Resampled001B6E9D In SEC-aau. -VL--. Marine Motors Alarine Drive at 22nd Street Phone West 456 Day or Night SANDWICH LOA VES (of your parties, dances and oatcrtainmcnta. They cut well and make splendid sandwiches. Wc supply any kind of Cakes and Pastries for homo or (oc your pafty. We suppiiod the Bread and cakes at thc Archery Dance Stratton's Bread IS GOOD BREAD. PHOiNE )VEST 27 And Our Delivery AIan Will Call F. R. Franklin Carpenter and Contractor 2503 Bellevue Aco. Phone )I cst 59L2. WEST VAN Restaurant 1421 h(arias Drive at 14th St. Public Phone qVest 611-0 A little salt mixed with starch gives a gloss to the surface of linen and prevents the iron from sticking. ~ ~ a Pencil marks on paint or wood- work can be removed by rubbing with a freshly cut lemon and afterwards with whiting and a soft cloth. a a a When stewing apples, figs or prunes for children, add a tea- spoonful of golden syrup ins~d of vchite sugar, and the juice will be thick and 8weet a s Lemon juice and salt will re- move rust from cotton or linen articles. THE West Van News I'sbiishcd Every Friday H. HODGSOi& and F.F.LOVEGROVE Pubiisbccs Phones: West 412LWest 363 Business snd Editorial O((ice& 1361 Marino Drivs Rail Addross: P. O. Box 101, Ho&i&burn, B. C. 61.00 ~ year by mail or carfiaf, News ~tands 5c pc& copy. ADVERTISING RATES ON APPLICATION United Church 21st street near Afarine Minister, Rev. A. M. O'Donne)I The minister will preach at both services. In the morning the subject will be "Jesus aml Nazareth," and in the evening "Trifling with Religious Convic- tions." The choir will render spe- cial music at both services. Sunday Services: 10 &15 a.m.--Sunday School. 11:15 a.m.--AIorning worship. Solo, "There Is a Green Hill Far Away"....................Gounod AIiss Anne Ritchie Antfiem, "I IVio Lift Up AIine Eyes" .......................AVhitfield Bass solo, AIr. A. J. Addy 7:15 p.m.--Evening worship. Solo, "Come to AIe"....Cara Roma ~ Mrs. R. Howieson Anthem, "They That Wait Upon the Lord"..............Elvey The )Voman's Association will ho!d their regular monthly meeting next Tuesday afternoon at 215 o'lock in the church hall. The choir social was held last Thursday evening in the church hall, when the members were at home to their friends. After a short practice the following inusical programme was carried out: Chairman's remarks ............... ...............Mr. George Carefoot Piano solo..Miss Blanche Neville Song.................Mr. James Fiddes Contest .................AIrs. Edwards Song..............Miss Joan Durbin Reading......AIrs. A. M. O'Donne)i Contest ......................... .............. Song.........................Mrs. J. IVatt Song......................Mr. A. J. Addy Tea intervaL A young communicants" class trill commence next Sunday af- ternoon at 3 o'lock and will continue until the Sunday before Easter. St. Anthony's Church Pastor--Rev. Father Kelly Sunday--Mass, 8.30 a. m. High Maes, 10.30 a.m. Benediction, 7.30 p. m. Week Days--Afass 8 a.m. CARD OF THANKS AIr. and Mrs. C. W. Hoop- er express their sincere ap- preciation of the sympathy extended by the people of West Vancouver during their recent bereavement, and for the many floral tokens. ~LADIES WHO EMBROIDER t IVe have a good assortment of STAMPED GOODS TABLE CLOTHS, BUFFET SETS, RUNNERS, CENTRES, 't APRONS. Etc.'I Iand everything necessary for making up these articles. JI The Little Store of liig Values "; Grigor's Dry Goods Store ',I 1540 Alarine Drive between 15th nnd 16th 4&9 WEST VANCOUVER HOLLYBIJRN HALLWeSt VanCOuVer Bible School Christian Science Society It&h and Du&hoss SL GOSI'EI. SERVICES Every Sunday Efoning &'smmcncing tiafch 4th Address at l:sa p.m. by The Scotch