Resampled001B6E9D Prompt Delivery Smith 's Grocery We Deliver A. HARVEY SMITH, Prop. 24th AiND MARINE. Opp. ituadaesve Hail. 1'hoss )VEST 462 GHAIN RED AND WHITE sToRE Specials for Friday and Saturday Finest New Zealand Butter - 3lbs. for $ 1.22 PURE MAPLE SYRUP issc sinei ......,.....„.. 42e AUNT JEMIMA PANCAKE FLOUR ................ 21c HERRINGS 1N TO)IATO SAUCE--Pcr tiu..................... 19c FINEST PEARS--Per tin ........................................... 25c JEWEL SHORTENING--1-pound packages ..„.... „....„.„.. Iic FIG BAR BISCUITS--Per pound ........... lic PEAS--EXTRA SSIALL AND TENDER--Per tin ....................... 2Oe PURE LOGANBERRY JAM--4-pound tiu ....„.....„..., „...,„........... 42c S)VEET, SOUR OR &'HOW HOLSUht PICELFS .................. 22c EGGS---Fresh Pullet Extras ..2 doz. for 57c AMBLESIDE Cash and Carry :&:eat .&:ar. cet 14th and Marine THESE PRICES GOOD FOR OiNE bVEEK ALL GOVERN51ENT INSItECTED SIEATS BEEF SPECIAL ROAST Pot Roast, per lb. Ioc, 12c, 15c Oven Roast, per lb.......15c, 18c Rump Roast, per lb..18c, 20c Prime Rib Roast, per lb. 20c Sirloin Roast, per lb.....25c STEAK Shoulder Steak, per lb...15c Sirloin Steak, per lb...........28c T-Bone Steak, per lb.........28c Hamburger Steak, per lb. 12c PORK SFECIAL ROAST Pork Legs, per lb..........1Sc Butts, per lb.....................20c Fresh Hams, per lb........... 21c Pork Loin, per lb..........25c STEAK AiiD CHOPS Pork Steaks, per lb...........24c Pork Chop, per lb...............28c Pork Hocks ..........................12c Pork Spare Ribs and Neck Bone.........3 Lbs. 25c CANTERBURY LAMB ROAST CHOPS Shoulders, per lb.............20c Shoulder Chop, per lb........ 30c Rib and Breast, per lb...20c Rib Chops, per lb.................35c Loins, per lb...............30c Loin Chops, per lb.............38c Legs, per lb....................30c LOCAL KILLED BOILING FOYVL--25c I'ound EGGS--Baby Extras, 30c Doxen--EGGS B D Dominion Brand .............3 Lbs. for 51.20UTTER- iNo. 1 New Zealand ....3 Lbs. for 51.25 RABBITS--40c Each; 2 for 85c--RABBITS Cambridge Sausage, lb. I oc Ayrshire Bacon, Sliced, lb. 28c Pork Sausage, lb............25c Side Bacon, Sliced, lb.......35c Beef Dripping........2 Lbs. 25c Peamel Back, Sliced, lb. 35c Cookett, lb......................20c Side Bacon by Piece, lb.......33c Pure Lard, lb........21r Peameal Back, by the Piece, Picnic Hams, lb......20c lb....................................33c Saturday Morning Only, from 8 to 10 NEW ZEALAND BUTTER - 3 pounds $ 1.15 A thimble placed on the end of a curtain rod will not only make the rod slip easily through the slotting, but will prevent damage to the net. ~ o o Patent leather can be made to last twice as long by the applica- tion of a littl evaseline once a week. Rub it well in and polish with a soft duster. o ~ ~ Onion juice and vinegar are excellent for cleaning steel. Take three parts of vinegar to one of onion juice, mix thoroughly, and smear all over the steel. Leave for a little while to dry, then polish. A teaspoonful of glycerine added to a pound of flour in bread and cake making is a great improvement. Not only does the dough be better, but the bread or cake will keep fresh much longer. o v o Slarks left by blacklead should be treated with a paste made from fuller's earth and a little warm water and ammonia. Al- low it to dry over the marks, and then remove with a clean, hard brush. It may be necessary to ;tpcat the process. No Phones YOU SAVE No Delivery THE WEST VAN NEWS I.A IIOlt lit'II EAU I'ROI'(LSED The iNnrth Vancouver city council ivill be requested to es- tablish a labor bureau ivhere men may register with the ob- ject of enabling Noifh Shore men to receive preference for ivork on the subivay, the City Ratepayers'ssociation decided last night. 