vest I the cgs trusts their I will re That t cssion, dent t Who e& The special discus. crease 8resle, tees tl tioug & teaches This 0 result at thei gle2gcg tain cl eriug should The tf to Cou ranger FLAG ( An( 21 iuc inches donate er co wood & ig uow Dogite meats I&be&ed of gch letter & to IV ol tbe tblg m Issgtrus flag 9 To Bs( IXB Ia e& ation vest „,'m C,&, ruat m thonz gddltl 'I $2,6 "md iu mgy h neet ie