Resampled001B6E9D Order Your Groceries by Phone You get exactly the same service whether you bring your market basket or trhether you telephone us your order. Our reliability will give you great mrtisfaction. Creenwoo(l s GROCERY )Ve deliver West 16 Hollyburn Theatre TO-NIGHT Friday, kfnvcb 2, aod Sarocdny hrn&ioec- Charlie 3(urray ond Jack 3(ulbnrt in "THE POOR NUT" Cyclonic campus capers of college cuckoos. Sntordny Evc, Mnrch 3. nod 3(onday. 3(arch 5-- John Gilbert. Ernest Tor- rance and Joan Ccnwford in 'Twelve Miles Out'he inside of what takes place on the outside of the twelve - mile limit. John Gilbert at bin best. Wednesday..starch 7-- The greatest British wac picture. "THE SOMME" (Migbticr Than bios») Watch, Clock and Jewelery Repairing The Ivest Van Watchmaker 8 Jeweller 1522 Marine Drive Ambleside Ambleaida Taa Roeara Forcy Wkaef WEST VANCOUVER Camp aad Pili» SappHon, Tobaccos, oea. J. M. Morgan Phone West 173 WEST VANCOUVER Teacher of Voice Production and Singing VANCOUVER STUDIO Phone Seymour 101 HARRO&v) BROS. & WILLIAX(SOiV funeral Qirectars North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver I'arlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 131 THE )VEST VAN NEWS School Notes I'nuline Johnson Defeats Holly. burn in Senior slatch The Pauline Johnson football team defeated Hollyburn's best by a 3-1 score. In the first hnlf the teams played on even terms. Charlie &Nevi)le opener) the scor- ing in the second half, an&I a few minutes after he scored agnin. Hnllyburn then got their only counter when Bob )Vhite of I'nuline Johnson scored in try- ing to clear. After this hnnl luck the I'auhne Johnson boys pressed harder and were re- warde&l when Cyril Ilowarth scored with 0 benutiful clrive. Mr. Kirk had charge of the game. -- Tom Timbrell, I'ress Correspondent. PL'RSOXA.I 8 Mr. and ikirs. J. H. Robinson, )7th aml 51arine, mover) to Van- couver this tveek, Nr. Robinson having found it necessary to be in closer proximity to his work. o ~ ~ isirs. (.entlcman arul family, tvhn have been living at 13th aml Waterfront. have taken the suite over the B. C, Electric of- lice at )7th an&I kfarine former- ly occupied by &sir. and klrs. J. II. Robinson, and movccl in this tveek. The many friends of Richarcl Bloxham, 23rd and ingletvooc(, &vill be glad to hear he is mak- ing a satisfactory recovery at his home from the serious oper- ation tvhich he recently under- 'cv'0 ll t. ~ ~ ~ Rob Black nf Ambleside has taken the store next to the )Vest Van. Electric Co.'s store at 16th and siarine Drive, and he and his wife an&i child are occupying the living quarters at the track of the store. ~ ~ sire. )Viley of Appleton Court has taken the Dauphinee house at 29th and Bellevue. ~ o ~ Dr. G. F.. Bayfreld, 20th and Ingle&rood, is having the timber cleared around his new home prs.- paratorv to getting the grounds laid out. o o Miss 6Iacdonald aml Miss Nathison, both of Vancouver, have moved into the Bulkley cot- tage at )Vfng's'Point, where they expect to stay until the end of the summer. o Charles Ray, 13th and Marine Drive, tvas the victim of an un- fortunate accident on Friday, cvhen he fell dotvn the steps of his house, suffering severe bruises. At present he is con- fined to his home as a result of the accident. o J. P. Fisher of Vancouver has taken a house on Clyde avenue between 13th and 14th, and ex- pects to move in shortly. o 'o sir. and sfrs. J. Sires and Mrs. G. Sires of Bellingham, hvash., were the guests last week of Mrs. Roy Faukner, 23rd and 51arine Drive. Nr. Armstrong is building a new house on Bellevue avenue bettveen 23rd and 24th streets. o o» R. H. 51ayers has almost com- pleted his house at Fulton and sfarine Drive and expects to move in shortly. Mrs. de Pencier is having a garage built on her property at 23rd