I'foschsf i hir. Wiiiiam Aifxand& ~ Proud Singing. Everybody Wsi- como, No Cot!action i)HNS AIAIIY ('&tAIKII()IV OF CAULFKI).l) iAIARRIKI) girl On Tuen&lny afternoon the JS roads nnd homes of ('aulfeild f,. were drnpe&l with flags, while archways of evergreens aml spring blossoms led to the u Church of St. FrancLq, where the mnrriage took pince of Miss ihinry Camernn, &Inughtf( of Mr. ai II nml ibirs. Stuart Cameron, to Mr. Fdward Alee Riddell son of Col one) E. V. Ri&ldeo, C.B,E., D.S, O., of Simla, In&lla, nnd the late Mrs. Ri&ldell. Rev. A. Hnrding Priest officinte&l. ~ j The bride, who wns given in gism marringe by her father, Mr. Stuart Cameron, was beautifully gowned in an imported beige en- .N.aJ semble suit, the dress being. ma&le of heavy silk morocnine, fashioned in pleated style, with the coat in tailored effect. She also wore a small French hat en suite, with ostrich tip at one,(T side, and carried a bouquet of " I Sweetheart roses, freesias and lily-of-the-valley. I Mrs. Walter Ker of Seattle acted as her sister's only attend- ant, and was gowned in an im- ported frock of electric blue georgette, with 8 tight-fitting black hat. She carried a bou- quet of deep red roses and mauve heather. Mrs. Cameron, mother of the bride, wore a smart black gown of heavy georgette, black camel hair coat, and a small imported chapeau. Her corsage bouquet was of purple orchids and lily- of-the-valley. Mr. Allan Cameron, brother of the bride, acted as best man, and following the ceremony an informal reception was held at the family residence in Caulfeild, where the reception rooms were arranged with banks of greenery from the adjacent woods, an&i masses of beautiful daffodils, narcissi and freesias. Later Mr. and Mrs. Riddell Ambicsidc Hall, Marino at 14th Next Sunday at 8 p.m. CHURCII EDIFICE 20th and Eaquimait, Hoiiyburn Sunday Service at 11.80 a. m. MR. PERCY KINGSubject A)arch 4th "Al AN" wiii, by request, desi with the foiiowing questions: Where are the Deadl IVhsfo was the Garden of Eden? Where is the Paradise o( God l tvhcro scc the souls undcrncnth ths Aitarl Sunday School at 10.00 a. m. Tastimony Mooting ovary Wod- nosday at 8.16 p.m. St. Stephen's Church EVERYBODY WELCOME 22n&l street near iAIarine Lent 2 (iaiarch 4): 8:00 a.m.--Ho)y Communion. 10:00 a.m.--Sunday School. 11:16 a.m.--Holy Communion. 4:30 p.m.--Confirmntion vines. 7:15 p.m.--Evensong. "Story of the Cross" (Monro- Redhea&l) . The rector &vill continue the series of Lenten sermons Sun- day morning on the Sermon on the Afount, and Sunday evening on the "Men Who Crucilicd Christ." The subject of the mid- week service Thursday night will be "Prayer and the Goodness of God." BRITISH ISRAEL WORLD FEDERATiON West Vancouver Branch On )V EON FqDAY EVEN IN(i Next, htarch 7th In ihs Ambicsids Haii at 8 p. m. SPEAKER: MR. PERCY KING The second of a scrics o( talks on There is divinb service at St. Francis'hurch, Caulfeild, at 3 p.m., Sunday. Next isfonday's Lenten sew- ing meeting of the Women' Auxiliary will be held at the home of AIrs. Ogilvie, )Vest Bay, at 2 p.m. The A.Y.P.A. held their reg- ular meeting Tuesday night, when a lecture was given by the rector on "Some Hymns and Hymn )Vriters." 