Resampled001B6E9D March 2, 192B. THE WEST VAN NEWS Directors Elected An interesting meeting of the directors and members of the above association was held at the New Ambleside Hall on Mon- day evening, Feb. 27th, for the puiyose of winding up the bus- iness of the year. The minutes of the last gen- eral meeting being read and ap- proved, the secretary, Mrs. E. A. Ford, submitted a report dealing with that department. The treasurer, Sfrs. R. Reid, gave a detailed statement of the financial standing of the associa- tion, disclosing a healthy balance over expenditure which will ma- terially help to rebuild the very much depleted building fund. The retiring president, Mr. W. McQuaker, then addressed the meeting at length. Commencing with the spring liower and tulip show last May in the Drill Hall, Vancouver, the municipal exhib- it received the attention of all the directors, and the success then gained was entirely due to team work, embracing the citiz- ens who so generously donated what must have bsen the finest specimens in their gardens. The handsome silver cup, properly inscribed, will remain in the keeping of the reeve and coun- cil for all time. A series of four lectures, each well attended, proved to be very interesting, also beekeeping, a new subject in this district, delivered by Mr. Finlay, the government, inspec- tor and apiarist, who pointed out the relation between beekeeping and fruit growing, Prof. F. Buck of the U.B.C., on "Gardens and Lawns," dealt exhaustively with his subject; Mr. Fyfe Smith, on "Roses," furnished an engaging topic for intensive discussion long afterwards. 'The last lecture of the season, by Mr. Moore, the skilled practical gardener and flower judge, interested his au- dience with a practical demon- stration of budding, grafting and pruning, also by answers to questions, supplying the mem- bers with a vast fund of prac- tical information. The two ex- hibitions, in June and Septem- ber, were only fairly well pat- ronized owing fo the late season, there being no small fruits on exhibition and very few sweet peas. Touching upon future ac- tivities for the good and welfare of the association, the president pointed out that the members did not meet the directors from one year's end to the other, and advised closer touch to enable discussion of problems arising from individual gardening and hobbies. The advisability of holding the annual general meeting in November was also pointed out to the members. This sugges- tion was at once taken up and adopted, thus falling in line with other like associations, who have ftfready been allotted dates for their exhibitions by the B. C. Fairs Association. Mr. McQuaker expressed his sincere thanks to the ',officers and directors for their whole- hearted support during his term of office. Mr. G. D. Elgar, chairman of the Board of School Trustees, in proposing a hearty vote of thanks to the president and di- rectors, dwelt on the good work done, and highly complimented the board on the success of their efforts during the year. Trustee J. B. Leyland, rising to second the motion, drew at- tention to the sterling worth of the association to the municipal- ity. Nominations for the new board of directors were called for and the following were elect- ed: Mrs. G. D. Elgar, Miss Bol- ton, Mrs. Donahoe, Mrs. Adair, Mrs. Ford, Mrs. Barker, Major Barwis, Mr. Hadwin, Mr. Gam- age, Mr. Raine. GARDENS AND GARDENING By MINA G. HUTT, Landscape Architect Cccductc Iu Lcudcccpius U. cf C, Atucriccu School cf Lcudcccpc Architecture uud Cucdcuius. Idctubcc Ncticuci Luudsccpc Service. We are pleased to announce that the garden articles which appeared for some time in this paper, and which were discon- tinued for several weeks, will be continued. It requires consider- able time to prepare the articles, and, due to what was thought to be lack of interest on the part of the readers, it was decided to discontinue them. However, a considerable number of inquiries have been received by the editor regarding the discontinuance of the articles, consequently we are very pleased to give whatever time is necessary for their pre- paration. Hoping to return to West Van- couver to live in the not too dis- tant future, it is our desire to do our utmost to help make it the garden spot of the West. For natural beauty it has no equal on the Pacific Coast, but for gardens planned to harmon- ize with the natural beauty much remains to be done. In these days uf mad rushing around for money, it will prob- ably appear strange to many of our readers when we state that our object in spending years and considerable money in studying landscaping and gardening was not to make a lot of money, but rather to get more out of life in helping others to enjoy the