Resampled001B6EA7 March 9, 1928. THE WEST VAN NEWS DUNCAN LAWSON CHAPTER, I.O.D.E. Ifeport for I'ear--Officers Elected The annual meeting of the ~ (~ Duncan Lawson Chapter, I.O.D. E., was held recently at the home of the Regent, Mrs. W. B. Small, thirty-five members being pres- ent. During the past year the Chapter reports which were read record steady progress, hearty enthusiasm, and real effort. The sum of $820.76 was raised during the year and a bank bal- ance of $7.92 remains. The Chapter took charge of the sale of poppies for the "Poppy Day Fund" and $94.76 was realized. Donations include $24.00 to- wards stipend of Major C. C. Owen, at Vancouver General hospital, $24.00 disabled veter- ans, $ 11.00 tuberculosis veterans, 1 $1.00 Imperial Veterans Christ- mas Tree, $ 10.00 Navy League, $ 14.00 Alexandra O&7ihanage Fresh Air fund, $10.00 emerg- ency fund, $1.00 Child Welfare, $5.00 Harbour Lights Guild, $5 North Shore Elks Christmas . Cheer, $1.00 Mary R. Gooderham Fund, $2.00 memorial to Mrs WOMEN'S ASSN. TO GIVE Clark Murray, foundress of the TEA MUSICALE Order and 50c memorial to Mrs. Fessenden, foundress of Empire A tea musicale will be held Day, $1 wor kin India, $10 con- under the auspices of the Wom- vention fund. en's Association of the United Members attended a luncheon Church at Beach House, the at the Hotei Vancouver given in home of Mrs. Grady, 24th and honor of Iady Willingdon and Waterfront, on Thursday, 22nd assisted at a garden party given at the home of the Municipal Re- General Convenor -- Mrs. M. gent, Mrs. A. U. de Pencier for ~ ' visiting Girl Guides. Candy Stall--Mrs. Turnbull. The Shaughnessy H .tai Home Cooking -- Mrs. Part- ridge.convener reported one hundred and eight birthday cakes taken An attractive musical Pr~ I to the hospital during the yea gramme has been arranged by one hundred pounds of candy at Christmas time, with the usual dpnatipns pf cigarettes fruit EASTERN STAR PARTY magazines etc., amounting tp $60.70 during the year. The sum of $29.45 was con A social evening was enjoyed tributed towards the mainten- by the members of the Naomi ance of the Soldiers'lot at chaPteroftheorderoftheEast- the Masonic Hall. A militaryAssistance to the extent of whist, drive took up most of the $30.45 was given needy cases evening, there being fifteen tabl- in West Vancouver. es of players. Prizes were wonEducational activities include by the table composed of Mr. anda donation of $83.08 to the Nat- Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. Archer andional War Memorial, thirty-one Mrs. Childs for finishing the playcalendars placed in the class with the greatest number ofrooms of the local schools, pres- flags. The consolation prizesentation of picture of "Fathers ivent to Miss E. BIcVean, Mrs.of Confederation" with suitably Duncan, and Mr. and Mrs. W.engraved'plate to the MuniciPal Grput, Junior. Councillor Fiddes Hall in commemoration of the filled a new role when he acted tion. The Chapter helped with which were donated for the ev- , the decorating of the high school ening. The convenors were Mrs.float and decorated the public J. Alien, Mrs. Knight Hodge, andstand at Ambleside Park for the Miss J. D. McCleet~. W thJu i ee celebrations.bil Patron J. McGowan acted as dir- iss .. c eet~. ort y The amount of $25.00 was do- actor of play. Refreshmentsnated to the West Vancouver were served, after which thereCadet Corps to help purchase was informal dancing. Th offi The Chapter presented the splendid hostesses, and their af- 25th I.O.D.E. Girl Guide Co. fability, and geniality do muchwith a Tre-foil and cord for their in making so successful andstandard also with shoulder tap- pleasant the different affairs they stage. Last Tuesday night IVork to the extent of $ 125.00 was no exception. The evening has been done to improve the seemed to be thoroughly enjoyed grounds around the Memorial by all, and a spirit of bonhomie Arch. Fresh flowers were kept was prevalent throughout the on the arch during the summer evening. months by 3 committee appoint- ed by the Chapter. The solemn silence on Armis- Educational Sec.--Mrs. Waiter tice Day at the Second Annual Gourlay. Memorial service was observed Echoes Sec.