Resampled001B6EA7 March 9, 1928. THE WEST VAN NEWS L. O. B. A. will hold a DANGE PERSONALS An electric light has been in- stalled outside at the back of the eastern window of St. Stephen's church to illuminate at night the stained glass centre panel over the communion table. t t Miss E. Stringer is having a house built on Esquimalt Ave. bettveen 10th and 11th Streets. IVork is proceeding on the Queen's Avenue extension water line. The iron pipe has been un- loaded this week at the Holly- burn whaH'. t s W. Pellowe of Vancouver, has moved into the house he purchas- ed at 1209 Duchess Avenue. R. S. Glover, who has been teller for some time at the Royal Bank's branch here, has been moved to the east end branch of the bank in Vancouver. He is succeeded here by Mr. Glynes. Mr. and Mrs. Matheson and family of Vancouver have moved into a house at 20th and Marine Drive. Chas. Smith, 22nd and Otta- wa, was the victim of an un- fortunate accident '.ast week, when he was thrown from a truck, suffering a sprained ankle and a dislocated shoulder. He is doing nicely. Ian Elgar, son of School Trus- tee G. D. Elgar, 16th and Ful- ton, tripped and fell while com- ing down Baby Mountain on Sat- urday, breaking his left arm and dislocating two small bones in his left wrist. Ian is one of the delivery boys of THE NEWS, but in spite of his accident ex- pects to be on hand today to at- tend to his route. J. W. Glynes, of Vancouver, has taken R. S. Glover's place as teller at the Royal Bank here. Mr. Glynes was formerly at the Grandview branch of the bank. t t t Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hopkins, 19th and Waterfront, returned last Saturday to their home in Bradner, B. C. The Misses Stevenson late of "the Clachan," are going to build a house at the north-west corner of 25th and Bellevue. t Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lefeaux and family, who have been liv- ing for a few months at Sylvia Court, returned on Tuesday to take up residence again here. Captain Clampitt, who with his family has been a summer resident here for a number of years, has sold his tug and gone into the gas service station busi- ness. Mrs. L. M. Heaton of Vancou- ver, is a guest at "the Clachanio Mr.and Mrs. Bradford and fern ily have taken a house at 1179 Duchess Avenue and are moving in over the week end.t Old members of the 29th Bat- talion, C.E.F., are invited to at- tend the first annual dinner and re-union of the battalion, which will take place at the Elysium Hotel, Vancouver, on Saturday night. Further particulars may be obtained from Ed. Black. Mrs. F. M. Johnson, 13th and Marine Drive, has returned from . the Chatham House hospital, Vancouver, bringing with her her new infant son. The house, which Councillor W. M. Jackman has had built at 22nd and Palmerston, is about completed. Mr. and Mrs. Garnham and family, who have been spending the winter in the city, have moved into their house at 25th and waterfront. Colonel Bruce Powley of Dun- darave, is in the Vancouver Gen- eral hospital following an opera- tion. Wednesday, March 14th in DUNDARAVE HALI. Dancing 9-12. GOOD MUSIC REFRESHMENTS Admission 35c. Dissolution of Partnership Savory 8f Duval K. W. Savory wishes to in- form the public that from today, March 8th, he will continue business alone in the same offices (1429 Marine Drive), the partner- ship with L. M. Duval hav- ing been dissolved. Past and future patrons can be assured of personal and courteous attention be- ing given to their wants. K. W. SAVORY REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE 1429 Marine Drive Phones: West 340 West 143 Mrs. Cox and family, who have been living up the coast, moved on Saturday into a house at, 15th and Mathers. t F. Troughton of Troughton and Barrow, Du ndarave, has been indisposed this week and confined to the house. AMBLESIDE Cash and Carry Meat Market 14th angl Marine THESE PRICES GOOD FOR ONE WEEK ALL GOVERNMENT INSPECTED 51EATS BEEF SFECIAL STEAK Hamburger Steak, per lb. 13c Shoulder Steak, per lb.......l5c Round Steak, per lb........ 25c Sirloin Steak, per lb.......28c T-Bone Steak, per lb.......28c ROAST Pot Roast, per lb. Ilc & 12c Oven Roast, per lb.....l5c, lsc Rump Roast, per lb...18c, 20c Prime Rib Roast, per lb. 20c Sirloin Roast, per lb...25c FORK SFECIAL ROAST Pork Legs, per lb..............15c Butts, per lb................ 19t/zc Fresh Hams, per lb..........21c Pork Loin, per lb..............25c