and Marine Drive. c The salmon and trout fishing for the Capi)ano River opened yesterday, after being closed since last fall. Mr. and sfrs. Colin N. McLean, former residents of West Van- couver, who have been living at Shaughnessy Lodge, are return- ing here next week, having tak- en a house at 18th and Fulton, and may ultimately build a new home here. 51rs. J. D. Donovan, 15th and Lawson, has left for Ocean Falls, California, where she will stay with her parents, Mr. and Nrs. J. B. Mathers, 15th and Kings, who are wintering there. o o Mr. and Nrs. H. Davison have moved from Jefferson and 20th to Gordon and 14th. ~ ~ ~ ikirs. J. Clarke of Duchess ave- nue has moved to 1201 Duchess. ~ ~ isir. and Nrs. E. A. Jones, new residents of )Vest Vancouver. have taken the house at 1361 kiarine Drive formerly occupied by Nrs. Conant. o R. P. Bio&ver, who is undergo- ing treatment at Shaughnessy iiospital, tvas home last tveek- end, but returned to the hospital on Monday for further treat- ment. o The recent sunshine has al- ready ha&i the effect of turning the thoughts of Vancouver res- idents to summer days. The lo- cal real estate dealers have re- ceived a number of inquiries for summer qua&gers, and 'several houses have been rented this creek. )Vork has started on the new house being constructed at 14th and Esquimalt for F. Pascual. A six-room house is to replace the old building. sir. Percy King will be the speaker at the semi-monthly meeti'ng of the British-Israel )Vorld Federation in Ambleside Hall next hvednesday, starting at 8 p.m. HASKETBAI.I. Last Friday night quite 0 number turned out to the basket- ball games put on in the new High School gymnasium. In the first game the )Vest Vancouver Cadets accounted for the Ex- High School boys 26 to 21. The boys are playing good basketball considering the short time they have had the opportunity, and with a little more practice should give a good account of them- selves agains toutside teams. The teams were: Ex-High -- Dudley Itoberts, Bert Gisby, Art Ridley, Charlie Burns, Bill Davie, Davenport. Cadets--Harry Dickson, Bruce Hamilton Murway )Vatson Seiji Homma, Art Burns, Nike Cram- mond, Bob Fi&ldes, George Gray. In the second game the West Vancouver seniors were taken into camp by a team from Van- couver, composed of Collingwood ballplayers headed by Jimmie Condon. For the first half the )Vest Vancouver team held its own, but in the second period the visitors settled down to a short passing game, working the ball in close to the basket to double the score on the locals. Next Wednesday nkght the )Vest Vancouver team will take on the Vancouver Ogopogos. A preliminary game may also be arranged, and it is hoped a good crowd will be on hand to give the teams their support. BOYS'HOIR A full attendance is requested at the regular practice of the above choir tomorrow (Satur- day) morning in the Hollyburn School at 10 a.m. A new basketball has been pre- sented to the boys by Reeve V. V. Vinson. Local Players Present Four Act Comedy Next Thursday "QUALITY STREET" CANNERY MA'NAGER I.EA VINO FOR NORTHERN I'OST G. H. Barker, who has been manager of the Great Northern Cannery at Sherman for the past two years, is leaving at the end of 5Iarch to take charge of the Tucks Inlet cannery (near Prince Rupert), which is oper- ated by the same owners. This is a very much larger responsi- bility for Mr. Barker, and this year particularly it will be an arduous post, as 1928 is the big humpback year, when the salmon run is specially heavy. The local cannery is now hav- ing its shop machinery overhaul- ed and put in good comlition for the season's work, which will s'=rt oLout the end of April-- earlier than usual. A COA(EDY IN FOUR ACTS by James 51. Bnrric (By perm(on&on of Chas. Fr»man, Inc.) SYNOPSIS OF PLAY Village of A--, England. 