--Mrs. E. H. Jupp. with deep sincerity. Standard Bearer -- Mrs. I. A. A gift of $ 10.00 towards pur- Pearson. chasing an overcoat was made Councillors--Mrs. IV. D. Watson, to Jimmie Jackson, a West Van- Mrs. R. A. Ogilvie, Mrs. G. E. couver boy who was sent out by Bayfield. the Navy League as a Bridge Committees Appointed. Messenger on the Empress of Ilospital -- Mrs. A. E. Young, Canada. Mrs. W. B. Forster. Officers elected for 1928 are: Graves--Mrs. I. A. Pearson. Hon. Regent--Mrs. John Lawson Navy League--51rs. R.A. Ogilvi» Regent--Mrs. W. B. Small Memorial Arch -- Mrs. IV. B. Hon. Vice-Regent--Mrs. A. A. Small, BIrs. R. A. Ogilvie and Almas. Mrs. J. Haydn Young. First Vice-Regent--Mrs. Dav- Girl Guides--Miss Villa McLean, id Morgan. Mrs. J. H. Redden, Mrs. James I Second Vice-Regent--Mrs. Peter McIntyre and hlrs. W. H. Man-Wait. ning. Secretary--Mrs. P. C. Chapman. Child IVelfare--Mrs. Il. L. Mc- Asst. Secretary -- Mrs. IV. B. Lean. I Forster. Preventorium -- lilrs. IV. B. Treasurer--Mrs. J. B. Leyland. Small. Normand's GROCERY IVith the idea of creating int- erest in the activities of the B.C. Mountaineering Club an invita- tion was extended to any Van- couverites who might wish to go to join the club in a climb up Goat Mountain on Saturday night to view the sunrise on Sun- day morning from the peak of that mountain. About twenty composed the party, which left the club cabin on Grouse Mount- ain at 1.30 a.m. Sunday morn- ing, reaching the ridge of Goat Mountain in three and one-half hours. They were guided by Leslie Golman, Dr. T. Urquhart and Harry Sommerville. The adjourned annual meeting of the IVest Vancouver Conserv- ative Association was held on Friday at 8 p. m. in the Canadian Legion rooms. A number of matters were discussed and the election of officers for 1928 fol- lowed. Those appointed were: Honorary Presidents--Gen. A.D. McRae,M.P.; Hon. Dr. S. F. Tolmie, M.P. President--W. B. Small 1st Vice President--Miss M. B. Almas 2nd Vice President--W. R. Ham- ilton Secretary - Treasurer -- F. F. Lovegrove. Delegate to the Central Associ- ation--Major J. B. Edelston. Executive Committee--William Astley; Captain F. Kettle; Tom Garrow, Miss G. Davies, Mrs. Watson, Mrs. A. E. Young, J. Haydn Young, H. Eager, Geo. Williamson, R. Bloxham, J. T. Watt, J. Ed- ington, J. J. Rutledge, IV. W. Hawtin, J. B. Leyland, W. J. Dent. Margaret, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George S. Payne, 13th and Duchess celebrated her fifth birthday last Saturday, a party being held for the occasion. Those present were Margaret Patterson, Marian, Phyllis and Betty Taylor, Judy Hoyle, Madge Fitzpatrick, and June Harrison. Games and dancing gave much pleasure and the refreshments provided the necessary satisfac- tion for the guests. 14th and 51arine Phone %Vest 65 SATURDAY SPECIALS DEATH OF E. H. NEVILLE The friends of Mr. Stuart Ne- ville, 2291 Marine Drive, will sympathise with him in the loss of his father, Edmond H. Neville of Vancouver, who died last Monday. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. O. M. San- ford and Rev. Dr. Fry at Harron Bros. and Williamson's parlors on Tuesday afternoon, after which Mr. Neville and his moth- er accompanied the remains to winnipeg, where interment will be made in the family plot in St. Johns cemetery tomorrow (Saturday). BUTTER--Finest New Zealand 3 ibs for 31.15 EGGS--Locai Extras pcc doxcu ........... 30c COFFEE--Ground while you wait, pcc Ib ....... 50cPARENT-TEACHERS'SSOCIATION The regular meeting of the As- sociation will be held in the Paul- ine Johnson school on Tuesday, March 13th, at 8 p. m. Several speakers will explain and discuss methods of testing pupils, as follows: The Essay Examination--H. A. Ruddick. Objective Tests--J. R. Mitch- ell. Achievement Tests -- H. D. Southam. Mental Tests--F. J. Patter- son. Parents should not miss this opportunity of acquaintingthem- selves with these important fac- tors in modern education. FREE DELIVERY 51orning and Afternoon The Best Story of the afouth The tourist guide waa getting tired. Ho had to answer too many dumb questions. "Aud just where did you aay this rock came from i" inquired another wahoo. The guide poiitciy replied that a glacier brought it down. Then up spoke the inquisitive one again: "And where did the glacier go I" "Aw," said the guide, "it went back after another rock." MEAT PIES and SAUSAGE ROLLS Just try them once aud you'l come again. LUNCHES aud TEAS We have a dainty tca room in which to serve you. Mrs. DRAPER 2435 5IARINE DRIVE Next panda ave H iu NOTE PHONE: Watt 888 GORDON ROBSOI& Barrister fk Solicitor West Vancouver office No. 1447 Marine Drive. Phone West 403 Suite 301; 510 Hastings St., W. Phone Seymour 4199. To clean very tarnished silver, mix d few drops of ammonia, in- stead of ivater, with a plate of powder. ".-'rom .'Drest to 't'ou" Patronize our North Shore Industries. This means increased prosperity for them which is is turn reflected back on ail North Shore residents. Get acquainted with them. You are cordially invited to visit our office at the foot of Pemberton Ave., on the waterfront, where you will be sh iwn the development work of the past year. You will be surprised at the huge stock of grade lumber of ail kinds. The Capilano Timber Co. Lid. Specialists in Cedar. North 806Foot of I'embcrton Ave. Night Phone North 127 CHILDREN' PARTY SEE SUNRISE CONSERVATIVES APPOINT BIRTHDAY PARTY ON GOAT 51OUNTAIN OFFICERS FOR 1928