Resampled001B6E9D March 2, 1928. THE WEST VAN NEWS LIBERALS CANCEL 5IONTHLY 5IEETINGNormand's GROCERY Roberts'etter Neats 14th and 51arine West 19Q P ERSONALS The monthly meeting of the West Vancouver Liberals, which should in the regular course, have been held last week, was cancelled owing to so many mem- bers wanting to attend the Ma- sonic dance. The next meet!ng will be held on the third Tues- day in March, i.e., 20th. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Howard of Vancouver, who were summer visitors here last year, have moved into the Page house at 24th and Bellevue. e Mrs. Gibbons, 11th and Es- planade, is sick and under med- ical treatment. The L'eSage Drug Store this week had installed a large I&el- vinator "Niger" ice cream cab- net which has a capacity of 20 gallons, in anticipation of the big ice cream and "fountain" trade expected this summer. e a Work is progressing on the new house being constructed by W. Sullivan on Inglewood avenue opposite the old mill site. When completed the building will be occupied by Mr. Sullivan, who is now living at 18th and Ingle- wood. e e ~ Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Allan, Rad- cliffe avenue, West Bay, have as their guests for a few days Mr, Allan's sisters, Mrs. Dunell and Mrs. Hastings of Point Grey. Mrs. W. Clifford of West Bay, with her daughter Phyllis, re- turned home last Saturday after a two weeks'oliday visit to Vic- toria and district. T. R. Crane and family have moved into the Matthews house on Esquimalt between 13th and 14th. 14th and Marine Phone %Vest 65 Get the habit of thinking of Norman d's when you want Groceries. You will get good set»ice, and the best of quality. K. R. Tiderington of the B. C. Pulp and Paper Co., Woodfibre, Howe Sound, who is seriously ill, was brought on Tuesday to the home of his father, 25th and Bellevue. His brother, R. H., who has been spending a few weeks'acation here, left on Saturday to return to his duties with the B. C. Pulp and Paper Co. at Port Alice. VOTERS'ISTS AND POSTAL MATTERS ARE DISCUSSED BY LIBERALS Where Service and QualityCount WE DELIVER 9:30--East 25th Only 11:30--from Capilano to Caulfeild 3:30-- East 25th Only Phone Your Order List of Commissioners or come yourself or send the children. The executive of the IVest Vancouver Liberal Association met on Thursday of last week at a special meeting to discuss and arrange for registration of vot- ers on the provincial list. The president of the locals, John Lawson, has been appointed com- missioner in charge of the dis- trict, other commissioners be- ing: Wilfred Hay, David Mor- gan, J. J. Dutton, Geo. Hay, Hel- en McLean, K. A. Ray, George Gemmill, Mrs. Lawson, John Nyland, John McGowan, Chas. Hay, Mrs. Pearson, IVm. Clif- ford, Magnus Ross, Wm. Mc- Quaker and P. T. 5Iasterman. The postal facilities of IVest Vancouver were discussed at the meeting, and Secretary W. Hay was instructed to write the au- thorities drawin gattention to the inadequate quarters of the present post oifices, with a re- quest that larger quarters be ar- ranged for. FREE DELIVERY Morning and Afternoon F IS H FOR LENT CHILDREN'S PARTY L. O. L. TO GIVE DANCE ON THE 6TH 5IARCH L.O.L. No. 2990 will give a dance in Dundarave Hall on Tu'esday, March 6th. Dancing will last from 9 to 12, and the music will be provided by a four- piece orchestra. A good time is assured to all. Come and bring your friends. Tickets 35 cents. The regular meeting of the lodge will take place at 8 p.m., pre- vious to the dancing. Mrs. L. B. Reid, 30th and Waterfront, with her daughters Barbara nad Pixie, were the hos- tesses at a children's Valentine party on Saturday, the 18th February. Many of the guests went in costume, adding to the gaiety and pleasure of the par- ty. Games were indulged in and dainty refreshments served, the party being thoroughly enjoyed by the hostesses as well as the guests. Those present were Laura, Pauline and Bob Ed- wards, Josephine, Allan, Mary and Billy Lang, Joan Dorchester, Bessie, Michael, Jimmy and Be- van Savory, Peter and Fred Proctor, Peter Sutton, Gordon Stemson and Wendell Hayes. Special Supplies of Fresh and Smoked Fish Daily Fresh Fruit and Vegetables A small boy was attending church for the first time. When the collecting plate came round, he said, politely, "No, thank you. I have money of my own." GORDON ROBSO!N Barrister a Solicitor West Vancouver office No. 1447 Marine Drive. Phone West 403 