won- ders of nature as reflected in the flowers, trees and shrubbery,. Several days ago we had the pleasure of having luncheon with Dr. Ernest P. Fewster of Van- couver, author of "My Garden Dreams," and the time spent with him will always remain a pleasant memory. IIi8 pleasure comes through relieving the suf- ferings of his fellowman and from his garden, which he dear- ly loves. If you have not al- ready read his book you have missed a real treat. It contains considerable practicable garden information written in a pleas- ant and whimsical manner, as only the doctor, philosopher that he is, could write it. We are planning to have an information booth at the West Vancouver Horticultural Show this spring so that we may meet our readers personally. We are co-operating with the Horticul- tural Society, and plan to donate a number of prizes such as gar- den plans, shrubs, rose bushes and perennials. Mr. E. S. Gam- age of the West Vancouver Branch of the B. C. Nurseries has promised to join with us in donating prizes, so no doubt they will be worth competing for. You will find a membership in the local Horticultural So- ciety of considers'ble value in helping to foster an interest in gar&lening. Join now so that you will be eligible to compete at the spring flower show. If you have any garden prob- lems that are bothering you, please write us. NOTE--The writer wtli ccucldcr It ~ plcccurc tu cucwcr qucctlcuc ccuccrulus tb sccdcu Iu tbn cctutuu. Tbc qucctlcuc should bc cddrccccd tc tbc writer Iu care cf tbc Edltcr. Tbc ~ucwcr wnl appear Iu cu cc ly Ictus cr II ~ pccccuci ccpiy I ~ dcclrcd ~ ctctup d, ~ cif.cddrccccd curclopc cbculd bc cuclcccd. A Scotch salesman sent his sweetheart a penny packet of flower seeds as a New Year' gift, with these directions: "Plant these th'oo, Maggie, ma bonnie lassie, and ye'll ha' braw bouquet for ye'r bairthday giftie." Annual Meeting of Agricultural and Horticultural Association Whimsical Review Daphne: "Ronald says he wouldn't marry the mcest girl living." Doris: ubvhat a cheek! As if I'd have him." c "I used to think you were so affectionat, Henry. Before we were married you used to hold my hands for hours." "Welf, that was to keep you away from the piano." Thoughtful Tommy "Tommy: ul don't believe there' a Santa Claus, and I'm going to tell i?amma so, too.w Wfiliei "Are you really?" Tommy: uYes, I am--tbe day after Christmas." ~ p Amateur Sailor: "I say, Harry, we'e two days overdue. Why do you suppose we'e not sight- ed land?" Companion: "Can't imagine, except possibly that ever since that compass fell overboard I'e been steering by the bally bar- ometer." c A Warning Symptom "Is your son going to college this fall? u uHe hasn't said, but he has bought a second - hand ukulele." "Here's a letter it would scarcely do for us to publish," said the patent medicine quack. «A man writes: 'I have just taken a bottle of your medi- cine.' "Well?" said his partner. "There it breaks off short, and is signed in another handwrit- ing, 'Per Executor.' Noted Bore: "Are you going my way?" Neighbor: "YVhy, no; that is, which way are you going?" "Is it true, Mrs. Muller, that you told Mrs. Schulze I had a lot of wrin- kles on my forehead?" uI? Why, I am too short-sighted even to see the freckles on your face!u A woman was taken the other day to see the composing room of our printing works. "This," said her escort, "is the composing room." The woman gazed around with admiration. Her eyes alighted on a burly compositor. "Do ask him," she said, "to play something of his." Simplicity Iself "Have you solved the problem of intimating to your daughter's callers that it's time to go home?" uoh, yes, it's no trouble at all. Promptly at 12 o'lock I turn on tho living room lights from the upstairs switch.u--Judge. A truman went to a photog- rap'her and asked, "Do you pho- tograph children?" "Yes, madam," she was told. «How much do you charge?" «Ten-and-sixpence a dozen." "Thank you very much," said the ivoman, "but I'm afraid I must call again later on. I'e only got eleven." c A Proof of Evolution? Mary, aged seven, was late home froni srhooL Moreover, keen disap- pointment was written plainly on her fare." u)Vhy darling," exclaimed her anx- ious mother, "what kept you out so late?" "Mummy, a horse got sick and fell down on the street and they went oif for the horse doctor and I waited to have a look at him." uAnd did he come, dear?u queried mother. uYes,u replied hlery, disappointedly, wand he was only a man.u Dauber: u)vhen I was 20 years of age I could have died for my arbu Friend (gazing around studio): uAh, my dear fellow, if you only had.u ONLY $ 100 CASH--First paynient, large hlarine drive corner, business section; balance $900, easy terms. FlNE I.ARGE LOT-- 110 feet front- age, few blocks from ferry. Snap, $ 150. )VEST VAN. INYESThlENT CO. Nutar& Public )Vest 102 CI.ASSIFIEn ans TUITION -- Delicate and backward children taugh privately in own homes. Terms reasonable. For par ticulars phone West 333. FOR SALE--Confectionery, ice cream parlor, cold drinks, tobacco, light groceries. Phone West 188. SHINGLING and lte-Shingling. Gar dens dug. 1286 Duchess. phone West 354. COLIN TURNER--Builder and Con- tractor. Repairs and alterations. Phone West 679R. FOR SALE--I-roots cottage on clear- ed lot. Seven blocks from ferry.Near school. Good view. Price $ 1500, $400 rash. John Lawson,)vest 55. CHICKEN FARbi Gomg concern, one acre all fenced. o-room mod- ern house. 