Resampled001B6EA7 THE GOOI& OLD Reliable Grocery & It is mighty satisfying &hase days to be able io rely absolutc- iy upon the goods you buy, Wheu you deal at GREEN- 'WOOD S you are sure of getting &bc best possib(c at fair prices. Creenwood s GROCERY We deliver West 16 Hollyburn Theatre TO-NIGHT Friday-- ESTHER RALSTON 'TEN MODERN COMMANDMENTS'aturday, hla&iucc suit Evening. LON CHANEY %1LLIAhf HAINES ELEANOR BOARDiiAN in 'Tell it to the Marines'fomfsy-- LEW CODY AILEFN Pl&INGLE 'ADAM AND EVIL'aturday aud hlouday, hlarch 17th aud 19ih-- "The Carden ol Allah" Watch, Clock and Jewelery Repairing The bvest Van Watchmaker L Jeweller 1522 Marine Drive Ambleside Amblcsdda Taa Rooms Furry Wharf WEST VANCOUVER Camp surf Pimus Supplica, Tobaccos, aau J. M. Morgan ('houa &Vest 173 WEST VANCOUVER Tcscbcc of Voice Production and Singing VANCOUVER STUDIO Phone Seymour 101 HARRO:&I BROS. & bVI LL IA M SON funeral lirtrtars North Vancoui er Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 Personihls The isiisses Stevenson, late of "the Clachan," have rented David Dewar's house at 25th and Bepe&x(e. ~ ~ Henry Bradley is buikling a house for himself at 25th and Lau son. ~ ~ ~ Honoring Airs. George Bell on her tiventy-fifth &redding anni- versary, !(Irs. J. Haydn Young entertained recently at a sur- prise linen shower at her home 24th and Hayivood. Daffodils, heather and fragrant spring blos- some (vere arranged about the reception rooms, ivhile white roses in a silver bowl centred the tea table, ivhich was lighted with white and silver tapers in silver candlesticks and ivas pre- sided over by Airs. R. P. Wood- &card and isirs. R. B. Cripps. Gifts from a white and silver decorated basket ivere presented to the honored guest by AiIiss Diana Chapman, dressed as a little bride. The guests included Airs. Walt- er Gourlay, isiiss Aiabel McBain, AIrs. A. 31. O'Donnell, Mrs. Kin- ney. Mrs. L. Ajello, IiIrs. P. C. Chapman, isirs. IV. B. Small, Mrib J. B. Leyland, Airs. AV. G. Caslon. Airs. T. AV. Cutler, Mrs. J. A. Davies, 'AIrs. J. E. Jaffray, (AIrs W. &AIilliard, AIrs. Archibald, Mrs. G. J. Patterson, Mrs. 31ag- nus Ross, AIrs. George Lloyd, Airs. A. IV. Ure, Mrs. IV. H. Thompson and Mrs. Steven. s v u Airs. J. J. Rutledge, 32S3 Mar- ine Drive, West Bay, has been quite ill for the past ten days ivith a threatened attack of ap- pendicitis. There has been, how- ever, lately a decided improve- ment in her condition, and it is expected that she will be quite soon on the road to recovery. LEGION SIEETS I(IONDAY NIGHT The West Vancouver branch of the Canadian Legion'ill hold their regular monthly meeting next Monday, 12th AIarch, at 8 p. m., in the Ferry office, in- stead of on Friday night as us- ual. Final arrangements for the masquerade and other matters will be discussed. Every member is requested to be present. COLOiNEL SAVORY REPRESENTS BRITISH LEGION Lieut. Colonel K. AV. Savory, D. S. O., has just received wor&1 from London, England, of his ap- pointment as Hon. Representa- tive in Vancouver of the Offic- ers Association of the British Legion. isfajor General S. B. R. Crookshank, the general secret- ary, in his letter expressed his sincere thanks to the Colonel for kindly consenting to under- take the work. Colonel Savory was one of the first officers to join the British Legion, vvhich is known as the Canadian Legion in Canada, and has held important offices in the organization in the old country. HOI.LYBURN SKIERS WILL CO&AIPETE FOR LE Y LAiN D CUP The Hollyburn Pacific Ski Club will hold their annual ski-jump- ing competition over the coming week-end. The competition will be for all classes and open to club members only. The winner of the jumping and the cross- country race to be held the week end of Aiarch 18 will receive the Leyland Cup, representing the club championship. This is 3 new cup donated last fall by ex- Councillor J. B. Leyland of )Vest Vancouver. The cup will be a- warded the skier making the most points in both competitions irrespective of