8('HOOI. Bliu.DING S()l,l) Consequ»nt upon the ckming nf ('ypress Park School, it ivan decided by the board of school trustees to sell the building. The lat ter advise&i the council on Sionday night that they ha&I sokl it to hh'illiam Bailey, on ivhose property it stands. Citl('KETERS TO HOI,I) ANNUAI &YIEETING IVith plans to include teams on its roster from other parts of Greater Vancouver, the North Shore Cricket League ivill hold annual meeting at the Army and Navy Veterans headquarters in North Vancouver next blonday at 8 o'lock. Oificers for 1928- 29 ivill be elected. Meanwhile A. V. Vickery, 426 Keith road, secretary of the league, desires any group wishing to enter a team to communicate with him. Last year the league functioned with five 'teams, North Vancou- ver, Lynn Valley, )Vest Vancou- ver, B. C. F.lectric and Colts. I'ERCY KING TO ANSWER QUESTIONS At the Bible Study class next Sunday in Ambleside Hall Mr. Percy King will by request an- swer a number of questions which have been propounded. The meeting, which starts at 3 o'lock, is open to all. TO HIRE MEN The municipal engineer was instructed by the council to hire men for roadwork, having re- gard to a man's seniority, ability and rank. TEACHERS OF HIGH SCHOOLS AT DINNER The Hotel Georgia was the scene of a banquet Tuesday when the High School Teachers'sso- ciation of the lower mainland en- tertained their wives and friends and a number of distinguished guests. Inspectors DeLong and Sullivan, representing the edu- cation department, spoke of the fine spirit of co-operation which has ahvays existed betiveen that body and the teaching members.. Inspector Gordon dwelt on the importance of th» Junior High School movement. Messrs. Calder and 51orrow, high school principals, outlined the activities, aims and accomp- lishments of the Teachers'ed- eration. Rev. Dr. Renison of Christ Church stressed the ro- mance that is contained within the pages of Canadian history and of the inspiration that teachers might have the privi- lege of passing on to young Ca- nadians in the teaching of this subject. Instrumental and vocal selec- tions were rendered by Mrs. Yeo, Mrs. Crummy and Mr. Wright. AIOUNTA IN EERS'ANCE afore than 150 guests attend- ed the annual dance of the B. C. isfountaineering Club hekl Fri- day evening in Peter Pan Hall, Vancouver, with Mr. Harol&l Connor, sir. Peter Lockie and Mr. Charles Dawson in charge of arrangements. The event was one of the jolliest that the club has given during the winter months. With early spring, the activities of the club will be transferred from a social pro- gramme to climbing British Co- lumbia mountain peaks. When washing leather gloves add an eggspoonful of olive oil to the water. It keeps the gloves soft and pliable and renders them less likely to split. Starch 2, 1928. Demand the Best Meats Phone Your Order 1Vest 3 JEFFERIES MEAT MARKET I'HONE )VEST 2 CLOSED THURSDAY AT 1 O'LOCK 'iVB DRI,IVE&t LUIVIBERfa Consult Us for Your I.umltcr Requirements Ilith Ilnslity Lumber is Cheapest in the end. West Vancouver Lumber Co. 15th and Marine LiMiTED Phone )Vest 115 Residence Phone: West 368L FOR WATERFRONTAGE and other property HOUSES TO RENT, FIRE INSUIIANOE, ETC. 17th Street see JOHN LAWSON Phone West 55 If you Can't Stop, Don't Start %Patch Your Brakes THIS IS THE KEYSTONE SERVICE STATION FOR RAYBESTOS BRAKE LINING West Van Garage Ambleside Phone West 130 M. WILLIAMS 16th sud iiiARINE, AMBLESIDE CUSTOM TAILOR ORDER YOUR SUIT NOW Come aud see Large se'.ection Dry Cleaning and I'ressing our Patterns. to choose from Dyeing, Repairs and Alterations CITY PRICES )Va Cull For aud Deliver. 1'HONE )VEST 20. NE old stage coach rumbled oves tho old DouglasTRoad fram Vaocouvcr to New Weotmluotcr, it a&sue&ed out of ihe Royal City sud ovoutuauy travelled over tho Car&boo trail iuto the iuioriot. Maoya grlssled proopoctot aud mines who helped to develop Bra&oh Columbia travelled by this meaua. Those days aso past aud the stage coach by tbe advance o& science haa been superseded by iutorurbau cat sud moto& coach. Modern luterusbau cars sod moto&coaches uow ruu betwoou Vsucouvet, New Westminster sod Chiiuwscit In ~ fisc&lou of tbo time the audout vehlcl~ setto&red. Modern trsospottstlon has developed tho Ptsset Vsuey aod iocreasod property values In evoty district. )sniffs Co&sf&std EincntmgtmsmrOt VANCOUVER VICTORIA No use taking a chance on infer(or qualities of islents on hot days. It's poor economy to begin with. The is(eat we sell is pure and wholesome, thoroughly inspected. All Siesta Kept in Refrigerator 1 Vol. Lv ef tn In tl b 6 tl u tl Ii b 6 2 li