1800. ACT 1.--The hfinnen Thronnein'lue and White Room. ACT 11.--Tcn Years Later. The Schoolroom. ACT Hr.--The Ball. The Retiring Room. ACT IV.--The Blue and White Room. CHARACTE)&S (In order of appearance) M(SS FANNY WILLOUGHBY...,.. „............„.„.....,„.. Dorcle Cotter MISS MARY (VILLOUGHBY.................,................,...,............ Fees)n Heerio MISS SUSAN THROSSEL............................................. Jono (en&bin 5(ISS HENR(ETTA TUR."(BULL......„„...,..„..„„,...,................. Alorky Roger !&11SS PHOEBE THROSSEL .........,..........,....„,.„..„„..........Orn 3(cr.eno PATTY-- (The Misses Theo»nein'aid) ...,„, ...„.„.„„„,...,... Clnea tyll»onSERGEANT............................, .................. Alfred K Young CAPT. VALENTINE BROWN „„„,...,.„........ John Allan ISABEL(.A .................. Ellen 3(ueroy ARTHUR ......,.„„.........., „,........., .......„.......Jack She&(herd )'VILLIA31 SAHTH ....................................................... Cher)re Baldwin 31(SS BEVERH&GE .................................................. ).ocy James 51(SS CHARLOTTE PARRATTE..................................... )klnnchc Nevi)re ENS(GN BLADES ................„....„........................... A(crony We&eonHARRIETT.....,...„...........„.„„................. 'Vivion Jnckmao LIEUT. SP(CF(& .............................................., Beo Ten&ford YOUNG GALLANT...............,..................„...,. Jim Coeni»h The Young People's A»sociation of the United Church is or»ging the fouc-act comedy, "Quality Street," by Jnmen M. Barrie, next Thurs- day night at the Hollybocn theatre, curtain at 8:15. Mr. Young, wbo ban directed the rehearsals, han hnd much experience in this line of work, having been connected with the productions of the Lhttle Theatre in Vancouver for some time. From ap accounts the local participants in "Quality Street" have shown much dramatic ability, and it is expected that several new "acting" stars whp be discovered next Thursday. This is a very costly production for local ea'ore, as the expense of royalties and dresses, ctc., ban come very high, Nevertheless. it is thought tbxt a record house will greet the players next Thursday. Be there early if you want a good seat, The following is the dramatic personnel: March 2. )928. Save Money 'tvo bnvn br»den to at Gillette R»novo at 2» conte for 5 br»den sod Ssc for 10 bra&re» Buy n rel»l pock»go. 5(onoy cheerfully refunded if one»tin(a&tory. You run no rlnkn. no send Telegram» el&her C. P. 11. or C. N. 11. Dr»pen»em ro tho C. P. R. !cfedlcnl A»nock»&ion WEg VAN PIARNACY 7 bo Sroec of Service prompt 1)»(&very 1'hone )V. 37 (Entabllnbed over 7 Ynnrn) C. J. OYerington 14th and Nnrine Barber For appointment I'HONE WEST 135 CHIROPRACTOR Next ro Stra&ron Bakery Marine Drive, Ambleside also nt Vnncouvor Phone West 383 Roberta A. Vass D. C., P(1. C. Graduate of Palmer School HEALTH is 75 per cent. of nny man's success. Regular atten- tion to the backbone pnyn big dividends. Make your appoint- ment for health RIGHT NOW. CHIROI RACTIC WILL HELP YOU Announcement Dr. Dorothy Miller M.B., Ch.B. (Glasgow) L.M.C.S. has now opened an office in the Royal Bank Bldg„17th and Marine, in the suite formerly occupied by Dr. Stainsby. Hours: 2:30 to 6 p.m., or by ap- pointment. Phone )Vest 393 Announcement Dr. G. E. Bayfield N.D.C.M. wishes to inform the public that he has opened 0 downtown office in the N E W H h Y BUII,DIN(" corner Marhne Dmve and 14th Street. I'hone West (Res. and Off.) Office Hours Afternoon - 2:30 to 4 3p Morning - I),:pp to 12 Sp I hone )Vest 71) at any time rrih 6 $ 31 C )leg', 6 el nnd avsl yon&one Inh 9AY )!!fhk 0 5 ( phone I )yent ' I S C IIII lln Pea Thi Peo the ord er'n end eho UO h The I For F TBR ~ o I )Venh LILDI ond 110L( R Ever) 1» e D Tsendk