3 chicken houses, 300 birds. Close to Public and High Schools. Owner, Anderson, 23rd and Jef?erson. FOR RFVT--Unfurnished Five-room Bungalow on Waterfront at Alta- mont. Phone Lay)and, West 63R1. NEWMAN & ROBBIcfs -- Builders and Contractors--Painting, paper- hanging and kalsomining, chimneys built 28th and hlarine. Phone West 74R I. HEMSTITCHIiXG--Plam,. white sc yard; silt and colored loc yard. Pearce's Drygoods, 14th Street and bfarine. Phone Wfest 144. WINDOW BLINDS--bfade to order and instaBed. Est:mates free. Pearce's Drygoods, 14th Street and Marine. Phone West 144. FOUNDATION, CEMENT WORK, Landscaping, Septic Tanks, Gener- al Contracting. T, Barnott, Res&- dence Phone West 672R. WEBB'8 SHOE REPAIRS WEAR BEST--Dundarave.LOST--Smooth hair Irish Terrier. Light brown color. Licence No. 99 (1927). Name "Paddy." Reward. Phone West 413L. HOUSE)YORK )VANTED--By «apa- ble woman, by day or night. Phone West 485R. "WILLOW DFNE COTTAGE" Kings Avenue Dundarave to rent Five rooms, fall plumbing, open fireplace, laundry tubs, beautiful situation, Adults only, $30.00. B. R. Harrison, West 404L. FOlk SALE--Rosewood Upright Piano in fine condition. Cheap for cash.Phone West 696L1, FOR SAL~w manure, well rotted, 2 yards $5.00; 4)is yards $10.00. Phone West 74L2. FOR SALE--Gray-Dort Touring Carin good shape. This year's license. Price $80. Phone West 177. CHIbINEYS and Eave Troughs clean- ed. Safety first. Have your chim- neys swept. Phone Turvey, West 668L FOR SALE--Four large White Pekin ducks, )eying, also one drake. Phone West 71Y. GEO. HAY 1405 Marine Drive 315 Cordova W. West 21 Sey. 1260. SPECIA~heap lot on Esquimalt. Very easy clearing. No stumps. Good view. At $225 terms, $200 cash.I OST -- Astrakhan necklet, between 24th and the Clachan hoteL phone')vest 604 O. We have lots within 15 minutes'alk of ferry from $ 100 up. FOR RENT--5 room furnished apart ment bathroom Phone West 339 RADIO ')VANTED -- One that will bring in all coast points. Phone West 698L3. We still have some very desirable modern furnished and unfurnahed houses for rent. FOR RENT--Furnished house at 1460 Bellevue. Right on waterfront. Six months or lorg.r. Phone West 429L. R. P. Clarte & Co. (Vancouver) Ltd. Opportumty for Cheap Home--Large living room with fireplace, fancy light fixture. Two bedrooms. Good bright kitchen. Hot and cold water. Garage. $ 1750, on attractive easy terms, or reduction for good cash Iayment. LAND CLEARING Da& or contract Trees removed. Expert blasting. Rock work. Fences built. Jobs of any kind Phone )Vest 92R3 FOR SALE--Auto knitter.. Phone West 346L. $ 1800--Three rooms. Fireplace. Two corner lots, pa?ed street, near school. Terms $350, balance like rent. Cleared Building Lots, 50x130--Near Ambleside Park Nice view. Very cheap at $285 on terms. Also good lot on Esquimalt for $250 terms or $225 cash. FURNITURE BARGAINS -- Parlor suite, settee and two chairs, $ 16. Dining tables (extension), $7 cash. Kitchen chairs, $ 1.00 cash. iNice baby cot, $4.00 special for Saturday. Norman's Furniture Exchange, hla- rine Drive, Ambleside, Phone W. 396 LOST--Black Gordon Setter Dog. Has brown spots on back. Phone K. A. Ray, West 30L. We should be pleased to obtain photo snaps suitable for enlargement of attractive looking homes and scenic views of West Vancouver for dis- play in our city office window. iiIODERN ELECTRIC WIRING AND LIGHTING--Get our prices. Trade in your radio for new modeL North Shore Electric. Phone N. ')9. WANTED--Insurance Agent for the Municipality of )Vest Vancouver to represent old reliable insurance company. Apply Agent, care of )Vest Van. News. Fiscal Agents R. P. Clarke & Co. (Vancouver) Ltd. 823 Hastings St. W. Sey. 7483, 7481 Local Representative C. J. ARCHER. West 651L It's cheaper to build than pay rent. Manufacturers of SASH, DOORS and MILLWORK IVe solicit your business. Our prices are right and we give you good service. "If it's Lumber, see us." lee manufacture in 1Vest Vancouver Buy your lumber from Ambleside Lumber t',o., Ltd. Marine Drive at 16th Phone 1Vest 199