Suite 801; 310 Hastings St., W. Phone Sermour 4199. LEGION MAKES FINAL ARRANGEMENTS FOR MASQUERADE e a Miss E. Walker and her broth- er will return next week to oc- cupy their residence at Caulfeild. The new house being con- structed at Caulfeild for Cap- tain Kettle will, it is expected, be completed in a few days. Mrs. W. L. Jones has now re- covered from her operation and is staying with her mother, Mrs. Cook, 22nd and Marine. e Miss Gallop and Miss Harring- ton, both of Vancouver, who spent last summer in West Van- couver, have taken a house at 26th and Bellevue. The West Vancouver branch of the Canadian Legion held a special meeting at their rooms on Friday night to make final arrangements for their annual masquerade dane, which will take place in Hollyburn Pavilion on the evening of St. Patrick' Day, 17th March. On account of St .Patrick's Day falling this year on Saturday, it was decid- ed to start the dance at 8 p.m. Pipers J. Walls and D. Niven will head the grand march, which is scheduled for 10 p.m., to be followed by the judging. The committee in charge will be Comrades Childs, Carley and Lovergrove. Comrade Archer was appointed M.C., and the doormen will be Comrades Gray and Ross. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick M. Watson of North Vancouver, who have had considerable ex- perience, will act as judges. " 'rom 'Drest to 't'ou" GIRL GUIDES After having been connected with the Girl Guide movement since its inception in the muni- cipality seven years ago, !51iss Edina Archer has resigned from the leadership as company cap- tain. Under Miss Archer's di- rection the Girl Guides company has been of useful service to the community. In accordance with the work of the Girl Guide move- ment, educative courses have been taken up in home nursing, astronomy, toy making, basket weaving and signalling, for which the majority of the girls have been awarded badges. Hik- ing and picnics, with nature study, have formed part of the summer program. All memor- ial parades have been attended, and community service render- ed whenever requested, and «t Christmas time the girls have contributed and helped in Christ- mas cheer benevolence. At their stall in fancy work in the "Ya- kasuma" given in the Arena by the I.O.D.E., the company were very successful financially. At the annual May Day celebration in North Vancouver the girls of Miss Archer's company were very successful in the sports programme, and won the aggre- gate cup in 1926. They also received favorable comment for their work display at the Diam- ond Jubilee Girl Guides'amp at Victoria. The principal as- sistant officers in the company are Alma Partington, Lieut. Sybil Chapman, company leader; Audrey Lester, Phyllis Bloxham, Jean IVatson, Eunice D«vice, are the Patrol Leaders. Since 1927 the company has been directly connected with Duncan Lawson Chapter, I.O.D.E., who now take an active interest in their gen- eral welfare. BASKETBALL J On Saturday, Feb. 18th, the West Vancouver High School girls'asketball team played a successful game against the Wing George team. Score 11-7. Five of the West Vancouver goals were scored by Lillie Becker. Unfortunately, the girls of the North Burn«by basketball team were unable to play last Saturday. The first game of the girls'nockout series will be played this week-end against the High School of Commerce. You are cordially invited to visit our office at the foot of Pemberton Ave., on the waterfront, where you will be sh &wn the development work of the past year. You will be surprised at the huge stock of grade lumber of all kinds. FOOTBALL Last Thursday the West Van- couver High School soccer team played against the Prince of Wales High School in the first game of the knockout series. The game was very one-sided all the way through, and ended with a score of 6-0 in favor of West Vancouver. The team drew a bye for the next game in the knockouts, thus bringing them into the semi-final for the cup. The Capilano Timber Co. Ltd. Specialists in Cedar.BOYS'ASKETBALL Last Saturday the IVest Van. High School boys'asketball team lost in a game against the North Burnaby team with a score of 29-11. North 806Foot of I'emberton Ave. Night Phone North 127 He: "I was cut out to be a bachelor." She: "Who cut you out?" Patronize our North Shore Industries. This means increased prosperity for them which is is turn reflected back on all North Shore residents. Get acquainted with them.