'Vith the en- largement of the hall, the A.Y. P.A. hope to have badminton as a recreation for their members, and with this in view will meet weekly from this out. The Junior A team lost a well- contested cup tie game to Knox Kerrisdale last Saturday at Ce- perley Park, the winners getting one goal in each period. "THE GREAT DAY OF GOD ALhIIGHTYu I'Al'ER &31ONEY The most noteworthy feature of the Bank of England notes is the unique character of the paper, so remarkably thin and yet so wonderfully strong, and ivith such a clear watermark. It is 8 monopoly of the Bank of England. It is not generally known that when any bank note that has been issued and circu- lated through the country is re- ceived back by the Bank of Eng- land, it is never allowed to circ- ulate again, even though it may be in new condition, but is stor- ed in the vaults of the bank for at least five years. In these vaults are stored notes--ao of which have been cancelled, of course--to the number of ninety- one millions. They are kept in 16,000 boxes, which, if placed side by side, would extend a dis- tance of nearly three miles. If the notes themselves were plac- ed in a pile, they would reach a height of seven miles, or, if plac- ed end to end, would form a rib- bon 11,847 miles long. Their original value was over $ 1,388,- 000,000, and their weight is nearly ninety-three tons. So ex- cellent is the system of filing and storing that the officials of the Bank of England can turn up any one of the ninety-one million bank notes kept for five years in the space of five min- utes. Baptist Church )eft on a honeymoon trip, "des- tination unknown," and will take up residence in Victoria. Lunches 8I: Teas We have a dainty tcs room in which to serve you. Rcasonsbis prices. Quick, courteous service. Have you tried ouf Home-made Piss and Pastries? 'f.'rs. DRAPER 2435 IIIARINE DRIVE 1 Naai Ouacarava Hall. 15th and Duchess Rev. David Long, Pastor. Sunday School, 10 a. m. Church Service, 11 a. m. IVeek)y prayer service each )Vednesday at 7.30 p.m. The C. G. I. T. meets every Friday night at 7 o'lock. Lead- er A)isa I. Brealey. All teen age girls welcome. isirs. J. H. Grigor has moved into the Cliff house, 17th and Heywood. ~ ~ a Richard Ford, 15th and Ingle- wood, who sufFered a bad acci- dent a couple of weeks ago, is making but slow progress, and it will be some time before he is able to get around again. This coming week he will be brought back to his own home from North Vancouver, where he han been since the accident occurred. NOTS PHONE& Waai Saa WEST VANCOUVER Y. P. fasv ma c " QUALITY STREET " A coNEDY IN poan AcTS Sr &ANSI iu, SASS&& IN THE HOLLYBI&RN THEATRE THURSDAY, MARCH 8th, 1928 WEST VANCOUVFR I.A DIES'HOIR A social gathering sponsored and arranged by the executive of the Ladies'hoir was held at the Fortune Cup Inn, 25th street, last Friday evening. The choir members and friends were entertained with court whist, games and supper. Mrs. C. Donahoe and Mrs. Burling were responsible for the enter- tainments, whilst Mrs. P. T. Afasterman, Miss Jack and AIrs. W. Aic()naker haudled the sup- per service. The president received the guests. on whose behalf, at the close, Air. P. C. Chapman thank- ed the executive for a very pleas- ant evening's entertainment. ~I S.IS f.m. CNILnnsu snc.AOUI Ts EOC Trade and Dog Licenses AH persons liable for above are notified to obtain same at once. Failure to comply will render those responsible liable to pros- ecution. It iHI Signed: JAS. OLLASON, Municipal C,)trk &a CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF WFST VANCOUVER I)ti Get I want gct I best I)hfi 0( CI the & I Ilol L O,l LO,I dance TII'csdn! will )44 music 6 piece oi nhsu(ed your ir The (eg a&ill tai vious « LEG)0! AR) The of the special on Frii arran g& masque take pl, an the Day, 1 af St.l year or ed to 8 Pipers will h& which i to be i The coi Com(n& Love(g wns nl dao(ale and Ro Air. )Vnttou wbo bt perienc On c West 'irls' sue&tnt )Ving ( Five 0 goals Backer. Un(a the No team n Snturdi girls' played l High 8, Lntt couyci i)nyed )Vnlen l game & Tbe gn nll the rdtb n Wont y, nb)sf, «ockou into tb, BO 4tt High S team )m )ION Mare of b Hni, nake)or Sbe