class. The jump- ing will start about 2 p. m. Ras&us--Ah wants a divorce. Dat womau ics taik, talk, talk. Ah can' gci uo rest an that talk sm driviu'c cvasir. Laurycr--What does shc talk about? Res&us--Shc don't say~Lifo. THE WEST VAN NEWS Ratepayers Hold Annual Meeting Officers Elected The annual general meeting of the It est Vancouver Ratepayers Association took place on Tues- day night in Ambleside Hall. The folloiving officers being elected for 1928: I'resident-- W. It. Hamilton. Vice President-- S. J. Nasmith Recording Secretary -- C. T. Kendrick. Corresponding Secretary -- R. A. Ogilvie. Treasurer--S. Gisby. Executive Committee Ward 1.--W. G. Wiltshire, B. Hayes. Ward 2.--J. A. Baxter, H. G. Sehvood. Ward 3.-- I. Wells Crawford, IV. T. Watson. Ward 4.--Peter Waite, J. )V. Lunn. rviembership and I'ublicity T. Hadwin, G. B. Kerfoot, J. J. Rutledge. B. R. Harrison, IV. B. Small, A. E. Young, J. Haydn Young. P. C. Chapman. Considerable discussion took place as to the proposal to re- engine "the Sonrisa," to which the meting was unanimously opposed, and a delegation con- sisting of the president and past president ivere chosen to phone the reeve to see what could be done. The latter on being phon- ed informed them that it was too late, as the documents in con- nection ivith the purchase of the new engine ha&1 been already signed. The meeting then took up the question of a new ferry, and an unanimous vote was cast approv- ing of a by-law being put to the electors for this purpose. Canadian Club to Meet Next Thursday In dealing with the future of Canada, Dean R. )V. Brock of the University of British Colum- bia, delivered a most learned ad- dress to the North Shore Canad- ian Club, on Thursday last. The most important elements for the growth of a new country are its temperature, rainfall, ele- vation, and coal supply or water power for industrial develop- ment. In all these factors, Nat- ure has been most generous to Canada. Her central geographi- cal key position should be no small factor in developing trade with countries both across the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean, and the wealth of her natural resources embrace the elements of practically all the basic commodities in demand throughout the world. The speaker declared that be- fore the end of the present cent- ury, the trade across the Pacific will exceed the present trade a- cross the Atlantic. He urged the encouragement of trade with the Fiji Islands, declaring that they should be as important to Can- ada as are the Hawaiian Islands to the United States. The Fiji Islands, if properly developed, would supply much of the de- mand for tropical products in Canada, and there would remain in exchange an open market for articles pr&xluced in this coun- try. Faisc Note "ichai do you th'iuk you'e plsyiu?" said the conductor angrily to the short-sighted trombonist during a vc- hcarsai. "Sorry, sir. Thurs's a fiy crawling on my music au&( 1 kccp playing him" --Passing Show. THE Marcel Shop 1320 hiarias Drlva .'&lsrccl, S&esm sud Fiogcv Wsv iug, Haircuiiiug, Shampooing aud Scalp Tres&man&a For Appointment WEST 301 Correspondence I' Sl'El.i.l&VCi IIFES Editor West Van News: It waa a little surprising last year that none of our recognized authorities on education in the district maile any protest again st the scheme for giving a fillip to the circulation of a contemp- orary of yours by means of a series of public spelling bees. The performance is about to be repeated; aml as a plain man I venture to state my own view- point, It ought to be the concern of our school boards to subject to critical examination any scheme of publicity which contemplates the exploitation of the pupils. The trustees are directly respon. sible to the whole school com- munity for the efficient conduct of the schools. Every scheme which calls for the concentration of teachers on the choosing and trnining of a hand-picked group involves the partial neglect of the great majority. Quite a number of boys who could