STEAK AND CHOPS Pork Steaks, per lb.............24c Pork Chop, per lb...........28c Pork Hocks .......................v12c Pork Spare Ribs and Neck Bone..........3 Lbs. 25c CANTERBURY LAMB ROAST CHOPS Shoulders, per lb.............20c Shoulder Chop, per lb.........30c Rib and Breast, per lb.......20r Rib Chops, per lb.............35c Loins, per lb.........................30c Loin Chops, per lb.............38c Legs, per lb.........................30c VEAL The spring movement of real estate has started in West Van- couver. Several parcels of land were sold last week, and this week there was a deal in which acreage changed hands. Horseshoe Bay Boating aud Yachting Club held a whist drive, bridge and dance in the IVont- en's Building recently, with Mr's. Sam Ileasman receiving the guests and Mrs. Gorby atul Mrs. Bumstead acting as general con- veners. Prize winners were Mr. Garrie, Nrs. Elliott, Mrs. Fur- ness, ltlrs. Heasman, Nr. Gorby, Mrs. F. Miles, 51r. Hallett, Mrs. Thontas and 51rs. Hadaway. Mr. Gorby was convener for the whist and Mr. Sam Heasman act- ed as master of ceremonies. The auxiliary will hold a schist drive atul old-time dance in the IVom- en's Building on March 13. Extra Special for Saturday Only NEW ZEALAND BUTTER - 3 pounds $ 1.16 MONDAY--PURE LARD in 1 lb pkg................ 2 lbs. for 39c TUESDAY--TRIPE ............................................3 lbs for 25c IVEDNESDAY-- CAMBRIDGE SAUSAGES, per lb ....... 10c THIJRSDAY--SHOULDER STEAKS ............ 2 lbs for 25c FRIDAY--PORK SAUSAGES............................ 2 lbs for 45r Theatre Tickets given with every 50c purchase. No Phones YOU SAVE No Delivery ROASTS CHOPS Oven Roast from ............ 18c Steak, per lb........................ 25c Rump Roast, per lb............ 25c Rib Chop, per lb ................ 30c Legs, per lb ........................ 24c Loin Chop, per lb............ 35c BUTTER--NEW ZEALAND.......................... 3 lbs for 81.20 EGGS--Local New Laid, Pullett Extra................2 dozen 57c RABBITTS .................................................................. 2 for 70c Cambridge Sausages Ayrshire Bacon, by the piece 2 lbs for ...............„...........25c ........................................ 23c Pork Sausage, lb.................25c Ayrshire Bacon, sliced, lb. 28c Cookett, lb.........................20c Peamel Back, Sliced, lb.....35c Pure Lard, lb....................21r Side Bacon by Piece, lb......,33c Picnic Hams, lb.................20c Peameal Back, by the Piece, Side Bacon, Sliced, lb.......35c lb....................................33c R. SEEDS Grocery and Hardware Amblesidle Phone West 28 Daily Delivery RESIDENT PIANO TUNER Teacher of MANDOLIN, BANJO aud GUITAR W. Cuthbert Phone West 409Y PITMAN BUSINESS COLLEGE Est. 1898 Vancouver's Leadmg Business Col!ege Iudrvrdual Atteutrou DAY aud NIGHT School Night School, 4 nights each week Eurol at any ttme. 4 2 2 Richards St. Phone Sey. 9135. Cor. Hastings Essex Super Six A Cav that combines the qualities of beauty aud comfort in ap- poiutmeats with power aud smoothness in performance at a remarkable cost. If you will phone NORTH 1338 a car will be sent to your door at whatever time you wish. DRIVE ONE AND SEE FOR YOURSELF LONSDALE MOTORS LTD. Lonsdale and 15th North Vancouver Phone 1338 '-":" Billiards *""""'leasure CHET SHIELDS,",„'„",.'„„,'.„.„,„.„... A. O'. VALENTINE Canadiaa tvindow Bakeries Ageucy. 1406 hlaviue Drive FRESH CAKES AND BREAD DAILY Phone lour orders for Special Cakes LIGHT LUNCHES Store Closes 8 p. m.: Saturdays 10 p, m. TEAS VERNON FEED STORE ",'„.-"'"'UEL, FEED, T, ETC. of Ntght Phones: North 1265 and North 1415 R 154 Esplanade 1V. North Vancouver Bacon and Eggs 8 kf„, And strength for the day is produced and maintained. NEW I.AID EGGS--Direct from the Ranch. 35c per Dozen 3 Dozen fov 61 00 I'ullet Extras, per dozes ............................ 30c SWIFT'S PRESIIUhl BACON. sliced pev lb.................. 55c SWIFT'S PREhIIUhl HASI, sliced per lb........................... Isc PEA iHEAL BACK BACON,.......,.......... .... 45c (3 lb. piece 61.10) VIIIGINIA BAKED HAhl with Dressing, sliced, pev lb..--.... 60c ROGERS'YRUP, 2 lb. Tins,.„...........................-.. 18c COIIN, PEAS, TOSIATOES sud GREEN BEANS, „. T Tins for 61.00 SI.ICED I'INEAPPLE, 2's, ............................ 2 tins for 23« See us for HARD'tVA[tE, PAIN'TS, ALABASTINE aud BRUSHES, WINDOIV GLASS, GARDEiN TOOLS, SPRING CI EANING ihlATERIALS.