Resampled001B6E9D THE WEST VAN NEIVS iNarch 2. 1928 bS ASSS~ RIOBT AT Vot'R 1)OOR--AED )) E & BAR&;E BO SIORE I FAST DELIVERY SATURDAY AND MONDAY SPECIALS Free Trial Tube Volga&a's Tooth Paulo with Every Too&h Brush 25c Vogue Tooth Brushes 2lc 25c Rcxali Orderlies...... 17c 66c L)uo(. medium ...... lpc 15c hiucilagc.......... 7c 16c Envelopes, Linen ....... 9c Ssc Wrung Pads ...... Isc 26c Verbena Oatmeal Soap ..... 19c 25c Castile Soap .......... 2 1c $ 1.26 Ecnocdy's Stomachic Bi&tars ................. 9gc 25c Boric Lint ...... 'ISc 76c Luxor Powder ........... Ssc 25& Snap 4Sc Pcpsodcoi Tooih Pssic...... 22c 60c Dr. Black's Ia)sg Tonic. 29c I $ 1.50 Sayer's Aspirin, 100tablets ..... $ 1.29 Soc Jo-&o .... ssc shc Citrate hiagncsia .............. 16c $ 1.50 Rubbcvsct Shaving Brushes ...........,.. 69c 60c Dasdcrins .............. 49c 76c I.(quid Petrolatum, hcavy, l9c 60c Fau de Cologne Paris .... 29c 75c Aria(a & reams .............. $9c loc igusicvo(s...... 29c 76c Bus&ecole ..................... 69c Money to Loan on First Mortgage at current rntes. Let us finance the building of your new home in West Van couvel; London & British North America Cosy Ltd. Mortgage -- Insurance -- Finance and Estate Agents. 626 Pender Street 1Vest Phone Sey. 6285 Local Representative;--F. X. Hodgson, West 665R Good Used Cars At Bargain Prices. We Have a Large Number to Select From NORTH SHORE MOTORS, LTD. OLDS5IOBILE AND CHEVROLET DEALERS 135 First Street West, North Vancouver. (Represented in West Vancouver by H. C. OSBORNE) Phones West 628Y North 1186 j(milSI( A Creamo YayN( on eVery street-~ynorr(iny 9 Quarts for $ 1.00 Phone North 122 ORPBEI)hi THEATRE RESERVATIONS )Vox& Vas. Agents C. I'. R. Telegraphs aud Can. Pac. Exp. Sioacy Order Lesage Drug Store I'rescriptions Filled By Full! Qualified Druggist at City Prices G. E. REID, slanager New Bu((ding--Corner siarine and 14ih. FAST DELIVERV mo ORDER IS TOO SSIALL WEST 323 Useful Recipes1~ERSON@.LS James Griffin, linesman for the B. C. Electric Co., who hnd such a serious accident last fnll, when he fell oiT a pole at the corner of 20th and Inglew&xx(, is out of hospital and &vas in West Van- couver on Tuesday. Some time will elnpse. however. before he is fully recovered. ~ ~ ~ A. 31. Stephen, the well-known Dundarave author an&i poet, is having 6 most successful lecture tour. He is now on the prairies, and his tour will take him across Canadn. It will probably be Nay before he returns to his home here. ~ ~ ~ Nrs. F. J. Moore, 22nd snd Jef- ferson, who has been seriously ill, is making good progress. ~ ~ s bir. nnd Mrs. Munce of Van- couver moved on Wednesday in- to their house at 31st and Trav- ers. ~ ~ s The construction has been com- pleted of the cement foundations for the new business block to be erected immediately east of the Royal Bank at 17th and Na. rine Drive. ~ ~ ~ Mr. and Nrs. R. Sherriif, 26th and Bellevue, who have been res- idents of IVest Vancouver for some years, are moving shortly to West Point Grey, where they will in future reside. ~ s s The Misses Malcolm of Van- couver and Nr. E. Brendsen of IVinnipeg were week-end visit- ors to West Vancouver, staying with Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Colvin, 22nd and Lawson. Eggs n la Dreux Four eggs, I ~ 4 lb. nf lean cooked ham, I-'2 oz. butter. 2 lap. Anely chopped pnrsley. I ulna(i rounds nf buttered toast. cnyenne. snit and pep- per. «hop the ham finely and mix with it the parsley. Coat 4 pat- ty pans thickly with butter nn&l cover them completely with n thin layer of ham preparation. Break an egg into ench pan, tak- ing care to keep the yolks whole, sprinkle with 0 little cayenne pepper an&i sale nml add n smnll piece of butter. I'Ince the patty pans in 6 deep baking tin. sur- round them to half their depth with boiling water and cook ihem in 0 modernte oven until the whites are set. Have ready the roumls of toast. cut to the size of the patty pnns, &lish the