Resampled001B6EA7 THE WEST VAN iVEWS hlarrh 9, 1928. Roberts'etter Meats 14th and Marine West 19Q IVhere Service and Quality Count WE DELIVER 9:30--East 25th Only 11&39--from Capilano to Caulfeild 3:30--East 25th Only we Sell only PR!ME STEER BEEF LOCAL LA5!B LOCAL VEAL DAIRY FED PORK LOCAL CHICKENS FRESH FRUIT and VEGETABLES FRIDAY Fresh Cnd, snead...... 2 ibz 25c Her Christmas Present A kindergarten teacher in a foreign district asked the youngsters, one morning a few days before Cbrintman &n show by action something that the& wished Santa C!aus tn bring them. Tbere was un response. In under an show more clearly what wzz ezpac&ad. zbe arose aud mzrcbnd around the circle with knees stilT aud band erect, meaning ia convey the idea of m tiu soldier. "Nnw. cbiidreu," nba said, "what is it that I winb for Cbrinimzz" "I know, I know, teacher," cried Fritz, waving bin hand. "A mau!" CRICKET hIEETI&VG I'OSTPO&VED TILL TUESDAY The North Shore Cricket League on ihlonday night post- poned makingfinalarrangements for their summer schedule until the results of the Mainland Cricket League meeting this week are made known. The ques- tion of whether there are to be two or five leagues will be dis- cussed at the meeting of the larger body. The North Shore League will hold their next meet- ing at 8 p. m. in De. Kincaid's office, 67 Lonsdale Avenue, ivhich all those who wish to be- come players are invited to at- tend according to officials in charge. Dr. J. E. Knipfel was chosen vice-president of the newly form- ed Capilano Liberal Association at the first meeting held on the evening of 1st March in Mr. Tennant's home, Cumberland Crescent. iVn Freedom A traveller in the South chatted with mu aged Negro, wbom be mei in the road. "Aud I suppose yuu were once n ninvei" be remarked. "Yea, nub," the old colored mau an- swered. "Aud, nn, after the war, you gained your freedom i" the gentleman con- tinued. But the ancient one shook biz head sadly. "iVo, nub," be declared with great emphasis. "iVo& perzac&iy, nub. I didn't gi& mzb freedom, nub, after de war--I done gnt married!" Lake His Fn&bee fIVnt you dain'hile?" "iNo&bin" mammy.', "5!y, but yn" is ge&tiu'ike yo'ather." You Can Save One Dollar If you pay your telephone bill by the 18th of the month B. C. TELEPHONE COMPANY Prompt Delivery Smith 's Grocery 'Wa Daiieae A. HARVEY S'ai&TH. Prop. 26&5 AND MAR!NE, Opp. Dundnenen Hall. I'bona '&VEST &69 CHAIN RED AND WHITE SToRE Specials foa Friday and Saturday SERVUS TOMATO CATSUP, per bottle..... . Sxr iVHITE S'&VAN SOAP ....... I Bzen for 25e SLICED PEACHES, 2'n, pes &iu ................................ 2&c READY CUT MACARON!, 2 lbs. for......,........,,...... 19e B. 4 K. ROLLED OATS, par sack, I ibn .......,....................... Sse Snnusn Brand I Tin Nn. 4 Peas i Tin Creen Beans .........„, „,., 2 Tins for &iic I Tm Tnmztoan ROYAL CITY PURE STRA'&VBERRY JAht, 4 lb. tin..................... 65& DEL 5&ONTE PRUiVES, Medium Sine, „.............5 lbs. for 26& D!SHCO PINEAPPLE, 2 tins yne 25e SMALL &VHITE BEANS 4 ibz. for 25e P!XK SAL5!ON, Tall iin ise B. C. F!NE GRANULATED SUGAR..................... &e ybn. for rise "QUA I.ITY STREET" Bloc SL!CCESS (Continued from Page ll Lieut, Spicer, were typical young officers of the line, the former lacing ably supported by Blanche iNeville in the rule of ihliss Char lotte Parratte. A. E. Young of the Little Theatre, to whom with D. Allan very grent credit is due for the splcn&lid way in which the play- ers had been trained, chose to hide his light under n bushel by !aking only a small part. Rnd it is needless to say as the Serge- ant he gave a perfect represen- tation of the non-commissioned eii.cer of 'ivii&erloo &lays. The smaller parts taken by Ellen Mueray, Lucy Jam& 5, Vivian Jsckman, Jack Sl.efficl&l, Charlie Baldwin, and Jim Cornish were acted equally as well as the heavier pnrts, snd rounded out the tout ensemble to perfection. It is seldom an audience :inywhere liam been treuted to surh an exceilcnit amateur pro- ilu tion. I'l,e or hestra compos- ed of Mrs. Durbin at the piano, Mrs. Snelgrove as violinist, and Mr. Cuthbert as 'cellist, provi&l- ed the necessary music between acts in their usual accomplished manner. There is one thing to which we ivould draw particular attention, and that is the emarkably cleni intonation