well have completed a creditable school course can date the slack- ening of their interest in their work to a period when the inter- est of their teachers was tem- porarily diverted to preparation for some public stunt. I wish to refer to the practic- al uselessness of the public spell- ing competition. A spelling bee. restricted to adults, is a good scheme for securing an evening' entertainment in 3 rural district. But the gift of spelling aloud with correctness finds no field in real life for its exercise, un- less in the case of teachers and pupils in classes too young to write. A knowledge of spelling by ear does not help us to guess at a badly pronounced word, which is the real problem to the listener. The gift of practical importance in spelling is that of recognizing a mis-spelled word in writing or printing, which is an altogether different one from that of spelling aloud with cor- rectness. In this, as in some other educational matters, the end is largely indirect. A badly spelled letter is generally taken as an evidence of a poor educa- tion. But the reluctance to en- trust the writer of a badly spellel letter with a position of respons- ibility where matters of record are concerned rests upon the evi- dence which it affords of his carelessness or want of cencen- tration while reading. The mis- spelling is quite a minor thing beside this. The gift of spelling aloud has only a roundabout con- nection with the point of prac- tical importance; and practical men are justified in such a case in setting down the organizers of public spelling contests as pedantic triflers if nothing else. Yours truly, J. PORTER. People Like The 'Burrard'eople speak very uicciy about the great care we take of every article sent to us. Each custom- er's parcel is treated separately sud promptly returned. AuJ our charges please cvcrybo&ty. Try us with a parcel this week. The Burrard aundry Lim i&ad For 1'cop(a Who Are 1'ariicuiar TH1RD ST. su&i ST. DAVIDS North Vancouver Phone North 1310. )Vest Van. Representative F. RIVERS I'hone West 410L LADIES IIAIRCUTTINC aud SHING1.1NG, say S&yis HOLLYBURN BAI&BER SHO('. hiARSH, Prop. March 9, 1928. Daily Specials Kvvvyonc a bargain aud dif- fsvcni every day. SATURDAY Vino(la (u&ven&lcr Soap .'1 H&r 2uc hioNDAY Twlak l)ys ..... Pc TUKSI&AY--Nail Files, Groat variety. Your choics..... 19c iVFDiNKSDAY-1'owder Puffs, sises 3 fuv Wic Ti(URSI)AY--Supcvol... (9c 3 fov 93c FRI[)AY-- i.ysoi ....... 19c 1'(sass uois--we do noi uss compass&(vs pvicss. iys send Telegrams. a(&her C. 1'. 1L or C. N. IL Dispsuscrs to the C. P. R. hfsdlcal Assoc(a&lou WEST VAN I'IIARMACY The Slors uf Su&vlcc Prompt 1)ciivcry 1'hoss W. 37 (Esiabiishcd over 7 Yssvsl C. J. Overington 14th nnd Marine Barber For appointment PHONE WEST 135 CHIROFRACTOR Ncsi &o Siva&&os Bakery Marine Drive, Ambleslde also at Vancouver Phone iyas& 333 Roberta A. Vass D. C., Ph. C. Graduate of Pa(mac School Why Not Smilel It takes 9 muscles io smile, snd 14 &o frown. Can you smile 7 CHIROPRACTiC Wli.L HELP YOU Announcement Dr. Dorothy Miller bf.B., Ch.B. (Glasgow) L.M.C.S. has now opened an office in the Royal Bank Bldg., 17th and Marine, in the suite formerly occupied by Dr. Stainsby Hours: 2:30 to 6 p.m., or by ap- pointment. I'hone West 393 Announcement Dr. G. E. Bayfield M.D.C.M. wishes to inform the public that he has opened a downtown office in the N E )V H A Y BUII.DING corner &Alarine Drive and 14th Street. I'hone West 343 (Res. and OFL) Off(ce Hours: Afternoon - 2:30 to 4:30 Morning - - 11:00 to 12:30 I'hone West 34:I at any time ~ I w 19og, I,O ,vil gedoesde , DL(lip psu OOOP )I RE i(ri plsso $3gpg) IL tg, Ss( Ianu the tgsf Ai, ccutiuue thc 3™ )lafise Di sbiP with iag been psst si &su bc m aud ccu" isg ipv'" K,W REAI LA 1129 Aim Cgsl Pot Roa Oven Rc Rump R Prime B Sirloiu Pork L( Butts, Fresh B Pork L& Oven R Rump S Legs, p( BUTI Ecpi RABl Cambn( 2lbsi Pork 8, Cookett Pure L Picnic I Side Ba NEW AIOA(, TUB& WEni Till,'I FRin Theat NO tht Shoulde Rib aud Loins, p Lcgar pr