eggs on them nnd serve, Shnker Gems Two scnnt cups graham ilour, 2 cups milk. 2 eggs, a lit(le salt. 51ix it in n wide-mouthe&i pitcher and beat it well, as there is no bnking powder or anything to raise it but the eggs. Put 6 gem pan on the stove and heat very hot, pour the batter from the pitcher an&i bake in a quick oven. The application of the West Vancouver Musical Society for a grant )vas laid over by the coun. cil nn slonday night. ~ s s Blair Babcock wrote the coun- cil suggesting that, in regard to the proposed discussion of the buil&ling by(aws,al( new houses in block 10, D.L. 237. situated on Keith road, conform to the present building line. The mat- ter was refenvd to the munici- pal engineer for his report. ~ ~ ~ R. R. Bartlett, driver for t.he West Vancouver Lumber Co., who last )veek fell o(T the trucl'vhi(eloading in the city and in- jured his back, hns su(Ticiently recovered to be out aml around. ~ ~ ~ Percy Andrews, 17th nnd Ful- ton. who was seriously injured some weeks ago while unloading steel pipe at Fishermen's Cqve. is still confined to his bed. but is making satisfactory progress. ~ s ' Local fishermen and those from Vancouver will be inter- ested to hear that the salmon have already ma&le their appear- ance off our shores. On Sunday five springs )vere caught at Horseshoe Bay. s s s Last night L.O.L. No. 2990 paid an oiTicial visit to Prince Ed)card Island L.O.L. No. 2359 in Vancouver. v'hedance given on Saturday night by Miss Christison as 0 formal opening of "the Clachan" under her management, was a distinct success. A number of people from Vancouver were present, who thoroughly enjoy- ed the new dance fioor and the snappy music provided by Child's orchestra. s s s Mr. Page, 2446 Bellevue ave- nue, has rented his house and is leaving in a few days for White Horse, Yukon Territory, where he expects to be located for a year. Evidence accumulates that we are going to have an early spring this year.'. P. Hardman, Do- minion game warden, counted thirty-one cedar waxwings this week in his garden at 21st aml Marine Drive. They were ap- paren&ly exhausted after their long trip up from the South, where they spend the winter. These birds only stay here for 6 few days, continuing their flight to their breeding grounds in the North. They are about three weeks ahead of their schedule, as last year they did not arrive until the last week in 51arch. Beefstenk and Kidney Pie Two lbs. beefsteak. 2 sheep's kidneys, or 1-2 lb. ox kidney. Cut the kidney into thin slices across. Cut the meat into thin slices about 3 inches in length and width, but of no particular shape. Nix the fiour, salt and pepper together on a plate, dip the slices of meat in the mixture and place them in a pie dish, having first placed a piece of kidney on the meat and rolled it up lightly, stand the rolls on end in the pie dish. Not too large a dish, so that the meat will be well raised in the centre and thus give the pie a desirable plump appearance. Sprinkle the rest of the seas- oning mixture between the rolls of meat aml pour enough boiling water to three-quarters fill the dish. Roll the paste to a suit- able thickness. Invert a piedish of the same size as the one filled with meat, in the centre of the paste and cut round, leaving a margin of about three-quarters of an inch. Line the edge of the dish with the trimmings for the paste is always lighter when not re-roll- ed. Put on the cover, ease it well over the raised meat, for which purpose the three-quar- ters of an inch margin was al- lowed, moisten and press the edges together and notch them at regular intervals. Make a hole in the centre of the top, decorate and brush over with the yolk of the egg. The pie must be baked in 6 hot oven until the paste has risen and set. After- wards it must be cooked more slowly, otherwise the paste will be over-baked before the meat is done. Before acr v i ng pou r in through the hole in the top eith- er a little beef gravy or hot water seasoned with salt and pepper. Time to bake, two hours. Note.