and enunciation of every player. This is one of the things that marks the difference between professional and amateur pro- ductions, and in "Quality Steeetn these qualities were very con- spicuously present and were largely responsible for the great success attained. Reg Hamilton was business manager being assisted by hIiss by l&liss G. Lawson; A. E. Young and D. Allan were the directors and stage manager, and John Durbin property master. UN I FORhl BUILDING CODE PROPOSED The 1927 edition of the uni- form building code published by the Pacific Coast Building Of- ficials'onference, Vancouver, will be presented to the civi" building committee next Monday for discussion. The code consists of building regulations which, it is suggested would be applicable to all cities of the Pacific Coast. Mr. Bird, the city architect, declares that he favors the prin- ciple, but that the code would have to be amended for use in Vancouver because of the differ- ence in many statutes here and in the United States. OFFICERS OF A.O.T.S. CLUBS OF VAiVCOUVER CONSIDER PROBLEhIS The executive officers of the A. O. T. S. clubs of Greater Van- couver and the Lower Mainland met Tuesday for supper in Fair- view Baptist Church, with the president of the council, Mr. R. M. Millar, in the chair. There were ninety officers and leaders of committees present, and after supper each section met separ- ately and discussed its problems. Findings of the sections were then reported to the whole gath- ering, and will be sent on to the imlividual clubs. A general luncheon for all members of the A. O. T. S. clubs will be held Monday, March 19, at Hotel Georgia, when Dr. Geo. LVeir will speak on "Things that Challenge." An invitation to at- tend the Ladner club next Tues- &lay was accepted. WARATAHS ENTERTAINED BY SKI CLUB Members of the Grouse hloun- tain Ski Club on Saturday night joined a party of the B. C. ihlountaineering Club and pro- ceeded with them to the peak of Goat Mountain to watch the sun rise over the eastern peaks on Sunday morning. Later they returned to the Grouse hlountain plateau, where they gave the Waratah football team an exhi- bition oi'he urt of ski-ing. Demand the Best Meats No use taking a chance on inferior qualities of Meats on h&it days. It's poor economy to begin with. The ihleat we sell is pure ancl ivholesome, thoroughly inspected. All ihleats Kept in Refrigerntor Phone Your Order West 3 JEFFERIES MEAT MARKET pnovn wEBT 5 ctosfo Inuasoav ai I oftocx ws tigt tvER L U M B E R fw Consult Us for Your I.umber RcqulremenLn Sigh &lna!i&I Lasher is Cheapest in the end. West Vancouver Lumber I:o. 15th and Marine L! M!TED Phone West 116 Residence I'hone: West 3681. FOR WATERFRONTAGE and other property HOUSES TO ICENT, I'IRE IViSUIIANOE, ETC 17th Street see JOHN LAWSON Phonebvest Get your New Easter Suit from M. WILLIAMS !6&b amd 5IA!HNE, AS!BLAS! DE CUSTOM TAILOR Come and nee our Patterns. Large selection &o choose from Dry Cleaning Dyeing, Repairs a&id and Pressing Alterntions Open Eeeninsn till 9 o'lock City i'rises 6/l ihn Lnii Fne and Dninee. I &&ON&; &VEST 20. i /~ "Wba k baseman unp" dam Mez. Mc accusingly. "And who cares 7" replied Mr. Mac. "The doctor says I'm nu& io worry over little things. Besides the wear and &esr on the baseman& switch is more than usa con& of the light." yau can sian a haeemene lighe all night for sha cast of a ana.cans esanip u If yon Can't Stop, Don't Start Watch Your Brakes THIS IS THE KEYSTONE SERVICE STATION FOR RA Y BESTOS BRAK E LINING West Van Garage Ambleside Phone %Vest 130 n 9 V.i I'uilding Tbn bUll 6t6 Pm'lm,ls sicipsl b" ;„6 bylaw tbst the unde&In f &svnyhs& t&ske il » intisg 5 "'ore,tbn 'icslrses i son,p«'p tbe «« more e~'hought 5& teo isle for 5655&em A rape& msde to tl Police t &- Asi B 'ii ~ The pel tbe counci 'frsdcs Lii ed owing of the fee nome trad ciiicslly d& wss refer chief of p CEIIETEI A besr& for 1928-l the coun& such bosi the first i council in are the ni ed: Reev& cillor J. T liam Blsi George K It wss future ele held at t isg of tb liistnsd p meeting i Counci'i The Rc lie!i mndi cil to excl ios pf G& Petunia, iyem!bios G.T pi pruVin&e G E.M( The o!fer Victor« for nl, Went Vm per cent per cent.,« yield 4 cil &laced pr&svided To a,lR Tbe co'm unnd "m tbn mes«,n, by w,y n6 buil&iin eae tbj drend line. Io tbe m,