--If preferred, the meat may be partially cooked before covering with paste. In which case it should be closely packed in casserole and covered and gently cooked in the oven. Do not cook in saucepan because if the meat is closely packed it is apt to curl up and lose its shape. The meat must be transferred to 6 cold piedish and allowed to cool slightly before being covered with paste. EASTERN STAR TO HOLD NI I.ITARY WHIST DRIVE A social evening in the form of a military whist drive is being held by the members of Naomi Chapter No. 26, Order of the Eastern Star, in the Masonic Hall, next Tuesday, March 6th, play starting at 8:45 p.m. The enjoyable time characteristic of the social side of this order will, as usual, be anticipated by the members and their friends who attend. MISS OI.IVE SEIVELL MARRIED SATURDAY A pretly weddmg took place in St. Mark's Church, Kitsilano, on Saturday evening, when Olive Grace, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Sew- ell, 1410 Twentieth street, be- came the bride of Mr. David Auld Brown, Vancouver, Rev. A. H. Sovereign officiating. The bridal party entered the church io "The Voice That Breathed0'er Eden," sung by the choir, of which the bride was a mem- ber. A pretty gown of white crepe de Chine was chosen by the bride, who was given in mar- riage by her father. She also wore a silk net embroidered veil with orange blossom coronet, and carried a shower bouquet of Ophelia roses, lily of the valley and freesias. Miss Olive IVi(- liams was bridesmaid, wearing 6 pink and white frock and hat to match, and carrying pink car- nations. Mr. Norman Sewell wss best man, and during the signing of the register Miss Hel- en Sewell sang oA(l Joy Be Thine." A reception was held at the home of Nrs. W, G. Bullen, Ste- phens street, Kitsilano, where the bride's mother assisted in receiving the guests attired in n becoming black satin gown trimmed with silver metallic cloth, with hat to match. After a short honeymoon Nr. and Nrs. Brown will reside in Prince Ru- pert. CONSERVATIVES NEET TONIGHT The adjourned annual general meeting of the West Vancouver Conservative Association will take place tonight (Friday) at 8 o'lock, in the ferry o(Tice. As the election of officers for the ensuing year will be held at this meeting, a full attendance is re- quested. AUNT OF CHARLES STA5IATIS DIES Nrs. Mary Stamatis, aged 76, aunt of Chas. Stamatis, 19th and Bellevue, passed sway Sunday at her residence, 3183 Fifth avenue west, Vancouver. Mrs. Stamatis was a native of Drillia, Greece, and came to Van- couver only a few years ago to spend her remaining days with her sons. She is survived by three daughters in Greece, in addition to her two sons. Funeral services were held last Wednesday at St. James Church. Interment was made in the family plot, kiountain View cemetery. If before polishing furniture you wipe lt over with 0 cloth dipped in vinegar and water, the polishing wiu be easier and no finger marks will show. &6 lutel I d(14&to I ibc Rl'llw d I cvcu'urge I t („,m& of Tbc m I meet Fold, iu with thurr Tbc (1 lmve 9 d& T&us&g'is" 4&44 over cgp (elis((y I much dcl The rl Ikfiusk& melting arith tbc show k" ~ ~ Irsu&suv& 8 I«&n the dil l then gsh (elm wul cul udlo wbs( mu lplcimeu baudsom (us&nba kcc(dug cg isr sll lectures, proved I allo heel iu this d ji Fiu(sy, i torsud I the rclat sud iluil of the I, Lawns," bil lubjl "Roses, topic fl long sfte of the se skilled I (lower jl 4~le cc (Ve a. that tb& appears& pspcr, I tinued I coutiuui able tim sud, du to be 15& of the r &lll&0uti cousidei bsve be rcgardii the urfii very pl tllue is paratiui HO()i( louver i taut fu do our the gai Fpr 05 equal pl f«gan (& 'wit much, lu tb arouud ably ap~ our reai our obi& coulidm (suds&5( uot (0, rather l belpiug dcrl of (low,r 8 vcr D(assur D E convey Drcsuu with b,. pin slu'I m 4(l from b(, a&A